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Foods ; 13(15)2024 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39123566


This study aimed, for the first time, to determine the nutritional composition, beta-glucan and ergosterol contents, phenolic compound composition, and biological and functional activities of a novel mycoprotein produced through a bioconversion process of Durvillaea spp., a brown seaweed. An untargeted metabolomics approach was employed to screen metabolites and annotate molecules with nutraceutical properties. Two products, each representing a distinct consortia of co-cultured fungi, named Myco 1 and Myco 2, were analysed in this study. These consortia demonstrated superior properties compared to those of Durvillaea spp., showing significant increases in total protein (~238%), amino acids (~219%), and ß-D-glucans (~112%). The protein contains all essential amino acids, a low fatty acid content, and exhibits high antioxidant activity (21.5-25.5 µmol TE/g). Additionally, Myco 2 exhibited the highest anti-alpha-glucosidase activity (IC50 = 16.5 mg/mL), and Myco 1 exhibited notable anti-lipase activity (IC50 = 10.5 mg/mL). Among the 69 top differentially abundant metabolites screened, 8 nutraceutical compounds were present in relatively high concentrations among the identified mycoproteins. The proteins and polysaccharides in the mycoprotein may play a crucial role in the formation and stabilization of emulsions, identifying it as a potent bioemulsifier. In conclusion, the bioconversion of Durvillaea spp. results in a mycoprotein with high-quality protein, significant nutritional and functional value, and prebiotic and nutraceutical potential due to the production of unique bioactive compounds.

Front Nutr ; 11: 1379364, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38784134


Chronic liver disease is a global health issue. Patients with chronic liver disease require a fresh approach that focuses on the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to disease initiation and progression. Emerging knowledge in the fields of Genomic Medicine and Genomic Nutrition demonstrates differences between countries in terms of genetics and lifestyle risk factors such as diet, physical activity, and mental health in chronic liver disease, which serves as the foundation for the implementation of Personalized Medicine and Nutrition (PerMed-Nut) strategies. Most of the world's populations have descended from various ethnic groupings. Mexico's population has a tripartite ancestral background, consisting of Amerindian, European, and African lineages, which is common across Latin America's regional countries. The purpose of this review is to discuss the genetic and environmental components that could be incorporated into a PerMed-Nut model for metabolic-associated liver disease, viral hepatitis B and C, and hepatocellular carcinoma in Mexico. Additionally, the implementation of the PerMed-Nut approach will require updated medicine and nutrition education curricula. Training and equipping future health professionals and researchers with new clinical and investigative abilities focused on preventing liver illnesses in the field of genomic hepatology globally is a vision that clinicians and nutritionists should be concerned about.

Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558516


Introducción: El síndrome visual informático o fatiga visual digital es una enfermedad causada por el cansancio ocular que provoca el pasar mucho tiempo frente a una pantalla. Objetivo: Diagnosticar el síndrome visual informático en pacientes menores de 35 años atendidos en la consulta de refracción. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo y transversal de pacientes atendidos en la consulta de refracción del Policlínico Especialidades del Hospital Provincial Docente Clínicoquirúrgico Saturnino Lora, durante el periodo de abril a junio de 2022. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes en las edades comprendidas entre 26 y 35 años y del sexo femenino; los síntomas más frecuentes fueron el cansancio visual, ardor ocular, sensación de ojo seco, visión borrosa de cerca, ojo rojo y el dolor de cabeza después del esfuerzo visual. Los dispositivos digitales más usados fueron el celular y la computadora con un tiempo de uso de una a tres horas, destacándose este último con un tiempo superior a 4 horas. Los defectos refractivos constituyeron la principal causa de limitaciones visuales. Los pacientes con síndrome visual informático y alguna ametropía sin corrección fueron los que mayor cantidad de síntomas tuvieron, seguidos de los pacientes corregidos inadecuadamente. Conclusiones: Este síndrome afecta en gran medida a la población más joven. El adecuado interrogatorio y la incorporación de los procedimientos correctos en el estudio optométrico diario permitió el diagnóstico de tal síndrome en los pacientes atendidos y la corrección óptica pertinente.

