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Phys Rev E ; 103(5-1): 052803, 2021 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34134273


We study the wetting critical behavior of the three-state (s=±1,0) Blume-Emery-Griffiths model using numerical simulations. This model provides a suitable scenario for the study of the role of vacancies on the wetting behavior of a thin magnetic film. To this aim we study a system confined between parallel walls with competitive short-range surface magnetic fields (h_{L}=-|h_{1}|). We locate relevant critical curves for different values of the biquadratic interaction and use a thermodynamic integration method to calculate the surface tension as well as the interfacial excess energy and determine the wetting transition. Furthermore, we also calculate the local position of the interface along the film and its fluctuations (capillary waves), which are a measure of the interface width. To characterize the role played by vacancies on the interfacial behavior we evaluate the excess density of vacancies, i.e., the density difference between a system with and without interface. We also show that the temperature dependence of both the local position of the interface and its width can be rationalized in term of a finite-size scaling description, and we propose and successfully test the same scaling behavior for the average position of the center of mass of the vacancies and its fluctuations. This shows that the excess of vacancies can be associated to the presence of the interface that causes the observed segregation. This segregation phenomena is also evidenced by explicitly evaluating the interfacial free energy.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(42): 425804, 2020 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32604086


We study experimentally and numerically the dynamics of the spin ice material Dy2Ti2O7 in the low temperature (T) and moderate magnetic field ( B ) regime (T ∈ [0.1, 1.7] K, B ∈ [0, 0.3] T). Our objective is to understand the main physics shaping the out-of-equilibrium magnetisation vs temperature curves in two different regimes. Very far from equilibrium, turning on the magnetic field after having cooled the system in zero field (ZFC) can increase the concentration of magnetic monopoles (localised thermal excitations present in these systems); this accelerates the dynamics. Similarly to electrolytes, this occurs through dissociation of bound monopole pairs. However, for spin ices the polarisation of the vacuum out of which the monopole pairs are created is a key factor shaping the magnetisation curves, with no analog. We observe a threshold field near 0.2 T for this fast dynamics to take place, linked to the maximum magnetic force between the attracting pairs. Surprisingly, within a regime of low temperatures and moderate fields, an extended Ohm's law can be used to describe the ZFC magnetisation curve obtained with the dipolar spin-ice model. However, in real samples the acceleration of the dynamics appears even sharper than in simulations, possibly due to the presence of avalanches. On the other hand, the effect of the field nearer equilibrium can be just the opposite to that at very low temperatures. Single crystals, as noted before for powders, abandon equilibrium at a blocking temperature T B which increases with field. Curiously, this behaviour is present in numerical simulations even within the nearest-neighbours interactions model. Simulations and experiments show that the increasing trend in T B is stronger for B ‖[100]. This suggests that the field plays a part in the dynamical arrest through monopole suppression, which is quite manifest for this field orientation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(16): 167203, 2016 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27792395


We demonstrate the appearance of thermal order by disorder in Ising pyrochlores with staggered antiferromagnetic order frustrated by an applied magnetic field. We use a mean-field cluster variational method, a low-temperature expansion, and Monte Carlo simulations to characterize the order-by-disorder transition. By direct evaluation of the density of states, we quantitatively show how a symmetry-broken state is selected by thermal excitations. We discuss the relevance of our results to experiments in 2D and 3D samples and evaluate how anomalous finite-size effects could be exploited to detect this phenomenon experimentally in two-dimensional artificial systems, or in antiferromagnetic all-in-all-out pyrochlores like Nd_{2}Hf_{2}O_{7} or Nd_{2}Zr_{2}O_{7}, for the first time.

Nat Commun ; 7: 12592, 2016 08 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27558021


Among the frustrated magnetic materials, spin-ice stands out as a particularly interesting system. Residual entropy, freezing and glassiness, Kasteleyn transitions and fractionalization of excitations in three dimensions all stem from a simple classical Hamiltonian. But is the usual spin-ice Hamiltonian a correct description of the experimental systems? Here we address this issue by measuring magnetic susceptibility in the two most studied spin-ice compounds, Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7, using a vector magnet. Using these results, and guided by a theoretical analysis of possible distortions to the pyrochlore lattice, we construct an effective Hamiltonian and explore it using Monte Carlo simulations. We show how this Hamiltonian reproduces the experimental results, including the formation of a phase of intermediate polarization, and gives important information about the possible ground state of real spin-ice systems. Our work suggests an unusual situation in which distortions might contribute to the preservation rather than relief of the effects of frustration.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(14): 147204, 2013 Oct 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24138269


We study the dipolar spin-ice model at fixed density of single excitations, ρ, using a Monte Carlo algorithm where processes of creation and annihilation of such excitations are banned. In the limit of ρ going to zero, this model coincides with the usual dipolar spin-ice model at low temperatures, with the additional advantage that a negligible number of monopoles allows for equilibration even at the lowest temperatures. Thus, the transition to the ordered fundamental state found by Melko, den Hertog, and Gingras in 2001 is reached using simple local spin flip dynamics. As the density is increased, the monopolar nature of the excitations becomes apparent: the system shows a rich ρ vs T phase diagram with "charge" ordering transitions analogous to that observed for Coulomb charges in lattices. A further layer of complexity is revealed by the existence of order both within the charges and their associated vacuum, which can only be described in terms of spins--the true microscopic degrees of freedom of the system.