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Gen Comp Endocrinol ; 329: 114109, 2022 12 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36007549


Hormone laboratories located "on-site" where field studies are being conducted have a number of advantages. On-site laboratories allow hormone analyses to proceed in near-real-time, minimize logistics of sample permits/shipping, contribute to in-country capacity-building, and (our focus here) facilitate cross-site collaboration through shared methods and a shared laboratory. Here we provide proof-of-concept that an on-site hormone laboratory (the Taboga Field Laboratory, located in the Taboga Forest Reserve, Costa Rica) can successfully run endocrine analyses in a remote location. Using fecal samples from wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus imitator) from three Costa Rican forests, we validate the extraction and analysis of four steroid hormones (glucocorticoids, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone) across six assays (DetectX® and ISWE, all from Arbor Assays). Additionally, as the first collaboration across three long-term, wild capuchin field sites (Lomas Barbudal, Santa Rosa, Taboga) involving local Costa Rican collaborators, this laboratory can serve as a future hub for collaborative exchange.

Cebus capucinus , Animais , Laboratórios , Cebus , Fezes , Testosterona , Costa Rica
Primates ; 62(6): 1037-1043, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34626294


On 5 February 2021, we observed the first instance of female-committed infanticide followed by cannibalism in a long-studied (> 35 years) population of wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus imitator) in the Santa Rosa Sector of the Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The events leading up to and including the infanticide and cannibalism were observed and documented ad libitum, with segments digitally recorded, and a post-mortem necropsy performed. Here we detail our observations and evaluate the events within the framework of leading adaptive explanations. The infanticide may have been proximately motivated by resource competition or group instability. The circumstances of the observed infanticide provided support for the resource competition, adoption avoidance, and social status hypotheses of infanticide, but not for the exploitation hypothesis, as neither the perpetrator nor her kin consumed the deceased infant. The subsequent cannibalism was performed by juveniles who observed the infanticide and may have been stimulated by social facilitation and their prior experience of meat consumption as omnivores. To our knowledge, cannibalism has been documented only once before in C. imitator, in an adjacent study group, with the two cases sharing key similarities in the context of occurrence and manner of consumption. These observations add to our growing knowledge of the evolutionary significance of infanticide and its importance as a reproductive strategy in nonhuman primates.

Canibalismo , Cebus capucinus , Animais , Costa Rica , Feminino , Infanticídio , Reprodução