Introduction: Digital visual syndrome or digital visual fatigue is a disease caused by the ocular fatigue provoked by spending much time in front of a screen. Objective: To diagnose the digital visual syndrome in patients under 35 years assisted in the refraction service. Methods: A prospective descriptive and cross-sectional study of patients assisted in the refraction service of the Specialties Polyclinic in Saturnino Lora Teaching Clinical Surgical Provincial Hospital, was carried out from April to June, 2022. Results: There was a prevalence of patients aged 26 and 35 and female sex; the most frequent symptoms were visual fatigue, ocular burning, dry eye sensation, closely blurred vision, red eye and headache after visual effort. The most used digital devices were the cellphone and the computer with a time of use from one to three hours, with emphasis in the last one with more than 4 hours. The refractive defects constituted the main cause of visual limitations. The patients with digital visual syndrome and some type of ametropia without correction were those with more symptoms, followed by the patients inadequately corrected. Conclusions: This syndrome affects the youngest population to a great extent. The appropriate interrogation and the incorporation of correct procedures in the daily optometric study allowed the diagnosis of such a syndrome in the assisted patients and the pertinent optic correction.

Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1529011


En los últimos meses del curso escolar 2020-2021, debido a la pandemia de la covid-19 fue necesario modificar el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de sexto año de la carrera de Medicina en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, lo cual incluía a los internos en las modalidades rotatoria y vertical de dicha enseñanza. En el presente artículo se comunican brevemente algunos aspectos relacionados con el aporte asistencial de estos universitarios en los centros de aislamientos, ante el llamado de las autoridades gubernamentales de la provincia, donde demostraron sentido de responsabilidad, amor al prójimo y compromiso durante la atención a los pacientes con diagnósticos de sospecha o definitivo de la enfermedad.

In the last months of 2020-2021 academic year, due to the pandemic of covid-19, it was necessary to modify the training process for the sixth year students of Medicine degree at the University of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba, which included interns in rotation and vertical models of said teaching. In this work, some aspects related to their care contribution in the isolation centers, after the call of the governmental authorities in the province, are shortly communicated, where they demonstrated the sense of responsibility, love for their fellow men and commitment during the care to patients with presumptive or positive diagnoses of the disease.

Estudantes de Medicina , Educação a Distância
Medisan ; 27(2)abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440581


Introducción: La educación universitaria constituye un proceso generador de muchas tensiones para los estudiantes de todo el mundo, que se ha asociado a altos niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones de estrés académico en estudiantes del tercer año de la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo de 10 estudiantes de la Facultad de Medicina No. 1 de Santiago de Cuba, diagnosticados con estrés académico en la Unidad de Orientación Estudiantil, desde enero hasta junio de 2022. Resultados: Predominó el estrés moderado en 70,0 % de los alumnos, con una primacía del sexo femenino (50,0 %). La frecuencia de intensidad de la preocupación fue expresada en el valor categorial mucho (70,0 %). Entre los principales factores estresores identificados figuraron: sobrecarga de tareas y trabajos, evaluaciones de los profesores y participación en clase, que en su totalidad forman parte de la dinámica del proceso formativo de la carrera. También prevaleció la diversidad de estrategias de afrontamiento a dicho estrés. Conclusiones: El estrés académico se presentó mayormente en las esferas afectiva y conductual de los estudiantes y se asoció a sucesos vivenciales como factores estresores.

Introduction: University education constitutes a process that generates many tensions for the students from all over the world, which has been associated with high stress levels, anxiety and depression. Objective: To describe the manifestations of academic stress in students from the third year of Medicine. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study of 10 students from the Medicine Faculty No. 1 was carried out in Santiago de Cuba, diagnosed with academic stress in the Student Direction Unit, from January to June, 2022. Results: The moderated stress prevailed in 70.0 % of the students, with a primacy of female sex (50.0 %). The frequency of intensity of the concern was expressed in the categorical value (70.0 %) as many. Among the main identified factors that cause stress we can mention: excess of tasks and works, professors evaluations and participation in class that are part of the dynamics in the training process of the career. Also, the diversity of strategies to face this stress prevailed. Conclusions: The academic stress was mostly present in the affective and behavioral spheres of the students and was associated with events experienced as factors that cause stress.

