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Liberabit ; 30(1): 730, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551538


Antecedentes: en la adolescencia la salud mental positiva es indispensable para el desarrollo óptimo. Objetivo: se predijo la salud mental positiva en adolescentes a partir de la percepción de la crianza parental y la resiliencia. Método: participaron 426 estudiantes de Toluca, Estado de México entre los 14 y 18 años (M = 15.6 años; DE = 1.14),el 44% fueron hombres y 56% mujeres. Se les evaluó con la escala de percepción de crianza parental, el cuestionario de resiliencia y la escala de salud mental positiva. Resultados: a través de la regresión lineal múltiple por pasos se encontró que la variable criterio es predicha en mayor medida por los factores protectores internos de la resiliencia y en menor proporción por el interés del padre y la madre en las actividades del hijo. Este modelo que combina ambos constructos tiene una varianza explicada de 51.6%, lo que se considera un poder explicativo satisfactorio. Conclusiones: se enfatiza la influencia de los factores de protección internos de la resiliencia sobre la capacidad de resolución de problemas y actualización, el autocontrol y la autonomía de los adolescentes. Palabras clave: salud mental positiva; resiliencia; percepción de la crianza parental; adolescentes.

Background: During adolescence positive mental health is indispensable for optimal development. Objective: Positive mental health in adolescents was predicted from the perception of parenting and resilience. Methods: 426 students from Toluca, State of Mexico between 14 and 18 years of age (M = 15.6 years; SD = 1.14), 44% male and 56% female, were evaluated with the Perception of Parenting Scale, the Resilience Questionnaire and the Positive Mental Health Scale. Results: Through stepwise multiple linear regression, it was found that the criterion variable is predicted to a greater extent by the internal protective factors of resilience and to a lesser extent by the father's and mother's interest in the child's activities.This model combining both constructs has an explained variance of 51.6%, which is considered satisfactory explanatory power. Conclusions: The influence of internal protective factors of resilience on adolescents' problem-solving and actualization skills, self-control and autonomyis emphasized. Keywords: positive mental health; resilience; perceptionof parenting; adolescents.

BMC Med Educ ; 22(1): 874, 2022 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36527021


BACKGROUND: A good level of knowledge in dentists is crucial for an early diagnosis of oral cancer (OC). In Latin America there are a few studies of OC knowledge among dentist, those has been performed in Brazil, Colombia, and Chile, and their results showed low level of OC knowledge. On the other hand, there is no publication in which the level of knowledge of dentists in Mexico has been addressed. Therefore, this study aimed to assess knowledge of OC and to determine the association of the level of knowledge with sociodemographic characteristics among dentists in Mexico. METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey was designed to obtain information via questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed in the Spanish language, and the content validity was determined. The study was conducted among Mexican dentists with a 23-item questionnaire that was designed to be anonymous. The sample size was calculated using the finite population formula. Based on the responses, the level of knowledge of OC was categorized as very low, low, regular, good, or excellent. Additionally, the association between sociodemographic characteristics and the level of knowledge about OC was evaluated. RESULTS: This research was conducted on a sample of 387 dentists. Most of the respondents were general dentists and worked in urban zones. The majority of dentists lacked a specialty (76.7%). Additionally, most of the respondents were students (44.2%). The level of knowledge of the participants was between regular and good (77.8%). On the other hand, concerning self-evaluation, most of the participants considered their knowledge of OC to be regular (50.6%). In addition, there was no association between sociodemographic characteristics and knowledge about OC. CONCLUSIONS: This research identified some weaknesses in most Mexican dentists' knowledge of OC.

Neoplasias Bucais , Humanos , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Estudos Transversais , Odontólogos , México , Neoplasias Bucais/diagnóstico , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441597


Introduction: Perceived self-efficacy is closely related to an adequate quality of life en general well-being of people, but few studies have studied this relationship in people with hemophilia. Objective: To determine the degree of relationship between perceived self-efficacy for weight control and quality of life in people with and without hemophilia, comparing both variables in case-control groups. Methods: The sample made up, for convenience, of 40 participants, with two matched groups. The group of cases consisted of 20 males between 19 and 24 years of age (M = 19.50, SD = 1.47) with hemophilia type A. The control group consisted of 20 males who did not present hemophilia, matched in age and weight status, between the ages of 18 and 24 years of age (M= 19.59, SD= 1.44). Participants answered the "Self-efficacy for Weight Control" questionnaire and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref" questionnaire. Descriptive statistics where used to describe the factors of each instrument. Student's t-test was used to compare differences between the two groups. Results: Only the Daily physical activity dimension showed a statistical difference in the control group. According to the Pearson correlation, a positive correlation was found between the Scheduled physical activity, Daily physical activity and Physical health dimensions. Conclusions: It is concluded that physical exercise, weight control, nutritional counseling and psychological support are essential for the quality of life, especially for people with hemophilia, which complements medical treatment.

