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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39066802


INTRODUCTION: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs), which include hallucinations and delusional experiences, are usually present in healthy populations, and their persistence, quality, and severity are associated with the development of psychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia and other poor psychosocial outcomes. Urbanicity, depression, and other psychosocial stressors have been associated with PLEs. However, evidence of PLEs in Latin American (LATAM) countries is still scarce, and there are no studies about PLEs in Chile. The main aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of PLEs in a nationally representative sample according to other social determinants of health. METHODS: The last results of the Chilean National Health Survey (ENS 2016-2017) were analyzed. PLEs were obtained from the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) 3.0 and included in this survey. Other psychosocial variables (age, sex, educational level, financial stress, depressive symptoms, and urbanicity) were also included for further analysis. Exclusion criteria were (1) > = 65 and < 18 years old, and (2) previous diagnosis or treatment for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Descriptive statistics were used to describe data, and Poisson regression models were performed to weight variables and find psychosocial correlations with PLEs. RESULTS: 2095 subjects were considered for this study (women 62.9% and mean age = 42.5, SD = 13.5). The lifetime prevalence of the PLEs (> = 1 PLE) in Chile was 12.9%. Visual hallucinations were the most common PLE (9.6%), and ideas of reference were the least common (0.4%). The Poisson regression model showed a higher prevalence of PLEs in the Gran Concepción conurbation (OR = 2.56) and Gran Valparaíso conurbation (OR = 1.69) compared with non-big cities. On the other hand, the 18-24 year group had higher PLEs prevalence compared to other age groups. No correlations were found with educational status, financial stress, or depressive symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: A relatively high prevalence of PLEs was found in the Chilean general population, particularly in youth living in large urban areas (Gran Valparaíso and Gran Concepción), which is compatible with previous research. Considering that there were no correlations between low educational level and financial or depressive symptoms, it is necessary to have more studies that correlate other urban relevant variables, such as natural disasters, drug consumption, and domestic or neighborhood violence.

Environ Manage ; 73(3): 657-667, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37930372


Environmental injustice refers to the unequal burden of pollutants on groups with lower socioeconomic status. An increasing number of studies have identified associations between high levels of pollution and socioeconomic disadvantage. However, few studies have controlled adequately for spatio-temporal variations in pollution. This study uses a Bayesian approach to explore the association between socioeconomic disadvantage and pollution in Mexico City Metropolitan Area. We quantify the association of socioeconomic disadvantage with PM10 and ozone and evaluate the impact of accounting for spatio-temporal structure of the pollution data. We find a significant positive association between socio-economic disadvantage and pollution for levels of PM10, but not ozone. The inclusion of the spatio-temporal element in the modeling results in improved weaker estimates of this association but this does not alter results substantially. These findings confirm the robustness of previous studies that found signs of environmental injustice where spatio-temporal variations have not been explicitly considered, confirming that targeted policies to reduce pollution in socio-economically disadvantaged areas are required.

Poluentes Atmosféricos , Poluição do Ar , Ozônio , Teorema de Bayes , Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , México , Poluição do Ar/análise , Ozônio/análise , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Material Particulado/análise
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 29(1): 31-37, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423901


ABSTRACT Introduction: Spondyloarthritis is a group of chronic inflammatory diseases. Several factors of the disease remain unknown, including clinical and radiological behavior, the demographic characteristics and burden of disease in Colombian patients. Objective: To characterize the demographic aspects, the clinical and paraclinical behaviour, and the therapeutic requirements of a cohort of patients with spondyloarthritis followed-up in the Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2017. Methodology: Cohort study. The population was characteriszed using descriptive statistics, qualitative variables using simple and relative frequencies, and quantitative variables using means and standard deviation or medians with their interquartile ranges. Results: The cohort consisted of 181 patients, 100 men (54.9%) and 81 women (44.5%). Just under one half (45.1%) had ankylosing spondylitis, 18.1% undifferentiated spondyloarthritis, 17.1% psoriatic arthropathy, 14.8% reactive arthritis, and 4.4% inflammatory bowel disease. More than two-thirds (69.8%) of the patients had peripheral manifestations, and 67% had axial. A positive HLAB27 was observed in 55.6% of patients. The MRI showed acute and chronic changes in the sacroiliac in 69% and 37%, respectively, with radiological sacroiliitis being observed in 59.5% of cases. The large majority (91.1%) of the patients were treated with PII of original article: S0121-8123(21)00018-9 NSAIDs, 60.1% with sulfasalazine, 43.4% with COX2 inhibitors, and 33.7% with methotrexate. TNFa inhibitors were required by 56.6% of the subjects 3 years after the onset of symptoms. The most commonly used biological drugs were Adalimumab (31.1%), etanercept (21.7%), infliximab (13.1%), golimumab 6.1%, and certolizumab 0.5%. Conclusions: Ourpopulation was characterized by a high activity and functional compromise demonstrated by the high scores of BASDAI and BASFI, and because 56.6% of the patients required anti-TNFa agents.