Estresse Psicológico , Estudantes de Medicina , Adaptação Psicológica
Medisan ; 26(4)jul.-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405827


Se presenta el caso de una estudiante de segundo año medicina, atendida en la Unidad de Orientación Estudiantil de la Facultad de Medicina No. 1 de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, entre septiembre y diciembre de 2021, por presentar problemas académicos y manifestaciones de estrés debido a que fue víctima de acoso verbal y psicológico por parte de sus compañeros de grupo a partir de un acto de sexting por parte de su pareja. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior se le dio seguimiento para un mejor estudio y se comparten los hallazgos con la comunidad científica en general.

The case of a second year medicine student is presented, assisted in the Student Orientation Unit of Medicine Faculty No. 1 in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba, between September and December, 2021, due to academic problems and stress manifestations because she was victim of verbal and psychological harassment by her groupmates as a result of an act of sexting by her couple. Taking into account the above-mentioned she was followed up for a better study and findings are shared with the scientific community in general.

Assédio não Sexual , Cyberbullying , Estresse Psicológico
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424330


El síndrome del folículo vacío (SFV) es el fracaso total para recuperar los ovocitos después de la estimulación ovárica, a pesar de un desarrollo folicular aparentemente normal y una esteroidogénesis folicular adecuada. Se han descrito dos variantes de SFV: la forma genuina, que ocurre en presencia de niveles adecuados de hCGβ circulante o de LH en el momento de la aspiración de ovocitos, y la forma 'falsa', que se asocia a niveles séricos de hCG/LH por debajo de un umbral crítico. En nuestra paciente, tras un protocolo aceptado de estimulación ovárica con gonadotropina menopáusica humana y folitropina alfa y posterior maduración folicular con coriogonadotropina alfa no se obtuvieron cúmulos ovocitarios en la punción ecoguiada, con lo que se trató de emplear otras estrategias encaminadas a corregir esta situación. El tratamiento y el pronóstico de estas pacientes aún no se conocen bien. Se necesitan grandes estudios multicéntricos y revisiones sistemáticas para aumentar la comprensión del SFV y así, su manejo, diseñando mejores estrategias como tratamos de hacer con nuestra paciente con el empleo de doble descarga para maduración ovocitaria.

Empty follicle syndrome (EFS) is the complete failure to retrieve oocytes after ovarian stimulation, despite apparently normal follicular development and adequate follicular steroidogenesis. Two variants of EFS have been described: the genuine form, which occurs in the presence of adequate circulating βhCG or LH levels at the time of oocyte aspiration, and the 'false' form, which is associated with serum hCG/ LH levels below a critical threshold. In our patient, after an accepted protocol of ovarian stimulation with human menopausal gonadotropin and follitropin alfa and subsequent follicular maturation with choriogonadotropin alfa, no oocyte clusters were obtained in the ultrasound-guided puncture, so an attempt was made to use other strategies aimed at correcting this situation. The treatment and prognosis of these patients are still poorly understood. Large multicenter studies and systematic reviews are needed to increase understanding of EFS and thus its management, designing better strategies as we tried to do with our patient with the use of double discharge for oocyte maturation.

Medisan ; 24(6)
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1143273


Ante la inminente situación mundial a partir del brote de la COVID-19, las organizaciones Mundial y Panamericana de la Salud, han trabajado en el control del virus. El sistema de salud cubano, a través del actuar comunitario con estudiantes y profesores, unido a la labor preventiva, permitió mitigar el riesgo que constituye esta enfermedad para la salud. A tales efectos, se comenta brevemente sobre la organización docente en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, donde, de forma virtual y bajo condiciones diferentes, se diseñó un nuevo escenario docente para garantizar la culminación de las asignaturas que no forman parte del currículo base del plan de estudio vigente, según las carreras y los diferentes años académicos.

In view of the imminent world situation taking the COVID-19 outbreak as a starting point, the Health World and Pan-American organizations, have worked in the control of virus. The Cuban health system, through community performance with students and professors, along with preventive work, allowed to mitigate the risk that this disease constitutes for the human health. To such effects, it is briefly commented on the teaching organization in the University of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba, where, in a virtual way and under different conditions, a new teaching scenario was designed to guarantee the ending of the subjects that are not part of the basic curriculum in the existing plan of study, according to the careers and the different academic years.