Introducción: La autoeficacia percibida está estrechamente relacionada con una adecuada calidad de vida y el bienestar en general de las personas, pero pocos estudios han analizado esta relación en personas con hemofilia. Objetivo: Determinar el grado de relación entre la autoeficacia percibida para el control de peso y la calidad de vida en personas con y sin diagnóstico de hemofilia, comparando ambas variables en grupos caso-control. Métodos: La muestra por conveniencia estuvo compuesta por 40 participantes, clasificados en dos grupos. El grupo de casos estuvo constituido por 20 varones entre 19 y 24 años de edad (M= 19,50, DE= 1,47) con diagnóstico de hemofilia tipo A. El grupo control estuvo formado por 20 varones que no presentaban hemofilia, pareados en edad y peso, con edades entre 18 y 24 años (M= 19.59, DT= 1.44). Todos los participantes respondieron el "Cuestionario de Autoeficacia para el Control de Peso" y el "Cuestionario Breve de Calidad de Vida de la Organización Mundial de la Salud". Se obtuvieron análisis descriptivos mediante medias y desviaciones estándar sobre los factores de cada instrumento. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para la diferencia de medias. Resultados: Se hallaron diferencias entre el grupo de casos y controles solo en la dimensión Actividad física cotidiana a favor del grupo controles. De acuerdo a la correlación de Pearson, se encontró una correlación positiva entre la dimensión Actividad física programada, Actividad física cotidiana y Salud física. Conclusiones: Se constata que el ejercicio físico, el control de peso, la asesoría nutricional y el apoyo psicológico son indispensables para la calidad de vida, en especial de las personas con hemofilia, lo cual complementa el tratamiento médico.

Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 38(2): e1503, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408449


Introducción: La hemofilia es un trastorno hemorrágico que causa dolor y daños articulares graves. Las personas con esta condición de salud suelen presentar problemas psicosociales como baja autoestima y dificultad para enfrentar la enfermedad, lo cual puede impactar negativamente en su calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (CVRS). Objetivo: Analizar el efecto predictor de la autoestima y las estrategias de afrontamiento hacia la CVRS en personas con hemofilia. Métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, de tipo correlacional, con muestra por conveniencia, realizado en 60 participantes con hemofilia, edades comprendidas entre 15 y 67 años (media = 27,43, desviación estándar = 11,32). Se utilizaron los cuestionarios: Calidad de Vida Específica para Hemofilia, Autoestima y Afrontamiento al Dolor Crónico. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, correlación de Pearson y análisis de regresión lineal múltiple con el método por pasos. Resultados: Se obtuvo que el nivel de CVRS fue mayormente moderado; sin embargo, se observaron niveles bajos en las dimensiones Deporte y tiempo libre y Futuro. La dimensión Éxito de la escala de autoestima correlacionó positivamente con las dimensiones Deporte y tiempo libre (r(60)= 0,59), Salud física (r(60)=0,54) y Autopercepción (r(60)=0,48) de la escala calidad de vida; además de haber mostrado un nivel alto de predicción de la calidad de vida (R 2 = 0,35, p= 0,00). Conclusiones: Se comprobó que la autoestima resulta ser una variable predictora de la CVRS de los pacientes con hemofilia. Se requiere fortalecer la autoestima y la manera de enfrentarse ante el dolor crónico en personas con este padecimiento en pro de su calidad de vida y bienestar(AU)

Introduction: Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that causes severe pain and damage to the joints. People with this health condition often present psychosocial problems such as low self-esteem and difficulty facing their disease, which can negatively impact their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Objective: To analyze the predictive effect of self-esteem and coping strategies towards HRQL in people with hemophilia. Methods: This was a quantitative, non-experimental, correlational study, with a convenience sample, carried out in 60 participants with hemophilia, ages between 15 and 67 years (mean = 27.43, standard deviation = 11.32). The Specific Quality of Life for Hemophilia, Self-esteem and Coping with Chronic Pain questionnaires were used. Descriptive analyzes. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis were performed with the stepwise method. Results: It was found that the level of HRQL was mostly moderate, however, low levels were observed in the Sports and free time and Future dimensions. The Success dimension of the self-esteem scale positively correlated with the Sports and free time dimensions (r(60) = 0.59). Physical health (r(60) = 0.54) and Self-perception (r(60) = 0.48) of the quality of life scale, in addition to having shown a high level of prediction of quality of life (R2 = 0.35, p = 0.00). Conclusions: It was found that self-esteem turns out to be a predictor variable of HRQL in patients with hemophilia. It is necessary to strengthen self-esteem and the way of coping with chronic pain in people with this condition in favor of their quality of life and well-being(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Qualidade de Vida , Adaptação Psicológica , Análise de Regressão , Dor Crônica , Hemofilia A , Inquéritos e Questionários
Liberabit ; 28(2): 569, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538113


