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Front Pharmacol ; 10: 1429, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31849674


Brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), a heterogeneous family of pentameric acetylcholine-gated cation channels, have been suggested as molecular targets for the treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence. Here, we examined the effect of the competitive nAChR antagonist UFR2709 on the alcohol consumption of high-alcohol-drinking UChB rats. UChB rats were given free access to ethanol for 24-h periods in a two-bottle free choice paradigm and their ethanol and water intake were measured. The animals were i.p. injected daily for 17 days with a 10, 5, 2.5, or 1 mg/kg dose of UFR2709. Potential confounding motor effects of UFR2709 were assessed by examining the locomotor activity of animals administered the highest dose of UR2709 tested (10 mg/kg i.p.). UFR2709 reduced ethanol consumption and ethanol preference and increased water consumption in a dose-dependent manner. The most effective dose of UFR2709 was 2.5 mg/kg, which induced a 56% reduction in alcohol consumption. Administration of UFR2709 did not affect the weight or locomotor activity of the rats, suggesting that its effects on alcohol consumption and preference were mediated by specific nAChRs.

Rev. chil. ter. ocup ; 17(1): 49-57, jun. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-908267


La investigación “El régimen de Jornada Escolar Completa y la Participación en el Juego: Una política pública en deuda con los niños y niñas” muestra el impacto de la Jornada Escolar Completa en la Participación en el Juego de escolares de segundo año básico pertenecientes a establecimientos de educación municipal de la ciudad de Temuco. Se entiende Participación en el Juego como “participar en el juego; mantener un balance entre el juego y las demás ocupaciones; y obtener, utilizar y mantener los juguetes, equipos y su ministros apropiadamente”. La metodología utilizada para este estudio es de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo - comparativo, noexperimental y de corte transversal. La muestra se selecciona mediante un muestreo no probabilístico intencionado, participando del estudio un total de 68 estudiantes pertenecientes a la Escuela Los Trigales y a la Escuela Campos Deportivos, establecimientos que cuentan con Media Jornada Escolar y Jornada Escolar Completa respectivamente. Los hallazgos de la investigación dan cuenta de un déficit de juego de 8,6 horas semanales, proyectándose un déficit de 344 horas anuales en los niños y niñas que asisten a Jornada Escolar Completa, en relación a los escolares que asisten a Media Jornada Escolar; y de diferencias significativas en el balance entre el juego y las demás ocupaciones entre los escolares de ambos establecimientos, dejando en evidencia cómo esta política pública que configura el ambiente institucional educativo en el que se desenvuelven diariamente los escolares, determina sus horarios, ocupaciones disponibles y la distribución de las actividades en su rutina.

There search, “Full School Day regimen and Play Participation: A Public Policy in debt with children” shows the impact of Full School Day in Play Participation of schoolchildren of second grade who belong to municipal educational establishments of Temuco city; understanding Play Participation as “participating in the game, maintaining a balance of play with other occupations, and obtain, use and maintain toys, equipment and supplies appropriately”. The used methodology for this study is quantitative, descriptive - comparative, non - experimental and cross - sectional. The sample is selected by means of an intentional non - probabilistic sampling, participating in the study a total of 68 students who attend to Los Trigales and Campos Deportivos School, establishments that has Half School Day and Full School Day respectively. The research findings shown a play deficit of 8.6 hours per week, projecting a 344 hours deficit per year for children who attends to Full School Day, in relation to schoolchildren who attend to Half School Day; and significant differences in the balance between play and other occupations, between school children of both establishments, revealing how this public policy that configures the educational institutional environment in which school children develop daily, determines their schedules, available occupations and the distribution of activities in their routine.

Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Criança , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Jogos Recreativos , Política Pública , Chile , Estudos Transversais , Psicologia Educacional