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Plant Dis ; 2024 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38985509


Hazelnut is among the most important nut crops in Chile, currently covering 46,000 ha. In 2023, the country exported 30,000-ton. In recent years the incidence of plants with internal discoloration, cankers and dieback has been increasing. In some cases, the trees died and had to be removed and, after a year, purple resupinate fruiting bodies were observed growing from the stumps. To determine the etiology of the symptoms and signs, wood samples (n=318) were collected since 2020, from 38 symptomatic orchards from Maule to La Araucanía Regions, primarily from the cvs. Tonda di Giffoni and Lewis. Wood sections 0.5 cm diameter were cut from the symptomatic tissues, disinfected using a sodium hypochlorite (10%) solution, and plated on a quarter-strength acidified potato dextrose agar (aPDA1/4). The plates were incubated and purified on PDA. Subsequently, isolates were identified by morphological and molecular means. Almost half of the isolates (47%) were preliminarily identified as basidiomycetes, based on mycelial features such as the presence of clamp connections, with 45% of them exhibiting abundant whitish cottony fast-growth mycelia, resembling Chondrostereum purpureum (Grinbergs et al., 2020). DNA was extracted and the 500-bp fragment, located between 5S and 18S ribosomal regions, was amplified using APN1 specific primers (Becker et al. 1999), identifying the isolates as C. purpureum. In addition, 5.8S gene of RGM1 (35°13'40.9"S 71°25'14.1"W), RGM2 (36°31'27.95"S 71°46'58.31"W), RGM3 (37°10'54.8"S 72°03'39.6"W), RGM4 (35°19'25.2"S 71°19'54.7"W) and RGM5 (36°35'30.8"S 72°05'18.8"W) isolates, representing different locations within the hazelnut growing area, was amplified using ITS1/ITS4 primers (White et al., 1990). The PCR product was sequenced, and the analysis showed 100% homology among isolates (Genebank codes: PP839283, PP839284, PP839285, PP839286 and PP839287, respectively). To determine the pathogenicity of the isolates, 30-cm healthy cuttings cv. Lewis were inoculated with mycelial plugs, while control shoots were inoculated with sterile agar plugs. Cuttings were vertically arranged in pots with 3-cm water and incubated for 60-d at 22°C. In addition, fresh cuts of 3-y potted plants cv. Lewis were inoculated with mycelial plugs and incubated for 137-d in a shadehouse. After incubation, bark was removed from inoculated cuttings and the length of necrotic lesions was measured. Although discoloration was reproduced by all the isolates in both pathogenicity tests, RGM1 isolate was the most aggressive, causing the complete discoloration of the cuttings and the death of the inoculated plants. To our knowledge this is the first report of C. purpureum causing wood disease in hazelnut. These findings are significant because the disease may not only reduce orchard longevity but also decrease fruit yield and quality, as observed in other fruit crops (Grinbergs et al., 2021).

Plant Dis ; 2023 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37261879


Peach (Prunus persica) is an important stone fruit crop in Chile, with 7,665 h in 2022. Trunk diseases symptoms, including shoot dieback, longitudinal cankers and internal dark-brown to purple discolorations in cross sections were observed in a commercial orchard, in March of 2021. In severe cases, mostly in old trees, periderm sections were detached from the cankers, showing circinate groups of black long necked perithecia. To isolate the causal agent, wood samples were collected from March 2021 to October 2022, from symptomatic trees (n=23) of commercial orchards (n=12) (34°12'36.47"S 70°46'3.43"O to 34°34'26.48"S 70°58'17.97"O), located in O'Higgins Region, in the center of Chile. Isolations were performed cutting wood sections (0.5 cm) from the necrosis progress area, disinfecting them in sodium hypochlorite (10%), plating on a quarter-strength potato dextrose agar amended with 1 mg/L tetracycline (aPDA-tet) and incubating at 25°C, until mycelial development. Cultures were purified on PDA and identified by morphological means. Colonies on PDA were dark-pink and purple to orange-red, with regular margins, usually white, and produced abundant hyaline ellipsoidal to allantoid conidia (3.8-5.7 × 1.3 µm). In some cases, perithecia developed on disinfected wood on culture media, showing clavate unitunicate asci with hyaline allantoid ascospores 4.5-6.2 × 0.7 µm. The morphological characteristics of anamorph and teleomorph structures of field and culture isolates accorded to those described for Calosphaeria pulchella (1,2). DNA from representative isolates was extracted and the ITS region was amplified by PCR using ITS1/ITS4 primers (3), sequenced and BLAST analyzed. BLAST results revealed that ITS sequences identity of the representative isolates HMDu263 and HMDu271, shared 99 and 100% similarity, respectively, when compared to isolate CBS115999 (EU367451) (1,2,4). Sequences were accessioned to GenBank (OP216663 and OP216664 [ITS]). To determine the pathogenicity of C. pulchella, 17 representative isolates were inoculated on peach canes (25 cm) (n=7 per isolate), that were previously rooted on tap water amended with 500 ppm of indole-butyric acid, for 30 d. Mycelial plugs (0.5 cm) from actively growing colonies on PDA were placed on circular injuries made in the upper third of the shoots using a sterile corkborer and covered with plastic film. Sterile agar was used for controls. After 60 d of incubation in aerated tap water, at 23 +/-3 °C, bark was removed, and the necrosis length was measured and compared. Mean length values of lesions went from 9.5 to 27 cm. The most virulent isolates (n=7) were inoculated on fresh cuts of main shoots of nursery plants (n=3 per isolate) cv. Royal Glory, with 200 µL conidial suspensions (1x105 conidia/mL), on March 18th, 2022. Plants were incubated at shadehouse for 102 d and after the incubation period, shoots were cut (30 cm), bark was removed, and discoloration length was measured. All the isolates were pathogenic, with differences among their virulence (ANOVA, LSD, P < 0.05) from 5.2 cm (HMDu246) to 24.3 cm (HMDu266). Fungus was successfully reisolated from symptomatic canes (100%) and trees (98.7%), but not from the controls in both pathogenicity tests, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Calosphaeria pulchella was recently reported causing trunk disease in sweet cherry in Chile (4) and these results contribute to the knowledge of trunk diseases of fruit crops in Chile and to the understanding of the pathogen worldwide.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(12)2021 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34961248


Silverleaf is an important fungal trunk disease of fruit crops, such as Japanese plum (Prunus salicina). It is known that infection by Chondrostereum purpureum results in discolored wood, "silvered" foliage, and tree decline. However, effects on fruit yield and quality have not been assessed. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine C. purpureum pathogenicity on P. salicina and the effects on physiology, fruit yield, and quality, in Chile, in 2019 and 2020. Wood samples from affected plum trees were collected in the Chilean plum productive area. Fungi were isolated by plating wood sections from the necrosis margin on culture media. Morphological and molecular characteristics of the isolates corresponded to C. purpureum (98%). Representative isolates were inoculated from healthy plum plants and after 65-d incubation, wood necrotic lesions and silver leaves were visible. Fungi were reisolated, fulfilling Koch's postulates. To determine Silverleaf effects, xylem water potential and fruit yield and quality were measured in healthy and Silverleaf-diseased plum trees 'Angeleno'. Water potential was altered in diseased trees, and fruit yield was reduced by 51% (2019) and by 41% (2020) compared to fruit from healthy trees. Moreover, cover-colour, equatorial-diameter, and weight were reduced, and fruit were softer, failing to meet the criteria to be properly commercialized and exported to demanding markets.