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Molecules ; 29(5)2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38474634


The inclusion of protein in the regular human diet is important for the prevention of several chronic diseases. In the search for novel alternative protein sources, plant-based proteins are widely explored from a sustainable and ecological point of view. Duckweed (Lemna minor), also known as water lentil, is an aquatic plant with potential applications for human consumption due to its protein content and carbohydrate contents. Among all the conventional and novel protein extraction methods, the utilization of ultrasound has attracted the attention of scientists because of its effects on improving protein extraction and its functionalities. In this work, a Box-Behnken experimental design was proposed to optimize the alkaline extraction of protein from duckweed. In addition, an exploration of the effects of ultrasound on the morphological, structural, and functional properties of the extracted protein was also addressed. The optimal extraction parameters were a pH of 11.5 and an ultrasound amplitude and processing time of 60% and 20 min, respectively. These process conditions doubled the protein content extracted in comparison to the value from the initial duckweed sample. Furthermore, the application of ultrasound during the extraction of protein generated changes in the FTIR spectra, color, and structure of the duckweed protein, which resulted in improvements in its solubility, emulsifying properties, and foaming capacity.

Araceae , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Humanos , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Água/metabolismo
Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 37(2): 69-71, Feb. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558390


Resumen: El uso de equipo de protección personal, en especial protección ocular, limita la visión al momento de llevar a cabo procedimientos quirúrgicos en área COVID. Estas limitaciones nos obligan a hacer modificaciones en procedimientos habituales, en esta ocasión se realizó una modificación a la incisión habitual del procedimiento de traqueostomía abierta. Se hizo una modificación descrita en bibliografías previas en la orientación de la incisión, cambiando la orientación habitual de la incisión horizontal a una incisión vertical, conservando el resto de la técnica y disección de planos habituales así como colocación de cánula. La modificación de la técnica tiene como objetivo disminuir el riesgo de complicaciones ocasionadas por la poca visión por parte del equipo de protección personal. Dentro de estas complicaciones se incluyen disminuir el riesgo de lesión a grandes vasos que por anatomía se encuentran en sitio anatómico a procedimiento, mejorar las condiciones de visión al ser un único plano de disección muscular y aponeurótico, disminuir sangrado transoperatorio al incidir en línea media, con ello reducir el riesgo de complicaciones y mejorar las condiciones de visión del operador.

Abstract: The use of personal protective equipment, especially eye protection, limits vision when performing surgical procedures in the COVID area, these limitations force us to make modifications to usual procedures, on this occasion a modification is made to the usual incision of the procedure open tracheostomy. A modification described in previous bibliographies was made, modifying the orientation of the incision, changing the usual orientation of the horizontal incision to a vertical incision, preserving the rest of the technique and dissection of the usual planes as well as placement of the cannula. The modification of the technique aims to reduce the risk of complications caused by poor vision due to personal protective equipment, within these complications to reduce the risk of injury to large vessels that by anatomy are in the anatomical site of the procedure, improve the vision conditions as it is a single muscle and aponeurotic dissection plane, reduce transoperative bleeding by incising in the midline, thereby reducing the risk of complications, improving the operator's vision conditions and reducing the risk of infection of personal health.

Resumo: O uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, principalmente proteção ocular, limita a visão ao realizar procedimentos cirúrgicos na área COVID. Essas limitações nos obrigam a fazer modificações nos procedimentos usuais, nesta ocasião foi feita uma modificação na incisão usual do procedimento de traqueostomia aberta. Realizou-se uma modificação descrita em bibliografias anteriores modificando a orientação da incisão, mudando a orientação usual da incisão horizontal para uma incisão vertical, mantendo o resto da técnica e dissecção dos planos habituais, bem como a colocação da cânula. A modificação da técnica visa diminuir o risco de complicações causadas pela má visão por equipamentos de proteção individual, dentro dessas complicações diminuir o risco de lesão de grandes vasos que pela anatomia estão no local anatômico do procedimento, melhorar as condições de visão ao ser um único plano de dissecção muscular e aponeurótica, reduzindo o sangramento intraoperatório por incisão na linha média, diminuindo assim o risco de complicações, melhorando as condições de visão do operador.

