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Rev. Finlay ; 12(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440994


Fundamento: un análisis de la tendencia al cambio en la mortalidad del cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe y la cuantificación del impacto sobre la esperanza de vida en la población cubana puede ayudar a los investigadores y a los responsables de la formulación de políticas de Salud Pública a tener una visión integral de este problema. Objetivo: estimar la carga por mortalidad de cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe, por sexo, en Cuba en el período comprendido de 2005- 2020. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en el que se utilizaron series de datos quinquenales. El universo estuvo conformado por todas las muertes por cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe para los años estudiados. Se utilizó, para cada año y causas, el número de defunciones, se calcularon tasas por 100 000 habitantes y los años de vida potencialmente perdidos por mortalidad. Se calculó, el promedio y se estimó del cambio porcentual anual. Resultados: las tasas de mortalidad fueron entre 7,62 y 12,23 en hombres y 2,60 y 3,74 en mujeres, por 100 000 habitantes. En cuanto a los años de vida dejados de vivir temparanamente, por cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe se observó que en hombres las tasas asciendieron de 131 en el 2005 a 169 en el 2020 y de 40 a 52 en las mujeres. Concluciones: la carga por cáncer de labio, cavidad bucal y faringe en Cuba ha aumentado, fue superior en hombres, la tendencia es creciente en ambos sexos, por cáncer nasofaríngeo tanto hombres como mujeres fallecieron a edades más tempranas que, por otras localizaciones estudiadas, el cambio porcentual fue superior por cáncer faríngeo.

Background: an analysis of the trend of change in the mortality of cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx and the quantification of the impact on life expectancy in the Cuban population can help researchers and those responsible for formulating health policies. Public to have a comprehensive view of this problem. Objective: to estimate the mortality burden of cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, by sex, in Cuba in the period 2005-2020. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in which five-year data series were used. The universe was made up of all deaths from cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx for the years studied. For each year and causes, the number of deaths was used; rates per 100,000 inhabitants and the years of life potentially lost due to mortality were calculated. The average was calculated and the annual percentage change was estimated. Results: mortality rates were between 7.62 and 12.23 in men and 2.60 and 3.74 in women, per 100,000 inhabitants. Regarding the years of life lost early, due to cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, it was observed that in men the rates rose from 131 in 2005 to 169 in 2020 and from 40 to 52 in women. Conclusions: the burden of cancer of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx in Cuba has increased, it was higher in men, the trend is growing in both sexes, both men and women died at younger ages due to nasopharyngeal cancer than, due to other locations studied, the percentage change was higher for pharyngeal cancer.

Lancet Public Health ; 7(11): e923-e931, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36334608


BACKGROUND: Although socioeconomic status is a major determinant of premature mortality in many populations, the impact of social inequalities on premature mortality in Cuba, a country with universal education and health care, remains unclear. We aimed to assess the association between educational level and premature adult mortality in Cuba. METHODS: The Cuba Prospective Study (a cohort study) enrolled 146 556 adults aged 30 years and older from the general population in five provinces from Jan 1, 1996, to Nov 24, 2002. Participants were followed up until Jan 1, 2017, for cause-specific mortality. Deaths were identified through linkage to the Cuban Public Health Ministry's national mortality records. Cox regression models yielded rate ratios (RRs) for the effect of educational level (a commonly used measure for social status) on mortality at ages 35-74 years, with assessment for the mediating effects of smoking, alcohol consumption, and BMI. FINDINGS: A total of 127 273 participants aged 35-74 years were included in the analyses. There was a strong inverse association between educational level and premature mortality. Compared with a university education, men who did not complete primary education had an approximately 60% higher risk of premature mortality (RR 1·55, 95% CI 1·40-1·72), while the risk was approximately doubled in women (1·96, 1·81-2·13). Overall, 28% of premature deaths could be attributed to lower education levels. Excess mortality in women was primarily due to vascular disease, while vascular disease and cancer were equally important in men. 31% of the association with education in men and 18% in women could be explained by common modifiable risk factors, with smoking having the largest effect. INTERPRETATION: This study highlights the value of understanding the determinants of health inequalities in different populations. Although many major determinants lie outside the health system in Cuba, this study has identified the diseases and risk factors that require targeted public health interventions, particularly smoking. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, CDC Foundation (with support from Amgen).

