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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778522


OBJECTIVES: The present study aimed to evaluate data from patients admitted to the first-episode psychotic (FEP) outpatient clinic at the Hospital of Clinics of the Federal University of Pernambuco from July 2018 to July 2021, seeking to identify factors related to better clinical outcomes. METHODS: This study was conducted using a convenience sample, including all patients between 15 and 65 years of age who were admitted to the FEP outpatient clinic from July 2018 to July 2021. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using mean and standard deviation or median and interquartile range for continuous quantitative variables, and absolute number/percentage for qualitative variables. Paired T-test, a parametric test, was used to compare PANSS scores upon admission and after 6 months. Spearman's correlation test was employed to assess the correlation between duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and treatment response with other variables. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 85.3% male individuals, with 50% of patients aged between 19 and 30 years, and 82% residing in the metropolitan area of Recife. Seventy percent of patients responded to the treatment implemented by the outpatient clinic, and only 30% required psychiatric hospitalization within 6 months of follow-up. The majority of patients had a history of psychoactive substance use (82.4%); however, the use of these substances did not impact the prognosis within the analysed sample. The median DUP was 4 weeks, and a shorter DUP was associated with a lower probability of psychiatric hospitalization and a greater treatment response (reduction >50% in PANSS). CONCLUSION: A shorter DUP was associated with a lower likelihood of psychiatric hospitalization and a greater treatment response. Furthermore, the specialized early psychosis outpatient clinic itself appears to yield positive outcomes, as 70% of the treated patients exhibited a positive treatment response.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 36(3): 401-406, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-654959


OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a prevalência e as características do assédio moral nas residências médica e não médica em um hospital de ensino em Recife (PE). MÉTODOS: Um questionário foi elaborado para investigar a prevalência do assédio moral, os perfis do assediado e do assediador, e possíveis sequelas. Uma definição para assédio moral foi apresentada aos participantes. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 105 residentes. A prevalência do assédio foi de 41,9%, sendo mais frequente em menores de 28 anos (46,3%), mulheres (45,8%), residentes do segundo ano (47,7%) e na área médica (46,8%). Essas diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes (p = 0,082; 0,118; 0,349; 0,225, respectivamente). As mulheres referiram mais sequelas (p = 0,013), sendo a maior parte destas de origem psíquica (58,5%) ou profissional (39,0%). Os profissionais responsáveis pela preceptoria são os principais assediadores (40,7%), seguidos daqueles com cargos na coordenação (29,1%; p = < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: 41,9% dos residentes já foram vítimas de assédio moral. Não houve diferença significativa de prevalência entre os grupos estudados. Os cargos próximos das atividades clínicas se mostraram mais propícios a cometê-lo (preceptoria e coordenação). O sexo feminino se mostrou tão suscetível ao assédio quanto o masculino, mas sofreu significativamente mais sequelas (p = 0,013).

BACKGROUND: This study sought to establish the prevalence and characteristics of moral harassment during medical and non-medical residencies in a teaching hospital in Recife, PE. METHODS: A questionnaire was developed based on the available bibliography with the intent of creating a profile of both victim and harasser, also assaying the consequences of the harassment. The participants were presented a definition of moral harassment. RESULTS: The questionnaire was answered by 105 residents. The prevalence of moral harassment was 41.9%, with no significant difference between medical and non-medical residents (p = 0.225), age group (p = 0.082), year of residency (p = 0.349) or sex (p = 0.118). The female residents reported the harassment as being more harmful: 96.6% of harassed female residents experienced negative consequences, compared to only 1 male (p = 0.013). Regarding the harassers, supervising physicians were identified more often than others as being the perpetrators of moral harassment (40.7%; p = < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant difference in the prevalence of moral harassment among the different groups of this study. During residency, females are more prone to suffer consequences due to moral harassment (p = 0.013). Supervising physicians were most frequently involved in harassing behavior.