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R. Ci. agrovet. ; 16(3): 324-331, 2017.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-714207


Entre as principais exigências dos consumidores esta a qualidade de vida dentro do confinamento, que exige a criação ética dos animais destinados à produção. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever e caracterizar o comportamento estereotipado realizado por animais destinados à produção animal. O bem-estar animal esta relacionado às condições do alojamento como a bioclimatologia e a biofísica das instalações, podendo ser mensurado a partir de avaliações fisiológicas e comportamentais. O estresse é tido como um conjunto de reações fisiológicas intensas e prolongadas que resultam em desequilíbrio da homeostase, com efeitos importantes e irreversíveis aos animais. O comportamento natural foi definido como aquele em que o animal tende a realizar livre, por trazer prazer ou promover bom funcionamento fisiológico. O enriquecimento ambiental tem como principal característica reduzir estímulos que gerem respostas estressoras e permitir a apresentação de comportamentos naturais, evitando o aparecimento de comportamentos estereotipados em animais confinados.  Deste modo, conclui-se que o comportamento apresenta-se de fundamental importância para a compreensão do bem-estar dos animais. 

Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 16(3): 324-331, 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488180


Entre as principais exigências dos consumidores esta a qualidade de vida dentro do confinamento, que exige a criação ética dos animais destinados à produção. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever e caracterizar o comportamento estereotipado realizado por animais destinados à produção animal. O bem-estar animal esta relacionado às condições do alojamento como a bioclimatologia e a biofísica das instalações, podendo ser mensurado a partir de avaliações fisiológicas e comportamentais. O estresse é tido como um conjunto de reações fisiológicas intensas e prolongadas que resultam em desequilíbrio da homeostase, com efeitos importantes e irreversíveis aos animais. O comportamento natural foi definido como aquele em que o animal tende a realizar livre, por trazer prazer ou promover bom funcionamento fisiológico. O enriquecimento ambiental tem como principal característica reduzir estímulos que gerem respostas estressoras e permitir a apresentação de comportamentos naturais, evitando o aparecimento de comportamentos estereotipados em animais confinados.  Deste modo, conclui-se que o comportamento apresenta-se de fundamental importância para a compreensão do bem-estar dos animais.

Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 52(2): 167-172, 2015.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-727755


The study aimed to evaluate reactivity of horses during usual brushing management against the repeated presence of an unknown sonorous stimulus. Twenty Mangalarga Marchador horses, distributed in different categories (mares and foals), were evaluated. The animals were allocated into the control treatment (N = 10) and the treatment with unknown sonorous stimulus (N = 10) from a rattle and a tambourine. Four consecutive evaluations were carried out first (day 0, 1, 2, 3). Two consecutive assessments were carried out after 30 days of the first collection (day 30 and 31), and two consecutive assessments were carried out 15 days after the second evaluation (day 45 and 46). The behavioral observations were made by assigning a score to behaviors of movement, position of ears and eyes, breathing, and vocalization during brushing management. A response variable called reactivity was attributed to each animal, ranging from score 1 (not reactive or calm animal) to reactivity score 4 (very reactive or aggressive animal). For statistical analysis, the results were adjusted to a logistic regression model using the categories, day, and treatment as covariates. The animals of the unknown stimuli showed greater reactivity. The days of the experimental period influenced the reactivity of animals between 6 and 7 months old, with a decrease in the possibilities of the animals to have a higher reac

O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a reatividade de equinos durante o manejo habitual de escovação, frente à exposição repetida a um estímulo sonoro desconhecido. Para isto, foram utilizados 20 equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador, de diferentes categorias (éguas e potros), os quais foram alocados aos tratamentos: controle (N = 10) e com estímulo sonoro desconhecido (N = 10), que consistia em confrontar os animais com o estímulo sonoro de um chocalho e um tamborim. Primeiramente, foram realizadas quatro avaliações consecutivas (dia 0, 1, 2, 3). Após 30 dias da primeira coleta, foram realizadas duas avaliações consecutivas (dia 30 e 31), e passados 15 dias desta, foram realizadas mais duas avaliações consecutivas (dia 45 e 46). As observações comportamentais foram feitas por meio da atribuição de escores aos comportamentos de movimentação, posição das orelhas e dos olhos, respiração e vocalização durante o manejo de escovação. Também foi conferida a variável resposta de reatividade com valores variando de 1 a 4 (animal não reativo ou calmo a animal muito reativo ou agressivo). Foi ajustado o modelo de regressão logística ordinal usando como covariáveis as categorias, dia e tratamento. A reatividade dos animais com estímulo sonoro desconhecido foi maior. Os dias do período experimental influenciaram a reatividade dos animais entre 6 e 7 meses de idade, com diminuição das c