Investig. andin. (En línea) ; 25(46): 51-61, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566741


Este estudio evalúa cómo los estudiantes incorporan el ChatGPT, una herramienta de inteligencia artificial, en sus hábitos de estudio, destacando la importancia de no verla como un sustituto absoluto en la obtención de resultados académicos precisos y convirtiéndonos en constantes validadores de la misma. Se centra en el análisis de las experiencias vividas por los estudiantes en el entorno académico de de una institución de educación superior durante el primer semestre de 2023. Se utilizó una encuesta estructurada para abordar dimensiones como la frecuencia de uso, la percepción de utilidad, la influencia en las dinámicas educativas y el nivel de satisfacción. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio proporcionan una visión aproximada de cómo el ChatGPT impacta la calidad de la educación en este contexto específico, muestran que el 31,7% nunca ha utilizado ChatGPT para actividades académicas, mientras que el 68,3% lo ha utilizado, revelando cómo complementan su desarrollo académico. A pesar del desconocimiento inicial, la capacitación en el uso de ChatGPT generó una acogida positiva para optimizar los tiempos de estudio.

This study evaluates how students incorporate ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool, into their study habits, highlighting the importance of not viewing it as an absolute substitute in obtaining accurate academic results and becoming constant validators of it. It focuses on the analysis of the experiences lived by students in the academic environment of a higher education institution during the first semester of 2023. A structured survey was used to address dimensions such as frequency of use, perceived usefulness, influence on educational dynamics and level of satisfaction. The results obtained in this study provide an approximate view of how ChatGPT impacts the quality of education in this specific context, showing that 31.7% have never used ChatGPT for academic activities, while 68.3% have used it, revealing how it complements their academic development. Despite the initial lack of knowledge, training in the use of ChatGPT generated a positive reception to optimize study times.

Este estudo avalia a forma como os estudantes incorporam o ChatGPT, uma ferramenta de inteligência artificial, nos seus hábitos de estudo, destacando a importância de não o verem como um substituto absoluto na obtenção de resultados académicos precisos e de se tornarem constantes validadores do mesmo. Centra-se na análise das experiências dos estudantes no ambiente académico de uma instituição de ensino superior durante o primeiro semestre de 2023. Foi utilizado um inquérito estruturado para abordar dimensões como a frequência de utilização, a utilidade percebida, a influência na dinâmica educativa e o nível de satisfação. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo fornecem uma visão aproximada de como o ChatGPT impacta a qualidade da educação neste contexto específico, mostrando que 31,7% nunca utilizaram o ChatGPT para atividades académicas, enquanto 68,3% já o utilizaram, revelando como este complementa o seu desenvolvimento académico. Apesar da falta de conhecimento inicial, a formação na utilização do ChatGPT gerou uma receção positiva para otimizar os tempos de estudo.

PeerJ ; 10: e13154, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35402099


The niche comprises the set of abiotic and biotic environmental conditions in which a species can live. Consequently, those species that present broader niches are expected to be more tolerant to changes in climatic variations than those species that present reduced niches. In this study, we estimate the amplitude of the climatic niche of fourteen species of rattlesnakes of the genus Crotalus to evaluate whether those species that present broader niches are less susceptible to the loss of climatically suitable zones due to the projected climate change for the time period 2021-2040. Our results suggest that for the species under study, the breadth of the niche is not a factor that determines their vulnerability to climatic variations. However, 71.4% of the species will experience increasingly inadequate habitat conditions, mainly due to the increase in temperature and the contribution that this variable has in the creation of climatically suitable zones for most of these species.

