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Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 39-39, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466585


Brazil produced in 2013, around 13.1 million tons of poultry meat, which generates 10.7 millions of tons of poultry litter. The practice of adding residues from poultry or manure residues to the soil demands a monitoring to realize the correct use on the treatment of the soil as a biofertilizer to prevent the impact by excess of mineral elements into waters and soil. This work aimed to study the effects of poultry litter compost used in soil over the electrical conductivity (EC), pH in CaCl2 and soil potential acidity (H + Al). Treatments studied were five doses of poultry litter compost 0; 20; 40; 60 and 120 Mg/ha. Soil was classified as a haplorthox, sampled in 20 cm deep, dried, sieved and homogenized with the following chemical initial composition: pH CaCl2= 4.9; H+ Al3+= 31.0 mmol/dm3; electric conductivity = 36.4 /cm. Organic compost was obtained by biodigestion in an aerobic fermentation during 60 days. Compost was then artificial dried at 55ºC for 48 hours. Results from organic compost analysis of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were 29.4, 39.3, 25.5, 92.4 and 11.8 g/kg, respectively. Organic fertilizers were homogenized and sieved in 3 mesh sieves, corresponding to a free opening of 0.67 cm and mixed to the soil. The experiment was carried out in a green house, in a randomized blocks design with five replications. The incubation and neutralization curves were determined in dried s

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 25-25, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466596


The use of nitrogen in forage foment the animal production system sustainability, increases the yield, the perennial state of pastures, soil structure and agribusiness profits, allowing adjustments on the  management and pastures use. The leaf nitrogen (N) concentration is directly associated to chlorophyll amount (Chl). It can be measured by different types of sensors as Dualex 4 Scientific and SPAD-502 which gives instant values corresponding to N and indirect values for nitrogen nutrition (NNI). This work aimed to estimate chlorophyll values from leaf corresponding to SPAD values associated to NNI=1.0 (which indicates the N concentration or critical N not limiting for forage development). The experimental design was a randomized block in a factorial 4 x 4 setup, with four genotypes of Urochloa (syn. Brachiaria) U. brizantha cv. Piata, U. brizantha cv. Marandu, and two interspecific hybrids denominated H69 and H12 and four nitrogen levels (0; 75; 15 0 and 225 mg/dm3 ), provided by urea, with five replications, in pots (3.34 dm3). The soil was a Quartzipsamments containing 9% clay, 90% sand and 1% silt. The evaluations were performed on plants of 52 days after sowing. Chlorophyll amounts were determined by sampling the third medium of the leaf blade from a third of the expanded leaf, from the apical, using the Dualex 4 Scientific and Minolta SPAD 502 and NNI was calculated as


Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 60-60, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466603


The dairy cattle farming have a great importance on the economy and social aspects of São Paulo State. The parasites can reduce milk productivity, specially the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. This work consisted on a survey on 40 dairy farms located in the Northeast region of São Paulo State. The principal objective of the quiz was to know how producers do the cattle tick control and about others parasites. 45% responded that the cattle tick is a problem in their properties and 65% were satisfied with the tick control, but only 17.5% know the biological cicle of this tick. The percentage of 29.5 was associated the hematologic diseases (anaplasmosis and babesiosis) with damages caused by the cattle tick, as well as 21.5% associated with the presence of screwworm (Cochliomiya hominivorax). The other responces about damages associated with the cattle tick were: weight loss (19.5%), milk loss (15.5%), mortality (12%) and transmission of others diseases (2%). The summer was the great response (88%) about the period of major tick incidence. The percentage of 87.5 of the surveyed applied acaricide with high frequency (7 to 30 days), but 50% apply selectively to the most infested cattle. The dairy workers (55%) and the owners (45%) apply the acaricide, always when they see tick infestation (92.5%) and the application is on all the animals body (87.5%) instead of par

O artigo não possui resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 61-61, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466617


