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Front Hum Neurosci ; 18: 1287544, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38638806


Introduction: Assistive technologies for learning are aimed at promoting academic skills, such as reading and mathematics. These technologies mainly embrace mobile and web apps addressed to children with learning difficulties. Nevertheless, most applications lack pedagogical foundation. Additionally, the task of selecting suitable technology for educational purposes becomes challenging. Hence, this protocol posits the psychophysiological assessment of an online method for learning (OML) named Smartick. This platform comprises reading and math activities for learning training. In this protocol, individual monitoring of each child is proposed to determine the progress in learning caused by Smartick. Methods and analysis: One hundred and twelve children aged between 8 and 12 who present reading or math difficulty after a rigorous psychometric evaluation will be recruited. The study comprises four sessions. In sessions 1 and 2, collective and individual psychometric evaluations will be performed, respectively. Reading and mathematical proficiency will be assessed, as well as attentional levels and intellectual quotient. Subsequently, each child will be semi-randomly assigned to either the experimental or control groups. Afterward, a first EEG will be collected for all children in session 3. Then, experimental groups will use Smartick for 3 months, in addition to their traditional learning method. In contrast, control groups will only continue with their traditional learning method. Finally, session 4 will consist of performing a second psychometric evaluation and another EEG, so that psychophysiological parameters can be encountered that indicate learning improvements due to the OML, regardless of the traditional learning method at hand. Discussion: Currently, few studies have validated learning improvement due to assistive technologies for learning. However, this proposal presents a psychophysiological evaluation addressed to children with reading or math difficulties who will be trained with an OML.

Data Brief ; 53: 110142, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38357451


The present database contains brain activity of subjective tinnitus sufferers at identifying their sound tinnitus. The main objective of this database is to provide spontaneous Electroencephalographic (EEG) activity at rest, and evoked EEG activity when tinnitus sufferers attempt to identify their sound tinnitus among 54 tinnitus sound examples. For the database, 37 volunteers were recruited: 15 ones without tinnitus (Control Group - CG), and 22 ones with tinnitus (Tinnitus Group - TG). For EEG recording, 30 channels were used to record two conditions: 1) basal condition, where the volunteer remained in a state of rest with the open eyes for two minutes; and 2) active condition, where the volunteer must have identified his/her sound stimulus by pressing a key. For the active condition, a sound-tinnitus library was generated in accordance with the most typical acoustic properties of tinnitus. The library consisted in ten pure tones (250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 3.5 kHz, 4 kHz, 6 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz), a White Noise (WN), a Narrow Band noise-High frequencies (NBH, 4 kHz-10 kHz), a Narrow Band noise-Medium frequencies (NBM,1 kHz-4 kHz), a Narrow-Band noise Low frequencies (NBL, 250 Hz-1 kHz), ten pure tones combined with WN, ten pure tones superimposed with NBH, ten tones with NBM and ten pure tones combined with NBL. In total, 54 sound-tinnitus were applied for both groups. In the case of CG, volunteers must have identified a sound at 3.5 kHz. In addition to EEG information, a csv-file with audiometric and psychoacoustic information of volunteers is provided. For TG, this information refers to: 1) hearing level, 2) type of tinnitus, 3) tinnitus frequency, 4) tinnitus perception, 5) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and 6) Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI). For CG, the information refers to: 1) hearing level, and 2) HADS.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(3): e1355, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560175


Abstract: Tinnitus detection and characterization requires a carefully elaborated diagnosis mainly owing to its heterogeneity nature. The present investigation aims to find features in Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals from time and frequency domain analysis that could distinguish between healthy and tinnitus sufferers with different levels of hearing loss. For this purpose, 24 volunteers were recruited and equally divided into four groups: 1) controls, 2) slow tinnitus, 3) middle tinnitus and 4) high tinnitus. EEG signals were registered in two states, with eyes closed and opened for 60 seconds. EEG analysis was focused on two bandwidths: delta and alpha band. For time domain, the EEG features estimated were mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, maximum peak, skewness and shape. For frequency domain, the EEG features obtained were mean, skewness, power spectral density. Normality of EEG data was evaluated by the Lilliefors test, and as a result, the nonparametric technique Kruskal-Wallis H statistic to test significance was applied. Results show that EEG features are more differentiable between tinnitus sufferers and controls in frequency domain than in time domain. EEG features from tinnitus patients with high HL are significantly different from the rest of the groups in alpha frequency band activity when shape and skewness are computed.

