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J. Health NPEPS ; 8(1): e10922, jan - jun, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1513119


Objetivo: avaliar o uso da internet pelo paciente no acesso a informações sobre saúde e possíveis implicações na relação médico-paciente. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal e quantitativo, realizado entre abril e maio de 2022, em Anápolis, Goiás. Utilizou-se questionário validado sobre o uso da internet. Aplicou-se o teste G para associação do uso da internet em relação ao sexo e a faixa etária, com nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Resultados: entre 109 pacientes prevaleceu o sexo feminino (80,7%), 18 a 59 anos (83,5%) e ensino médio completo (42,2%). A maioria fica entre 2 e 4 horas por dia na internet (68,0%; p=0,992) e já pesquisou informações de saúde na internet (84,4%; p=0,095), especialmente sobre medicamentos (86,2%; p=0,940). Ambos os sexos usam a internet para uma segunda opinião sobre o diagnóstico médico (homens - 52,4%; mulheres - 68,2%; p=0,185), mas não discutem com os médicos suas pesquisas realizadas na internet (homens ­ 57,1%; mulheres - 86,4%; p=0,005). Conclusão: a internet vem sendo utilizada com bastante frequência para acesso à informação sobre saúde pelos pacientes, porém estes não discutem suas descobertas com o profissional, o que tende a fragilizar a relação médico-paciente.

Objective: to evaluate the use of the internet by patients to access health information and the possible implications for the physician-patient relationship. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study carried out in April and May 2022 in Anápolis, Goiás. A validated questionnaire on internet use was used in the study. The G test was applied to associate internet use with sex and age group, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: among the 109 patients, there was a prevalence of females (80.7%), aged 18 to 59 years (83.5%), with complete high school (42.2%). Most spend between two and four hours a day on the Internet (68.0%; p=0.992) and had already searched for health information on the Internet (84.4%; p=0.095), especially about medications (86.2%; p=0.940). Participants of sexes used the internet for a second opinion on the medical diagnosis (men - 52.4%; women - 68.2%; p=0.185), but did not discuss their searches carried out on the internet with the doctors (men - 57, 1%; women - 86.4%; p=0.005). Conclusion: the Internet has been used quite frequently by patients to access health information, but they do not discuss their findings with professionals, which tends to weaken the doctor-patient relationship.

Acesso à Informação , Comunicação em Saúde , Uso da Internet
Front Psychol ; 9: 1840, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30364351


Paralleling two decades of growth in the emergent field known as educational neuroscience is an increasing concern that educational practices and programs should be evidence-based, however, the idea that neuroscience could potentially influence education is controversial. One of the criticisms, regarding applications of the findings produced in this discipline, concerns the artificiality of neuroscientific experiments and the oversimplified nature of the tests used to investigate cognitive processes in educational contexts. The simulations may not account for all of the variables present in real classroom activities. In this study, we aim to get a step closer to the formation of data-supported classroom methodologies by employing functional near-infrared spectroscopy in various experimental paradigms. First, we present two hyperscanning scenarios designed to explore realistic interdisciplinary contexts, i.e., the classroom. In a third paradigm, we present a case study of a single student evaluated with functional near-infrared spectroscopy and mobile eye-tracking glasses. These three experiments are performed to provide proofs of concept for the application of functional near-infrared spectroscopy in scenarios that more closely resemble authentic classroom routines and daily activities. The goal of our study is to explore the potential of this technique in hopes that it offers insights in experimental design to investigate teaching-learning processes during teacher-student interactions.