Onfaloflebitis is common in lambs born in poor hygienic conditions and occurs where inadequate treatment of umbilical healing is placed. Males are more affected lambs probably because of contact with urine that slows healing umbilical and removes some medications or topical antibiotics applied facilitating the bacteria entrance, mainly Fusobacterium necrophorum affecting joints, lungs, kidneys, liver, leading to animal death. Platelets are blood cells that interact with several receptors and modulate platelet function. It promotes hemostasis through four mechanisms: adhesion, release of platelet secretion, aggregation and pro-coagulation action. Complex network of growth factors are involved in tissue homeostasis such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-b, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-b and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). These factors and other bioactive molecules are contained in platelet alpha granules, and the use of intra-articular injections of platelet concentrate has been proposed as a minimally invasive solution to promote cartilage, osteo and muscular healing. Its use in regenerative medicine represents a simple, low-cost, and minimally invasive approach that might fasten healing processes. Regenerative treatment with autologous products, including the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) have been widel

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 52-52, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466629


The success of reproductive management in the sheep industry depends on several factors. Among them, early pregnancy diagnosis stands to improve the rates of exploration of sheep livestock, allowing the identification of fertility problems, disposal of infertile animals, food supplementation of pregnant females and maximizing production and profits. Therefore, this work aimed to develop an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for detection of progesterone in peripheral blood samples from sheep of Santa Inês breed. A calibration curve was made on the test plate at which a fraction of 100 L of diluted antigen was deposited in the wells. The antigen (P4) was diluted sample in methanol/water and incubated at 37ºC for one hour; then 200 L were deposited from the PBS-BSA 1% and was followed by incubation overnight at 10ºC.  100 L of anti-P4 serum produced in rabbits were added and another incubation at 37ºC for one hour was performed, followed by two washes with PBS-T-G. Then it was added 100 L of the conjugate anti rabbit peroxidase labeled, followed by another incubation at 37ºC for one hour; two washing were done with PBS-T-G and drying the plate; revelation with TMB (Sure Blue) was performed using 100 L of Sure Blue for 10 minutes and the reaction stopped, the plate was read at 595 nm; another revelation was done with PNPP and the plate reading was done at 450 nm. The r

O artigo não possui resumo em português.

Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 62-62, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466631


Toxoplasmosis is one of the most frequent zoonosis around the world and occurs by the contact of host to Toxoplasma gondii parasite. In humans, the transmission can be congenital, when pregnant woman are exposed to the parasite and the fetus can develop micro and macro encephalitis, mental retardation, abortion, etc. In animals, transmition can be congenital or can be done by saliva, milk or semen containing Toxoplasma gondii. Ovine are potential transmitters, where the parasite cists are found in animal tissue for long periods of time. Disease diagnoses are needed to avoid economic losses and human health problems. Despite immunofluorescence is the most used test to diagnose T. gondii, ELISA tests were used in this study to screen animals in ovine herd, at IZ. For those, 134 animals from Morada Nova and Santa Inês breeds were tested using the IDEXX Toxoplasma gondii test kit, using sera as biological sample. Blood was taken from jugular vein and centrifugation was performed. Sera were separated and kept frozen. Presence of T. gondii was verified in ELISA test and reading at Biotech microplate reader, analyzed by Xchek 3.3 software. O.D. showed 27 animals with the presence of T. gondii. Only one animal was diagnosed suspect and new sample will be run. ELISA test showed to be fast, easy and reliable in the farm. Once the amount of sera used is minimum (1 ul), same blood sample


Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 71: 23-23, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1466637


The dairy cattle farming have a great importance on the economy and social aspects of the São Paulo Northeast region. The use of correct technologies, monitoring of the bovine cattle, financial and productive planning and the best application of disable resources can lead to a dairy activity more rentable to the farmers. The objective of this quiz was to evaluate majorly the situation of pastures in to farmer profile, property characteristics, herd characteristics, area of grasslands and forage species, employed fertilization and adopted management system inside or not CATI Milk project. CATI Milk is a project of technical assistance and rural extension, which aims to develop the milk production chain (including improvement in herd management and grazing). This work consisted on appliance of a 97 questions quiz given to 40 dairy farmers from the São Paulo Northeast region, Brazil, where 20 farmers were part of the CATI Milk project and other 20 farmers were not. Pastures with up to 32.5 ha comprise 75% of the studied properties (77.5%), Urochloa (sin. Brachiaria) was the predominant forage (46%), followed by Megathyrsus (sin. Panicum) 41.5% of pasture. The older age of pastures (> 6 years) were predominant (54%), while those grazing 3-6 years represented 15% and younger than 3 years, 31%. It was found that (Urochloa decumbens and Urochloa Marandu, Xaraés, MG-4, MG-5 and Piat

