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J Plant Res ; 137(1): 65-77, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37991585


Several barriers contribute to reproductive isolation between plant species, which can be classified as pre- or post-pollination. Understanding the strength of these barriers could clarify the factors that maintain reproductive isolation and thus species integrity. In this study, we quantified reproductive isolation between two bat-pollinated co-occurring Bauhinia species (B. acuruana and B. pentandra) with similar flower morphology. Over the course of 18 months, we assessed reproductive isolation between these two Bauhinia species by quantifying the individual strengths and absolute contributions of five pre- and post- pollination barriers. Our data showed that both species are completely isolated in their reproduction by a combination of several barriers. Although they co-occur in a few populations, we found a high degree of geographic isolation between them. And although their flowering periods overlap, there is a significant difference in flowering peaks. Both species have the same pollinating bats, but the interspecific transfer of pollen between the plant species may be reduced due to the different length of the flower stamens, resulting in different pollen deposition on the bats' bodies. We have documented complete incompatibility between taxa and conclude that pre- and post-pollination barriers are important factors in preventing gene flow, even in contact zones between these two species of Bauhinia. We highlight that our work is the first study to use methods to estimate the strength of reproductive isolation barriers between bat-pollinated species.

Bauhinia , Quirópteros , Fabaceae , Animais , Isolamento Reprodutivo , Polinização , Flores/anatomia & histologia
Ecology ; 104(1): e3852, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36053857


Advancing functional ecology depends fundamentally on the availability of data on reproductive traits, including those from tropical plants, which have been historically underrepresented in global trait databases. Although some valuable databases have been created recently, they are mainly restricted to temperate areas and vegetative traits such as leaf and wood traits. Here, we present Rock n' Seeds, a database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation, recognized as outstanding centers of diversity and endemism. Data were compiled through a systematic literature search, resulting in 103 publications from which seed functional traits were extracted. The database includes information on 16 functional traits for 383 taxa from 148 genera, 50 families, and 25 orders. These 16 traits include two dispersal, six production, four morphological, two biophysical, and two germination traits-the major axes of the seed ecological spectrum. The database also provides raw data for 48 germination experiments, for a total of 10,187 records for 281 taxa. Germination experiments in the database assessed the effect of a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors on germination and different dormancy-breaking treatments. Notably, 8255 of these records include daily germination counts. This input will facilitate synthesizing germination data and using this database for a myriad of ecological questions. Given the variety of seed traits and the extensive germination information made available by this database, we expect it to be a valuable resource advancing comparative functional ecology and guiding seed-based restoration and biodiversity conservation in tropical megadiverse ecosystems. There are no copyright restrictions on the data; please cite this paper when using the current data in publications; also the authors would appreciate notification of how the data are used in publications.

O avanço da ecologia funcional depende fundamentalmente da disponibilidade de dados sobre traços reprodutivos, incluindo dados de plantas tropicais, que têm sido historicamente subrepresentados em bancos de dados de traços funcionais globais. Embora alguns bancos de dados valiosos tenham sido criados recentemente, eles são restritos principalmente a áreas temperadas e a traços vegetativos, como traços de folhas e madeira. Neste artigo apresentamos Rock n' Seeds, um banco de dados de traços funcionais de sementes e experimentos de germinação de vegetações associadas a afloramentos rochosos do Brasil, os quais são reconhecidos como centros notáveis de diversidade e endemismo. Os dados foram compilados através de uma revisão sistemática na literatura, resultando em 103 publicações das quais foram extraídos os traços funcionais das sementes. O banco de dados inclui informações de 16 traços funcionais para 383 taxa de 148 gêneros, 50 famílias e 25 ordens. Estes dezesseis traços incluem dois traços de dispersão, seis de produção, quatro morfológicos, dois biofísicos e dois germinativos; os eixos principais do espectro ecológico da semente. O banco de dados também fornece os dados brutos para 48 experimentos de germinação para um total de 10.187 registros para 281 taxa. Os experimentos de germinação no banco de dados avaliaram o efeito de uma ampla gama de fatores abióticos e bióticos sobre a germinação e diferentes tratamentos de quebra de dormência. Particularmente, 8.255 desses registros incluem a contagem diária da germinação. Estas informações facilitarão a síntese de dados de germinação e a utilização deste banco de dados para uma grande variedade de questões ecológicas. Dada a variedade de traços das sementes e as amplas informações sobre germinação disponibilizadas por este banco de dados, esperamos que ele seja um recurso valioso para o avanço da ecologia funcional comparativa e para orientar a restauração baseada em sementes e a conservação da biodiversidade em ecossistemas tropicais megadiversos. Não há restrições de direitos autorais sobre os dados; favor citar este artigo ao utilizar os dados nas publicações e os autores agradeceriam uma notificação de como os dados são utilizados nas publicações.

