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Phys Rev E ; 109(1): L012901, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366488


We present measurements of the vertical stress profile σ on the base of flat-bottomed cylindrical silos discharged through an orifice centered on its base. An overweight forces the material on top of the free surface. The mean bottom pressure σ(z,D,W), with z the height of the granular column, D the silo diameter, and W the mass of the overweight, increases significantly at the end of the discharge. Inspired by early models of stress distribution, we show that σ measured at z=0 can be rescaled to yield a collapse of the data, as a function of z/D, for all D and W explored. We also show that the profile σ(r) is self-similar as a function of the radial coordinate r and can be rescaled to collapse the data for different z,D, and W. Although the model correctly predicts the functional dependences, it fails in quantitative terms. These results challenge our understanding of free and forced granular flows through orifices.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25871103


We investigate the steady-state packing fraction ϕ and force moment tensor Σ of quasi-two-dimensional granular columns subjected to tapping. Systems of different height h and width L are considered. We find that ϕ and Σ, which describe the macroscopic state of the system, are insensitive to L for L>50d (with d the grain diameter). However, results for granular columns of different heights cannot be conciliated. This suggests that comparison between results of different laboratories on this type of experiments can be done only for systems of same height. We show that a parameter ɛ=1+(Aω)2/(2gh), with A and ω the amplitude and frequency of the tap and g the acceleration of gravity, can be defined to characterize the tap intensity. This parameter is based on the effective flight of the granular bed, which takes into account the h dependency. When ϕ is plotted as a function of ɛ, the data collapses for systems of different h. However, this parameter alone is unable to determine the steady state to be reached since different Σ can be observed for a given ɛ if different column heights are considered.

PLoS One ; 8(8): e67838, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23940511


While "vibrational noise" induced by rotating components of machinery is a common problem constantly faced by engineers, the controlled conversion of translational into rotational motion or vice-versa is a desirable goal in many scenarios ranging from internal combustion engines to ultrasonic motors. In this work, we describe the underlying physics after isolating a single degree of freedom, focusing on devices that convert a vibration along the vertical axis into a rotation around this axis. A typical Vibrot (as we label these devices) consists of a rigid body with three or more cantilevered elastic legs attached to its bottom at an angle. We show that these legs are capable of transforming vibration into rotation by a "ratchet effect", which is caused by the anisotropic stick-slip-flight motion of the leg tips against the ground. Drawing an analogy with the Froude number used to classify the locomotion dynamics of legged animals, we discuss the walking regime of these robots. We are able to control the rotation frequency of the Vibrot by manipulating the shaking amplitude, frequency or waveform. Furthermore, we have been able to excite Vibrots with acoustic waves, which allows speculating about the possibility of reducing the size of the devices so they can perform tasks into the human body, excited by ultrasound waves from the outside.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 81(6 Pt 1): 062301, 2010 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20866460


We present an experimental study of the displacement of a light intruder immersed in a vibrated granular bed. Using high speed video we resolve the motion, during one cycle of oscillation, of a cylindrical object inside a Plexiglas box partially filled with grains. We report experimental evidence that, in the absence of convection, at least two forces are behind the intruder's motion: an air drag force--due to the airflow through the granular bed--and a buoyancy force produced by an air-mediated granular fluid.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 82(5 Pt 1): 050301, 2010 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21230422


We analyze, experimentally and numerically, the steady states, obtained by tapping, of a two-dimensional granular layer. Contrary to the usual assumption, we show that the reversible (steady state branch) of the density-acceleration curve is nonmonotonous. Accordingly, steady states with the same mean volume can be reached by tapping the system with very different intensities. Simulations of dissipative frictional disks show that equal volume steady states have different values of the force moment tensor. Additionally, we find that steady states of equal stress can be obtained by changing the duration of the taps; however, these states present distinct mean volumes. These results confirm previous speculations that the volume and the force moment tensor are both needed to describe univocally equilibrium states in static granular assemblies.