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 23-23, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467910


The dairy cattle farming have a great importance on the economy and social aspects of the São Paulo Northeast region. The use of correct technologies, monitoring of the bovine cattle, financial and productive planning and the best application of disable resources can lead to a dairy activity more rentable to the farmers. The objective of this quiz was to evaluate majorly the situation of pastures in to farmer profile, property characteristics, herd characteristics, area of grasslands and forage species, employed fertilization and adopted management system inside or not CATI Milk project. CATI Milk is a project of technical assistance and rural extension, which aims to develop the milk production chain (including improvement in herd management and grazing). This work consisted on appliance of a 97 questions quiz given to 40 dairy farmers from the São Paulo Northeast region, Brazil, where 20 farmers were part of the CATI Milk project and other 20 farmers were not. Pastures with up to 32.5 ha comprise 75% of the studied properties (77.5%), Urochloa (sin. Brachiaria) was the predominant forage (46%), followed by Megathyrsus (sin. Panicum) 41.5% of pasture. The older age of pastures (> 6 years) were predominant (54%), while those grazing 3-6 years represented 15% and younger than 3 years, 31%. It was found that (Urochloa decumbens and Urochloa Marandu, Xaraés, MG-4, MG-5 and Piat

O artigo não apresenta resumo em português.

B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 62-62, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467822


Toxoplasmosis is one of the most frequent zoonosis around the world and occurs by the contact of host to Toxoplasma gondii parasite. In humans, the transmission can be congenital, when pregnant woman are exposed to the parasite and the fetus can develop micro and macro encephalitis, mental retardation, abortion, etc. In animals, transmition can be congenital or can be done by saliva, milk or semen containing Toxoplasma gondii. Ovine are potential transmitters, where the parasite cists are found in animal tissue for long periods of time. Disease diagnoses are needed to avoid economic losses and human health problems. Despite immunofluorescence is the most used test to diagnose T. gondii, ELISA tests were used in this study to screen animals in ovine herd, at IZ. For those, 134 animals from Morada Nova and Santa Inês breeds were tested using the IDEXX Toxoplasma gondii test kit, using sera as biological sample. Blood was taken from jugular vein and centrifugation was performed. Sera were separated and kept frozen. Presence of T. gondii was verified in ELISA test and reading at Biotech microplate reader, analyzed by Xchek 3.3 software. O.D. showed 27 animals with the presence of T. gondii. Only one animal was diagnosed suspect and new sample will be run. ELISA test showed to be fast, easy and reliable in the farm. Once the amount of sera used is minimum (1 ul), same blood sample


B. Indústr. Anim. ; 71: 52-52, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-467787


The success of reproductive management in the sheep industry depends on several factors. Among them, early pregnancy diagnosis stands to improve the rates of exploration of sheep livestock, allowing the identification of fertility problems, disposal of infertile animals, food supplementation of pregnant females and maximizing production and profits. Therefore, this work aimed to develop an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for detection of progesterone in peripheral blood samples from sheep of Santa Inês breed. A calibration curve was made on the test plate at which a fraction of 100 L of diluted antigen was deposited in the wells. The antigen (P4) was diluted sample in methanol/water and incubated at 37ºC for one hour; then 200 L were deposited from the PBS-BSA 1% and was followed by incubation overnight at 10ºC.  100 L of anti-P4 serum produced in rabbits were added and another incubation at 37ºC for one hour was performed, followed by two washes with PBS-T-G. Then it was added 100 L of the conjugate anti rabbit peroxidase labeled, followed by another incubation at 37ºC for one hour; two washing were done with PBS-T-G and drying the plate; revelation with TMB (Sure Blue) was performed using 100 L of Sure Blue for 10 minutes and the reaction stopped, the plate was read at 595 nm; another revelation was done with PNPP and the plate reading was done at 450 nm. The r

O artigo não possui resumo em português.