El avance de la ecología funcional depende fundamentalmente de la disponibilidad de datos sobre rasgos reproductivos-incluyendo los de las plantas tropicales-los cuales han estado poco representados en las bases de datos globales de rasgos. Aunque recientemente se han creado algunas bases de datos valiosas, estas se encuentran restringidas principalmente a las zonas templadas y a los rasgos vegetativos, como los de las hojas y la madera. En este artículo presentamos Rock n' Seeds, una base de datos de rasgos funcionales de semillas y experimentos de germinación de la vegetación asociada a afloramientos rocosos de Brasil, los cuales son destacados centros de diversidad y endemismo. Los datos se recopilaron mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática, que dio como resultado 103 publicaciones de las que se extrajeron los rasgos funcionales de las semillas. La base de datos incluye información de dieciséis rasgos funcionales para 383 taxones de 148 géneros, 50 familias y 25 órdenes. Estos rasgos incluyen dos rasgos de dispersión, seis de producción, cuatro morfológicos, dos biofísicos y dos de germinación; siendo estos los principales ejes del espectro ecológico de las semillas. La base de datos también proporciona los datos brutos de 48 experimentos de germinación, para un total de 10.187 registros de 281 taxones. Dichos experimentos de germinación evaluaron el efecto de una amplia gama de factores abióticos y bióticos sobre la germinación y de diferentes tratamientos para romper la dormancia. En particular, 8.255 de estos registros cuentan con conteos diarios de germinación. Esto facilitará la síntesis de los datos de germinación y el uso de esta base de datos para una gran diversidad de preguntas ecológicas. Dada la variedad de rasgos de las semillas y la amplia información sobre germinación que ofrece esta base de datos, esperamos que sea un recurso valioso para el avance de la ecología funcional comparativa y para orientar la restauración basada en semillas y la conservación de la biodiversidad en ecosistemas tropicales megadiversos. No hay restricciones de derechos de autor sobre los datos; se solicita citar este documento cuando se utilicen los datos en publicaciones y los autores agradecerán ser notificados sobre cómo se utilizan los datos en las publicaciones.

Ecossistema , Germinação , Humanos , Brasil , Sementes , Plantas
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 93(2): e309, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1383655


La malformación congénita de la vía aérea pulmonar (MVAP), antes llamada malformación adenomatoidea quística pulmonar, es una rara anormalidad del desarrollo de las vías respiratorias terminales. Las lesiones son de distribución y tamaños variables, usualmente unilaterales. El diagnóstico puede realizarse desde el período prenatal mediante ecografía gestacional, encontrándose, en ocasiones, graves repercusiones fetales. En los recién nacidos la enfermedad puede manifestarse con dificultad respiratoria aguda. En niños y adultos puede diagnosticarse ante infecciones pulmonares recurrentes u otras complicaciones. En pacientes sintomáticos está indicado el tratamiento quirúrgico para prevenir infecciones y la transformación neoplásica; sin embargo, sigue siendo controversial el tratamiento profiláctico frente al tratamiento expectante en pacientes asintomáticos. Se presenta el caso clínico de una lactante de 2 meses, que en el curso de una bronquiolitis se realizó una radiografía de tórax que evidenció una imagen radiolúcida del lóbulo medio. La tomografía computada visualizó gran imagen quística en pulmón derecho, que podría corresponder a una MVAP. Se decidió tratamiento quirúrgico coordinado. Se realizó una segmentectomía, confirmándose con anatomía patológica una MVAP tipo IV. Evolucionó favorablemente.

Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), formerly called pulmonary cystic adenomatoid malformation, is a rare developmental abnormality of the terminal airways. Lesions are of variable size and distribution, usually unilateral. The diagnosis can be made from the prenatal period by means of gestational ultrasound, occasionally causing serious fetal repercussions. In newborns, the disease may manifest itself through acute respiratory distress. In children and adults it can be diagnosed through recurrent lung infections or other complications. In symptomatic patients, surgical treatment is indicated to prevent infections and neoplastic transformation. However, prophylactic versus expectant management in asymptomatic patients remains controversial. We present the clinical case of a 2-month-old infant who, during the course of bronchiolitis underwent a chest X-ray that revealed a radiolucent image of the middle lobe. The computed tomography scan showed a large cystic image in the right lung, which could be linked to an CPAM. The surgical treatment was carried out and the segmentectomy confirmed a pathological type IV CPAM. The patient evolved favorably.

A malformação congênita das vias aéreas pulmonares (MVAP), anteriormente chamada de malformação adenomatoide cística pulmonar, é uma anormalidade rara do desenvolvimento das vias aéreas terminais. As lesões são de tamanho e distribuição variáveis, geralmente unilaterais. O diagnóstico pode ser feito desde o pré-natal por meio da ultrassonografia gestacional, podendo encontrar repercussões fetais graves. Em recém-nascidos, a doença pode se manifestar com dificuldade respiratória aguda. Em crianças e adultos, pode ser diagnosticada com infecções pulmonares recorrentes ou outras complicações. Em pacientes sintomáticos, o tratamento cirúrgico é indicado para prevenir infecções e transformações neoplásicas; no entanto, o tratamento profilático versus expectante em pacientes assintomáticos permanece controverso. Apresentamos o caso clínico de uma criança de 2 meses que foi submetida a radiografia de tórax durante bronquiolite, que revelou imagem radiotransparente do lobo médio. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou grande imagem cística em pulmão direito, que poderia corresponder a uma MVAP. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado e a segmentectomia confirmou um tipo IV de MVAP com patologia. A criança evoluiu favoravelmente.

Humanos , Feminino , Lactente , Malformação Adenomatoide Cística Congênita do Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Malformação Adenomatoide Cística Congênita do Pulmão/cirurgia , Malformação Adenomatoide Cística Congênita do Pulmão/patologia
Ann Bot ; 129(4): 473-484, 2022 03 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35039823


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Eriocaulaceae exhibit a great variety of floral traits associated with insect (e.g. nectariferous structures) and wind pollination (unisexual flowers, exposed sexual organs and small pollen grains), as well as the 'selfing syndrome' (small flowers, short distance between stigma and anthers, and temporal overlap of male and female phases). Paepalanthus bifidus, P. subtilis and P. tortilis are related species that differ in form, size and colour of floral structures. We aimed to investigate the pollination and reproductive biology of these three species. METHODS: We analysed the floral biology, floral visitors, pollinator behaviour, and the contribution of insects, wind and spontaneous geitonogamy to fruit set. We also evaluated the floral colour and scent of the species. Colour reflectance of capitula of each species was measured and plotted in models of insect vision. Floral scent samples were extracted and the compounds were compared to vegetative scent samples. KEY RESULTS: In all species, the staminate and pistillate flowers are arranged in alternating cycles with a temporal overlap between these phases. Ants were the most frequent floral visitors and were effective pollinators in P. bifidus and P. tortilis, while flies were occasional pollinators in P. tortilis. Floral visitors were not observed in P. subtilis. In all species, fruits were produced by spontaneous geitonogamy, with no evidence of wind pollination. According to the models of insect vision, the colours of the capitula of P. bifidus and P. subtilis are the most inconspicuous for ants and flies. We found no difference between the emission of volatiles of inflorescences and vegetative structures. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that ant pollination might be more widespread in Eriocaulaceae than currently assumed. Furthermore, for small monocarpic plants, mixed mating strategies are most favourable, by ensuring reproduction either by outcrossing when pollinators are abundant or by spontaneous geitonogamy when pollinations are scarce/absent.