Antecedentes: la resiliencia es un recurso psicológico relacionado con mejoras significativas en la salud de personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2) y se vincula con el afrontamiento religioso y la espiritualidad y menores índices de estrés. Objetivos: analizar la relación entre el estrés percibido y la resiliencia, así como los efectos directos e indirectos y totales de espiritualidad y afrontamiento religioso mediante un modelo de mediación hipotetizado en personas con DMT2. Método: estudio transversal con un total de 216 participantes, el 41.2% son hombres y el 58.8% mujeres, con rango de edad de 30 a 78 años (M = 56.63, DE = 11.27). Se utilizó la Escala de Estrés Percibido (PSS-14), Escala de Espiritualidad (SS), Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento Religioso (IEAR) y el Cuestionario de Resiliencia. Resultados: el afrontamiento religioso media la relación entre estrés y resiliencia al presentar un efecto indirecto significativo (ß = -.05, EE = .02, IC 95% [-.09, -.01]), mientras que la espiritualidad no es un predictor significativo en la asociación (ß = .03, EE = .03, IC 95% [-.09, .03]). Conclusiones: se encuentra evidencia acerca del efecto de mediación que posee la variable afrontamiento religioso entre el estrés percibido y la resiliencia, así como de la relación que mantiene la espiritualidad con la resiliencia en personas con DMT2. Palabras clave: estrés percibido; espiritualidad; afrontamiento religioso; resiliencia; diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

Background: Resilience is a psychological resource related to significant improvements in the health of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and is linked to religious coping and spirituality and lower levels of stress. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between perceived stress and resilience as well as the direct, indirect, and total effects of spirituality and religious coping through a hypothesized mediation model in people with T2DM. Method: A cross-sectional study conducted with a total of 216 participants, out of whom 41.2% were men and 58.8% were women in the age range of 30 to 78 years (M = 56.63, SD = 11.27). The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14), the Spirituality Scale (SS), the Religious Coping Strategies Inventory (IEAR), and the Resilience Questionnaire were used. Results: Religious coping mediates the relationship between stress and resilience by showing a significant indirect effect (ß = -.05, SE = .02, 95% CI [-.09, -.01]), whereas spirituality is not a significant predictor in such a relationship (ß = .03, SE = .03, 95% CI [-.09, .03]). Conclusions: Evidence was found regarding the mediation effect of religious coping between perceived stress and resilience, as well as the relationship between spirituality and resilience in people with T2DM. Keywords: perceived stress; spirituality; religious coping; resilience; type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(1): 181-192, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098009


Abstract Mental health problems in the general population tend to be related to social determinants which also influence health inequity. However, these determinants are usually taken into account only for clinical populations and often go unnoticed at the community level. The purpose of the present study was to identify the psycho-socio-cultural factors that influence the presence of psychopathological symptoms in the open population. In this study, 229 women and men, Mexican adults, participated. Two self-report instruments were used: the SCL 90-R to evaluate psychopathological symptoms, and the Questionnaire of Factors Associated with Health. The results show differences between men and women, both in the symptoms and in the factors evaluated, where women are more disadvantaged. Predictive models indicate that in women the factors predicting the symptomatology are: conflicting thoughts, domestic violence, lack of confidence in their abilities and gender discrimination; while in men they were: family violence, poverty and lower well-being. It is concluded that psychosocial and ecosystemic models enable to understand that psycho-socio-cultural factors influence the presence of incipient symptoms in the community population, following different paths for women and men, showing that the context has a differential impact on mental health.