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 20-20, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466595


To analyze stress during the intermediate stage of gestation, 43 multiparous, crossbred Santa Inês, pregnant ewes, with a average age of 5 and average body weight (BW) of 60kg, were challenged with a intravenous administration of 0.8µ of LPS (lipopolysaccharide E. coli - outer membrane cell of gram-negative bacteria), diluted in physiological saline solution - simulating an immune stressor. The females were placed in individual cages at feedlot, with adaptation period of 5 days before the begin of sampling, with free access to good water quality, shade and food in the trough (corn silage and mineral supplementation). The ewes were divided into three groups, with a completely randomized design (CRD): CG - control group, with 15 animals that were not subjected to stress; IG - intermediate group stage, with 14 animals undergoing stress at 70 days of gestation; FG final group, made up of 14 animals undergoing stress at 120 days of gestation. The variables used to investigate stress were measured during the intermediate stages of pregnancy in a 24 hour sampling, with this was possible to observe the change in rectal temperature (RT) and blood levels of cortisol by its circadian rhythm. Shortly after the baseline sampling, the treatment corresponding to the intermediate stage of gestation was submitted to stress, with the sampling interval of one hour each, from the first to

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 50-50, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466601


In tropical and subtropical regions animals suffer pronounced heat stress effect on reproductive function, being one of the most noticeable effects the reduction of conception rate. When evaluating animals heat stress, rectal temperature measurement is important tool because indicates heat release mechanisms became insufficient to maintain homeothermy. This study aimed to evaluate body temperature at fixed time artificial insemination of crossbred dairy cows and their conception at 30 days pregnacy. Experiment was performed from April 26, 2010 to January 28, 2012 at Estação Experimental Glória of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, at Triângulo Mineiro, Brazil. One hundred-twelve crossbred dairy cows and heifers were used. At the moment of insemination, animals were housed in shaded pen and body temperature was collect using clinical thermometer introduced in rectal mucosa. Environmental variables collect were air temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and relative humidity. Data were analyzed in two different periods: from April to September (mild weather-MW) and from October to March (hot weather-HW). The statistical model included the effect of category, period, pregnancy diagnosis and their interactions, comparing means by Tukeys test, with a significance level of 5%. Means and standard deviations of air temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature


Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 2-2, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466618


Cattle, when in heat stress, deflect energy to increase dissipation to environment, compromising productivity. Thus, in dairy production system it is important to maintain thermal comfort to ensure homeothermy and full performance. One of the physiological measures to evaluate thermal comfort of domestic animals is hair coat surface temperature. Knowing this temperature allows the understanding whether animal performs thermal exchanges by convection through the activation of heat dissipation latent mechanisms. This study aimed to evaluate body surface temperature in crossbred dairy cows on Triângulo Mineiro climatic conditions. This was carried out at Estação Experimental Glória of Universidade Federal de Uberlândia using 53 lactating crossbred cows. Cows were housed in shaded pen for artificial insemination and after it was performed body surface temperature mensurements. Temperature was measured from body surface at four different regions: forehead, withers, groin and hock using an Instruterm infrared thermometer model TI-890. The statistical model used the region to test the effect of surface temperature comparing means by Tukeys test, with a significance level of 5%. Means and standard deviations of ambient temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and relative humidity were respectively 23.96 ± 2.57C; 29.43 ± 2.50C; 17.54 ± 2.38C; and 67.18 ± 15.39%. Temper

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 7-7, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466620


The stress in animals is linked with possible unusual changes that reduce the individual welfare. These changes generally related to the environment or to animal physiology cause imbalance in the biological reactions as a defense by releasing certain substances, including cortisol. There are few studies which indicate that there is heritable consequences promoted by cortisol generated by stress during pregnancy on the first hours of life of the lamb and the gestational phase (days of gestation) in which stress was promoted also interferes with it. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate during the delivery time the cortisol levels of lambs and sheep subjected to stress in different weeks of pregnancy and the effect on the birth weight of the lambs. The study was approved by Ethics Committee of FZEA/USP (13.1.2109.74.8). Forty crossbred Santa Ines ewes, multiparous, with an average age of 5 years and 60 kg of body weight (BW), grazing on Coast-cross were used (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) on rotated system, with free access to shade, water and mineral supplementation. All experimental ewes were artificially inseminated with semen from White Dorper breed. During gestation, the ewes were divided into three groups on a completely randomized design: CG - control group of 15 animals that were not subjected to stress; GI - intermediate group of 12 animals that suffered stress at 7

