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Rev. argent. cardiol ; 88(1): 34-40, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250931


RESUMEN • Introducción: El tratamiento del infarto con supradesnivel del ST (IAMCEST) es tiempo-dependiente, por lo que los centros con angioplastia primaria (ATCp) deben estar organizados para asegurar una rápida reperfusión. Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto de un sistema de evaluación sistemática de los tiempos de reperfusión y feedback de resultados en la reducción de las demoras. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo, realizado en 46 centros con ATCp 24/7 de la Iniciativa Stent-Save a Life! Argentina. Se incluyeron pacientes con IAMCEST sometidos a ATCp antes de las 12 h desde el inicio de los síntomas, asistidos entre marzo de 2016 y febrero de 2019. La población se dividió en tres etapas consecutivas de 1 año cada una desde la inclusión de cada centro. Resultados: Se incluyeron 3492 pacientes consecutivos (primer año: 1482; segundo año: 1166; tercer año: 844). Se observó una reducción significativa del tiempo puerta-balón (TPB) (68, 60 y 50 min; p < 0,0001) a lo largo de los años considerados, independientemente de dónde haya sido el primer contacto médico (PCM) y del tiempo desde el primer contacto médico (PCM) al balón (115, 112 y 98 min; p < 0,0001), sin diferencias en el tiempo desde el inicio de los síntomas al PCM ni en el tiempo total de isquemia (TTI). Asimismo, en aquellos pacientes que tuvieron su PCM en centros sin hemodinamia y fueron derivados para la realización de ATCp, se observó una disminución del TTI (274, 260 y 235 min; p < 0,001). Conclusiones: La implementación de un programa puerta-balón (PPB) en centros con ATCp permitió reducir los tiempos al tratamiento.

ABSTRACT • Background: Treatment of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is time-dependent; therefore centers with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) capability should be organized to achieve rapid reperfusion. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of a systematic evaluation of reperfusion times with periodic feed-back of results in reducing delays to treatment. Methods: This was an observational, prospective study conducted in 46 centers with 24/7 pPCI capability participating in the Stent-Save a Life! Argentina Initiative. Patients with STEMI who underwent pPCI within 12 hours from the onset of symptoms were included from March 2016 to February 2019. The population was divided into three consecutive stages lasting one year each since the inclusion of each center in the Stent-Save a Life! Initiative. Results: A total of 3,492 patients were included (1st year: 1,482, 2nd year: 1,166, 3rd year: 844). There was a significant reduction in door-to-balloon (DTB) time (68, 60 and 50 min; p <0.0001), regardless of the type of first medical contact (FMC), and of the time from FMC to reperfusion (115, 112 and 98 min; p<0.0001), without differences in time from the onset of symptoms to FMC or total ischemic time (TIT). In addition, patients with FMC in centers without PCI capability who were referred for pPCI also evidenced a significant reduction of TIT (274, 260 and 235 min; p<0.001). Conclusion: The implementation of a DTB program in centers with pPCI capability resulted in a significant reduction of treatment times.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 87(3): 210-216, mayo 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057344


RESUMEN 31. Introducción: La iniciativa Stent-Save a Life! (SSL) es un programa europeo que busca mejorar el acceso de pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del ST (IAMCEST) a un tratamiento de reperfusión basado en las recomendaciones de las guías clínicas, reduciendo así su morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Describir los resultados de los primeros tres años de la iniciativa SSL Argentina Material y métodos: Se realizó inicialmente un mapeo para analizar la situación local y luego se desarrolló el Programa Puerta-Balón (PPB) como un proceso de mejora continua para centros con capacidad de realizar angioplastia primaria (ATCp). Resultados: Desde marzo de 2016 hasta marzo de 2018 se trataron 3041 pacientes con IAMCEST en 38 centros participantes del citado programa. El 20% (n = 610) de esos pacientes tuvo su primer contacto médico (PCM) con el servicio de emergencias médicas. Excluyendo los 184 pacientes sin lesiones coronarias (6% del total), el 93% fue reperfundido, principalmente con ATCp (95%). El tiempo global de isquemia fue de 117 minutos, variando según el momento del PCM. La mortalidad global intrahospitalaria fue del 7%. Conclusiones: La falta de una "cultura de reperfusión" fue la barrera en común de centros públicos y privados que motivó el desarrollo del PPB. La identificación de los puntos críticos que impiden un tratamiento a tiempo, junto con la organización de los centros puertas adentro, representan el primer paso para mejorar la atención de estos pacientes. Es necesario el trabajo integrado de todos los actores involucrados a partir de la organización de redes de atención, adaptadas a la realidad local de cada centro y región.