RESUMEN Introducción: Las espondiloartritis son un grupo de enfermedades inflamatorias crónicas. Se desconoce su comportamiento en nuestro medio, al igual que el comportamiento clínico y radiológico, las características demográficas y la carga de enfermedad en los pacientes colombianos. Objetivos: Caracterizar los aspectos demográficos, el comportamiento clínico y paraclínico y los requerimientos terapéuticos de la cohorte de pacientes con espondiloartritis seguidos en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe desde el 1.° de enero del 2005 hasta el día 31 de diciembre del 2017. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte. La población se caracterizó mediante estadística descrip tiva, las variables cualitativas mediante frecuencias simples y relativas, en tanto que para las cuantitativas se emplearon medias y desviación estándar o medianas con sus rangos intercuartílicos. Resultados: La cohorte está constituida por 181 pacientes, 100 hombres (54,9%) y 81 mujeres (44,5%). El 45,1% tenía espondilitis anquilosante, el 18,1% espondiloartritis indiferenciada, el 17,1% artropatía psoriásica, el 14,8% artritis reactiva y el 4,4% enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. El 69,8% de los pacientes tenía manifestaciones periféricas y el 67% axiales. El 55,6% de los pacientes tuvo HLAB27 positivo. La RMN mostró cambios agudos y crónicos en las sacroilíacas en el 69% y 37%, respectivamente; en el 59,5% de los casos se observó sacroileítis radiológica. el 91,1% de los pacientes se trató con AINE, el 60,1% con sulfasa lazina, el 43,4% con inhibidores COX2 y el 33,7% con metotrexato. El 56,6% de los sujetos requirió inhibidores-TNFa 3 arios después del inicio de los síntomas. Los biológicos más uti lizados fueron adalimumab (31,1%), etanercept (21,7%), infliximab (13,1%), golumimab (6,1%) y certolizumab (0,5%). Conclusiones: Nuestra población se caracterizó por una alta actividad y gran compromiso funcional, lo que se refleja en altos puntajes de Basdai y Basfi y en que el 56,6% de los pacientes requirió agentes anti-TNFa.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Doenças Ósseas , Fatores Biológicos , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Espondilartrite , Antígenos
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(3): 184-190, jul.-set. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357269