Mudança Climática , Crotalus , Animais , Ecossistema , América do Norte , Temperatura
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(1)abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448848


La investigación se refiere a un estudio de la rentabilidad de la acción del viraje del estilo libre en nadadoras escolares. El objetivo para la investigación se centró en evaluar las características temporales durante la acción del viraje en nadadoras de la categoría 13 y 14 años de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus. Para la recogida de la información, se utilizaron los métodos del nivel empírico: la observación científica, así como la de medición. Se utilizaron dos cámaras de videos, ubicadas en serie, y una cámara subacuática marca Sony. Para el análisis temporal, se requirió del software Kinovea, ver 0.9.3. Se aplicó el test de 15 m. para comprobar la rentabilidad del viraje. Se pudo comprobar una pobre efectividad de este elemento técnico en el estilo libre en las nadadoras evaluadas, lo que mostró, de forma generalizada, deficiencias durante la fase de impulso y se comprobó la formación de ángulos muy abiertos de las piernas que favoreció un déficit en la utilización de la potencia de las piernas durante el empuje de la pared, aspecto este que ayudó a disminuir el deslizamiento y comenzar a realizar los movimientos de salida a la superficie de forma prematura, aumentó el tiempo de forma general en la ejecución del viraje, concluyendo que para las categorías escolares es oportuno obtener ángulos entre las articulaciones de tobillos, rodillas y cadera en el rango de los 90° y 110° al momento de iniciar el impulso de la pared.

A pesquisa diz respeito a um estudo sobre a rentabilidade da ação de viragem em estilo livre em nadadores escolares. O objectivo da investigação foi centrado na avaliação das características temporárias durante a ação de viragem em nadadores de 13 e 14 anos de idade na província de Sancti Spíritus. Para a recolha de informação, foram empregues métodos empíricos: observação científica e medição. Foram instaladas duas câmaras de vídeo, colocadas em série, e uma câmara subaquática Sony. Para a análise temporal, foi utilizado o software Kinovea, ver 0.9.3. O teste de 15 m foi executado para verificar a relação custo-benefício da curva. Foi possível constatar uma baixa eficácia deste elemento técnico no estilo livre dos nadadores avaliados, que mostraram, em geral, deficiências durante a fase de impulso e a formação de ângulos de pernas muito abertos que favoreceram um défice na utilização da força das pernas durante o impulso para a parede, Este aspecto permitiu reduzir o deslizamento e começar a realizar os movimentos de saída para a superfície antecipadamente, aumentou o tempo total na execução da curva, concluindo-se que para as categorias escolares é adequado obter ângulos entre o calcanhar, o joelho e as articulações da anca na gama de 90° e 110° no momento de iniciar o impulso da parede.

The research refers to a study of the profitability of the freestyle turning action in school swimmers. The objective of the research was focused on evaluating the temporal characteristics during the action of the turn in swimmers of the 13 and 14 years old category in the province of Sancti Spíritus. For the collection of information, the empirical level methods used were: scientific observation, as well as measurement. Two video cameras, placed in series, and a Sony underwater camera were used. For the temporal analysis, the Kinovea software, ver 0.9.3, was used. The 15 m test was applied to check the profitability of the turn. It was possible to verify a poor effectiveness of this technical element in the freestyle in the swimmers evaluated, which showed, in a generalized way, deficiencies during the impulse phase and the formation of very open angles of the legs that favored a deficit in the use of the power of the legs during the wall push, This aspect helped to decrease the sliding and to begin to perform the exit movements to the surface prematurely, increased the time in general in the execution of the turn, concluding that for the school categories it is appropriate to obtain angles between the ankle, knee and hip joints in the range of 90° and 110° at the moment of initiating the wall push.

Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 13(1): 40-45, 15/03/2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293254


INTRODUCCIÓN: En la actualidad el ictus es considerado una de las principales causas de discapacidad en el mundo. Globalmente 5 millones de personas adquieren discapacidad permanente cada año por esta causa; hasta el 30% de los pacientes afectados padecen algún tipo de discapacidad. El manejo temprano del paciente puede disminuir las secuelas derivadas de las lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer si existen diferencias en las discapacidades derivadas de ictus entre las ciudades de Madrid (España) y Cuenca (Ecuador), en relación a una atención temprana programada. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: El presente, es un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, multicéntrico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 40 pacientes diagnosticados de ACV, 20 pertenecientes al Grupo Cuencano, de Ecuador (GC) y 20 al Grupo Matritense, de España (GM). Los datos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas. Se compararon ambos grupos mediante la prueba Chi-cuadrado (X2) de Pearson para cada variable estudiada. RESULTADOS: En el GM el 80% de los ACV fueron de origen isquémico, en el GC fueron el 90%, sin asociación significativa. En los dos grupos el mayor porcentaje de secuelas se dieron por afectación del territorio de la arteria cerebral media (ACM). No se evidenció diferencia significativa en el porcentaje de discapacidades derivadas de ictus entre los grupos, el grupo matritense de España presentó una menor tasa de discapacidades derivadas que fue del 45%, frente al grupo cuencano de Ecuador que tuvo un 76% de capacidades derivadas, pero la diferencia no fue significativa (p=0.069); sin embargo la asociación entre el porcentaje de exitus entre los grupos si tuvo asociación estadísticamente significativa (p=0.003). CONCLUSIÓN: No se encontró asociación significativa en cuanto a etiología, factores de riesgos y características clínicas del Ictus entre los grupos. No hay diferencias significativas en las secuelas derivadas de ictus entre los grupos, pero si hay diferencias significativas en relación al porcentaje de exitus con la aplicación de un programa tipo "Código Ictus".

BACKGROUND: Currently, stroke is one of the main causes of disability in the world. Globally 5 million people acquire permanent disability each year for this cause; up to 30% of affected patients suffer from some type of disability. Early management of the patient can reduce the sequelae derived from the injury. The aim of this study is to find out if there are differences in disabilities derived from strokes, between the cities of Madrid (Spain) and Cuenca (Ecuador), in association with programmed early patient care. METHODS: This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study. The sample consisted of 40 patients diagnosed with stroke, 20 from Cuenca, Ecuador, and 20 from Madrid, Spain. Data was obtained from the patient's medical records. Both groups were compared using Pearson's Chi-square test (Χ2) for each studied variable. RESULTS: in the Madrid Group 80% of the strokes were ischemic, in the Cuenca Group 90% of the strokes were ischemic, there is not significant association. In both groups the highest percentage of sequelae occurred due to injury of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). There was no significant difference in the percentage of disabilities derived from stroke between the groups, the Madrid Group had a lower rate of derived disabilities (45%), compared to Cuenca Group (76%), but the differences was not significant (p=0.069); however, the association between the death percentage among the groups was statistically significant (p=0.003). CONCLUSION: No significant association was found in terms of etiology, risk factors and clinical characteristics of stroke between the groups. There are no significant differences in the sequelae derived from stroke between the groups, but there is significant difference in terms of death percentage between the groups, with the application of "Código Ictus" type of program.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Causalidade , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Assistência ao Paciente , Ferimentos e Lesões , Prontuários Médicos
J Psychoactive Drugs ; 53(2): 146-148, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33225874


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic neuropsychiatric condition, characterized by obsessions and compulsions, which is usually disabling for the suffering individual. The first-line treatment is not effective in all patients. There is evidence showing the effectiveness of psilocybin and psilocybin-containing mushrooms in the treatment of OCD symptoms. We present the case of a male adult with OCD who showed a clinically meaningful reduction of his OCD symptomatology after the consumption of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Future research will determine if psilocybin and other psychoactive compounds of psilocybin-containing mushrooms are effective and safe for the treatment of OCD.