ABSTRACT 39. Introduction: The Stent-Save a Life! (SSL) initiative is a European program that seeks to improve the access of patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI) to reperfusion therapies based on clinical guideline recommendations, thus reducing morbidity and mortality. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the results of the first three years of the SSL Argentina initiative. Methods: Initially, a mapping was carried out to analyze the local situation and then the Door-to- Balloon Program (DBP) was developed as a continuous improvement process for centers with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) capability. Results: From March 2016 to March 2018, 3,041 patients with STEMI were treated in 38 centers participating in this program. In 20% of cases (n=610) patients had their first medical contact with the emergency medical services. After excluding 184 patients (6%) without coronary lesions, reperfusion therapy was performed in 93% of cases, mainly by pPCI (95%). Total ischemic time was 117 minutes, with differences according to the time of first medical contact. Overall in-hospital mortality was 7%. Conclusions: The lack of a "reperfusion culture" was the common barrier of public and private centers that motivated the development of the DBP. The identification of critical points that prevent treatment on time, together with enhancement of in-hospital organization, represent the first step to improve the care of these patients. The integrated work of all the involved parties is necessary to develop care networks adapted to the local reality of each center and region.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 75(1): 44-47, feb. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-134106


La presencia de hipertensión pulmonar (HP) en el embarazo es poco frecuente y conlleva un alto riesgo para madres e hijos. Existe escasa bibliografía relacionada al diagnóstico de la misma luego del parto. Se describen tres pacientes a quienes se diagnostica HP luego de cursar sus embarazos y partos libres de eventos. A pesar de desconocerse las causas, son varios los mecanismos propuestos, como la hipercoagulabilidad, la hipoxia placentaria o la embolia de líquido amniótico. Resulta difícil definir si la HP diagnosticada en el puerperio, corresponde a una HP en período asintomático que fue desenmascarada por el estrés fisiológico del parto o es una condición de reciente comienzo. A pesar de la falta de datos que avalen la ausencia de HP previa al embarazo en nuestras tres casos, el curso libre de eventos en sus embarazos, sin síntomas y con partos normales, indican que no padecían esta enfermedad hasta el momento del parto, y que la desarrollaron posteriormente. De haberla padecido antes se hubieran presentado síntomas previos al parto o en el puerperio inmediato, ya que las demandas hemodinámicas deterioran gravemente a un ventrículo con poca reserva.(AU)

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in pregnancy is a rare disorder that carries a high risk to mother and child, and as such, it is considered a contraindication to becoming pregnant. However, there are few published reports related to the diagnosis of this condition after delivery. We describe three PH cases diagnosed after their normal pregnancies and deliveries. Although the causes are unknown, several mechanisms such as hypercoagulation, placental hypoxia or amniotic fluid embolism have been considered as possible causes. It is difficult to define whether a PH diagnosed in the postpartum period, relates to an earlier asymptomatic PH period that was triggered by the physiological stress of labor or if it is a recently acquired condition. Despite the lack of data to support the absence of PH previous to pregnancy in our three patients, lack of events during this period, asymptomatic and normal deliveries, lead us to believe that they did not suffer this disease prior to pregnancy; considering that high hemodynamic demands impair a ventricle with little reserve, and its subsequent appearance at time of delivery.(AU)

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 75(1): 44-47, Feb. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-750511


La presencia de hipertensión pulmonar (HP) en el embarazo es poco frecuente y conlleva un alto riesgo para madres e hijos. Existe escasa bibliografía relacionada al diagnóstico de la misma luego del parto. Se describen tres pacientes a quienes se diagnostica HP luego de cursar sus embarazos y partos libres de eventos. A pesar de desconocerse las causas, son varios los mecanismos propuestos, como la hipercoagulabilidad, la hipoxia placentaria o la embolia de líquido amniótico. Resulta difícil definir si la HP diagnosticada en el puerperio, corresponde a una HP en período asintomático que fue desenmascarada por el estrés fisiológico del parto o es una condición de reciente comienzo. A pesar de la falta de datos que avalen la ausencia de HP previa al embarazo en nuestras tres casos, el curso libre de eventos en sus embarazos, sin síntomas y con partos normales, indican que no padecían esta enfermedad hasta el momento del parto, y que la desarrollaron posteriormente. De haberla padecido antes se hubieran presentado síntomas previos al parto o en el puerperio inmediato, ya que las demandas hemodinámicas deterioran gravemente a un ventrículo con poca reserva.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in pregnancy is a rare disorder that carries a high risk to mother and child, and as such, it is considered a contraindication to becoming pregnant. However, there are few published reports related to the diagnosis of this condition after delivery. We describe three PH cases diagnosed after their normal pregnancies and deliveries. Although the causes are unknown, several mechanisms such as hypercoagulation, placental hypoxia or amniotic fluid embolism have been considered as possible causes. It is difficult to define whether a PH diagnosed in the postpartum period, relates to an earlier asymptomatic PH period that was triggered by the physiological stress of labor or if it is a recently acquired condition. Despite the lack of data to support the absence of PH previous to pregnancy in our three patients, lack of events during this period, asymptomatic and normal deliveries, lead us to believe that they did not suffer this disease prior to pregnancy; considering that high hemodynamic demands impair a ventricle with little reserve, and its subsequent appearance at time of delivery.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Doenças Raras/diagnóstico , Período Pós-Parto
Rev. argent. cardiol ; 81(2): 177-179, abr. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-130732