Infecções por Coronavirus/prevenção & controle , Educação a Distância/métodos , Estudantes de Medicina , Universidades , Pessoal de Educação
Rev. medica electron ; 42(5): 2378-2387, sept.-oct. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144741


RESUMEN El linfoma de Burkitt, se trata de un subtipo poco frecuente del linfoma no Hodgkin, con elevada frecuencia en aquellos pacientes con sida. La hepatoesplenomegalia es un signo clínico de gran importancia para el diagnóstico oportuno de algunas patologías; entre los mecanismos de formación de la hepatoesplenomegalia se encuentra la infiltración celular, ocasionada por la migración de células tumorales. Se presenta por inflamaciones debido a la presencia de infecciones por virus o bacterias las cuales son muy comunes en pacientes con sida. Se presentó un caso de un paciente masculino de 4 años, diagnosticado con VIH positivo, con la configuración correspondiente de criterios clínicos en clasificación C para sida. El cual desarrolló a nivel de cavidad oral un Burkitt primario, que se acompañó de hepatoesplenomegalia. Se pretendió describir la relación y el comportamiento de este tipo de linfoma con la hepatoesplenomegalia, así como la repercusión a nivel del sistema estomatognático, a nivel sistémico y el plan de tratamiento. Por el cuadro clínico e inmunológico del paciente estudiado, se planteó un pronóstico reservado por presentar un cuadro clínico infrecuente, en el que se observó Burkitt; tanto a nivel del sistema estomatognático como a nivel abdominal. Se hizo necesario realizar un diagnóstico oportuno y certero para iniciar el tratamiento a tiempo, se comenzó inmediatamente con tratamiento (AU).

ABSTRACT Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a rare subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, with high frequency in those patients with AIDS. Hepatosplenomegaly is a clinical sign of great importance for the timely diagnosis of some pathologies; cellular infiltration is found among the mechanisms of hepatosplenomegaly formation; it is caused by the migration of tumor cells. It emerges by inflammations due to the presence of infections by virus or bacteria which are very common in patients with AIDS. The authors present the case of a male patient, aged 4 years, with a positive HIV diagnosis, and the correspondent configuration of clinical criteria in C classification for AIDS, who developed a primary Burkitt lymphoma at the level of oral cavity We present the case of a 4-year-old male patient diagnosed with HIV positive, with the corresponding configuration of clinical criteria in classification C for AIDS; who developed a primary LB at the oral cavity level that was accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly. The authors pretended to describe the relation and behavior of this kind of lymphoma with hepatosplenomegaly, and also the repercussion at the stomatognathic level, at the systemic level and the treatment plan. Due to the clinical and immunological characteristics of the studied patient a reserved prognosis was given because of presenting infrequent clinical characteristics in which a Burkitt was observed both, at the stomatognathic and at the abdominal level. It was necessary to make an opportune and accurate diagnosis to begin the treatment on time (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Sinais e Sintomas , Criança , Linfoma de Burkitt/complicações , Esplenomegalia/complicações , Esplenomegalia/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Bucais/complicações , Neoplasias Bucais/diagnóstico , Antígenos HIV/uso terapêutico , Diagnóstico Clínico/diagnóstico , HIV/patogenicidade , Hepatomegalia/diagnóstico
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol ; 47(3): 299-309, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32086638


Piscirickettsia salmonis is a facultative Gram-negative intracellular bacterium that produces piscirickettsiosis, disease that causes a high negative impact in salmonid cultures. The so-far-unidentified nutritional requirements have hindered its axenic culture at laboratory and industrial scales for the formulation of vaccines. The present study describes the development of a defined culture medium for P. salmonis. The culture medium was formulated through rational design involving auxotrophy test and statistical designs of experiments, considering the genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of P. salmonis reported by our group. The whole optimization process allowed for a twofold increase in biomass and a reduction of about 50% of the amino acids added to the culture medium. The final culture medium contains twelve amino acids, where glutamic acid, threonine and arginine were the main carbon and energy sources, supporting 1.65 g/L of biomass using 6.5 g/L of amino acids in the formulation. These results will contribute significantly to the development of new operational strategies to culture this bacterium for the production of vaccines.

Piscirickettsia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vacinas/imunologia , Meios de Cultura , Vacinas/metabolismo