Mortalidade Prematura , Doenças Vasculares , Adulto , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Prospectivos , Fumar/epidemiologia , Estudos de Coortes , Cuba/epidemiologia
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 48(2): e2388, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409282


Introducción: La incidencia es fundamental para evaluar la carga de tuberculosis. Objetivo: Valorar el impacto del Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis en la incidencia de la tuberculosis en Cuba en el periodo 1994-2015. Métodos: Estudio de series temporales de la incidencia de tuberculosis en el periodo 1994-2015. Se estimó la tendencia exponencial y las variaciones de las tendencias de casos nuevos notificados en Cuba y sus provincias; los totales y medias anuales de los periodos 1994-1999, 1999-2015 y 1994-2015. Se calcularon las diferencias absolutas y relativas entre las provincias cubanas desde 1994-2015. Resultados: La tendencia general de la tasa fue descendente. El periodo de 1994-1999 visualizó una reducción de -0,33x100 000(-505 casos) y entre 1999 y 2015 fue de -0,42(-448 casos). La reducción media anual entre 1994-1999 fue de -0,07 y de 1999-2015 fue de -0,03. En 1994, 1999 y 2015 se notificaron 1616 casos (14,7), 1111(10,0) y 651(5,8), respectivamente. En 1994 la mayor tasa correspondió a la provincia de Cienfuegos (23,1) con riesgo atribuible poblacional porcentual del 65,8 por ciento. En 1999 y 2015 las mayores tasas se presentaron en Ciego de Ávila (18,3) y (9,5), respectivamente (riesgo atribuible poblacional porcentual del 60,7 por ciento en 1999 y del 75,8 por ciento en 2015). En 1994 y 1999 todas las provincias tuvieron tasas > 5,0. En 2015, ocho provincias mostraron tasas < 5,0. En 1999 la provincia con mayor variación de su tasa anual fue Cienfuegos (-0,65) y en 2015 Camagüey (-0,73). Conclusiones: El Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis en Cuba obtuvo hasta el 2015 una discreta disminución sostenida de la incidencia de la enfermedad en el país; pero no es suficiente para lograr su eliminación, por lo que se requieren nuevas intervenciones diferenciadas y priorizadas(AU)

Introduction: Incidence is critical to assess the burden of tuberculosis. Objective: Assess the impact of the National Program of Tuberculosis Control on the incidence of tuberculosis in Cuba in the period 1994-2015. Methods: Study of time series of tuberculosis incidence in the period 1994-2015. The exponential trend and variations in the trends of new cases reported in Cuba and its provinces were estimated; also the annual totals and averages for the periods 1994-1999, 1999-2015 and 1994-2015. The absolute and relative differences between the Cuban provinces from 1994-2015 were calculated. Results: The overall trend of the rate was downward. The period from 1994-1999 had a reduction of -0.33x100 000 (-505 cases) and between 1999 and 2015 it was -0.42 (-448 cases). The average annual reduction between 1994-1999 was -0.07 and from 1999-2015 it was -0.03. In 1994, 1999 and 2015, 1616 cases (14.7), 1111 (10.0) and 651 (5.8) were reported, respectively. In 1994 the highest rate corresponded to the province of Cienfuegos (23.1) with a percentage population attributable risk of 65.8percent. In 1999 and 2015, the highest rates occurred in Ciego de Ávila (18.3) and (9.5), respectively (percentage population attributable risk of 60.7percent in 1999 and 75.8percent in 2015). In 1994 and 1999 all provinces had rates > 5.0. In 2015, eight provinces showed rates < 5.0. In 1999 the province with the greatest variation in its annual rate was Cienfuegos (-0.65) and in 2015 Camagüey (-0.73). Conclusions: The National Program of Tuberculosis Control in Cuba obtained until 2015 a discreet sustained decrease in the incidence of the disease in the country; but it is not enough to achieve its elimination, so new differentiated and prioritized interventions are required(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Tuberculose/prevenção & controle , Tuberculose/epidemiologia , Cuba , Estudos Ecológicos
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(4)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408742