Resumen: La detección y caracterización del acúfeno requiere un diagnóstico cuidadosamente elaborado debido principalmente a su naturaleza heterogénea. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo encontrar características en las señales electroencefalográficas (EEG) a partir del análisis del dominio del tiempo y frecuencia que podrían distinguir entre pacientes sanos y con acúfeno con diferentes niveles de pérdida auditiva. Para ello, se reclutaron 24 voluntarios y se dividieron por igual en cuatro grupos: 1) controles, 2) acúfeno bajo, 3) acúfeno medio y 4) acufeno alto. La actividad EEG se registró en reposo en dos condiciones: ojos cerrados y abiertos durante un minuto. El análisis de EEG se centró en anchos de banda delta y alfa. Para el dominio del tiempo, las características del EEG estimadas fueron la media, la desviación estándar, la curtosis, el pico máximo, la asimetría y la forma. Para el dominio de la frecuencia, las características de EEG obtenidas fueron media, asimetría, densidad espectral de potencia. La normalidad de los datos del EEG se evaluó mediante la prueba de Lilliefors y, como resultado, se aplicó la técnica no paramétrica del estadístico H de Kruskal-Wallis para probar la significación. Los resultados muestran que las características del EEG son más diferenciables entre los pacientes con acúfeno y los controles en el dominio de la frecuencia que en el dominio del tiempo. Las características del EEG de los pacientes con acúfeno con alta pérdida de audición son significativamente diferentes del resto de los grupos en la actividad de la banda de alfa cuando se calculan la forma y la asimetría.

Sci Data ; 10(1): 659, 2023 09 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37770457


Acoustic characterizations of different locations are necessary to obtain relevant information on their behavior, particularly in the case of places that have not been fully understood or which purpose is still unknown since they are from cultures that no longer exist. Acoustic measurements were conducted in the archaeological zone of Edzna to obtain useful information to better understand the customs and practices of its past inhabitants. The information obtained from these acoustic measurements is presented in a dataset, which includes measurements taken at 32 points around the entire archaeological zone, with special attention given to the Main Plaza, the Great Acropolis, and the Little Acropolis. Two recording systems were used for this purpose: a microphone and a binaural head. As a result, a measurement database with the following characteristics was obtained: it comprises a total of 32 measurement points with 4 different sound source positions. In total, there are 297 files divided into separate folders. The sampling frequency used was 96 kHz, and the files are in mat format.

Brain Topogr ; 36(5): 671-685, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37490130


The impact of binaural beats (BBs) on human cognition and behavior remains and various methods have been used to measure their effect, including neurophysiological, psychometric, and human performance evaluations. The few approaches where the level of neural synchronicity and connectivity were measured by neuroimaging techniques have only been undertaken in spontaneous mode. The present research proposes an approach based on the oddball paradigm to study BB effect by estimating the level of attention induced by BBs. Evoked activity of 25 young adults between 19 and 24 years old with no hearing impairments nor clinical neurological history were analyzed. The experiment was conducted in two different sessions of 24.5 min. The first part consisted of 20-min BB stimulation in either theta (BBθ) or beta (BBß). After the BB stimulation, an oddball paradigm was applied in each BB condition to assess the attentional effect induced by BBs. Attention enhancement is expected for BBß with respect to BBθ. Target event related potentials (ERPs) were mainly analyzed in the time and time-frequency domains. The frequency analysis was based on continuous wavelet transform (CWT), event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP), and inter-trial phase coherence (ITPC). The study revealed that the P300 component was not significantly different between conditions (BBθ vs. BBß). However, the target grand average ERP in BBθ condition was mainly composed of 8 Hz-frequency components, appearing before 400 ms post-stimulus, and mainly on the centro-parietal regions. In contrast, the target grand average ERP in BBß condition was mainly composed of frequency components below 6 Hz, mainly appearing at 400 ms post-stimulus on the parieto-occipital regions. Furthermore, ERPs in the BBθ condition were more phase locked than the BBß condition.