La fractura del stent es una complicación que se ha comunicado luego del implante de stents liberadores de sirolimus con una frecuencia que oscila entre el 1,9% y el 16% según las series y que se asocia con una tasa mayor de reestenosis y de eventos cardíacos a largo plazo. En esta presentación se describe el caso de un paciente en el que, casi 6 años después del implante de dos stents liberadores de sirolimus telescopados, a través de tomografia computarizada multidetector y angiografía invasiva se evidenció la fractura de los stents telescopados, asociada con oclusión del stent.(AU)

The reported incidence of stent fracture after sirolimuseluting stent implantation ranges from 1.9 to 16% according to different series. It has been associated with increased rate of restenosis and long-term cardiac events. We describe the case of a patient with a telescoped stent fracture associated with stent occlusion, after 6 years of telescoped sirolimus-eluting stent implantation. It was detected using multislice computed tomography and invasive angiography.(AU)

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 81(2): 177-179, abr. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694855


La fractura del stent es una complicación que se ha comunicado luego del implante de stents liberadores de sirolimus con una frecuencia que oscila entre el 1,9% y el 16% según las series y que se asocia con una tasa mayor de reestenosis y de eventos cardíacos a largo plazo. En esta presentación se describe el caso de un paciente en el que, casi 6 años después del implante de dos stents liberadores de sirolimus telescopados, a través de tomografia computarizada multidetector y angiografía invasiva se evidenció la fractura de los stents telescopados, asociada con oclusión del stent.

The reported incidence of stent fracture after sirolimuseluting stent implantation ranges from 1.9 to 16% according to different series. It has been associated with increased rate of restenosis and long-term cardiac events. We describe the case of a patient with a telescoped stent fracture associated with stent occlusion, after 6 years of telescoped sirolimus-eluting stent implantation. It was detected using multislice computed tomography and invasive angiography.

Rev. bras. cardiol. invasiva ; 17(4): 470-475, out.-dez. 2009. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-543379


A magnitude da resolução do supradesnivelamento do segmento ST é um marcador de reperfusão miocárdica em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio. A resolução incompleta do supradesnivelamento do segmento ST foi identificada como preditor de resultados desfavoráveis em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio após terapia de reperfusão. Este estudo teve como objetivos descrever a frequência de resolução incompleta do supradesnivelamento do segmento ST em um registro contemporâneo de pacientes submetidos a angioplastia primária e fazer uma comparação de seus resultados hospitalares com pacientes que apresentaram resolução completa do supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Método: Entre julho de 2008 e fevereiro de 2009, foram incluídos 183 pacientes consecutivos com infarto agudo do miocárdio (< 24 horas) de oito centros na Argentina em um registro prospectivo de infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST foi definida como redução < ou igual 70 por cento do supradesnivelamento do segmento ST no eletrocardiograma...

Humanos , Angioplastia Coronária com Balão , Infarto do Miocárdio/diagnóstico , Reperfusão , Terapia Trombolítica , Aspirina , Eletrocardiografia/métodos , Eletrocardiografia
EuroIntervention ; 5(3): 355-62, 2009 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19736161


AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate the angiographic and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) findings of the Endeavor zotarolimus-eluting stent (ZES) in patients from a "real-world" clinical practice. METHODS AND RESULTS: From January to March 2006, 100 patients undergoing routine or emergency percutaneous intervention were prospectively enrolled at one institution. Overall, 39% of the patients were diabetics and 80.8% of lesions were type B2/C. A total of 140 lesions were successfully treated with 174 ZES, and procedural success was 98%. Mean vessel diameter was 2.69 mm and mean lesion length was 16.0 mm; at 6-month angiographic follow-up (completed in 96%), in-stent late lumen loss was 0.66 mm, and in-segment restenosis was 8.2%. Angiographic restenosis was increased among diabetics (15.5 vs. 2.6%, p=0.009), and diabetes was the only significant predictor of angiographic restenosis (OR=15.27 [95%CI 2.45-95.04], p=0.003). By IVUS (performed in 88% at 6-month), % volume obstruction was 14.4+/-13.4%, and there was no late acquired incomplete stent apposition (ISA). At 1-year, overall MACE rate was 6%, including 5 TLRs (4% of patients), with no occurrence of stent thrombosis. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective "real-world" experience, the ZES demonstrated favourable angiographic and IVUS results in complex patients, with overall in-stent late lumen loss of 0.66 mm, and absence of late acquired ISA. At 1-year, there were no safety concerns including absence of death and stent thrombosis.