RESUMEN Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha sido la mayor del siglo actual y motivo de numerosos trabajos científicos. En Cuba se ha constituido el Grupo Temporal de Anatomía Patológica para estudiar las autopsias de los fallecidos por la COVID-19 (más de 400). Los certificados médicos de defunción, documentos de inestimable valor, en Cuba se reparan de acuerdo a los resultados de las autopsias, para elevar su calidad. Objetivos: Evaluar los resultados de las autopsias con diagnósticos de COVID-19, comparadas con los certificados médicos de defunción. Métodos: Se evaluaron los diagnósticos de causas de muerte de 65 autopsias del año 2020 con sus certificados médicos de defunción. Los diagnósticos fueron procesados en el Sistema Automatizado de Registro y Control de Anatomía Patológica. Se analizaron las causas directas de muerte, causas básicas de muerte, causas de muerte intermedias y causas de muerte contribuyentes. Se definió la coincidencia total de ambos diagnósticos, coincidencia parcial, no coincidencia o discrepancia diagnóstica y datos insuficientes. Resultados: Las discrepancias diagnósticas de causa básica y directa de muerte son 46,2 % y 60,0 % del total de casos y 19,4 % y 64,5 % cuando la COVID-19 fue causa básica de muerte. Las elevadas cifras de discrepancias diagnósticas, se corresponden con las reportadas en estudios previos, tanto en diagnósticos clínicos como en los certificados médicos de defunción. Conclusiones: Existe elevadas cifras de discrepancias diagnósticas en los resultados de las autopsias con diagnósticos de COVID-19, comparadas con los certificados médicos de defunción.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has been the largest in the current century and the reason for numerous scientific works. In Cuba, the Temporary Group of Pathological Anatomy has been established to study the autopsies of those who died from COVID-19 (more than 400). The medical death certificates, documents of inestimable value, in Cuba are repaired according to the results of the autopsies, to raise their quality. Objectives: To evaluate the results of autopsies with COVID-19 diagnoses, compared to medical death certificates. Methods: The diagnoses of causes of death of 65 autopsies of the year 2020 were evaluated with their medical death certificates. The diagnoses were processed in the Automated System for the Registration and Control of Pathology. Direct causes of death, basic causes of death, intermediate causes of death, and contributing causes of death were analyzed. The total agreement of both diagnoses was defined, partial agreement, diagnostic mismatch or discrepancy, and insufficient data. Results: Diagnostic discrepancies of basic and direct cause of death are 46.2 % and 60.0 % of all cases and 19.4 % and 64.5 % when COVID-19 was basic cause of death. The high figures for diagnostic discrepancies correspond to those reported in previous studies, both in clinical diagnoses and in medical death certificates. Conclusions: There are high numbers of diagnostic discrepancies compared with the results of autopsies with COVID-19 diagnoses, compared to medical death certificates.

Medisur ; 19(5): 748-757, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351089


RESUMEN Fundamento la muerte materna representa uno de los acontecimientos más notables dentro de los conflictos de la salud sexual y reproductiva en el mundo. La elevada mortalidad por esta causa en el mundo es inadmisible. Sin embargo, las estimaciones para determinar la carga de morbilidad y mortalidad maternas aún son limitadas. Objetivo determinar la carga por mortalidad relacionada con el embarazo, parto y puerperio en Cuba entre los años 2005 y 2018. Métodos se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de datos transversales nacionales y periodicidad anual. El universo de estudio estuvo conformado por todas las muertes ocurridas durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio en el periodo 2005-2018, en Cuba (N=831). Se calcularon la razón de mortalidad, años de vida potencialmente perdidos por mortalidad, el porcentaje, el promedio y la tendencia. Resultados del total de fallecidas por muertes ocurridas durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio, 463 fueron por muerte directa; 247 por muerte indirecta; y 247, por otras muertes 121. La razón promedió 48,8 fallecidas por cada 100 000 nacidos vivos. Los años de vida potencialmente perdidos fueron 42582: 23433 por muertes directas, 12724 por indirectas, y 6425 por otras muertes. Conclusión las muertes obstétricas directas fueron las más frecuentes, y las de mayor impacto sobre la esperanza de vida; mientras que las obstétricas indirectas mostraron una tendencia a aumentar en el tiempo. Por otras muertes, las mujeres fallecieron en edades más tempranas.

