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Sensors (Basel) ; 23(23)2023 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38067916


Berry production is increasing worldwide each year; however, high production leads to labor shortages and an increase in wasted fruit during harvest seasons. This problem opened new research opportunities in computer vision as one main challenge to address is the uncontrolled light conditions in greenhouses and open fields. The high light variations between zones can lead to underexposure of the regions of interest, making it difficult to classify between vegetation, ripe, and unripe blackberries due to their black color. Therefore, the aim of this work is to automate the process of classifying the ripeness stages of blackberries in normal and low-light conditions by exploring the use of image fusion methods to improve the quality of the input image before the inference process. The proposed algorithm adds information from three sources: visible, an improved version of the visible, and a sensor that captures images in the near-infrared spectra, obtaining a mean F1 score of 0.909±0.074 and 0.962±0.028 in underexposed images, without and with model fine-tuning, respectively, which in some cases is an increase of up to 12% in the classification rates. Furthermore, the analysis of the fusion metrics showed that the method could be used in outdoor images to enhance their quality; the weighted fusion helps to improve only underexposed vegetation, improving the contrast of objects in the image without significant changes in saturation and colorfulness.

Aprendizado Profundo , Rubus , Frutas , Algoritmos , Luz
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 1-11, jun. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284460


La laringe es un órgano impar situado en la línea mediana del cuello, compuesto por cartílagos, músculos y ligamentos. La TC y la RM se realizan como técnicas de imagen de primera elección en el estudio de la laringe, no obstante, no están exentas de limitaciones. La ecografía es un método accesible, de alta resolución y presenta una relativa buena visualización de las diferentes estructuras de la laringe. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar las características de estructuras anatómicas de la laringe identificables ecográficamente. En este trabajo de carácter observacional descriptivo de corte transversal prospectivo se estudiaron 20 pacientes, sin patología laríngea con edades entre 20 y 35 años, ambos sexos. Se realizó ecografía laríngea utilizando transductor ecográfico Phillips® con sonda lineal de 4 a 12 MHz, preset de partes blandas.En todos los casos se pudo identificar y medir los cartílagos tiroides, cricoides y epiglotis; y en gran porcentaje de estos las cuerdas vocales, bandas ventriculares y comisura anterior. El cartílago aritenoides solo fue visible en un 85% de los casos.La ecografía se presenta como un método auxiliar útil en el estudio de la anatomía de la laringe, proponiendo el seguimiento y realización de estudios ulteriores que puedan complementar este estudio y su validez.

The larynx is an odd organ located in the midline of the neck, composed of cartilage, muscles and ligaments. CT and MRI are performed as first-choice imaging techniques in the larynx study; however, they are not without limitations. Ultrasound is an accessible, high-resolution method with a relatively good visualization of the different structures of the larynx. The objective of the work was to determine the characteristics of ultrasoundly identifiable larynx anatomical structures.In this prospective cross-sectional descriptive observational work, 20 patients were studied, without laryngeal pathology aged between 20 and 35 years, both sexes. Laryngeal ultrasound was performed using Phillips® ultrasound transducer with linear probe from 4 to 12 MHz, soft parts presetThyroid cartilage, cricoids and epiglotis could be identified and measured in all cases, and in a large percentage of these the vocal cords, ventricular bands and anterior corner. Aritenoid cartilage was only visible in 85% of cases.Ultrasound is presented as a useful auxiliary method in the study of the anatomy of the larynx, proposing the follow-up and conduct of further studies that may complement this study and its validity

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Laringe/anatomia & histologia , Laringe/diagnóstico por imagem , Paraguai , Cartilagem Aritenoide/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Aritenoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Cartilagem Tireóidea/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Tireóidea/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Prospectivos , Ultrassonografia , Cartilagem Cricoide/anatomia & histologia , Cartilagem Cricoide/diagnóstico por imagem
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 49(1): 17-38, ene-jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-884906


La Comisión Local de Admisión, parte integrante del proyecto de Innovación Curricular, pretende aportar información con valor científico sobre los aspectos más relevantes del proceso de admisión implementados en la actualidad por la carrera de Medicina y Cirugía. Esta información podría servir para referenciar el diseño de perfiles, itinerarios e instrumentos de admisión, a fin de elaborar sistemas de admisión coherentes con los fines institucionales y socialmente pertinentes dentro del marco de la responsabilidad social de la Universidad pública. La información mencionada en el párrafo precedente se decanta de 5 áreas de análisis del problema: 1.- Caracterización de los ingresantes a la carrera de Medicina y Cirugía. 2.- Análisis crítico del discurso de documentos que da cuenta de la visión, misión, perfil de egreso y profesional de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. 3.- Análisis comparativo de tendencias de sistemas de admisión a la carrera de Medicina y Cirugía. 4.- Análisis de los instrumentos institucionales y el examen según tabla de especificación. 5.- Levantamiento de demandas y necesidades de actores relevantes.

Local Admission Committee, a member of the Curriculum Innovation project, aims to provide scientific value information on the most relevant aspects of the admission process currently implemented by the School of Medicine and Surgery. This information could be used as a reference in the design of profiles, itineraries and admission instruments, to develop consistent admission systems related to corporate goals and socially relevant, within the framework of social responsibility of the public University. The information referred to in the preceding paragraph is decanted from 5 areas of problem analysis: 1.- Characterization of the entrants to the career of Medicine and Surgery. 2.- Critical analysis of the content of documents that hold the vision, mission, and professional profile of graduates of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asuncion. 3.- Comparative analysis of trends in admission systems to the career of Medicine and Surgery. 4.- Analysis of the institutional instruments and the examination according to the specification table. 5.- Selection of demands and needs of stakeholders.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390057


Introducción: la donación de órganos requiere la evaluación global del donante potencial. Objetivo: determinar el efecto de las infecciones hospitalarias en la donación de órganos Material y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo, realizado en pacientes internados en las Unidades de cuidados críticos del Hospital Central del IPS. Resultados: se evaluaron 60 pacientes donantes potenciales. Hubo 28 casos (47%) de contraindicaciones médicas para la donación, de los cuales 17 casos fueron por infecciones a gérmenes multiresistentes Conclusión: las infecciones intrahospitalarias fueron la mayor causa de contraindicación médica para la donación de órganos, sobretodo en pacientes con estancia igual o mayor a 5 días en terapia intensiva, representando el 28% de los casos.

Introduction: Organ donation requires a global evaluation of the potential donor. Objective: To determine the effect of hospital acquired infections in organ donation. Material and methods: Descriptive observational study carried out in patients admitted into the Intensive Care Unit of the Central Hospital IPS (Social Security Institute). Results: Sixty potential donors were evaluated. There were 28 cases (47%) of medical counter-indications for donation and in 17 of these cases, it was due to multi-resistant germs infections. Conclusion: Hospital acquired infections was the most common cause of medical counter-indications for organ donation, especially in patients with a stay equal or longer than five days in intensive care unit, representing 28% of the cases.