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Rev Alerg Mex ; 71(1): 69, 2024 Feb 01.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38683086


OBJECTIVE: To compare the relative frequencies of immune cell populations in the peripheral blood according to A. lumbricoides infection status. METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were collected from participants infected (n = 35) and uninfected with A. lumbricoides (n=27) residing in different rural municipalities of Bolívar. Infection was diagnosed using two coprological examinations and the Kato-Katz technique. Immunophenotyping was performed using two panels of markers and staining in fresh blood. The flow cytometry reading was performed on a spectral cytometer (Northern Lights, Cytek, USA). The populations identified in the first panel (Figure 1) were T lymphocytes (CD45+ CD3+), CD4+ or CD8+, B lymphocytes (CD45+ SSClow CD3- CD19+), neutrophils (CD45+ SSChi CD3- CD16+), and eosinophils (CD45+ SSChi CD3- CD16low). Monocytes were identified in another panel (Figure 2): classical (CD14++ CD16 -), intermediate (CD14++ CD16+), and non-classical (CD14+ CD16++). Dendritic cells, including CD123 + + CD303 + (plasmacytoid), HLA-DR + + CD1c + (myeloid CD1c +), and CD14-CD141 + + (myeloid CD141 +), were also identified. The study received approval from the Ethics Committee of the University of Cartagena, and participants provided informed consent. Funding was provided by the Colombian Sistema General de Regalías under BPIN2020000100405 - BPIN2020000100364. RESULTS: No significant differences were observed in age [mean cases: 35.69 (SD: 17.7) vs. controls: 37.04 (SD: 15.6) years] or sex (cases: 62.9% vs. controls: 74.1%) (Table 1). All infections were mild, with a median of 96 eggs (IQR, 48-216). A marginally significant difference was observed only in the percentage of neutrophils (45.37% in cases vs. 54.79% in controls, p=0.041) (Figure 3). Although the frequency of eosinophils was higher in the cases (8.1% vs. 6%), this difference was not significant (p=0.138) (Figure 3). No significant differences were observed in the populations of monocytes or dendritic cells between cases and controls (Figure 4). CONCLUSION: Mild A. lumbricoides infection appears to affect the number of neutrophils in peripheral blood. The low infection intensity in the studied samples may explain the lack of a significant impact on other cellular populations.

OBJETIVO: Comparar las frecuencias relativas de poblaciones de células inmunes en sangre periférica de acuerdo con el estado de infección por A. lumbricoides. MÉTODOS: Se recolectaron muestras de sangre periférica de participantes infectados (n=35) y no infectados con A. lumbricoides (n=27), residentes en distintos municipios rurales de Bolívar. La infección se diagnosticó por dos métodos coprológicos y la técnica de Kato-Katz. El inmunofenotipo se determinó con dos baterías de marcadores y tinciones en sangre fresca. La lectura fue realizada en un citómetro espectral (Northern Lights, Cytek, USA). Las poblaciones identificadas en la primera batería (Figura 1) fueron linfocitos T (CD45+ CD3+) CD4+ o CD8+, linfocitos B (CD45+ SSClow CD3- CD19+), neutrófilos (CD45+ SSChi CD3- CD16+), y eosinófilos (CD45+ SSChi CD3- CD16low). Los monocitos se identificaron en otra batería (Figura 2): clásicos (CD14++ CD16­), intermedios (CD14++ CD16+), y no clásicos (CD14+ CD16++). También se identificaron células dendríticas, tales como: CD123++ CD303+ (plasmocitoides), HLA-DR++ CD1c+ (mieloides CD1c+), y CD14- CD141++ (mieloides CD141+). El estudio recibió la aprobación del Comité de Ética de la Universidad de Cartagena, y los participantes otorgaron su consentimiento informado. La financiación fue proporcionada por el Sistema General de Regalías de Colombia, bajo el BPIN2020000100405 - BPIN2020000100364. RESULTADOS: No se observaron diferencias significativas en edad [media = casos: 35,69 (DE: 17,7) vs controles: 37,04 (DE: 15,6 años] o sexo (casos: 62,9% vs. controles: 74,1%). Todas las infecciones fueron leves con una mediana de huevos de 96 (RIC: 48 - 216). Solo se encontró diferencia significativa marginal en el porcentaje de neutrófilos (45,37% en los casos vs 54,79% en controles, p=0,041). Si bien la frecuencia de eosinófilos fue más alta en los casos (8,1% vs. 6%), esta diferencia no alcanzó la significancia (p=0,138). No se observaron diferencias significativas en las poblaciones de monocitos o células dendríticas entre casos y controles (Figura 4). CONCLUSIÓN: La infección leve por A. lumbricoides parece afectar el número de neutrófilos en sangre periférica. Es posible que por la baja intensidad de la infección en la muestra estudiada, no se detecte un impacto importante de la misma sobre el resto de las poblaciones celulares. Palabras claves: Helmintos; Ascaris lumbricoides; Citometría de flujo; Inmunofenotipado; Neutrófilos.