ABSTRACT Background maternal death represents one of the most notable events in the conflicts of sexual and reproductive health in the world. The high mortality from this cause in the world is unacceptable. However, estimates for determining the burden of maternal morbidity and mortality health are still limited. Objective to determine the burden of mortality related to pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium in Cuba between 2005 and 2018. Methods a descriptive study was carried out, with national cross-sectional data and annual periodicity. The universe of study was made up of all the deaths that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium in the period 2005-2018, in Cuba (N = 831). The mortality ratio, years of life potentially lost due to mortality, the percentage, the average and the trend were calculated. Results of the total number of deceased due to deaths that occurred during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, 463 were due to direct death; 247 for indirect death; and 247, due to other deaths 121. The ratio averaged 48.8 deaths for every 100 000 live births. Years of life potentially lost were 42,582: 23,433 for direct deaths, 12,724 for indirect deaths, and 6,425 for other deaths. Conclusion direct obstetric deaths were the most frequent and those with the greatest impact on life expectancy; while indirect obstetrician women showed a tendency to increase over time. For other deaths, women died at an earlier age.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(5): e3579, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352078


Introducción: La morbimortalidad por enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) ha presentado en las dos últimas décadas un incremento desconcertante. En Cuba, aunque la mortalidad por esta causa ha tenido un comportamiento estable, la incidencia y la prevalencia se mantienen elevadas. Objetivo: Caracterizar los pacientes fallecidos con ERC según variables demográficas, causas de muerte y otras variables seleccionadas. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. El universo de estudio estuvo constituido por todos los fallecidos del país en el período, en cuyos certificados de defunción se incluyó entre una de las causas, la ERC. La información fue obtenida de las bases de datos de mortalidad de la Dirección Nacional de Registros Médicos y Estadísticos de Salud del MINSAP. Procesamiento de forma automatizada (SPSS versión 22.0). Fueron calculadas las frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: La frecuencia global de pacientes fallecidos se incrementó de forma mantenida y resultó mayor en la provincia La Habana (23,6 por ciento). La media de la edad fue de 70 años. Prevaleció el sexo masculino, el color de piel blanco y el grupo de edad de 80 años y más. Los porcentajes más altos según la causa básica de muerte correspondieron a enfermedad renal hipertensiva y Diabetes Mellitus. Conclusiones: Los fallecidos con ERC son mayormente hombres, de piel blanca, y con edades avanzadas. Las principales causas de muerte son la enfermedad hipertensiva y la Diabetes Mellitus(AU)

Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has increased at an alarming rate worldwide over the last two decades. Although mortality due to CKD has registered stable behavior in Cuba, its prevalence and incidence are showing higher rates. Objective: To describe the main demographic features of deceased patients with CKD in Cuba, the causes of death and other variables during the period 2011-2016. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. The study universe included all deceased patients in Cuba during the period mentioned. CKD was listed on their death certificates as one of the causes of death. The information used was obtained from the mortality database available on the National Directorate of Medical Records and Health Statistics of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health. Data was processed using SPSS version 22.0. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated. Results: The global frequency of deceased patients showed a steady increase. Havana was the city that presented the highest percentage (23,6 percent). Nonetheless, the rest of the cities showed an increased frequency rate. The median age was 70 years. The male gender prevailed over the female one as well as white ethnicity and the 80 years and over age group. Regarding the cause of death, the highest percentages corresponded to hypertensive kidney disease and Diabetes Mellitus. Conclusions: Most of the deceased patients with CKD are male, white and at advanced ages. The main causes of death are hypertensive disease and Diabetes Mellitus(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Causas de Morte/tendências , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/mortalidade , Nefropatias , Estatísticas de Saúde , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Cuba , Complicações do Diabetes/mortalidade
Rev. cuba. med ; 60(2): e1530, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280346


Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica constituye un gran problema de salud en el mundo y en Cuba. Para el año 2040 puede convertirse en la quinta causa más común de años de vida potencialmente perdidos a nivel mundial y es una importante causa de gastos para la salud, la economía y el seguro social de los países. Objetivo: Caracterizar la mortalidad en pacientes renales crónicos en edad laboral en Cuba, en los años 2011-2017, según variables sociodemográficas seleccionadas. Métodos: Investigación transversal descriptiva. El universo estuvo constituido por los 5 716 fallecidos con enfermedad renal crónica. La información fue tomada de las bases de datos de mortalidad de la Dirección Nacional de Estadísticas, del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, sexo, ocupación y principales causas de muerte. Se calcularon tasas brutas, así como tasas de mortalidad específicas. Resultados: En la edad laboral la mortalidad por enfermedad renal crónica presentó oscilaciones del año 2011 al 2017. La edad media al morir fue 53.7 años, los mayores de 61 años, hombres, presentaron el mayor riesgo (16 por 10 000 habitantes). La tasa en la población económicamente activa desocupada fue de 33 por 10 000 habitantes. El riesgo fue mayor en las ocupaciones elementales (9 por 10 000 habitantes). La enfermedad renal hipertensiva fue la principal causa de muerte (17 por 100 000 habitantes). Conclusiones: Existe ligero incremento de la mortalidad, en hombres el riesgo es mayor, la tasa más alta es en población económicamente activa desocupada y en las ocupaciones elementales. La principal causa de muerte es la enfermedad renal hipertensiva(AU)