Eletroencefalografia , Potenciais Evocados Auditivos , Adulto Jovem , Humanos , Adulto , Potenciais Evocados Auditivos/fisiologia , Estimulação Acústica/métodos , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Potenciais Evocados/fisiologia , Atenção
Front Neurosci ; 17: 1059096, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37081936


Introduction: So far, Auditory Event-Related Potential (AERP) features have been used to characterize neural activity of patients with tinnitus. However, these EEG patterns could be used to evaluate tinnitus evolution as well. The aim of the present study is to propose a methodology based on AERPs to evaluate the effectiveness of four acoustic therapies for tinnitus treatment. Methods: The acoustic therapies were: (1) Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), (2) Auditory Discrimination Therapy (ADT), (3) Therapy for Enriched Acoustic Environment (TEAE), and (4) Binaural Beats Therapy (BBT). In addition, relaxing music was included as a placebo for both: tinnitus sufferers and healthy individuals. To meet this aim, 103 participants were recruited, 53% were females and 47% were males. All the participants were treated for 8 weeks with one of these five sounds, which were moreover tuned in accordance with the acoustic features of their tinnitus (if applied) and hearing loss. They were electroencephalographically monitored before and after their acoustic therapy, and wherefrom AERPs were estimated. The sound effect of acoustic therapies was evaluated by examining the area under the curve of those AERPs. Two parameters were obtained: (1) amplitude and (2) topographical distribution. Results: The findings of the investigation showed that after an 8-week treatment, TRT and ADT, respectively achieved significant neurophysiological changes over somatosensory and occipital regions. On one hand, TRT increased the tinnitus perception. On the other hand, ADT redirected the tinnitus attention, what in turn diminished the tinnitus perception. Tinnitus handicapped inventory outcomes verified these neurophysiological findings, revealing that 31% of patients in each group reported that TRT increased tinnitus perception, but ADT diminished it. Discussion: Tinnitus has been identified as a multifactorial condition highly associated with hearing loss, age, sex, marital status, education, and even, employment. However, no conclusive evidence has been found yet. In this study, a significant (but low) correlation was found between tinnitus intensity and right ear hearing loss, left ear hearing loss, heart rate, area under the curve of AERPs, and acoustic therapy. This study raises the possibility to assign acoustic therapies by neurophysiological response of patient.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 16: 1022787, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36465969


Artificial voices are nowadays embedded into our daily lives with latest neural voices approaching human voice consistency (naturalness). Nevertheless, behavioral, and neuronal correlates of the perception of less naturalistic emotional prosodies are still misunderstood. In this study, we explored the acoustic tendencies that define naturalness from human to synthesized voices. Then, we created naturalness-reduced emotional utterances by acoustic editions of human voices. Finally, we used Event-Related Potentials (ERP) to assess the time dynamics of emotional integration when listening to both human and synthesized voices in a healthy adult sample. Additionally, listeners rated their perceptions for valence, arousal, discrete emotions, naturalness, and intelligibility. Synthesized voices were characterized by less lexical stress (i.e., reduced difference between stressed and unstressed syllables within words) as regards duration and median pitch modulations. Besides, spectral content was attenuated toward lower F2 and F3 frequencies and lower intensities for harmonics 1 and 4. Both psychometric and neuronal correlates were sensitive to naturalness reduction. (1) Naturalness and intelligibility ratings dropped with emotional utterances synthetization, (2) Discrete emotion recognition was impaired as naturalness declined, consistent with P200 and Late Positive Potentials (LPP) being less sensitive to emotional differentiation at lower naturalness, and (3) Relative P200 and LPP amplitudes between prosodies were modulated by synthetization. Nevertheless, (4) Valence and arousal perceptions were preserved at lower naturalness, (5) Valence (arousal) ratings correlated negatively (positively) with Higuchi's fractal dimension extracted on neuronal data under all naturalness perturbations, (6) Inter-Trial Phase Coherence (ITPC) and standard deviation measurements revealed high inter-individual heterogeneity for emotion perception that is still preserved as naturalness reduces. Notably, partial between-participant synchrony (low ITPC), along with high amplitude dispersion on ERPs at both early and late stages emphasized miscellaneous emotional responses among subjects. In this study, we highlighted for the first time both behavioral and neuronal basis of emotional perception under acoustic naturalness alterations. Partial dependencies between ecological relevance and emotion understanding outlined the modulation but not the annihilation of emotional integration by synthetization.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 21824, 2022 12 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36528640


