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Int J Burns Trauma ; 10(6): 296-306, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33500841


Overall, major burn wounds may require special care and long-term hospitalization as they not only bring complications from the wound itself, but may also compromise the immune system, or even other organs. Previous studies have indicated that topical insulin cream shortened wound closure time in second-degree burns in rats. Transplanted adipose-derived stem cells (AD-MSCs) have been developed as an alternative to treat burns and to accelerate the healing process. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of topical insulin gel, associated with AD-MSCs intradermal administration to heal second-degree burn wounds in rat models who were subjected to second-degree dorsal burns. The models were divided into four groups (n = 10 per group): placebo gel (C), topical insulin gel (TI), topical insulin gel and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (TIMSCs) and placebo gel and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (CMSCs). Wounds were assessed on a daily basis and histological evaluations were made on 5 animals from each group on the seventh and fourteenth day. There was a significant macroscopic decrease in burn wound areas in the Control (P = 0.0083), TIMSCs and CMSCs (P = 0.042) groups between the seventh and fourteenth days. The TI treatment did not show any significant change (P > 0.05) throughout this same period. The histological analysis showed significant granulation tissue formation in CMSCs and TIMSCs (P = 0.02235) treatments during the experimental period. According to the results, intradermal administration of allogenic AD-MSCs in experimental second-degree burns for short periods of time in the rat model has contributed to reducing the inflammatory phase duration, improving wound re-epithelialization, tissue granulation and wound contraction, as well as increasing collagen deposition.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(3)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-761709


ABSTRACT: An approach for the diagnosis of an abamectin outbreak in calves in the field is described and discussed. In a Midwestern Brazilian property, nine out of a 52 newborn calves were affected and died, making up for morbidity, mortality, and lethality ratios of 17.3%, 17.3%, and 100%, respectively. Major clinical signs included tremors in various muscle groups, inability to stand, and difficult, wheezing breathing. Each affected calf had been treated subcutaneously with abamectin (0.4mg/kg/body weight). No lesions were found at necropsy or at histological examination. Major diseases of newborn calves were included in the differential diagnosis.

RESUMO: Uma abordagem para o diagnóstico de um surto de abamectina em bezerros a campo é descrita e discutida. Numa propriedade do Centro-Oeste brasileiro, nove de um lote de 52 bezerros de 3 dias de idade foram afetados e morreram, perfazendo quocientes de morbidade, mortalidade e letalidade, respectivamente, de 17,3%, 17,3% e 100%. Os principais sinais clínicos incluíam tremores em vários grupos musculares, incapacidade em se manter em pé, e respiração difícil e estertorosa. Cada bezerro afetado havia sido tratado por via subcutânea com abamectina, na dose de 0,4mg/kg/peso corporal. Não foram encontradas lesões na necropsia, nem no exame histológico. As principais doenças de bezerros recém-nascidos foram incluídas no diagnóstico diferencial.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(9)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-744297


ABSTRACT: We reviewed the records of 5,083 cattle necropsies performed from January 1995 to December 2018 and filed at the Laboratory of Anatomic Pathology (LAP) of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). These necropsies were performed either by LAP-UFMS faculty (22.33%) or by field veterinary practitioners (77.67%) who subsequently submitted material for histological evaluation at the LAP-UFMS. Conclusive diagnoses were reached in 46.21% of the protocols (2,349 cases), and approximately 65% of the cases were classified as inflammatory or parasitic diseases, with rabies being the most diagnosed disease (20.82% of total conclusive diagnosis). There were a large number of protocols in which the diagnosis was of nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis of unknown cause (NSMUC). Those were the main differentials for rabies and bovine herpesvirus-5 necrotizing meningoencephalitis (NME); that is, the number of rabies cases may be even higher if one considers that many cases of NSMUC might be undiagnosed rabies cases. Toxic and toxic-infectious diseases were the second most prevalent category, and botulism cases represented 41% of this category. The other categories corresponded to less than 20% of the total diagnoses and were distributed in decreasing order of frequency as degenerative diseases (9.79%), diseases caused by physical agents (3.87%), other diseases (2.13%), neoplasms and tumor-like lesions (1.79%), metabolic or nutritional disorders (1.75%) and congenital malformations (0.64%). The large number of inconclusive diagnoses was mainly due to improper conditions of mailed-in material for histopathological evaluation, namely, nonrepresentative samples of all organs, autolysis, and the absence of epidemiological and clinical-pathological information.

RESUMO: Em um levantamento sobre doenças de bovinos, revisamos os protocolos de 5.083 necropsias de bovinos realizadas no período de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2018 e arquivados no Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (LAP) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). Essas necropsias foram realizadas pelos veterinários e professores do LAP-UFMS (22,33%) ou por médicos veterinários de campo (77,67%) que, posteriormente, submeteram ao LAP-UFMS material para avaliação histológica. Diagnósticos foram conclusivos em 46,21% dos casos protocolados (2349), e aproximadamente 65% deles foram classificados como doenças inflamatórias ou parasitárias, sendo a raiva a doença mais diagnosticada (20,82% dos diagnósticos conclusivos). Havia um grande número de protocolos nos quais o diagnóstico era de encefalite/meningoencefalite não supurativa de causa indeterminada, para o qual os dois principais diferenciais são raiva e meningoencefalite necrosante por herpesvírus bovino; isso sugere que o número de casos de raiva pode ser ainda maior, se considerarmos que muitos destes podem ser casos de raiva não diagnosticados adequadamente. As doenças tóxicas e toxi-infecciosas foram a segunda categoria mais prevalente; dentre elas, os casos de botulismo compuseram 41%. As demais categorias corresponderam a menos de 20% do total de diagnósticos e foram distribuídas em ordem decrescente de frequência, em doenças degenerativas (9,79%), doenças causadas por agentes físicos (3,87%), outras doenças (2,13%), neoplasmas e lesões tumoriformes (1,79%), distúrbios metabólicos ou nutricionais (1,75%) e malformações congênitas (0,64%). O grande número de diagnósticos inconclusivos deveu-se principalmente às condições inadequadas do material enviado ao LAP-FAMEZ para avaliação histopatológica, ou seja, amostras não representativas de todos os órgãos, autolisadas ou acompanhadas de poucas de informações epidemiológicas e clínico-patológicas.