Ascaríase , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ascaríase/imunologia , Ascaríase/epidemiologia , Adulto , Adolescente , Animais , Adulto Jovem , Saúde da População Rural , Criança , Ascaris lumbricoides , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Colômbia
Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533505


Introducción: Entre las enfermedades neurodegenerativas se encuentra un grupo de patologías que se caracterizan por un compromiso prominente del lenguaje, denominadas usualmente afasias primarias progresivas, las cuales se subdividen en 3 tipos: variante logopénica, variante semántica y variante no fluente o agramática. Presentación del caso: Paciente con cuadro clínico que inicia a los 65 años, con disminución en la interacción social. Un par de meses después, la esposa nota que el lenguaje del paciente se torna poco fluido, habla con palabras o frases cortas, no logra decir oraciones completas, además de presentar cambios en la entonación de las palabras y alteraciones del lenguaje escrito. El paciente manifiesta que su principal limitación en el momento es el no poder expresar lo que quiere decir, y por este motivo consulta. Discusión: En el caso de este paciente, se describe inicialmente un cambio en su personalidad que no compromete su funcionalidad, sin embargo, al poco tiempo se presenta compromiso del lenguaje como síntoma prominente y que genera mayor compromiso en su calidad de vida, con pruebas neuropsicológicas y hallazgos de neuroimagen que apoyan el diagnóstico de afasia primaria progresiva (APP) variante no fluente o agramatical, con síntomas comportamentales y motores asociados. Conclusión: Las APP son un grupo de trastornos neurocognitivos cuya característica primordial es el compromiso en el lenguaje, cada variante de APP tiene unas características clínicas y criterios diagnósticos específicos que se deben conocer para lograr sospechar el diagnóstico y hacer un abordaje apropiado en el paciente.

Introduction: In the group of neurodegenerative diseases, there is a group of pathologies that are characterized by a prominent compromise of language, normally called primary progressive aphasias, these are subdivided into 3 types: logopenic variant, semantic variant and non-fluent or agrammatic variant. Case presentation: Patient with a clinical picture that begins at age 65, with decreased social interaction, a couple of months later his wife notices that his language becomes not fluent, speaks in short words or phrases, cannot say complete sentences, in addition to changes in the intonation of words and alterations in written language, the patient states that his main limitation at the moment is not being able to express what he wants to say and for this reason they consult. Discussion: In the case of this patient, a change in his personality is initially described that does not compromise his functionality, however soon after a language involvement is presented as the main symptom and the one that generates a compromise in his quality of life, with neuropsychological tests and findings on neuroimaging that supports the diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) non-fluent or agrammatical variant, with associated behavioral and motor symptoms. Conclusion: APPs are a group of neurocognitive disorders whose primary characteristic is language impairment. Each APP variant has specific clinical characteristics and diagnostic criteria that must be known in order to suspect the diagnosis and make an appropriate approach to the patient.