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 17-17, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466622


It is evident the necessity of a better understanding regarding the influence of warmth on the performance of horses in training, establishing that an efficient thermoregulation is essential to provide the physiological demands resulting from effort required and the climatic variables which the animal is exposed. This study aimed to evaluate thermoregulation in horses subjected to 30 minutes of exercise during three periods of the day with different air temperatures and to compare two techniques for measuring the sweating rate (SR) and trans epidermal water loss (TEWL). Three castrated crossbred horses were submitted to a series of half an hour of exercise at different moments (07:00, 13:00, 16:00 hours), carried out as follows: 3 minutes walking, 3 minutes of canter, 10 minutes of trot, 10 minutes of canter, 2 minutes of trot and 2 minutes of canter. Relative humidity, black globe and air temperature were 50%, 34Cº and 20.8ºC; 62%, 35ºC and 28.8Cº; 48%, 34.5Cº and 27.4Cº; respectively for the three periods. Rectal temperature (RT), respiratory rate (RR), body surface temperature (BST), SR through the methodology of Schleger and Turner (1965) and TEWL measured by VapoMeter (Delfin, Finland) were taken before and after exercise. Model for analysis of variance included fixed effects of time and moments, and the means were compared by Tukey test or T at 5% of significance. Signifi

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 13-13, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466635


Several strategies have been studied to reduce the stress suffered by the animals during handling and all managements that are included in a routine. Among them, the effects of supplementation with chromium in the diet of ruminants have been fairly analyzed by reducing serum cortisol levels. Thus this study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary chromium supplementation on indicators of welfare of confined sheep. Sixty-four crossbred lambs White Dorper x Santa Ines, weaned at sixty days old, were divided into two groups for confinement for sixty days: control group and the group that received supplementation of 2 mg organic chromium daily. Every 14 days, the animals were weighed after fasting for 12 hours. Simultaneously, the reactivity of lambs was evaluated by scoring during the stay in the balance, followed by the flight speed, according to a composite score scale (CSS) consisted of a compilation which integrated the four scores described above, as follows: 1. Quiet and Docile animal (Breathing score = 1 or 2; vocalization score = 0; movement = 1; flight speed = 1); 2. Low reactivity or Alive (Breathing score = 2; vocalization score = 0 or 1; movement = 2; flight speed = 2); 3. Average reactivity or Restless (Breathing score = 2 or 3; vocalization score = 0 or 1; movement = 3; flight speed = 3 or 4); 4. Very Reactive or Disturbed (Breathing score = 3; vocalizatio

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 18-18, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466636


The work aims to determine thermolysis capacity by losses by sweating using trans epidermal water loss values (TEWL) and by tachypnea. Fifty six Santa Ines ewes were divided in facilities having covered area with a cement oor and ber cement roof panels (4 m high, 8 x 10 m) and uncovered area with hard dirt floor (15 x 15 m). Thermolysis capacity was evaluated using heat stress challenge in three consecutive days, in which animals stayed under the shade, from 08:00 to 13:00 h, when the rst sample was taken (T0: 08:00 h). From 13:00 to 14:00 h, they stayed in sunny place for 1 h, and the second sample was taken (T1: 14:00h). Then, animals went back to the shade, where they stayed for more 45 minutes (14:0014:45 h), and the third sample was taken (T2: 14:45h). TEWL with a VapoMeter (Delfin, Finland), respiratory rate (RR) by count of movements per minute and rectal temperature (RT) with a digital thermometer were collected in all sampling times. During the heat challenge, air temperature and relative humidity were measured under the shade and in the sun (Table 1). Variance analysis with multiple comparisons of means by Tukey test at 5% was performed. The study was approved by Ethics Committee of USP (12.1.755.74.9). The highest values of TEWL, RR and RT were found shortly after 1 hour of sunshine (P 0.05, Table 2). Despite TEWL and RR decreased after 45 minutes under the sh

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.