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Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 23(2): 45-55, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042751


Resumen Antecedentes: La radioterapia de intensidad modulada (IMRT) es una técnica avanzada que se usa ampliamente a nivel mundial; sin embargo, su uso adecuado en nuestro país requiere ser revisado. Objetivo: Actualizar un protocolo clínico (PC) basado en evidencia que contiene las indicaciones clínicas para la utilización de la técnica IMRT en el tratamiento de las patologías oncológicas tratadas más frecuentemente en el servicio de oncología radioterápica del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC) - Colombia. Métodos: La elaboración de este documento fue realizada por un equipo multidisciplinario empleando un manual nacional para el desarrollo de PC. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura, seguido por la selección de los artículos relevantes y su evaluación utilizando las herramientas apropiadas. La evidencia fue resumida, contextualizada y empleada para generar las recomendaciones mediante un consenso formal tipo RAND/UCLA. Resultados: Se generaron indicaciones para el uso de la IMRT en pacientes con alguno de los siguientes tipos de cáncer: próstata y pene, cabeza y cuello, piel, sistema nervioso central, mama, sarcomas de tejidos blandos, pulmón, gastrointestinal, ginecológico y urgencias oncológicas. Conclusiones: En el periodo 2014 a 2017 ha surgido escasa evidencia sobre el impacto de la IMRT en desenlaces relacionados con la supervivencia y la calidad de vida y por tanto el uso de la IMRT sigue siendo en pacientes seleccionados.

Abstract Background: Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is an advanced technique which has been put into service in several clinical settings around the world; however, its proper use in Colombia requires to be revisited. Aim: To update an evidence-based clinical care protocol (CCP) that contains clinical recommendations for using IMRT in order to treat the most common oncological malignancies seen in the Radiotherapy Unit of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología - Colombia. Methods: The elaboration of this CCP was undertaken by a multidisciplinary team who abided by a domestic CCP-development handbook. Briefly, a systematic search of literature was conducted; afterwards, relevant papers were selected and evaluated using appropriate appraisal tools; finally, evidence was summarized, contextualized, and used for generating the recommendations through a formal consensus approach (RAND/UCLA). Results: We established a handful of recommendations for using the IMRT technique in patients with any of the following types of cancer: prostate & penis, head & neck, skin, central nervous system, breast, soft tissue sarcoma, lung, gastrointestinal, and gynecologic, as well as oncologic emergencies. Conclusions: During the period 2014 - 2017, few evidence has emerged about the impact of IMRT on outcomes related to survival and quality of life; therefore, IMRT use still remains in selected patients.

Humanos , Protocolos Clínicos , Radioterapia de Intensidade Modulada , Radioterapia (Especialidade) , Consenso , Neoplasias
Cureus ; 8(2): e497, 2016 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27014531


Pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma, also referred to as cavum carcinoma, is a rare pediatric disease with an infrequent incidence rate. We present the case of a pediatric patient with nasopharyngeal cancer who received an adult schedule of concomitant chemotherapy and conformal radiotherapy with a brachytherapy boost. Adult protocols with high radiotherapy doses are not commonly used in pediatric patients due to the high comorbidity associated with this practice. In this case, the patient displayed excellent overall survival, a longer disease-free period, and fewer side effects and comorbidities, even in the absence of interferon therapy, which is not easily available in low-income countries. In addition, this case shows that conformal radiotherapy and brachytherapy are options that can be used to escalate the radiotherapy dose and decrease side effects. A 12-year-old female pediatric patient presented to our outpatient clinic with an eight-month history of moderate-to-severe otalgia, intermittent hyaline rhinorrhea, asthenia, adynamia, nasal congestion, epistaxis in the previous months, and local pruritus. Upon physical examination, a 60x60 mm mass was detected at level II of the neck, and a biopsy of the lesion confirmed a histopathological diagnosis of undifferentiated carcinoma compatible with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The patient was considered to have clinical Stage III cancer, and she received an adult Al-Sarraf protocol with chemoradiotherapy and an intracavitary brachytherapy boost. The patient had a complete response, and she remains without local or distance relapse. Treating pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with the Al-Sarraf protocol could be a feasible modality, as observed in this clinical case, despite the elevated cost of using interferon-beta in low-income countries when using more advanced radiotherapy techniques such as conformal radiotherapy and now, modulated intensity radiotherapy. It should be noted that brachytherapy boosts should be used with caution in pediatric patients; the potential side effects should be weighed against improved local control.