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J Clin Med ; 11(3)2022 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35160163


Background: In patients with Ischemia and non-obstructive coronary artery stenosis (INOCA) wall motion is rarely abnormal during stress echocardiography (SE). Our aim was to determine if patients with INOCA and reduced coronary flow velocity reserve (CVFR) have altered cardiac mechanics using two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2DSTE) during SE. Methods: In a prospective, multicenter, international study, we recruited 135 patients with INOCA. Overall, we performed high dose (0.84 mg/kg) dipyridamole SE with combined assessment of CVFR and 2DSTE. The population was divided in patients with normal CVFR (>2, group 1, n = 95) and abnormal CVFR (≤2, group 2, n = 35). Clinical and 2DSTE parameters were compared between groups. Results: Feasibility was high for CFVR (98%) and 2DSTE (97%). A total of 130 patients (mean age 63 ± 12 years, 67 women) had complete flow and strain data. The two groups showed similar 2DSTE values at rest. At peak SE, Group 1 patients showed lower global longitudinal strain (p < 0.007), higher mechanical dispersion (p < 0.0005), lower endocardial (p < 0.001), and epicardial (p < 0.0002) layer specific strain. Conclusions: In patients with INOCA, vasodilator SE with simultaneous assessment of CFVR and strain is highly feasible. Coronary microvascular dysfunction is accompanied by an impairment of global and layer-specific deformation indices during stress.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 89(3): 225-231, jun. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356878


RESUMEN Objetivo: El músculo cardíaco no puede estar anatómicamente libre en el tórax y sin un soporte para cumplir con su función hemodinámica. Por tanto, se analizó la posibilidad de la existencia de un punto de apoyo que actuara a modo de palanca. Material y métodos: Se utilizaron: 1) disección cardíaca en diez corazones bovinos jóvenes (dos años) (800-1000 g); 2) disección cardíaca en ocho corazones humanos: un embrión de 23 semanas de gestación; uno de 10 años, 250 g; y seis adultos, peso medio 300 g. La banda miocárdica se desenrolló en su totalidad. Las piezas extraídas fueron analizadas por anatomía e histología. Se completó la investigación con estudios de imágenenes radiograficas simples, resonancia nuclear magnética y tomografia computada. Resultados: En investigaciones anatómicas hemos encontrado en todos los corazones humanos y bovinos estudiados un núcleo subyacente al trígono derecho de estructura histológica ósea-condroide-tendinosa. El análisis microscópico reveló en corazones bovinos una matriz osteocondral trabecular (fulcro). En todos los corazones humanos se encontró que el fulcro se halla formado por tejido condroide. En esta estructura, no descrita por otros autores, tienen inserción muscular el origen y el final de las fibras miocárdicas. Las técnicas con imágenes confirmaron su existencia. Conclusiones: El fulcro cardíaco encontrado en la investigación anatómica de corazones humanos y bovinos aclararía sobre el necesario punto de apoyo del músculo miocárdico para completar sus movimientos de torsión.

ABSTRACT Objective: The cardiac muscle cannot be anatomically free in the thorax. Therefore, it was thought and analyzed that there could be a myocardial support point (lever fulcrum). Material and Methods: Cardiac dissection in ten young (two years old) bovine hearts (800-1000 g); and in eight human hearts ( one embryo, 4 g; one 10 years old, 250 g; and six adult, mean weight 300 g) were performed. The myocardial band was unrolled in its entirety. The extracted pieces were analyzed by anatomy and histology. A study with magnetic resonance images, tomography and simple radiology was also carried out. Results: In anatomical investigations we have found in all the human and bovine hearts studied a nucleus underlying the right trigone of bone, chondroid or tendon histological structure. The microscopic analysis revealed in bovine hearts a trabecular osteochondral matrix (fulcrum). In the ten year old human heart and in the fetus, a central area of the fulcrum formed by chondroid tissue was found. Histology found a tendon matrix in adult human hearts. This fulcrum is attached to the myocardium and would serve to support both the origin and the end of the myocardium. The images showed evidence of the cardiac fulcrum. Conclusions: The cardiac fulcrum found in the anatomical investigation of bovine and human hearts would clarify the point of support of the myocardial muscle to complete its rotating function.