Affective stimuli have been extensively used in emotion research for a better understanding of emotion regulation. Sound ratings, specifically non-verbal sounds, are biased by demographic indicators such as sex and nationality. Therefore, it is crucial to characterize sounds prior to their use in emotion research. This study aims to validate the IADS-2 database and additional sounds in a sample from the Mexican population. Three hundred twenty-nine participants born and raised in Mexico remotely listened to 174 sounds in monophonic format. They rated sounds according to the valence-arousal-dominance model using the Self-Assessment Manikin test. Results positively correlated to those of previous studies. Sex differences were observed only in dominance between female and male groups, contrary to the results from Portuguese, American and Japanese validations. Geographic region analysis demonstrated differences in arousal, indicating the need for additional research on occident and south regions. Furthermore, when conducting affective research, headphones and audio quality should be considered, primarily to reduce variability due to audio-related aspects, and to avoid changes in emotional experience. Finally, this study supports the feasibility of remote affective sound experiments over the internet as reported in previous research.

Percepção Auditiva , Som , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Emoções , México
Sensors (Basel) ; 22(3)2022 Jan 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35161683


Tinnitus is an auditory condition that causes humans to hear a sound anytime, anywhere. Chronic and refractory tinnitus is caused by an over synchronization of neurons. Sound has been applied as an alternative treatment to resynchronize neuronal activity. To date, various acoustic therapies have been proposed to treat tinnitus. However, the effect is not yet well understood. Therefore, the objective of this study is to establish an objective methodology using electroencephalography (EEG) signals to measure changes in attentional processes in patients with tinnitus treated with auditory discrimination therapy (ADT). To this aim, first, event-related (de-) synchronization (ERD/ERS) responses were mapped to extract the levels of synchronization related to the auditory recognition event. Second, the deep representations of the scalograms were extracted using a previously trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture (MobileNet v2). Third, the deep spectrum features corresponding to the study datasets were analyzed to investigate performance in terms of attention and memory changes. The results proved strong evidence of the feasibility of ADT to treat tinnitus, which is possibly due to attentional redirection.

Zumbido , Estimulação Acústica , Atenção , Percepção Auditiva , Eletroencefalografia , Humanos , Zumbido/terapia
Front Psychol ; 12: 764068, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34867666


Binaural beats (BB) consist of two slightly distinct auditory frequencies (one in each ear), which are differentiated with clinical electroencephalographic (EEG) bandwidths, namely, delta, theta, alpha, beta, or gamma. This auditory stimulation has been widely used to module brain rhythms and thus inducing the mental condition associated with the EEG bandwidth in use. The aim of this research was to investigate whether personalized BB (specifically those within theta and beta EEG bands) improve brain entrainment. Personalized BB consisted of pure tones with a carrier tone of 500 Hz in the left ear together with an adjustable frequency in the right ear that was defined for theta BB (since f c for theta EEG band was 4.60 Hz ± 0.70 SD) and beta BB (since f c for beta EEG band was 18.42 Hz ± 2.82 SD). The adjustable frequencies were estimated for each participant in accordance with their heart rate by applying the Brain-Body Coupling Theorem postulated by Klimesch. To achieve this aim, 20 healthy volunteers were stimulated with their personalized theta and beta BB for 20 min and their EEG signals were collected with 22 channels. EEG analysis was based on the comparison of power spectral density among three mental conditions: (1) theta BB stimulation, (2) beta BB stimulation, and (3) resting state. Results showed larger absolute power differences for both BB stimulation sessions than resting state on bilateral temporal and parietal regions. This power change seems to be related to auditory perception and sound location. However, no significant differences were found between theta and beta BB sessions when it was expected to achieve different brain entrainments, since theta and beta BB induce relaxation and readiness, respectively. In addition, relative power analysis (theta BB/resting state) revealed alpha band desynchronization in the parieto-occipital region when volunteers listened to theta BB, suggesting that participants felt uncomfortable. In conclusion, neural resynchronization was met with both personalized theta and beta BB, but no different mental conditions seemed to be achieved.