Resumen Los problemas de salud mental en la población general tienden a estar relacionados con determinantes sociales que también influyen en la inequidad sanitaria. Sin embargo, estos determinantes suelen tenerse en cuenta solo en la población clínica y pasan inadvertidos en el ámbito comunitario. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el propósito del presente estudio fue identificar los factores psicosocioculturales que influyen en la presencia de los síntomas psicopatológicos en población abierta. Para esto, participaron 229 mujeres y hombres, adultos, mexicanos, a quienes se les aplicaron dos instrumentos de autorreporte para evaluar sus síntomas psicopatológicos, el SCL 90-R y el Cuestionario de Factores Asociados a la Salud. Los resultados muestran diferencias entre hombres y mujeres tanto en los síntomas como en los factores evaluados, en donde las mujeres resultaron ser las más desfavorecidas. Los modelos predictivos señalan que en las mujeres los factores que predicen la sintomatología son los pensamientos conflictivos, la violencia intrafamiliar, la falta de confianza en sus capacidades y la discriminación de género; mientras que en los hombres fueron la violencia intrafamiliar, la pobreza y un menor bienestar. Se concluye que los modelos psicosociales y ecosistémicos permiten comprender que los factores psicosocioculturales influyen sobre los síntomas incipientes de población comunitaria, con vías diferentes tanto para las mujeres como para los hombres. Con esto se demuestra que el contexto imprime un impacto diferencial en la salud mental.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(2): 65-79, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152714


Resumen Se analiza si la autoestima media la relación entre apoyo social y bienestar subjetivo en niños de educación básica que se encuentran en condición de vulnerabilidad social por situación de precariedad económica, en el que se realizaron dos estudios. El primero, evalúa estas variables en niños mexicanos y el segundo explora si esta asociación se da en la misma dirección en el caso de niños argentinos. La muestra total está conformada por 207 escolares, 96 niños y 111 niñas, con un rango de edad de 11 a 15 años (M= 11.93, DT= .97) todos de escuelas públicas de educación básica. Los participantes del grupo 1 son 100 niños mexicanos de ambos sexos, el grupo 2 son 107 participantes (46 niños y 61 niñas) de la ciudad de Mendoza Argentina. Aplicándose escalas de: autoestima, apoyo social familiar, afectividad positiva-negativa y de satisfacción con la vida. La asociación entre las variables fue significativa excepto la afectividad negativa, al igual que los modelos de regresión. Se comprueba parcialmente el modelo de trayectorias propuesto. Se sugiere continuar verificando el modelo, y considerar la inclusión de variables contextuales como el ambiente familiar, y académicas para explicar los factores que contribuyen en el bienestar infantil.

Abstract Self-esteem, social support and subjective well-being are relevant variables in Positive Psychology because they are closely related to the optimal functioning of individuals. However, there is still little research that analyzes these variables together and there are no references to this in the case of children in a situation of psychosocial vulnerability. So the objective is to analyze if self-esteem mediates the relationship between social support and subjective well-being. With a cross-sectional design, two studies were carried out, the first of them, evaluates the relationship of these variables in a sample of Mexican children. The second one explores if this association occurs in the same direction in the case of Argentine children. The total sample consists of 207 schoolchildren of which 96 are boys and 111 are girls, with an age range from 11 to 15 years (M = 11.93, SD = .97) all of them from public schools of basic education. The participants of group 1 are 100 Mexican children of both sexes equally represented, and in the group 2, 107 children participate (46 boys and 61 girls) residing in the city of Mendoza, Argentina. Applying the scales of: self-esteem, family social support, positive-negative affectivity, satisfaction with life and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, simple linear regression analysis and a path model were tested. The association between the variables was significant except the negative affectivity, as well as the regression models. The proposed initial model was partially verified, both in group 1 and group 2. The findings suggest to continue verifying the model, as well as considering the inclusion of contextual variables such as the family environment, and academic ones that explain the factors that contribute to the well-being of children.

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 37(2): 131-143, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1091947


Resumen La evidencia empírica acerca de las diferencias de la salud mental positiva respecto al sexo, son escasas, incluso controversiales. El objetivo es analizar la salud mental positiva entre hombres y mujeres. La muestra está compuesta por 533 participantes de la Ciudad de Toluca, Estado de México. Todos estudiantes de nivel medio superior, hombres (44.4%) y mujeres (55.6%), entre 14 y 20 años. Se aplicó la escala de salud mental positiva (Lluch, 1999). Los resultados mostraron que el 38.3% de la muestra se encuentra en un nivel alto y el 16.1% en muy alto nivel de salud mental positiva. Del análisis descriptivo, la dimensión satisfacción personal puntuó por arriba de la media teórica. Se confirma parcialmente la hipótesis, porque se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en cuatro de las seis dimensiones, en satisfacción personal, actitud prosocial y habilidad de relaciones interpersonales, con puntuaciones más altas para las mujeres y en autocontrol en el grupo de los hombres. Se sugiere continuar con el análisis de la salud mental positiva.