RESUMEN Introducción: El uso de TNFi es cada vez más frecuente en los pacientes con espondiloartritis. Identificar tempranamente aquellos que los requerirán o poder predecir su uso puede ayudar a hacer un tratamiento más efectivo y oportuno racionalizando su uso. Objetivo: Determinar los factores qué mejor explican la indicación de TNFi en la población en estudio. Material y métodos: La asociación entre el uso de medicamentos anti-TNFα y las variables categóricas demográficas, clínicas, de laboratorio, radiológicas y de tratamiento se exploró por prueba exacta de Fisher. La asociación con las variables cuantitativas fue evaluada con t de Student o U de Mann Withney, de acuerdo con su distribución. Aquellas variables con p < 0,25 fueron ingresadas a modelos univariante de regresión logística explicativa para construir los OR crudos; aquellas con p < 0,25 se incluyeron en el modelo multivariante para construir OR ajustados. Resultados y discusión: La población está constituida por 181 pacientes. Modelo univariante: la artritis reactiva, uretritis y compromiso periférico fueron factores protectores para el uso de TNFi. Espondiloartritis axial, lumbalgia inflamatoria, dolor glúteo alternante, rigidez matinal sacroilitis demostrada por cualquier método, tratamiento con inhibidores COX-2, tiempo de evolución de tres arios o más y los puntajes de BASDAI y BASFI se asociaron con el uso de TNFi. Modelo multivariante: artritis reactiva (OR 0,1, IC 95% 0,012-0,86, p = 0,036), lumbalgia inflamatoria (OR 13,63, IC 95% 1,36-136, p = 0,026), sacroilitis (OR 7,71, IC 95% 1,04-57, p = 0,045, uso de coxib (OR 10,1, IC 95% 2,71-37,62, p = 0,001) y el puntaje máximo de BASDAI (4-6: OR 6,1, IC 95% 1,3-28,7, p = 0,022, mayor de 6: OR 15,8, IC 95% 2,2-113, p = 0,006) se asociaron independientemente con el uso de TNFi. El uso de coxib se asoció con la indicación de usar TNFi tanto en los pacientes con espondiloartritis axial (OR 4,2, IC 95% 1,74-10,11, p = 0,001) como periférica (OR 4, IC 95% 1,85-8,62, p < 0,001). Conclusiones: El inicio de la enfermedad en la forma de artritis reactiva se comportó como un factor protector para la necesidad posterior de usar TNFi, mientras que presentar lumbalgia inflamatoria, sacroilitis demostrada por cualquier método, el tratamiento con coxib y el puntaje máximo de BASDAI mayor de 4 se asociaron con el uso de estos medicamentos.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors is increasing in patients with spondyloarthritis. Early identification of those that would require them, or the ability to predict their use, could lead to a more effective and timely treatment by rationalizing their use. Objective: To determine factors that better explain the indication of TNFi in the study population. Material and methods: The association between anti-TNFα use and categorical demographic, clinical, laboratory, radiological and treatment variables was explored using Pearson's Chi2 or Fisher's exact test. The association with the quantitative variables was evaluated using Student's t test or Mann Whitney U test, depending on their distribution. Those variables with P < 0.25 were entered into univariate models of explanatory logistic regression to cons truct crude ORs, and those with P < 0.25 were included in the multivariate model to construct adjusted ORs. Results and discussion: The study population includes 181 patients. In the univariate model: reactive arthritis, urethritis, and peripheral involvement were protective factors for the use of TNFi. Axial spondyloarthritis, inflammatory lumbalgia, alternating gluteal pain, morning stiffness, sacroiliitis demonstrated by any method, treatment with COX-2 inhibitors, evolu tion time of three years or more, and BASDAI and BASFI scores were associated with the use of TNFi. Multivariate model: reactive arthritis (P = 0.036), inflammatory back pain (P = 0.026), sacroiliitis (P = 0.045), use of coxibs (P = 0.001) and the maximum score of BASDAI (P = 0.022, P = 0.006) were independently associated with the use of TNFi. The use of coxibs was associa ted with the indication of using TNFi in both patients with axial spondyloarthritis (P = 0.001) and peripheral (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The onset of the disease in the form of reactive arthritis behaved as a protective factor for the subsequent need to use TNFi, while presenting with inflammatory back pain, sacroiliitis, demonstrated by any method, treatment with coxibs, and the maximum score of BASDAI greater than 4 associated with the use of these medications.

Humanos , Adulto , Doenças Ósseas , Doenças Musculoesqueléticas , Espondilartrite
BMC Public Health ; 21(1): 29, 2021 01 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33407261


BACKGROUND: Globally, child mortality rate has remained high over the years, but the figure can be reduced through proper implementation of spatially-targeted public health policies. Due to its alarming rate in comparison to North American standards, child mortality is particularly a health concern in Mexico. Despite this fact, there remains a dearth of studies that address its spatio-temporal identification in the country. The aims of this study are i) to model the evolution of child mortality risk at the municipality level in Greater Mexico City, (ii) to identify municipalities with high, medium, and low risk over time, and (iii) using municipality trends, to ascertain potential high-risk municipalities. METHODS: In order to control for the space-time patterns of data, the study performs a Bayesian spatio-temporal analysis. This methodology permits the modelling of the geographical variation of child mortality risk across municipalities, within the studied time span. RESULTS: The analysis shows that most of the high-risk municipalities were in the east, along with a few in the north and west areas of Greater Mexico City. In some of them, it is possible to distinguish an increasing trend in child mortality risk. The outcomes highlight municipalities currently presenting a medium risk but liable to become high risk, given their trend, after the studied period. Finally, the likelihood of child mortality risk illustrates an overall decreasing tendency throughout the 7-year studied period. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of high-risk municipalities and risk trends may provide a useful input for policymakers seeking to reduce the incidence of child mortality. The results provide evidence that supports the use of geographical targeting in policy interventions.

Mortalidade da Criança , Teorema de Bayes , Criança , Cidades , Humanos , México/epidemiologia , Análise Espaço-Temporal