Transtornos Neurocognitivos , Demência , Afasia Primária Progressiva não Fluente , Idioma
Int J Mol Sci ; 24(6)2023 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36982614


Only few allergens derived from house dust mite (HDM) species have been evaluated in terms of their potential to induce allergic inflammation. In this study, we aimed to evaluate different aspects of the allergenicity and allergenic activity of Blo t 2, a Blomia tropicalis allergen. Blo t 2 was produced as a recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. Its allergenic activity was tested in humans by skin prick test and basophil activation assays, and in mice, by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis and a model of allergic airway inflammation. Sensitization rate to Blo t 2 (54.3%) was similar to that found to Blo t 21 (57.2%) and higher than to Der p 2 (37.5%). Most Blo t 2-sensitized patients showed a low intensity response (99.5%). Blo t 2 elicited CD203c upregulation and allergen induced skin inflammation. Additionally, immunized animals produced anti-Blo t 2 IgE antibodies and passive transfer of their serum to non-immunized animals induced skin inflammation after allergen exposure. Immunized animals developed bronchial hyperreactivity and a strong inflammatory lung reaction (eosinophils and neutrophils). These results confirm the allergenic activity of Blo t 2 and supports its clinical relevance.

Alérgenos , Pyroglyphidae , Humanos , Camundongos , Animais , Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus , Imunoglobulina E , Inflamação , Antígenos de Dermatophagoides
Rev. am. med. respir ; 23(1): 7-15, mar. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1514915


Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la combinación de dosis fija montelukast/desloratadina 10mg/5mg cápsula versus la combinación de montelukast/loratadina 10 mg/10 mg tableta en adultos con diagnóstico de rinitis alérgica persistente. Material y métodos: El presente fue un estudio clínico aleatorizado, controlado, doble ciego, prospectivo, longitudinal, multicéntrico, con brazos paralelos. Sujetos con diag nóstico de rinitis alérgica persistente que cumplieran criterios de elegibilidad y firmaran consentimiento informado fueron enrolados para recibir uno de los dos tratamientos cada 24 horas vía oral durante 6 semanas. La eficacia se estableció mediante la evaluación clínica a través de escalas clínicas validadas en idioma español, siendo la variable primaria de eficacia la diferencia de puntuación del cuestionario SNOT-20 al final del tratamiento, mientras que la frecuencia y características de los eventos adversos fue considerada la variable de seguridad. Resultados: Se aleatorizaron 86 pacientes, 74 de ellos fueron analizados por protocolo. Los cuestionarios sobre síntomas de la enfermedad e indicadores de calidad de vida con ambos tratamientos mostraron que más del 90% de los pacientes no presentaron síntomas o solo fueron leves al final del estudio, por lo que ambos tratamientos me joraron significativamente (p < 0.05) la sintomatología de la enfermedad. Los eventos adversos presentados fueron leves a moderados. Conclusiones: El presente estudio demostró que la eficacia de montelukast/deslora tadina 10mg/5mg no es inferior al medicamento comparador. Por tanto, el tratamiento de prueba representa una alternativa eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de segunda línea de la rinitis alérgica persistente en pacientes que las monoterapias o primeras líneas de tratamiento no ofrecen mejoría clínicamente relevante.

Objective: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the fixed dose combination of montelukast/desloratadine 10 mg/5 mg capsule versus the combination of montelukast/loratadine 10 mg/10 mg tablet in adults diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis. Materials and methods: The present study was a multicenter, controlled, prospective, longitudinal, randomized, double-blind clinical trial with parallel arms. Patients diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis who met eligibility criteria and signed informed consent were enrolled in the study to receive one of the two treatments every 24 hours orally for 6 weeks. Efficacy was established by clinical evaluation through clinical scales vali dated in Spanish, being the primary efficacy variable the difference in the score of the SNOT-20 (Sino-Nasal Outcome Test) questionnaire at the end of treatment; and the frequency and characteristics of adverse events were considered the safety variable. Results: 86 patients were randomized, 74 of which were analyzed per protocol. Ques tionnaires about the symptoms of the disease and quality of life indicators with both treatments showed that more than 90% of patients had mild symptoms or no symptoms at all at the end of the study. So, both treatments significantly improved (p < 0.05) the symptoms of the disease. Adverse events were mild to moderate. Conclusions: The present study showed that the efficacy of montelukast/desloratadine 10 mg/5 mg is not inferior to the comparator. Therefore, the study treatment represents an effective and safe alternative for the second-line treatment of persistent allergic rhinitis in patients in whom monotherapies or first-line treatments don't offer clinically relevant improvement.

