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Plants (Basel) ; 12(4)2023 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36840232


The present study had the objective to evaluate the effect of blends of KCl and K2SO4 fertilizers and their influence on the yield and the nutritional state of coffee plants, as well as on the chemical composition and quality of the coffee beverage. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four repetitions and six treatments (T1: 100% KCl; T2: 75% KCl + 25% K2SO4; T3: 50% KCl + 50% K2SO4; T4: 25% KCl + 75% K2SO4; T5: 100% K2SO4; and a control, without application of K). The following analyses were performed: K and Cl content in the leaves and the soil, stocks of Cl in soil, yield, removal of K and Cl with the beans, cup quality of the beverage, polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO), electric conductivity (EC), potassium leaching (KL), the content of phenolic compounds, the content of total sugars (TS), and total titratable acidity (TTA). The stocks of Cl in the soil decreased as the proportion of KCl in the fertilizer was reduced. The fertilization with KCl reduces the cup quality and the activity of the polyphenol oxidase, probably due to the ion Cl. The increase in the application of Cl directly relates to the increase in potassium leaching, electric conductivity, and titratable acidity. Indirectly, these variables indicate damages to the cells by the use of Cl in the fertilizer. The activity of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme and the cup quality indicate that the ion Cl- reduces the quality of the coffee beverage. K content in the leaves was not influenced by the application of blends of K fertilizer while Cl content increased linearly with KCl applied. The application of KCl and K2SO4 blends influenced coffee yield and the optimum proportion was 25% of KCl and 75% of K2SO4. The highest score in the cup quality test was observed with 100% K2SO4.

J Sci Food Agric ; 102(15): 6899-6906, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35661162


BACKGROUND: This study combined qualitative and quantitative approaches to obtain a better understanding of the sensory quality of beverages made from Arabic coffee genotypes subjected to different processing methods. Over 3 consecutive years, 270 accessions of Arabic coffee from the germplasm collection of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, were sensorially characterized after dry postharvest processing. At the end of this period, the 26 genotypes with the greatest potential for the production of specialty coffees were subjected to dry and wet processing. Granulometry and sensory quality were evaluated by scoring and describing the sensory profiles of the samples. RESULTS: Adequate management during all postharvest stages maintained the potential coffee quality, regardless of processing. All of the coffees studied were classified as special. There was variation in the perceived nuances of the sensory attributes among the groups of genotypes and as a function of postharvest processing, with emphasis on the increased frequency of high levels of sweetness in wet processing. Among the aroma/flavor sensory attributes, the caramel subcategory, as a long and pleasant aftertaste, were predominant in all of the genotypes studied, regardless of the type of processing. CONCLUSION: The differences in the perceptions of aroma/flavor and aftertaste in different processes were easier to identify in the commercial cultivars studied, as well as in the Bourbon accessions of Timor Hybrid and their derivatives. The access MG 0159 Maragogipe Hybrid F1 stood out in terms of all of the evaluated characteristics, regardless of the processing method used. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.

Coffea , Café , Café/química , Coffea/química , Odorantes/análise , Bebidas , Brasil
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37072, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359176


The evaluation of coffee quality in Brazil for commercialization is conducted mainly through sensory analysis, also known as the "cup test", in which professional tasters evaluate and score various attributes. The adoption of chemical methods could complement the sensory classification of beverages, if correlations between these chemical and sensory analyses exist, making classification less subjective. This work aimed to identify the relationships between the chemical and sensorial traits of coffee-beverage quality and to evaluate the use of these traits as criteria for the selection of Bourbon cultivars. Twenty coffee genotypes from the first three harvests across five municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil were evaluated. The genotypic values, predicted for each genotype, were used to determine the index based on the sum of ranks from Mulamba and Mock. The genetic correlations among the evaluated traits were also estimated. The presented evaluations were not able to efficiently detect genetic and phenotypic relationships between the chemical and sensorial characteristics of drink quality, but as selection criteria for generation advancement in the beverage quality, it is possible to use these characteristics. Bourbon Amarelo LCJ 9-IAC, Bourbon Amarelo-Procafé, Bourbon Amarelo-Boa Vista, Bourbon Vermelho-São João Batista, and Bourbon Amarelo-Samambaia were the genotypes with the most promising cup quality in the studied regions. Through the selection of these five genotypes, the selection gain was 1.65% for sensory score for beverage quality, when the interaction among the studied environments was removed. The heritability was 92% for improving this trait.