Formigas , Eriocaulaceae , Animais , Flores/química , Insetos , Polinização , Reprodução
Ecology ; 103(2): e03595, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34807455


Flowering plant species and their nectar-feeding vertebrates exemplify some of the most remarkable biotic interactions in the Neotropics. In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, several species of birds (especially hummingbirds), bats, and non-flying mammals, as well as one lizard feed on nectar, often act as pollinators and contribute to seed output of flowering plants. We present a dataset containing information on flowering plants visited by nectar-feeding vertebrates and sampled at 166 localities in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. This dataset provides information on 1902 unique interactions among 515 species of flowering plants and 129 species of potential vertebrate pollinators and the patterns of species diversity across latitudes. All plant-vertebrate interactions compiled were recorded through direct observations of visits, and no inferences of pollinators based on floral syndromes were included. We also provide information on the most common plant traits used to understand the interactions between flowers and nectar-feeding vertebrates: plant growth form, corolla length, rate of nectar production per hour in bagged flowers, nectar concentration, flower color and shape, time of anthesis, presence or absence of perceptible fragrance by human, and flowering phenology as well as the plant's threat status by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classification. For the vertebrates, status of threat by IUCN classification, body mass, bill or rostrum size are provided. Information on the frequency of visits and pollen deposition on the vertebrate's body is provided from the original source when available. The highest number of unique interactions is recorded for birds (1771) followed by bats (110). For plants, Bromeliaceae contains the highest number of unique interactions (606), followed by Fabaceae (242) and Gesneriaceae (104). It is evident that there was geographical bias of the studies throughout the southeast of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and that most effort was directed to flower-hummingbird interactions. However, it reflects a worldwide tendency of more plants interacting with birds compared with other vertebrate species. The lack of similar protocols among studies to collect basic data limits the comparisons among areas and generalizations. Nevertheless, this dataset represents a notable effort to organize and highlight the importance of vertebrate pollinators in this hotspot of biodiversity on Earth and represents the data currently available. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications or scientific events.

Néctar de Plantas , Polinização , Animais , Aves , Flores , Florestas , Humanos , Mamíferos
Int Arch Occup Environ Health ; 94(8): 1797-1807, 2021 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34355275


INTRODUCTION: The work in commercial restaurant kitchens is characterized by many labor´s demands and strict commands that can cause damage to the mental health of gastronomes. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of stress, anxiety, and depression among gastronomy workers and associate them with the presence of mobbing at work. Still, it sought to evaluate the work-family interference and test its mediating role in the relationship between mobbing and psychopathology indicators. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an observational-analytical, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, in which 160 gastronomes participated (59.4% women), with an average age of 30.81 years. All answered a Sociodemographic and Labor Data Questionnaire, Negative Acts at Work Questionnaire, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, and Work-Family Interaction Scale, whose data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: A positive association was found between bullying and indicators of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as negative interference between work-family and family-work with the same indicators. It was also observed the mediating effect of negative interference from work in family, in the relationship between mobbing and indicators of stress, anxiety, and depression. CONCLUSION: It was concluded, therefore, that the experience of mobbing affects the family and intensifies the psychological illness in gastronomes.

Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Bullying , Depressão/epidemiologia , Família/psicologia , Estresse Ocupacional/epidemiologia , Restaurantes , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Rev. SPAGESP ; 22(1): 160-174, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos, LILACS | ID: biblio-1155521


Há crescente interesse sobre o comportamento abusivo sofrido por trabalhadores nas cozinhas de restaurantes comerciais, uma vez que agressões físicas e verbais parecem ser comuns neste contexto laboral. Este estudo objetivou identificar a prevalência do assédio moral e descrever as características das situações em que ele ocorre entre trabalhadores da gastronomia. Participaram do estudo 160 indivíduos com graduação em gastronomia, sendo que 95 eram do sexo feminino (59,4%), com idade média de 30,81 anos (DP = 8,34). Os mesmos responderam ao Questionário Biossociodemográfico e Laboral e ao Questionário de Atos Negativos, cujos dados foram analisados descritivamente. Os resultados indicaram elevados índices de prevalência de assédio moral (63,1%) e de violência psicológica (33,8%), que alertam sobre a importância de divulgar informações sobre o assédio moral e seus prejuízos, visando a uma maneira mais saudável de gerenciar e trabalhar na cozinha.

Great interest in abusive behavior suffered by workers in commercial restaurant kitchens was observed. In this work context, verbal and physical aggression seems to be common. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of moral harassment and describe the characteristics of the situations in which it occurs among gastronomy workers. Participants were 160 individuals undergraduate in gastronomy and 95 were female (59.4%), that have an average age of 30.81 years (SD = 8.34). The participants answered the Biosociodemographic and Labor Questionnaire and the Negative Acts Questionnaire, whose data were analyzed descriptively. The results indicated high prevalence rates of moral harassment (63.1%) and psychological violence (33.8%), which warn the importance of disclosing information about bullying and its harms, aiming at a healthier way to manage and work in the kitchen.

Una creciente preocupación por el comportamiento abusivo que sufren los trabajadores en las cocinas de restaurantes comerciales ha sido observada. Esta agresión puede ser verbal o física y parece ser común en este contexto laboral. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la prevalencia del bullying y describir las características de las situaciones en las que ocurre entre los trabajadores de la gastronomía. Los participantes fueron 160 individuos con un título en gastronomía, de los cuales 95 eran mujeres (59.4%), con una edad promedio de 30.81 años (DE = 8.34). Los participantes respondieron el Cuestionario Biosociodemográfico y Laboral y el Cuestionario de Actos Negativos, cuyos datos fueron analizados descriptivamente. Los resultados indicaron altas tasas de prevalencia de acoso moral (63.1%) y violencia psicológica (33.8%), que advierten sobre la importancia de divulgar información sobre el acoso y sus daños, con el objetivo de una forma más saludable de manejar y trabajar en la cocina.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Restaurantes , Trabalho , Inquéritos e Questionários , Culinária , Agressão , Bullying , Violência no Trabalho , Categorias de Trabalhadores
J Food Sci ; 85(11): 3764-3775, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32990366


Producing of extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) containing pleasant sensory notes depends on fruits quality and production process and is strongly associated with their classification that is based on aroma and sensory taste. Consolidated as an efficient method, the direct headspace solid phase microextraction technique (HS-SPME) was utilized to characterize the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) profile, which contributes to the aroma of olive oils from southwestern (Serra da Mantiqueira region) and southern (Campanha Gaúcha region) Brazil. In this work, the relationship between the VOCs and sensory characteristics has been established; 19 EVOO samples (12 from Campanha Gaúcha and 7 from Serra da Mantiqueira) were studied. Indeed, the main volatile compounds were analyzed and grouped by their classification as well stood up with the trained sensorial panel perceptions. Relevant correlation between artichoke notes and ripe EVOO and between herbaceous notes and green EVOO was found. Additional correlations were observed for C5 and C6 VOCs with green and fruit/floral notes. The results denote the high quality among the samples and imply that besides the genetic factor, ripe or green classification influenced the volatile composition. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: As the Brazilian olive oil production is increasing, knowing about different sensory characteristics and its correlation with the volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil represents a good tool to improve the quality. Moreover, the application of direct SPME method was possible evidence in the differentiation of ripe and green olive oils, beyond the production region and in consonance with its sensory notes and characteristics.

Azeite de Oliva/química , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/química , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/isolamento & purificação , Brasil , Frutas/química , Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Humanos , Odorantes/análise , Olea/química , Microextração em Fase Sólida/métodos , Paladar