Rinite Alérgica
Horiz. meÌud. (Impresa) ; 23(1)ene. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430483


El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de las vías respiratorias que acarrea elevados costos en salud, afecta sustancialmente la calidad de vida y, dependiendo de ciertos factores de riesgo asociados, disminuye la capacidad funcional de quien lo padece. Para el 2019, el asma afectó a 262 millones de personas (4,3 % de la población mundial) y causó 461 000 muertes. Se estima que habrá 100 millones de personas adicionales con asma para el año 2025. El asma severa es un fenotipo resistente a corticoides que ocasiona mayor número de exacerbaciones, afecta sustancialmente la calidad de vida y capacidad funcional del afectado. Su manejo inicialmente se encamina a suprimir los síntomas, y este ha ido evolucionando hasta la comprensión, aún no completa, de los sistemas intrínsecos de su generación, con lo cual se han estudiado nuevas formas de incidir en su manejo, mediante la modulación de la respuesta inmune y la cascada inflamatoria, con la generación de medicamentos biológicos. A raíz del estudio e identificación de endotipos y fenotipos variados, se han diseñado este tipo de medicamentos, con distintos mecanismos de acción, que han demostrado una utilidad sólida en los últimos años. No obstante, existe evidencia de que se ha encontrado resistencia incluso a estos medicamentos, por lo que ha sido necesario seguir investigando nuevas dianas terapéuticas. El astegolimab es un novedoso anticuerpo monoclonal Ig G2 humano que bloquea la señalización de IL-33 al dirigirse a ST2, su receptor, por consiguiente, controla la respuesta inflamatoria en el asma severa. Actualmente, se encuentra en realización de ensayo clínico fase 2b, aunque experimentaciones previas han encontrado resultados positivos y significativos respecto a la inmunomodulación, función pulmonar, sintomatología y calidad de vida. En la actualidad, casi no existe literatura que haya analizado el potencial del astegolimab en el asma grave, y están disponibles prácticamente solo los ensayos que lo han evaluado y algunas revisiones que han compartido su farmacocinética y farmacodinamia. Sobre la base de lo anterior, el objetivo de esta revisión consiste en sintetizar evidencia relacionada con los resultados del uso del astegolimab en asma severa, discutiendo aspectos epidemiológicos y fisiopatológicos que resalten la necesidad del desarrollo de un fármaco seguro, eficaz y eficiente.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract which causes high health costs, substantially affects the quality of life and, depending on certain associated risk factors, reduces the functional capacity of the sufferer. By 2019, asthma affected 262 million people (4.3 % of the world's population) and caused 461,000 deaths. It is estimated that there will be an additional 100 million people with asthma by 2025. Severe asthma is a phenotype resistant to corticosteroids which causes a greater number of exacerbations and substantially affects the quality of life and functional capacity of the affected person. Its management was initially aimed at suppressing the symptoms and then evolved to understand, although not completely, the intrinsic systems of its generation. Thus, new ways of influencing its management have been studied by modulating the immune response and the inflammatory cascade with the generation of biological drugs. As a result of the study and identification of various endotypes and phenotypes, drugs with different mechanisms of action have been designed and have demonstrated to be considerably useful in recent years. However, there is evidence that resistance even to these drugs has occurred, being necessary to continue researching new therapeutic targets. Astegolimab is a novel human IgG2 monoclonal antibody that blocks IL-33 signaling by targeting ST2, its receptor, thus controlling the inflammatory response in severe asthma. A phase 2b clinical trial is currently undergoing, although previous results have found positive and significant results regarding immunomodulation, pulmonary function, symptomatology and quality of life. At present, there is almost no literature that has analyzed the potential of astegolimab in severe asthma, and practically only trials that have evaluated it and some reviews that have shared its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are available. Based on the above, the aim of this review is to synthesize evidence related to the results of the use of astegolimab in severe asthma and discuss epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects that highlight the need for the development of a safe, effective and efficient drug.