Introduction: Chronic kidney disease constitutes a major health problem in Cuba and worldwide. By 2040 it may become the fifth most common cause of years of life potentially lost, worldwide, and a major cause of health expenses, economy and social security. Objective: To describe mortality in chronic kidney patients of working ages in Cuba, from 2011to 2017, according to selected sociodemographic variables. Methods: This is descriptive cross-sectional research. The universe consisted of 5,716 deceased subjects with chronic kidney disease. The information was taken from the mortality databases of the National Directorate of Statistics, from the Ministry of Public Health. The variables were studied age, sex, occupation and main causes of death. Gross and specific mortality rates were calculated. Results: In working age, mortality from chronic kidney disease fluctuated from 2011 to 2017. The mean age at death was 53.7 years, those over 61 years of age, men, had the highest risk (16 per 10,000 inhabitants). The rate in the economically active unemployed population was 33 per 10,000 inhabitants. The risk was higher in basic occupations (9 per 10,000 inhabitants). Hypertensive kidney disease was the leading cause of death (17 per 100,000 population). Conclusions: There is a slight increase in mortality, the risk is higher in men, the highest rate is in the economically active unemployed population and in basic occupations. The leading cause of death is hypertensive kidney disease(AU)

Humanos , Trabalho , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiologia , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/mortalidade , Hipertensão/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais , Licença Médica , Cuba
EClinicalMedicine ; 33: 100692, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33768200


BACKGROUND: The associations of cause-specific mortality with alcohol consumption have been studied mainly in higher-income countries. We relate alcohol consumption to mortality in Cuba. METHODS: In 1996-2002, 146 556 adults were recruited into a prospective study from the general population in five areas of Cuba. Participants were interviewed, measured and followed up by electronic linkage to national death registries until January 1, 2017. After excluding all with missing data or chronic disease at recruitment, Cox regression (adjusted for age, sex, province, education, and smoking) was used to relate mortality rate ratios (RRs) at ages 35-79 years to alcohol consumption. RRs were corrected for long-term variability in alcohol consumption using repeat measures among 20 593 participants resurveyed in 2006-08. FINDINGS: After exclusions, there were 120 623 participants aged 35-79 years (mean age 52 [SD 12]; 67 694 [56%] women). At recruitment, 22 670 (43%) men and 9490 (14%) women were current alcohol drinkers, with 15 433 (29%) men and 3054 (5%) women drinking at least weekly; most alcohol consumption was from rum. All-cause mortality was positively and continuously associated with weekly alcohol consumption: each additional 35cl bottle of rum per week (110g of pure alcohol) was associated with ∼10% higher risk of all-cause mortality (RR 1.08 [95%CI 1.05-1.11]). The major causes of excess mortality in weekly drinkers were cancer, vascular disease, and external causes. Non-drinkers had ∼10% higher risk (RR 1.11 [1.09-1.14]) of all-cause mortality than those in the lowest category of weekly alcohol consumption (<1 bottle/week), but this association was almost completely attenuated on exclusion of early follow-up. INTERPRETATION: In this large prospective study in Cuba, weekly alcohol consumption was continuously related to premature mortality. Reverse causality is likely to account for much of the apparent excess risk among non-drinkers. The findings support limits to alcohol consumption that are lower than present recommendations in Cuba. FUNDING: Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, CDC Foundation (with support from Amgen).