Agaricales , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo/tratamento farmacológico , Psilocibina/efeitos adversos
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 10(1): 53-53, mar. 2018. Imagenes
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-998225


INTRODUCCIÓN: La diastematomielia es una malformación raquimedular, un desdoblamiento sagital de la médula espinal, frecuentemente por debajo de la quinta vértebra dorsal; siendo una presentación rara de disrafismo espinal (menos del 3 %), más frecuente en el sexo femenino (3:1), se presenta entre los 10 y 76 años de edad. Puede ser asintomática y un descubrimiento incidental. Su diagnóstico es básicamente radiológico. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de sexo masculino de 20 años de edad, con cuadro de lumbalgia crónica, habiendo sido tratado por diferentes especialistas y tratamientos. Se solicitó estudios de imagen con la finalidad de esclarecer el diagnóstico; en la exploración física reportó zona de hipertricosis localizada a nivel lumbosacro y escoliosis dorsolumbar leve. EVOLUCIÓN: Los estudios radiológicos, tomográficos y de resonancia magnética evidenciaron la fusión de los cuerpos vertebrales L2 - L3 (espolón óseo), asociando anomalías de fusión de los elementos posteriores con división del canal raquídeo, y en médula espinal dos hemimédulas. Al momento el paciente se encuentra en controles periódicos por el servicio de traumatología con tratamiento clínico. CONCLUSIONES: No es sencillo el diagnóstico, frecuentemente se realiza en etapas tardías, cuando las alteraciones neurológicas son explícitas. Es preciso permanecer alerta ante alteraciones cutáneas de la línea media; dado que puede ser indicadora de diastematomielia o de cualquier disrafismo oculto.

BACKGROUND: Diastematomyelia is a spinal cord malformation consisting of a sagittal split spinal cord, often below the fifth thoracic vertebra and being a rare presentation of occult spinal dysraphism (less than 3 %), and it is more common in females (3:1), in the age of 10 and 76 years old. It can be asymptomatic and be discovered incidentally. It is basically radiological diagnosis. CASE REPORT: A 20 - years old, male patient presents chronic and unwilling back pain treatment, which has been treated by different specialists and treatments. If was requested image exams in order to clarify the diagnosis. Physical examination zone localized hypertrichosis and lumbosacral thoracolumbar scoliosis reported. EVOLUTION: The computed tomography and magnetic resonance showed the fusion of the L2 - L3 (bone spurs) associated with abnormalities fusion of the posterior elements with division of the spinal canal into two compartments, vertebral bodies and spinal cord in two hemicords. At present, the patient is under periodic controls by the traumatology service with clinical treatment. CONCLUSIONS: It is not easy diagnosis diastematomyelia often is performed in later stages, when neurological disorders are already flowered. Because of this, must remain alert to any skin disorder midline, it can be indicative of diastematomyelia or any of the hidden dysraphisms.

Humanos , Masculino , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Defeitos do Tubo Neural , Malformações do Sistema Nervoso
PLoS One ; 12(9): e0185086, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28953907


Invasive alien species are one of most severe threats to biodiversity and natural resources. These biological invasions have been studied from the niche conservatism and niche shifts perspective. Niche differentiation may result from changes in fundamental niche or realized niche or both; in biological invasions, niche differences between native and non-native ranges can appear through niche expansion, niche unfilling and niche stability. The American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus is an invasive species that can have negative impacts on native amphibian populations. This research examines the climate niche shifts of this frog, its potential range of expansion in Mexico and the risk of invasion by bullfrog in the habitats of 82 frog species endemic to Mexico, that based on their climatic niche similarity were divided in four ecological groups. The results indicate that species in two ecological groups were the most vulnerable to invasion by bullfrog. However, the climate niche shifts of L. catesbeianus may allow it to adapt to new environmental conditions, so species from the two remaining groups cannot be dismissed as not vulnerable. This information is valuable for decision making in prioritizing areas for conservation of Mexican endemic frogs.

Ecossistema , Espécies Introduzidas , Ranidae , Animais , Clima , Modelos Estatísticos , Risco