Rev. colomb. med. fis. rehabil. (En línea) ; 33(1): 26-40, 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1451163


Introducción. El desarrollo del ser humano está determinado por factores biológicos, ambientales y contextuales que determinan la adquisición de habilidades neurológicas, y que bajo situaciones patológicas aumentan el riesgo de alteraciones en el neurodesarrollo desde etapas tempranas. Objetivo. Diseñar un protocolo con validez ecológica para la detección temprana de riesgo neurológico en la primera infancia por parte de equipos interdisciplinarios de rehabilitación. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio mixto, retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo con un diseño exploratorio secuencial (DESPLOX). En la fase cualitativa se conformaron dos grupos focales: uno con padres (n=8) y otro con profesionales (n=6), de los cuales se obtuvieron las categorías del protocolo. En la fase cuantitativa se revisaron sistemáticamente artículos científicos (n=30) para la construcción de las orientaciones de acción. Finalmente, el protocolo se validó mediante un panel de expertos empleando el coeficiente de V de Aiken. Resultados. En la fase cualitativa emergieron cuatro categorías: 1) detección temprana, 2) contextos del desarrollo, 3) plan de intervención y 4) calidad y humanización en la atención. En la fase cuantitativa se seleccionaron las orientaciones de acción ubicadas en los Q2 y Q3. Posteriormente se evidenció una validación del protocolo igual a X ̅ =0,98. Conclusiones. Un protocolo de neurorrehabilitación válido ecológicamente se caracteriza por reconocer las percepciones, vivencias y experiencias de familiares y profesionales; recoger evidencia científica confiable; aportar orientaciones y recomendaciones sistémicas para la atención de niñas y niños, y contener criterios de validación de contenido.

Introduction. The human being's development is determined by biological, environmental, and contextual factors that determine the acquisition of neurological skills and that, under pathological situations, increase the risk of alterations in neurodevelopment from early stages. Objective. Design a protocol with ecological validity for the early detection of neurological risk in early childhood by interdisciplinary rehabilitation teams. Methods. A mixed, retrospective, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was performed with Exploratory Sequential Designs (DEXPLOS). In the qualitative phase, two focus groups were formed: one with parents (n=8) and another with professionals (n=6), from which the protocol categories were obtained. In the quantitative phase, scientific articles (n=30) were systematically reviewed to construct the action guidelines. Finally, the protocol was validated by a panel of experts using Aiken's V coefficient. Results. In the qualitative phase, four categories emerged: 1) early detection, 2) development contexts, 3) intervention plan, and 4) quality and humanization of care. In the quantitative phase, the action orientations located in Q2 and Q2 were selected. Subsequently, a validation of the protocol equal to X ̅=0.98 was evidenced. Conclusions. An ecologically valid neuro-rehabilitation protocol is characterized by recognizing the perceptions, expe-riences, and experiences of relatives and professionals; collecting reliable scientific evidence; providing systemic guide-lines and recommendations for the care of girls and boys, and containing content validation criteria.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Medicina Física e Reabilitação , Neurologia/métodos , Manifestações Neurológicas
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) ; 14: 1280539, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38239980


Background: A steady rise in type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Mexico over the last 30 years has led to 11.5 million Mexicans being affected by this condition. There is an urgent need to develop interventions to prevent complications of T2D. Diabetes self-management education is the cornerstone of promoting self-care. Among all educational strategies, peer support has shown to be an effective method to encourage ongoing self-management. However, customization of interventions for distinct communities is imperative, as failure to do so can hinder the intervention's effectiveness. Methods: We implemented a two-year prospective randomized controlled community-based trial in Conkal, a Mayan community from Yucatan, Mexico. The intervention consisted of receiving either a culturally sensitive peer support on top of a diabetes self-management education group (PLG); or a diabetes self-management education group only (EOG; control group). The primary outcome was changes in glycated hemoglobin, while secondary outcomes encompassed changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, and diabetes self-care practices. Data collection was performed at baseline and every four months during the study period. Discussion: Our experiences have highlighted the significance of peer-leader support in cultivating diabetes self-care skills, particularly within smaller, underserved communities characterized by strong social and cultural ties. However, when applied in larger or suburban settings, selecting peer leaders should be meticulous, considering sectorization within specific neighborhoods to foster a sense of belonging and familiarity among natural community clusters. In larger settlemnts, factors such as transportation challenges, time limitations, caregiving obligations, limited venue access, and changes in session locations can drive program discontinuation. Additionally, individuals with lower educational attainment are more susceptible to abandonment. Notably, those with lower education, uncontrolled diabetes, and extended diabetes duration exhibit a greater potential for improving glycemic control than their counterparts. Clinical registration:

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , População Norte-Americana , Humanos , Estudos Prospectivos , Apoio Social , Aconselhamento/métodos
Int Arch Allergy Immunol ; 182(10): 971-979, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34091446


INTRODUCTION: Cross-reactivity between shrimp and house dust mite (HDM) proteins has been widely documented. In tropical region, shrimp (5-15%) and mite sensitization (80-95%) is prevalent in allergic patients. However, the clinical relevance of shrimp sensitization in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) has been poorly studied. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the clinical relevance shrimp IgE sensitization in AR patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. METHODS: The study was conducted in Medellin (Colombia). A cross-sectional study in patients with AR sensitized to HDM was performed in 3 steps: (i) assessment of IgE sensitization frequency to shrimp Penaeus azteca, Litopenaeus vannamei, and tropomyosin homologous allergens rDer p 10, rPen a 1, and rLit v 1, (ii) evaluation of the clinical relevance of shrimp sensitization using oral challenge test (OCT) and (iii) identification of possible risk factors for positive-OCT results. Ethical committee approval was obtained. RESULTS: From 443 patients with AR, 86 (19.4%) were sensitized to shrimp and 23 of them (26.7%) had shrimp allergy diagnosis. Thirty-six of the patients sensitized to shrimp (41.2%) reported not previously consumed this food and eleven of them had a positive-OCT (30.5%). There was not statistically significant difference in total IgE or sIgE (D. pteronyssinus, P. azteca, L. vannamei, rPen a 1, and rLit v 1) between OCT groups (positive vs. negative results). Anti-Der p 10 IgE was associated with risk for a positive-OCT in different multivariable scenarios. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that in patients with HDM-associated AR and shrimp IgE sensitization is necessary to evaluate the clinical relevance of shrimp IgE even if the patient has never consumed shrimp because of cross-reactivity. Anti-Der p 10 could be a possible biomarker of clinical relevance to shrimp sensitization and could reduce the need for OCTs.

Antígenos de Dermatophagoides/imunologia , Proteínas de Artrópodes/imunologia , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/imunologia , Imunoglobulina E/sangue , Penaeidae/imunologia , Rinite Alérgica/imunologia , Tropomiosina/imunologia , Adulto , Alérgenos/imunologia , Animais , Reações Cruzadas , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/sangue , Humanos , Imunoglobulina E/imunologia , Testes Imunológicos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Rinite Alérgica/sangue , Método Simples-Cego , Adulto Jovem
Comput Biol Med ; 130: 104200, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33421825


The use of different cardiac imaging modalities such as MRI, CT or ultrasound enables the visualization and interpretation of altered morphological structures and function of the heart. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in AI and deep learning that take into account spatial and temporal information in medical image analysis. In particular, deep learning tools using temporal information in image processing have not yet found their way into daily clinical practice, despite its presumed high diagnostic and prognostic value. This review aims to synthesize the most relevant deep learning methods and discuss their clinical usability in dynamic cardiac imaging using for example the complete spatiotemporal image information of the heart cycle. Selected articles were categorized according to the following indicators: clinical applications, quality of datasets, preprocessing and annotation, learning methods and training strategy, and test performance. Clinical usability was evaluated based on these criteria by classifying the selected papers into (i) clinical level, (ii) robust candidate and (iii) proof of concept applications. Interestingly, not a single one of the reviewed papers was classified as a "clinical level" study. Almost 39% of the articles achieved a "robust candidate" and as many as 61% a "proof of concept" status. In summary, deep learning in spatiotemporal cardiac imaging is still strongly research-oriented and its implementation in clinical application still requires considerable efforts. Challenges that need to be addressed are the quality of datasets together with clinical verification and validation of the performance achieved by the used method.

Aprendizado Profundo , Técnicas de Imagem Cardíaca , Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética