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J Endod ; 48(9): 1146-1151, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35697303


INTRODUCTION: To evaluate the impact of root canal preparation in teeth with ultraconservative access cavities (UltraAC) on the development of dentinal microcracks using a nondestructive longitudinal micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging experimental model. Root canal preparation in teeth with traditional access cavities (TradAC) was used as control. METHODS: Forty mandibular molars were scanned in a micro-CT device, anatomically matched, and distributed into 4 groups according to the type of access cavity and instrumentation system: traditional/Reciproc (TradAC/RC), traditional/XP-endo Shaper (TradAC/XP), ultraconservative/Reciproc (UltraAC/RC), and ultraconservative/XP-endo Shaper (UltraAC/XP). After root canal preparation, the teeth were rescanned. After reconstruction and co-registration procedures, the images were screened from the furcation level to the apex to identify the presence of dentinal microcracks. RESULTS: From a total of 15,340 cross-section images, 19.65% (3014 slices) had some dentinal microcracks. The qualitative analysis demonstrated the presence of some dentinal microcracks in 11%, 33%, 19%, and 15% of the images of cross-sections in TradAC/RC, TradAC/XP, UltraAC/RC, and UltraAC/XP groups, respectively. All dentinal microcracks observed after root canal preparation were already present in the corresponding images before canal instrumentation. Therefore, no new microcracks were detected, regardless of the access cavity and root canal instrumentation system. CONCLUSIONS: Root canal preparation with Reciproc or XP-endo Shaper under traditional or ultraconservative access cavities did not create dentinal microcracks in extracted mandibular molars.

Cavidade Pulpar , Dente Molar , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos , Dente Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Molar/cirurgia , Microtomografia por Raio-X
Braz Oral Res ; 35: e123, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34878078


Accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD) in root canal irregularities may negatively impact adequate root canal disinfection. In light of this, the efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) to reduce AHTD has been largely studied in in vitro studies, which have adopted different analytic methods of varying accuracy to determine the extent of AHTD more correctly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare how well PUI and non-activated irrigation (NAI) systems perform in reducing AHTD during final irrigation protocols, based exclusively on studies whose analyses used microCT scanning. A systematic search of the studies published up to April 2020 was performed using MeSH terms and free terms, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, BVS (Lilacs and BBO) and Embase. The inclusion criteria consisted of laboratory studies that evaluated the amount of AHTD, and compared PUI with NAI protocols using microCT analysis. The risk of bias in the selected studies was assessed critically by two reviewers. A meta-analysis was performed using the RevMan software program (P<0.05), and included studies providing the standardized mean difference (SMD), using a fixed effect model, and adopting a confidence interval of 95%. In all, 3495 studies were identified, three of which met the inclusion criteria. All three were considered as having a low risk of bias. The meta-analysis comparing the ability of PUI and NAI protocols to remove hard tissue debris showed a higher percentage of AHTD reduction (P<0.01) for PUI, with a confidence interval of 1.41 [0.79, 2.02]. The heterogeneity among the studies was 82% (I2). Considering the limitations of the present study, this systematic review and meta-analysis showed that PUI was more effective than NAI in removing hard tissue debris, based exclusively on studies that used microCT scanning to provide a more precise analysis of the two techniques used. The findings presented in the present study reinforce the concept that PUI can increase residue removal and improve the cleanliness of the root canal in endodontic treatments.

Cavidade Pulpar , Preparo de Canal Radicular , Irrigantes do Canal Radicular , Irrigação Terapêutica , Ultrassom
Dent. press endod ; 11(3): 52-57, Sept-Dec.2021. Tab, Ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379356


Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência do pré-alargamento coronário na resistência à fadiga cíclica de dois instrumentos reciprocantes tratados termicamente. Métodos: 20 instrumentos Reciproc Blue (R25 Blue) e 20 instrumentos X1 Blue (X1) foram utilizados para instrumentar blocos de resina simulando um molar superior com três canais radiculares. Os dentes foram divididos em quatro grupos (n=10), de acordo com o instrumento e com a técnica de instrumentação utilizada: grupos R25 e X1 - instrumentação com R25 Blue (25/0.08) ou X1 Blue (25/0.06), respectivamente, sem alargamento prévio; e grupos R25 ou X1 + pré-alargamento cervical - pré-alargamento com os instrumentos ProTaper Universal SX e S1 antes da instrumentação com R25 Blue ou X1. Os instrumentos foram testados com relação à fadiga cíclica utilizando-se um canal simulado de aço inoxidável com ângulo de curvatura de 86 graus e raio de curvatura de 6 mm. Os instrumentos foram acionados utilizando-se o movimento "RECIPROC ALL" do motor endodôntico (VDW) e o tempo de instrumentação até a fratura do instrumento foi contabilizado. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste t de Student (p<0,05). Resultados: Os instrumentos X1 apresentaram maior resistência à fadiga cíclica do que R25 Blue em ambas as condições testadas (p<0,05). Não houve diferença entre os grupos com e sem pré-alargamento coronário para os instrumentos R25 Blue e X1 (p>0,05). Conclusão: O instrumento X1 Blue apresentou maior resistência à fadiga cíclica do que o Reciproc Blue. O pré-alargamento coronário não foi capaz de aumentar a resistência à fratura por fadiga cíclica dos instrumentos testados (AU).

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cervical pre-flaring on the cyclic fatigue resistance of two heat-treated reciprocating instruments. Methods: 20 Reciproc Blue (R25 Blue) instruments e 20 X1 Blue File (X1) were used to instrument resin blocks simulating an upper molar with 3 root canals. The specimens were divided into four groups (n=10) according the instrument and type of instrumentation used: R25 and X1 groups: root canal preparation with R25 Blue (25/0.08) ou X1 Blue (25/0.06), without cervical pre-flaring; R25 or X1 + cervical pre-flaring- pre-flaring with ProTaper Universal SX e S1 before instrumentation with R25 Blue or X1 blue. After instrumentation the instruments were tested for cyclic fatigue using a simulated stainless steel root canal with 86 degree bending angle and 6 mm bending radius. The instruments were triggered using the "RECIPROC ALL" motion of a reciprocating endodontic motor (VDW) and the instrumentation time until instrument fracture was accounted. Results were analyzed by Students t-test (p<0.05). Results: Statistical analysis showed that the X1 Blue showed higher resistance to cyclic fatigue than the R25 Blue under both conditions tested (p<0.05). There were no differences between the groups with and without coronary pre-flaring for the R25 Blue and X1 Blue (p<0.05). Conclusion: X1 Blue showed higher resistance to cyclic fatigue than the R25 Blue. The cervical pre-flaring did not increased the resistance to cyclic fatigue fracture of the tested instruments (AU)

Aço Inoxidável , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Resistência à Flexão , Temperatura Alta , Exercício de Simulação , Fadiga
Dent. press endod ; 11(1): 16-28, Jan-Apr2021. Ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348158


Introdução: Os acessos endodônticos minimamente invasivos (AEMI) surgiram com o intuito de, por meio da preservação de estrutura dentária, manter a resistência à fratura de dentes tratados endodonticamente. A partir do primeiro estudo, em 2010, vários trabalhos foram desenvolvidos buscando entender qual a influência dos AEMI na resistência à fratura de dentes tratados endodonticamente. No entanto, interferências coronárias causadas pelos AEMI poderiam prejudicar a realização dos procedimentos subsequentes à cavidade de acesso, como a localização, instrumentação, limpeza, descontaminação e obturação dos canais radiculares. Objetivo: Com base nessa premissa, a presente revisão teve como objetivo responder algumas perguntas para que o clínico entenda quais são as principais modalidades de AEMI, os impactos da sua abordagem no tratamento endodôntico e o verdadeiro papel do tratamento endodôntico na perda dos elementos dentários. Resultados: Considerando os dados disponíveis até o presente momento, faltam evidências robustas para apoiar a alegação de que os AEMIs preservem a resistência à fratura dos elementos tratados endodonticamente melhor do que nos dentes acessados de maneira tradicional. Além disso, cavidades de acesso minimamente invasivas podem interferir em outras etapas do tratamento endodôntico, podendo torná-lo imprevisível. Conclusão: Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que há uma falta de evidências que apoiem a utilização de cavidades de acesso minimamente invasivas na prática clínica de rotina e/ou no processo de formação de alunos de graduação e pós-graduação (AU).

Introduction: Minimally invasive access cavities emerged aiming to maintain the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth through the preservation of dental structure. Starting with the first study in 2010, several others were developed to evaluate the influence of minimally invasive access cavities in the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth. However, the coronal interference caused by those access cavities could impair the subsequent procedures of root canal treatment, such as the location, instrumentation, cleaning, disinfection and filling of the root canals. Objective: Based on this premise, the aim of the present review was to answer some questions so that the clinician knows the main modalities of minimally invasive access cavities, the impacts of this approach and the real role of endodontic treatment in the tooth loss. Results: Considering the available data, there is a lack of robust evidence in literature to support the claim that the minimally invasive access cavities preserve the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth better than the traditional one. In addition, these access cavities can interfere in other stages of endodontic treatment, making it unpredictable. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that there is a lack of evidence to support the use of minimally invasive access cavities in routine clinical practice and/or in the process of training undergraduate and graduate students (AU).

Humanos , Obturação do Canal Radicular , Terapêutica/métodos , Cavidade Pulpar , Endodontistas , Estudantes , Descontaminação
RFO UPF ; 26(1): 93-99, 20210327. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1428592


Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico em que a tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) foi utilizada para auxiliar no diagnóstico e no melhor gerenciamento de retratamento endodôntico. Relato de caso: uma paciente compareceu à clínica com queixa de uma fístula na região dos molares superiores do lado direito há aproximadamente dois meses. Radiograficamente, observou-se lesão periapical do elemento 17. Após a confirmação da necessidade do retratamento, a paciente relatou já ter feito duas intervenções endodônticas nesse elemento. Assim, optou-se por solicitar um exame de TCFC, para melhores diagnóstico e planejamento do caso. Ao avaliar a TCFC, verificou-se presença de lesão periapical extensa, presença de espaços vazios no canal mesiovestibular (MV) e palatino (P), cone de guta percha além do ápice no canal distovestibular (DV) e localização do canal mesiopalatino (MP), que não havia sido manuseado anteriormente, rompimento de cortical óssea vestibular e palatino. Após planejamento, a paciente foi submetida ao retratamento endodôntico. Foi realizada a desobstrução dos canais radiculares com remoção do cone ultrapassando no canal DV, localização do MP e instrumentação completa de todos os canais. O hidróxido de cálcio foi utilizado como medicamento intracanal entre as consultas. Ao observar a regressão da fistula e os canais sem presença de exsudato, realizou-se a obturação do canal radicular. Considerações finais: a TCFC permitiu a visualização de erros operatórios pertinentes ao caso durante os tratamentos endodônticos prévios, o que possibilitou a indicação de um novo tratamento endodôntico e a manutenção do dente na arcada dentária.(AU)

Objective: to describe a clinical case where cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was used to assist in the diagnosis and better management of endodontic retreatment. Case report: the patient attended the clinic complaining of a fistula in the upper molar region on the right side for approximately two months. Radiographically, the presence of a periapical lesion of element 17 was observed. After confirming the need for retreatment, the patient reported having already undergone two endodontic interventions on this tooth. Thus, it was decided to request a CBCT exam for better diagnosis and case planning. When assessing the CBCT, there was the presence of extensive periapical lesion, presence of empty spaces in the mesiobuccal (MB) and palatal (P) canal, gutta percha cone beyond the apex in the distobuccal (DB) canal and location of the mesiopalatal (MP) canal - which had not been previously handled -, rupture of the cortex vestibular and palatal bone. After planning, the patient underwent endodontic retreatment. Then, all the previous filling material were removed, including the gutta-percha by passing into the DB canal, MP was localized and complete instrumentation of all root canals were done. Calcium hydroxide was used as an intracanal medication between appointments. When the regression of the fistula was observed and canals were without exudate, root canal filling was performed. Final considerations: the CBCT allowed the visualization of operative errors pertinent to the case during previous endodontic treatments, which allowed the indication of a new endodontic treatment and the maintenance of the tooth in the dental arch.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Falha de Tratamento , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Dentária/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento , Retratamento/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e123, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1350367


Abstract: Accumulated hard tissue debris (AHTD) in root canal irregularities may negatively impact adequate root canal disinfection. In light of this, the efficacy of passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI) to reduce AHTD has been largely studied in in vitro studies, which have adopted different analytic methods of varying accuracy to determine the extent of AHTD more correctly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare how well PUI and non-activated irrigation (NAI) systems perform in reducing AHTD during final irrigation protocols, based exclusively on studies whose analyses used microCT scanning. A systematic search of the studies published up to April 2020 was performed using MeSH terms and free terms, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, BVS (Lilacs and BBO) and Embase. The inclusion criteria consisted of laboratory studies that evaluated the amount of AHTD, and compared PUI with NAI protocols using microCT analysis. The risk of bias in the selected studies was assessed critically by two reviewers. A meta-analysis was performed using the RevMan software program (P<0.05), and included studies providing the standardized mean difference (SMD), using a fixed effect model, and adopting a confidence interval of 95%. In all, 3495 studies were identified, three of which met the inclusion criteria. All three were considered as having a low risk of bias. The meta-analysis comparing the ability of PUI and NAI protocols to remove hard tissue debris showed a higher percentage of AHTD reduction (P<0.01) for PUI, with a confidence interval of 1.41 [0.79, 2.02]. The heterogeneity among the studies was 82% (I2). Considering the limitations of the present study, this systematic review and meta-analysis showed that PUI was more effective than NAI in removing hard tissue debris, based exclusively on studies that used microCT scanning to provide a more precise analysis of the two techniques used. The findings presented in the present study reinforce the concept that PUI can increase residue removal and improve the cleanliness of the root canal in endodontic treatments.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2021. 77 p.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia, LILACS | ID: biblio-1525808


As cavidades de acesso dominaram a recente discussão sobre a Endodontia minimamente invasiva (EMI). No entanto, a rotulagem da EMI é mais ampla, envolvendo o uso de instrumentos com conicidades reduzidas ou geometrias inovadoras que permitam a remoção mínima de dentina. Além disso, aprimoramentos metodológicos têm sido sugeridos para mimetizar condições clínicas. Buscando responder algumas questões acerca da EMI, a presente tese é dividida em dois estudos. O estudo 1 avaliou a influência do acesso ultraconservador (UltraAC) na instrumentação, na qualidade da obturação e na capacidade máxima de carga para fratura em molares inferiores após o preparo do canal com o sistema XP-endo Shaper (XP) ou Reciproc (RC) em condições clínicas simuladas. Para isso, quarenta molares inferiores foram microtomografados e pareados em quatro grupos (n = 10), de acordo com o acesso e a instrumentação: TradAC/RC, TradAC/XP, UltraAC/RC e UltraAC/XP. Os dentes foram reescaneados e os parâmetros da instrumentação e obturação foram analisados. Os dentes foram restaurados e submetidos à ciclagem termomecânica e à capacidade máxima de carga para a fratura. O teste ANOVA foi usado para a análise estatística (P < 0,05). Os grupos TradAC apresentaram menor porcentagem (%) de área não preparada do que os grupos UltraAC (P < 0,05). O grupo UltraAC/XP apresentou a menor % de dentina removida (P < 0,05). A % de debris foi menor nos grupos UltraAC/XP e TradAC/XP do que no UltraAC/RC e TradAC/RC (P < 0,05). Os grupos UltraAC demonstraram maior % de espaços vazios e de material obturador na câmara pulpar (P < 0,05). Não houve diferença na capacidade máxima de carga para a fratura entre os grupos (P > 0,05). O estudo 2 avaliou o uso de instrumentos com conicidade reduzida - Bassi Logic ,03 (BL), com diferentes designs (XP) e como grupo de comparação o sistem Reciproc, na eficácia da instrumentação dos canais em condições clínicas simuladas. Vinte e quatro molares foram microtomografados, acessados de forma tradicional e divididos em três grupos (n = 8), de acordo com o preparo: BL, XP e RC. Nos grupos BL e RC, os canais mesiais foram instrumentados com 25/,03 ou R25 e o canal distal com 25/,03 e 40/,03 ou R25 e R40, respectivamente. No grupo XP, o mesmo instrumento foi utilizado em todos os canais (30/,04). Após o preparo, os dentes foram reescaneados e a % de área não preparada e de dentina removida foram avaliadas separadamente para os canais mesiais e distal. Os dados foram analisados com os testes ANOVA e de Tukey (P < 0,05). Verificou-se que o grupo BL apresentou maior % de área não preparada para ambos os canais em relação aos grupos XP e RC (P < 0,05). No entanto, não houve diferença na % de dentina removida entre os grupos (P > 0,05). Com base nos estudos, conclui-se que as estratégias minimamente invasivas adotadas no acesso e na instrumentação foram desvantajosas frente a tratamentos tradicionais, não justificando o seu uso(AU)

Access cavities have dominated the recent discussion on minimally invasive Endodontics (EMI). However, the issue of MIE is broader than access cavities, such as the use of instruments with reduced taper or innovative geometries that allow minimal dentin removal. Furthermore, methodological improvements have been suggested to mimic clinical conditions. Seeking to answer some questions about EMI, this thesis is divided into two studies. The first study evaluated the influence of ultraconservative access (UltraAC) on canal shaping, filling ability and maximum load capacity for fracture of mandibular molars after root canal preparation with XP-endo Shaper (XP) or Reciproc (RC), under simulated clinical conditions. Thus, forty mandibular molars were scanned and paired into four groups (n = 10), according to access and instrumentation protocol: TradAC/RC, TradAC/XP, UltraAC/RC and UltraAC/XP. Teeth were rescanned and the instrumentation and filling parameters were analyzed. The teeth were restored and submitted to thermomechanical cycling and maximum load capacity for the fracture. ANOVA test was used for statistical analysis (P < 0.05). The TradAC groups had a lower percentage (%) of unprepared area than the UltraAC groups (P < 0.05). The UltraAC/XP group had the lowest % of dentin removed (P < 0.05). The % of debris was lower in the UltraAC/XP and TradAC/XP groups than in the UltraAC/RC and TradAC/RC groups (P < 0.05). The highest % of voids and filling material in the pulp chamber was observed in the UltraAC groups (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the maximum load capacity for the fracture between the groups (P > 0.05). The second study evaluated the use of a reduced taper endodontic instrument system - Bassi Logic .03 taper (BL), expandable heat-treated system (XP) and, as comparison, the Reciproc system, on the ability to shape canals under simulated clinical conditions. For that, twenty-four mandibular molars were scanned and divided into three groups (n = 8), according to root canal instrumentation system: BL, XP and RC. In the BL and RC groups, the mesial canals were instrumented with 25/.03 or R25 and the distal canal with 25/.03 and 40/.03 or R25 and R40, respectively. In the XP group, the same instrument was used in all root canals (30/.04). After preparation, the teeth were rescanned and the % of unprepared area and dentin removed were evaluated separately for the mesial and distal canals. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (P < 0.05). It was found that the BL group had a higher % of unprepared area for both root canals compared to the XP and RC groups (P < 0.05). However, there was no difference in the % of dentin removed between groups (P > 0.05). Based on the studies, it is concluded that there is no justification for the use of EMI since in general, UltraAC did not promote advantages over TradAC and the use of instruments with reduced taper resulted in a larger unprepared area, which could possibly influence the cleaning of the root canal system (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Preparo de Canal Radicular/métodos , Resistência à Flexão , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Dente Molar
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 5(3): 35-41, Dec. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1342930


Introdução: o controle da qualidade no processo de fabricação dos instrumentos endodônticos é importante uma vez que defeitos e falhas superficiais podem comprometer o preparo dos canais. Objetivo: avaliar a presença de defeitos e falhas do processo de fabricação na superfície de instrumentos Reciproc (R25), Reciproc Blue (RB25) e XP-endo shaper (XP), por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Materiais e Métodos: Ao total, foram avaliados 60 instrumentos de níquel titânio, sendo 20 por grupo: R25, RB25 e XP, em três regiões: 0mm (ponta do instrumento), 4mm e 7mm da ponta, no MEV, com aumento de 100x. As imagens foram avaliadas quanto ao número de falhas de fabricação (bordo irregular, ranhura, microcavidade e rebarba) e por um sistema de escores de 1 a 4, sendo 1, nenhuma área com defeito e 4, mais de cinco áreas com defeitos na superfície. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística utilizando o teste de Dunn (p<0,05). Resultados: Sobre a análise por regiões, foram identificadas diferenças significativas em grande parte dos instrumentos. Comparando os diferentes instrumentos, não foi observada diferença significativa para microcavidade (p=0,76), bordo irregular (p=0,98) e rebarba (p=0,40). O instrumento R25 mostrou maior número de ranhuras em comparação aos demais (p=0,0000*). RB25 mostrou maiores valores de escores que os instrumentos R25 (p= 0,0002) eXP (p=0,01). Conclusão: Todos os instrumentos avaliados apresentaram defeitos/falhas superficiais do processo de fabricação.

Introduction: The quality control of endodontic instruments is extremely importantsince defects and failures on their surface, during their manufacturing process, can compromise the preparation of root canal. Objective: this study evaluated the presence of defects and failures in the manufacturing process on the surface of Reciproc (R25), Reciproc Blue (RB25) and XP endo-shaper (XP) instruments by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods: In total, sixty nickel titanium instruments (n=20): R25, RB25 and XP were evaluated in the scanning electron microscope in three regions: 0mm (tip of the instrument), 4mmand 7mm of the tip, with a magnification of 100x. The images were evaluated in relation to the number of manufacturing faults (irregular border, groove, microcavity and burr) and by a system of scores, from 1 to 4, where 1 is no defective area and 4, more than five areas with defects on the surface. The data were submitted to statistical analysis using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p<0.05). Results: Regarding the analysis by regions, significant differences were identified in most of the instruments. Comparing the different instruments, no significant difference was observed for microcavity (p=0.76), irregular border (p=0.98) and burr (p=0.40). The R25 instrument showed a greater number of grooves compared to the others (p=0.0000*). RB25 showed higher scores than the R25(p=0.0002) and XP (p=0.01) instruments. Conclusion: All evaluated instruments showed defects/failures in the manufacturing process.Introduction: The quality control of endodontic instruments is extremely importantsince defects and failures on their surface, during their manufacturing process, can compromise the preparation of root canal. Objective: this study evaluated the presence of defects and failures in the manufacturing process on the surface of Reciproc (R25), Reciproc Blue (RB25) and XP endo-shaper (XP) instruments by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Materials and Methods: In total, sixty nickel titanium instruments (n=20): R25, RB25 and XP were evaluated in the scanning electron microscope in three regions: 0mm (tip of the instrument), 4mmand 7mm of the tip, with a magnification of 100x. The images were evaluated in relation to the number of manufacturing faults (irregular border, groove, microcavity and burr) and by a system of scores, from 1 to 4, where 1 is no defective area and 4, more than five areas with defects on the surface. The data were submitted to statistical analysis using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p<0.05). Results: Regarding the analysis by regions, significant differences were identified in most of the instruments. Comparing the different instruments, no significant difference was observed for microcavity (p=0.76), irregular border (p=0.98) and burr (p=0.40). The R25 instrument showed a greater number of grooves compared to the others (p=0.0000*). RB25 showed higher scores than the R25(p=0.0002) and XP (p=0.01) instruments. Conclusion: All evaluated instruments showed defects/failures in the manufacturing process.

Instrumentos Odontológicos/normas , Endodontia/instrumentação , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura
Dent. press endod ; 10(1): 20-26, Jan-Apr2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1344064


O sucesso do tratamento endodôntico de- pende da limpeza e da modelagem dos canais radiculares. Para tanto, deve-se ter um conhecimento profundo sobre a anatomia do sistema de canais radiculares. No entanto, essa anatomia é complexa, com variações mor- fológicas em diferentes populações. Objetivo: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar, em imagens de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), a anatomia dos canais radiculares de pré-molares (PM) inferiores de uma população brasileira. Métodos: Foram analisados 426 pré-molares inferiores nos cortes axiais, coronais e sagitais de TCFC. O número de raízes, canais radiculares e a classificação de Vertucci foram tabulados no programa Microsoft Excel. Associações entre o sexo, número de raízes e canais, e classificação de Vertucci foram avaliadas por meio do teste qui-quadrado (p<0,05). Resultados: dos 426 dentes avaliados, 224 (52,6%) foram 1oPM e 202 (47,4%), 2o PM. Os 1oPM apresentaram, em sua maioria, uma raiz (93,3%) e todos os 2oPM, apenas uma raiz. Nos dentes estudados, verificou-se classificação tipos I, II e V de Vertucci, sendo o tipo I o mais encontrado. O tipo V só esteve presente nos 1oPM com duas raízes (p<0,001). Não houve associação significativa entre o número de raízes e o sexo (p=0,182). Conclusão: A maioria dos pré-molares inferiores apresentou uma raiz com classificação tipo I de Vertucci, demonstrando uma baixa variação anatômica nos PM inferiores da população estudada. Não houve predileção por sexo, quanto ao número de raízes e à classificação do tipo de canal radicular.

Introduction: The success of an endodontic treatment depends primarily on cleaning and shaping of the root canal system. Therefore, the anatomy of the root canal system should be known in detail. However, this anatomy is complex and varies morphologically in different populations. This study evaluated the root canal anatomy of mandibular premolars in a Brazilian population using cone beam CT (CBCT). Methods: CBCT axial, coronal and sagittal slices of 426 mandibular premolars were analyzed. Number of roots and canals, as well as Vertucci type, were recorded using a spreadsheet. Associations between sex, number of roots, and Vertucci type were analyzed using a chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: Of the 426 teeth evaluated, 224 (52.6%) were first premolars and 202 (47.4%), second premolars. Most first premolars (93.3%) and all second premolars had one root. Vertucci types I, II and V were found, and type I was the most frequent. Type V was only found in two-rooted first premolars (p<0.001). There were no significant associations between number of root and sex (p=0.182). Conclusion: Most mandibular premolars had one root and were Vertucci type I, which indicates that there is little anatomic variation of these teeth in the Brazilian population under study. There was no sex predilection for number of roots or Vertucci type (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Obturação do Canal Radicular , Dente Pré-Molar , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Variação Anatômica
Rev. bras. odontol ; 77(1): 1-4, jan. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119610


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a quantidade de debris extruídos apicalmente após o preparo do canal com o WaveOne Gold e o uso suplementar do instrumento XP-Endo Finisher. Material e Métodos: Quarenta pré-molares humanos com canal único foram selecionados e divididos em dois grupos (n = 20): preparo com instrumento WaveOne Gold e preparo com instrumento WaveOne Gold + XP-Endo Finisher. Os canais radiculares foram instrumentados seguindo as instruções do fabricante e a água destilada foi usada como irrigante. Debris extruídos apicalmente durante a instrumentação foram coletados em tubos Eppendorf pesados previamente em balança analítico. O peso dos detritos extruídos foi estabelecido subtraindo-se o peso pré-instrumentação e pós-instrumentação dos tubos Eppendorf para cada grupo. Resultados: Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Shapiro-Wilk e Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de 5%. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos (p = 0,66) em relação à quantidade debris extruídos apicalmente. Conclusão: A presença de debris extruídos apicalmente ocorreu nos dois grupos; no entanto, o uso adicional do instrumento XP-Endo Finisher não contribuiu para o aumento significativo da extrusão apical de detritos quando comparado ao uso isolado do instrumento WaveOne Gold.

Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris after the preparation with WaveOne Gold and additional use of XP-Endo Finisher file. Material and Methods: Forty human one-rooted premolars were selected and divided into two groups (n=20): WaveOne Gold and WaveOne Gold and XP-Endo finisher. Subsequently, the root canals were instrumented following the manufacturer's instructions and distilled water was used as irrigant. Apically extruded debris during instrumentation was collected into pre-weighed Eppendorf tubes. The weight of the dry extruded debris was established by subtracting the pre-instrumentation and postinstrumentation weight of the Eppendorf tubes for each group. Results: The data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk and Mann-Whitney tests, with significant level of 5%. There was no significant difference between groups (p=0.66) in relation to apically extruded debris. Conclusion: apically extruded debris occurred in both groups; however, the additional use of the XP-Endo Finisher instrument did not contribute to the significant increase of apical extrusion of debris when compared to the isolated use of WaveOne Gold

Irrigantes do Canal Radicular , Preparo de Canal Radicular/instrumentação , Cavidade Pulpar