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Psychol Sport Exerc ; 68: 102470, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37665910


Soccer players' ability to make efficient and quick decisions has gained more importance due to the increase in game speed in the last few years. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the relationship between the engagement in previous developmental activities in soccer and futsal with the quality and speed of decision-making skills in different phases of sport development of elite female soccer players. The sample comprised 77 elite Brazilian professional female soccer players. Players' decision-making skills were assessed based on an objective video-based test - TacticUP®. We used a retrospective questionnaire to collect information about previous participation in different developmental activities. The results showed that engagement in deliberate practice in soccer and futsal, especially during childhood and early adolescence, is related to a better quality of offensive decision-making skills, although showing small to medium effect sizes. We highlight that deliberate practice in futsal is associated only with offensive decision-making skills with the ball and near the ball. In turn, engaging in deliberate play in soccer, mainly in childhood and early adolescence, is related to quicker offensive and defensive decision-making skills, showing mostly medium effect sizes. To the best of our knowledge, it was the first study to measure the relationship of decision-making speed with developmental activities in soccer. It is concluded that deliberate practice in soccer and deliberate play in soccer are associated with different dimensions of decision-making skills.

Futebol , Esportes , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Brasil , Conhecimento
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 42: e2052, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144022


ABSTRACT The goal of this study is to identify the influence of the maturity state in the physical components of the high level youth male soccer players of an elite club in Brazil. Eighty-seven young male soccer players participated in this study, distributed in 34 U-14 players, 23 U-16 players and 30 U-19 players. Peak height velocity (PHV) was estimated: Pre-PHV (<-1.0 years, n=13), mid-PHV (-0.99 to 0.5 years, n=41), and post-PHV (>0.5 years, n=33). Running-based anaerobic sprint test, squat jump, yo-yo and 30m speed test were performed. The results of this study suggest that the maturational development influences vertical jump. VO2max, yo-yo test distance, fatigue index and power. This information is essential for the identification and effective development of talented football players.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a influência do estado de maturidade nos componentes físicos dos atletas juvenis masculino de alto nível de um clube de elite no Brasil. 87 jovens jogadores de futebol participaram deste estudo, 34 sub-14, 23 sub-16 e 30 sub-19. O pico de velocidade de crescimento (PVC) foi estimado como velocidade de altura pré-PVC (<-1,0 anos, n=13), velocidade média de pico (-0,99 a 0,5 anos, n=41) e velocidade de altura pós-PVC (>0,5 anos, n=33). Foram realizados sprint test, salto vertical, yo-yo e velocidade de 30m. Os resultados sugerem que o desenvolvimento maturacional influencia salto vertical, VO2max, distância do teste de yo-yo, índice de fadiga e potência. Esta informação é essencial para a identificação e o desenvolvimento de jogadores de futebol talentosos.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la influencia del estado de madurez en los componentes físicos en jóvenes futbolistas varones pertenecientes a un club de élite en Brasil. 87 jóvenes jugadores de fútbol participaron en este estudio, 34 jugadores sub-14, 23 sub-16 y 30 sub-19. La velocidad máxima de crecimiento se calculó el PVC como la velocidad elevada previa al PVC (<-1.0 años, n=13), velocidad elevada media (-0.99 a 0.5 años, n=41) y velocidad elevada posterior al PVC (>0.5 años, n=33). Se realizaron las siguientes pruebas: sprint test, salto vertical, yo-yo y velocidad 30m. El desarrollo de la maduración influye en el salto vertical, VO2max, distancia en el test yo-yo, índice de fatiga y potencia. Esta información es fundamental para la identificación y el desarrollo adecuado de los jugadores con talento futbolístico.

Percept Mot Skills ; 126(3): 499-514, 2019 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30744488


The present study aimed to investigate whether the form and amount of declarative tactical knowledge (DTK) and procedural tactical knowledge (PTK) influence cognitive effort during soccer performance among young players. We assessed 36 male players from a Brazilian first-division soccer club; participants averaged 14.89 ( SD = 1.42) years of age. We evaluated DTK from video simulation tests and PTK through the System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer. We assessed cognitive effort by measures of pupil diameter using Mobile Eye Tracking-XG while players viewed soccer video scenes and made game-related play decisions. After the assessment of tactical knowledge, we categorized the sample according to players' tactical knowledge into participants with higher and lower PTK and higher and lower DTK. Subsequently, we examined the both PTK and DTK groups on cognitive effort. Our results suggest that tactical knowledge influences cognitive effort in that players with higher PTK and DTK displayed less cognitive effort during soccer performance tasks. In conclusion, we observed that PTK and DTK influenced the cognitive effort younger soccer players expended while viewing soccer scenes and making soccer performance decisions.

Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Cognição/fisiologia , Tomada de Decisões/fisiologia , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Pupila/fisiologia , Futebol/fisiologia , Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 24(3): 931-946, jul.-set. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-969002


This study is an updated review of the most recent implementations of the Sport Education Model (SEM) from 1st to 12th grades (ages 6-18), including the newest research trends for future studies. A systematic review conducted from 2013 to 2017 used the main reference databases and original articles including information about instances of SEM implementation in any school grade. Results showed that SEM implementation has expanded enormously over the last five years to include all learning domains: physical, social, cognitive, and affective. However, such implementation is not easy and it demands specific teacher training. SEM seems to be a proper pedagogical approach for sports practice while developing motor skills, tactical-technical knowledge, and values

Este estudo consistiu em oferecer uma revisão atualizada das implementações mais recentes do Modelo de Sport Education (SEM) do primeiro ao 12º ano (6-18 anos), incluindo as mais novas tendências de pesquisa para estudos futuros. Uma revisão sistemática de 2013 a 2017 foi realizada utilizando os bancos de dados de maior referência e os artigos originais que incluíam informações sobre as implementações do SEM em qualquer grau escolar. A implementação do SEM expandiu-se enormemente nos últimos cinco anos para incluir todos os diferentes domínios de aprendizagem: físico, social, cognitivo e afetivo. Entretanto, a implementação do SEM não é fácil e precisa de formação específica de professores. O SEM parece ser uma abordagem pedagógica adequada para praticar esporte, ao mesmo tempo em que desenvolve habilidades motoras, conhecimento técnico-tático e valores

El objetivo del estudio fue ofrecer una revisión de las implementaciones más recientes del Modelo Sport Education (SEM), desde primero de Educación Primaria hasta segundo de Bachillerato (6-18 años), incluyendo las más nuevas tendencias de investigación para estudios futuros. Se realizó una revisión sistemática desde 2013 hasta 2017, usando las principales bases de datos y los artículos originales que incluían informaciones sobre las implementaciones del SEM en cualquier grado escolar. La implementación del SEM se ha expandido enormemente en los últimos cinco años para incluir a todos los dominios del aprendizaje: físico, social, cognitivo y afectivo. Sin embargo, dicha implementación no es fácil y requiere formación específica del profesorado. El SEM parece un abordaje pedagógico adecuado para practicar deporte, al mismo tiempo que desarrolla habilidades motoras, conocimiento técnico-táctico y valores

Humanos , Educação Física e Treinamento , Modelos Educacionais , Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Springerplus ; 5(1): 1301, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27547675


Specific football drills improve the development of technical/tactical and physical variables in players. Based on this principle, in recent years it has been possible to observe in daily training a growing volume of small-sided and conditioned games. These games are smaller and modified forms of formal games that augment players' perception of specific tactics. Despite this approach, the assessment of players' knowledge and tactical execution has not been well documented, due mainly to the difficulty in measuring tactical behavior. For that reason, this study aims to provide a narrative review about the tactical assessment of football training by using representative tasks to measure the tactical expertise of youth football players during small-sided and conditioned games. This study gives an overview of the ecological approach to training and the principles used for representative task design, providing relevant contribution and direction for future research into the assessment of tactical expertise in youth football.

Educ. fis. deporte ; 34(2): 467-505, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-831030


En el presente trabajo se propone una revisión de las herramientas de evaluación que se preocupan por valorar los aspectos tácticos del juego en Fútbol. A su vez, se ha realizado la transcripción científico-cultural al español sobre la conceptualización y aplicación de los principios tácticos fundamentales del Fútbol. Esto será útil para entender una innovadora herramienta de medición en Fútbol que parte de los elementos tácticos del juego, denominada: Sistema de Evaluación Táctica en el Fútbol o FUT-SAT. Actualmente, el FUT-SAT es un instrumento de evaluación algo desconocido en el ámbito de habla española, siendo el objetivo de este trabajo darlo a conocer, y de este modo que pueda ser utilizado por profesores y entrenadores para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y el nivel de los jóvenes jugadores en Fútbol, así como aportar nuevas ideas para la evaluación táctica en otros deportes de invasión.