Abstract: Empirical evidence of differences in positive mental health with respect to sex, are sparse, even controversial. The objective here is to analyze positive mental health between men and women. The sample is made up of 533 participants from Toluca, State of Mexico. All were upper-level students, males (44.4%) and females (55.6%), between 14 and 20 years old. The Positive Mental Health Questionaire (PMHQ) was applied (Lluch, 1999). The results showed that 38.3% of the sample is at a high level and 16.1% at a very high level of positive mental health. From the descriptive analysis the personal satisfaction dimension scored above the theoretical average. The hypothesis is partially confirmed, since significant differences were obtained in four of the six dimensions, in personal satisfaction, prosocial attitude and ability for interpersonal relationships, with higher scores for females and self-control. in the male group. We suggest that the analysis of positive mental health be continued

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Satisfação Pessoal , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Saúde Mental/tendências , Autocontrole/psicologia , Psicologia Positiva , Relações Interpessoais , Sexo , México
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 8(1): 83-94, abr. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-949480


Resumen: El objetivo fue determinar las causas que conducen a la apatía en la pareja haciendo un análisis por sexo. Se trabajó con una muestra no probabilística intencional, compuesta por 150 participantes, igualmente dividida por sexo, quienes reportaron estar casados o vivir en unión libre y tener hijos, de la ciudad de Toluca, México. Se utilizó un cuestionario compuesto por 6 frases incompletas el cual fue validado por jueces expertos con un nivel de acuerdo mayor del 85%. Las aplicaciones fueron individuales en lugares públicos de la ciudad, previa firma del consentimiento informado. Se encontró que las causas que generan apatía en la pareja se deben a la falta de involucramiento, la falta de novedad, la realización de actividades no estimulantes, los conflictos, el cansancio, la falta de atracción sexual y a factores externos. Es interesante señalar que a pesar de reportar apatía y estar sin gusto y con queja muchos permanecen en su relación. Así, el estudio de la apatía puede ser útil para incentivar a las parejas a utilizar estrategias para recuperar el interés dentro de la relación o bien, a decidirse terminar con ésta para buscar la satisfacción de sus necesidades o carencias y alcanzar la paz o el equilibrio personal.

Abstract: The aim of the present investigation was to determine the most common causes that lead to intimate partner apathy analyzing by sex. We worked with a selected sample through a non-probabilistic intentional sampling, composed by 150 participants, equally divided by sex, who reported were married or living in free union and have children, in the city of Toluca, State of Mexico. We used a questionnaire conformed by six open sentences, which was validated by expert's judges with a level of agreement higher than 85%. After obtaining the consent of each participant, the applications were individual in public areas of the city. According to the obtained results, it was found that the most common causes of intimate partner apathy are due to: lack of involvement, lack of novelty, non-stimulating activities, conflicts, tiredness, lack of sexual attraction, and external factors. It is interesting to note that many participants remain with apathy in the relationship because of the fear that represents change, although they live without joy and complaining. Thus, the study of apathy can be useful in the sense of encouraging couples to strategies to regain interest within the relationship or to decide to break up with the couple in order to seek satisfaction of their needs or shortcomings and achieve peace or personal balance.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 30(120)jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505560


Con el objetivo de construir y validar una prueba para medir propiedades de los celos románticos, se desarrolló el Inventario Multidimensional de Celos Románticos (IMCR) desde tres ejes: 1) su conceptualización, 2) circunstancias que lo generan y 3) respuestas cognitivas, afectivas y conductuales involucradas. El IMCR está constituido por cinco escalas tipo Likert con sus respectivas opciones de respuesta. Se acudió a juicio de expertos para la validez de contenido y por análisis factoriales exploratorios para la validez de constructo de cada escala, presentando coeficientes de confiabilidad superiores a (α > .873). Por esto, el IMCR tiene una estructura relativamente clara con dimensiones en parte independientes y que miden con razonable precisión los tres ejes; concluyendo que los celos románticos son un constructo multidimensional con respuestas afectivas, cognitivas y conductuales desencadenadas a partir de una situación que representa la posible pérdida de la pareja.

Aiming to construct and validate a test to measure jealousy, the Multidimensional Inventory of Romantic Jealousy (MIRJ) was developed from three axes: 1) conceptualization, 2) conditions that generate romantic jealousy and 3) cognitive, affective and behavioral responses involved. The MIRJ consists of five Likert scales with five response options each. The inventory was validated by expert judgment on the content validity and exploratory factor analysis to construct the validity of each scale, showing higher reliability coefficients (α> 0.85). MIRJ has a fairly clear structure with independent dimensions that measure with reasonable accuracy the three axes. In Conclusion, romantic jealousy is a multidimensional construct with affective, cognitive and behavioral responses, triggered from a situation that represents the possible loss of a partner.