Coffea/genética , Melhoramento Vegetal
Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 33(5): 1366-1371, set.-out. 2009. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-531552


O processo de torração do café induz alterações físicas, químicas e sensoriais na matéria-prima, cuja intensidade e tipo dependem, principalmente, da composição química dos grãos e do tempo e temperatura utilizados na execução do mesmo. Este processo promove a degradação, formação e volatilização de vários compostos. Comercialmente, existem cafés torrados e moídos em diferentes pontos de torração, os quais originam bebidas com diferentes propriedades sensoriais e nutricionais. Os compostos trigonelina, ácidos clorogênicos e cafeína interferem no sabor e aroma do café. A trigonelina e os ácidos clorogênicos vêm sendo estudados também quanto ao aspecto nutricional, uma vez que esses compostos possuem ação benéfica à saúde. Esses compostos são solúveis em água quente, portanto, estarão presentes na bebida em função da sua estabilidade no processo de torração. Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar as concentrações dos compostos trigonelina, ácidos clorogênicos e cafeína em cafés da espécie Coffea arabica L. classificados como bebida mole, dura e rio submetidos a três pontos de torração: claro, médio e escuro. As torrações mais acentuadas promoveram uma maior degradação de trigonelina e ácido 5-cafeoilquínico, enquanto que a torração clara promoveu degradação apenas para o ácido clorogênico, não interferindo nas concentrações de trigonelina. A degradação da cafeína não ocorreu em nenhum ponto de torração.

The roasting process of coffee induces sensorial, chemical and physical alterations in the raw material. The type and intensity of the process depend mainly on the chemical composition of the grains and on the time and temperature used. This process promotes the degradation, formation and volatilisation of several compounds. There are roast and ground coffees submitted to different roasting conditions available in the market, which give origin to beverages with different sensorial and nutritional properties. The compounds trigonelline, chlorogenic acids and caffeine interfere with the flavor of the coffee. The trigonelline and the chlorogenic acids were studied considering their nutritional aspect as well, since these compounds and"or their degradation products have a beneficial action to our health. These compounds are soluble in hot water therefore they will be present in the beverage depending on their stability through the roasting process. The aim of this work was to asses the concentrations of trigonelline, chlorogenic acids and caffeine in coffees of the species Coffea arabica, classified as soft, hard, and rio which were submitted to three roasting degrees: light, medium, and dark. The most intense roasting process generated a greater degradation of trigonelline and 5-caffeoilquinic (5-CQA) while the light roasting caused degradation just of the chlorogenic acid, not interfering with the trigonelline concentrations. Caffeine was not degraded at any roasting degree.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 32(5): 1402-1407, set.-out. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-496983


As exigências do mercado por cafés de melhor qualidade estão sendo responsáveis pela difusão e adoção de novas tecnologias de produção e preparo de café. Entre os cafés especiais, o café orgânico é um dos que mais vem se destacando neste segmento. Desta forma, objetivou-se nesse trabalho, a avaliação das características agronômicas de lavouras cafeeiras (Coffea arabica L.) sob o sistema orgânico de produção, localizadas no Município de Poço Fundo, sul de Minas Gerais. Foram caracterizadas em 21 lavouras cafeeiras orgânicas as cultivares utilizadas, a população cafeeira, o tipo de colheita e secagem adotadas, a produtividade e qualidade do café, a fertilidade do solo e o estado nutricional do cafeeiro. Através dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que os cafeeiros conduzidos sob o sistema orgânico de produção apresentam potencial para produzirem cafés de boa qualidade. Em relação à fertilidade do solo, os baixos valores de pH e o desequilíbrio das relações entre K, Ca e Mg observados na maioria dessas lavouras, sugerem que esses fatores podem afetar o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e a produção dos cafeeiros submetidos ao manejo orgânico do sul de Minas Gerais.

The market demands for coffee of better quality are being responsible for diffusion and adoption of new production technologies and coffee preparation. Among the special coffee, the organic coffee is one of the most important in this group. So, this paper had the aim of evaluating the agronomical traits of coffee crops (Coffea arabica L.) on organic system production, located in Poço Fundo district, South of Minas Gerais. One obtained information about the management of 21 organic coffee crops, like: cultivars, coffee tree population, harvest and drying adopted systems, yield and coffee quality, soil fertility and coffee nutritional status. Based on the obtained results, it is possible to conclude that coffee trees conducted under organic system production showed a potential to produce a good coffee quality. In relation to soil fertility, the low pH values and the relationship disequilibrium among K, Ca and Mg observed in most of the crops, suggest that these facts can affect the growth, development and coffee tree yield submitted to organic management in the south of Minas Gerais.