Este trabalho se propõe a realizar uma revisão dos instrumentos de avaliação da componente tática no futebol. Ao mesmo tempo, este artigo procedeu à tradução e adaptação transcultural para a língua Espanhola da conceptualização e aplicação dos princípios táticos fundamentais do jogo de futebol. Estes princípios fazem parte da fundamentação teórica do Sistema de Avaliação Tática no futebol (FUT-SAT), que atualmente, tem sido um instrumento amplamente utilizado no contexto mundial. Entretanto, na língua espanhola a utilização deste instrumento tem sido diminuto devido os seus documentos originais de proposição e validação estarem escritos nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa. Assim, este estudo pretende torná-lo conhecido e acessível em língua Espanhola, de forma que professoreS e treinadores possam melhorar seu processo de ensino-aprendizagem e,consequentemente, o nível dos jovens jogadores. Além do que, com base nesta ferramenta estes profissionais poderão aportar novas ideias para a avaliação tática em outros esportes de invasão.

This paper proposes an assessment tools review that worry about measuringthe tactical principles in soccer. At the same time, scientific and culturaltranscription has been done to the Spanish of the conceptualization andimplementation of fundamental tactical principles in soccer. This will beuseful to understand an innovative measurement tool in Football as partof the tactical elements of the game, called: System of Tactical Assessmentin Soccer or FUT-SAT. Currently, FUT-SAT is an evaluation tool rather unknownin the Spanish-speaking field, being the study objective to presentthis tool, and so that can be used by teachers and trainers to improve theteaching and learning process and youth players in soccer, as well as bringnew ideas for tactical evaluation in other invasion sports.

Cultura , Teoria dos Jogos , Desempenho Acadêmico , Esportes
J Hum Kinet ; 46: 251-61, 2015 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26240668


This study tested the use of two pedagogical principles of Game-based approaches, representation and exaggeration, in the context of game performance of U10 soccer players. Twenty-one players participated in two 3 vs. 3 small-sided games. The first small-sided game was modified by representation. The second small-sided game was modified by enhancing the penetration of the defense tactical problem for invasion games. Decision-making and execution were assessed using the Game Performance Evaluation Tool. No significant differences were observed between games in the number of decision-making units related to keeping possession, nor in those related to penetrating the defense. No significant differences were observed in any execution ability (ball control, passing, dribbling and get free movements). The findings suggested that both games could provide similar degeneracy processes to the players for skill acquisition (specific and contextualized task constraints in which they could develop their game performance and the capability to achieve different outcomes in varying contexts). Probably both games had similar learner-environment dynamics leading players to develop their capabilities for adapting their behaviours to the changing performance situations. More research is necessary, from the ecological dynamics point of view, to determine how we should use small-sided games in Game-based approaches.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 42(2): 251-263, may.-ago. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-637072


En este trabajo de investigación se examinan las diferencias en los distintos dominios del autoconcepto físico en función del tipo de práctica físicodeportiva y la motivación hacia ésta, incidiendo especialmente en el atractivo físico. En la investigación participaron 894 adolescentes españoles entre 12 y 17 años a los que se les administraron el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF) y el Cuestionario de Motivos de Práctica Deportiva. Los resultados permitieron comprobar cómo el autoconcepto físico fue significativamente menor, particularmente en las mujeres, en aquellas prácticas dónde es importante el factor estético o se practican con vistas a mejorar la apariencia física. Las practicantes de este tipo de actividades físicodeportivas presentaron un autoconcepto físico y general más devaluado, especialmente en la escala de atractivo físico. Además, para las mujeres, las motivaciones estéticas hacia la práctica se asociaron a peores percepciones físicas y de autoconcepto general. Todo ello hace vincular el autoconcepto físico, el tipo de práctica y los motivos hacia ella con la insatisfacción corporal en las mujeres adolescentes.

The aim of this study was to analyze differences among physical self-concept domains according to the kind of physical activity and the reasons that motivate it, giving special consideration of physical attractiveness as a self-concept domain. Two questionnaires (Physical Self-concept Questionnaire, CAF, and Motives of practicing sport Questionnaire) were administered to 894 teenagers aged 12-17. Results show physical self-concept is significantly lower, mainly in women, in those sports in which the aesthetic factor is relevant or is practiced in order to improve physical appearance. In these sports both general and physical self-concept were more devalued, especially in the attractive body scale. What is more, women participating in this study presented aesthetic motivations linked to worse physical perception and general self-concept. Subsequently, self-concept, the kind of practise and motivation are linked to teenage women body dissatisfaction.