Angioplastia Coronária com Balão/instrumentação , Fármacos Cardiovasculares/administração & dosagem , Angiografia Coronária , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/terapia , Reestenose Coronária/diagnóstico , Stents Farmacológicos , Sirolimo/análogos & derivados , Ultrassonografia de Intervenção , Idoso , Angioplastia Coronária com Balão/efeitos adversos , Angioplastia Coronária com Balão/mortalidade , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/diagnóstico , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/mortalidade , Reestenose Coronária/etiologia , Reestenose Coronária/mortalidade , Reestenose Coronária/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Humanos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Desenho de Prótese , Sistema de Registros , Medição de Risco , Fatores de Risco , Sirolimo/administração & dosagem , Trombose/etiologia , Trombose/prevenção & controle , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
J Interv Cardiol ; 22(4): 329-35, 2009 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19515083


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the major cardiac events at 1-year follow-up of multivessel versus culprit-vessel stenting in patients presenting with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) and multivessel disease (MVD). INTRODUCTION: Percutaneous coronary intervention is a standard revascularization strategy for patients with NSTE-ACS. However, when these patients have MVD it is not clear whether multivessel (MVR) is superior to culprit-vessel revascularization (CVR). METHODS: We screened 1,100 consecutive patients with NSTE-ACS from an institutional database. Comparisons of 1-year outcomes between multivessel and culprit-vessel revascularized patients were made. The primary outcome was the composite (MACE) of death, myocardial infarction (MI), or any revascularization. Secondary end-points were the components of the composite end-point. Regression analysis was performed to detect predictors of MACE. RESULTS: A total of 609 patients were considered for this analysis: 204 (33.5%) and 405 (66.5%) had MVR and CVR treatment, respectively. The strategy adopted was based on a clinical decision. The incidence of MACE was lower in MVR (9.45% vs. 16.34%, P = 0.02) with lower revascularization rate (7.46% vs. 13.86%, P = 0.04) than in CVR. There was no difference in death (1.99% vs. 1.98%, P = 0.8) nor death/MI (2.49% vs. 3.22%, P = 0.8) between MVR and CVR, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed CVR as the only independent predictor of improved MACE (OR 0.66, CI95% 1.12-3.47, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Multivessel stenting in patients with NSTE-ACS and multivessel disease using a clinical decision of treatment is associated with lower rate of MACE driven by lower repeat revascularization, compared with culprit-vessel stenting, without difference in rates of death or MI.

Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/terapia , Angioplastia Coronária com Balão , Stents , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/mortalidade , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/patologia , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/patologia , Doença da Artéria Coronariana/terapia , Feminino , Humanos , Incidência , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise Multivariada , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Tempo
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging ; 25(4): 345-51, 2009 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19184633


Despite the undeniable contribution of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) to assess drug-eluting stent (DES) effectiveness, the way these image modalities correlate to each other and to target-lesion revascularization (TLR) after PCI, is yet to be established. Thus we sought to evaluate whether there is an acceptable correlation between QCA and IVUS after DES implantation. We analyzed 204 pts treated with DES: Zotarolimus- (126), Sirolimus- (57), and Biolimus (31) with baseline and follow-up QCA and IVUS. The correlation between QCA lumen loss (LL) and intimal hyperplasia (IH) volume obstruction by IVUS was assessed by multiple regression analysis. Two QCA parameters (in-segment diameter stenosis and in-segment LL) and one IVUS variable (in-stent volume of IH) were evaluated as quantitative surrogates of 6 month TLR. The receiver operating characteristic method with c-statistics was used to assess the ability of each surrogate endpoint to predict TLR. QCA LL correlated positively with IVUS IH volume of obstruction (r = 0.69; CI95% 0.61-0.75: P < 0.0001), independent of DES type. The 2 QCA parameters were superior to the IVUS parameter as surrogates for TLR. Of note, QCA LL (c = 0.99) correlated best with TLR, even better than percent DS. In the DES era there is a good correlation between QCA measured LL and IVUS IH volume and therefore can be used as a surrogate of DES efficacy.

Reestenose Coronária/prevenção & controle , Stents Farmacológicos , Imunossupressores/administração & dosagem , Angiografia Coronária , Reestenose Coronária/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Curva ROC , Análise de Regressão , Sirolimo/administração & dosagem , Sirolimo/análogos & derivados , Ultrassonografia de Intervenção