Lancet Glob Health ; 8(6): e850-e857, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32446350


BACKGROUND: The average age at which people start smoking has been decreasing in many countries, but insufficient evidence exists on the adult hazards of having started smoking in childhood and, especially, in early childhood. We aimed to investigate the association between smoking habits (focusing on the age when smokers started) and cause-specific premature mortality in a cohort of adults in Cuba. METHODS: For this prospective study, adults were recruited from five provinces in Cuba. Participants were interviewed (data collected included socioeconomic status, medical history, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits) and had their height, weight, and blood pressure measured. Participants were followed up until Jan 1, 2017 for cause-specific mortality; a subset was resurveyed in 2006-08. We used Cox regression to calculate adjusted rate ratios (RRs) for mortality at ages 30-69 years, comparing never-smokers with current smokers by age they started smoking and number of cigarettes smoked per day and with ex-smokers by the age at which they had quit. FINDINGS: Between Jan 1, 1996, and Nov 24, 2002, 146 556 adults were recruited into the study, of whom 118 840 participants aged 30-69 years at recruitment contributed to the main analyses. 27 264 (52%) of 52 524 men and 19 313 (29%) of 66 316 women were current smokers. Most participants reported smoking cigarettes; few smoked only cigars. About a third of current cigarette smokers had started before age 15 years. Compared with never-smokers, the all-cause mortality RR was highest in participants who had started smoking at ages 5-9 years (RR 2·51, 95% CI 2·21-2·85), followed by ages 10-14 years (1·83, 1·72-1·95), 15-19 years (1·56, 1·46-1·65), and ages 20 years or older (1·50, 1·39-1·62). Smoking accounted for a quarter of all premature deaths in this population, but quitting before about age 40 years avoided almost all of the excess mortality due to smoking. INTERPRETATION: In this cohort of adults in Cuba, starting to smoke in childhood was common and quitting was not. Starting in childhood approximately doubled the rate of premature death (ie, before age 70 years). If this 2-fold mortality RR continues into old age, about half of participants who start smoking before age 15 years and do not stop will eventually die of complications from their habit. The greatest risks were found among adults who began smoking before age 10 years. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation (with support from Amgen).

Mortalidade Prematura/tendências , Fumar/efeitos adversos , Fumar/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Cuba/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Medição de Risco , Adulto Jovem
Lancet Public Health ; 4(2): e107-e115, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30683584


BACKGROUND: In Cuba, hypertension control in primary care has been prioritised as a cost-effective means of addressing premature death from cardiovascular disease. However, there is little evidence from large-scale studies on the prevalence and management of hypertension in Cuba, and no direct evidence of the expected benefit of such efforts on cardiovascular mortality. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, adults in the general population identified via local family medical practices were interviewed between Jan 1, 1996, and Nov 24, 2002, in five areas of Cuba, and a subset of participants were resurveyed between July 14, 2006, and Oct 19, 2008, in one area. During household visits, blood pressure was measured and information obtained on diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. We calculated the prevalence of hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg, or receiving treatment for hypertension) and the proportion of people with hypertension in whom it was diagnosed, treated, and controlled (systolic blood pressure <140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg). Deaths were identified through linkage by national identification numbers to the Cuban Public Health Ministry records, to Dec 31, 2016. We used Cox regression analysis to compare cardiovascular mortality between participants with versus without uncontrolled hypertension. Rate ratios (RRs) were used to estimate the fraction of cardiovascular deaths attributable to hypertension. FINDINGS: 146 556 participants were interviewed in the baseline survey in 1996-2002 and 24 345 were interviewed in the resurvey in 2006-08. After exclusion for incomplete data and age outside the range of interest, 136 111 respondents aged 35-79 years (mean age 54 [SD 12] years; 75 947 [56%] women, 60 164 [44%] men) were eligible for inclusion in the analyses. 34% of participants had hypertension. Among these, 67% had a diagnosis of hypertension. 76% of participants with diagnosed hypertension were receiving treatment and blood pressure was controlled in 36% of those people. During 1·7 million person-years of follow-up there were 5707 cardiovascular deaths. In the age groups 35-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years, uncontrolled hypertension at baseline was associated with RRs of 2·15 (95% CI 1·88-2·46), 1·86 (1·69-2·05), and 1·41 (1·32-1·52), respectively, and accounted for around 20% of premature cardiovascular deaths. INTERPRETATION: In this Cuban population, a third of people had hypertension. Although levels of hypertension diagnosis and treatment were commensurate with those in some high-income countries, the proportion of participants whose blood pressure was controlled was low. As well as reducing hypertension prevalence, improvement in blood pressure control among people with diagnosed hypertension is required to prevent premature cardiovascular deaths in Cuba. FUNDING: Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK.

Doenças Cardiovasculares/mortalidade , Hipertensão/epidemiologia , Adulto , Idoso , Cuba/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Hipertensão/terapia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Fatores de Risco