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Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 35(3)sept. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535793


Background: Nutrient restriction is a common strategy to prevent metabolic disorders in fast growing broiler chickens, but limited information is available regarding the impact of diets with low protein and energy on leg abnormalities Objective: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of varying crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels on gastrocnemius tendon (GTeBS) and tibia breaking strength (TiBS), gait score (GS) and valgus/varus angulation (VAng). Methods: In Experiment 1, eight-d-old Ross 308 broilers (n=90) were randomly assigned into three treatments: 13/2,900 (13% CP and 2,900 kcal ME kg-1 of diet), 17/3,000 (17% CP and 3,000 kcal ME kg-1 of diet), and 21/3,025 or control (21% CP and 3,025 kcal ME kg-1 of diet). In Experiment 2, six-d-old Ross 308 chickens (n=192) were randomly distributed into two treatments: 16/3,000; 16% CP and 3,000 kcal ME kg-1 of diet and 21/3,000 or control; 21% CP and 3,000 kcal ME kg-1 of diet. In both experiments data were analyzed as one-way ANOVA. Results: In Experiment 1, broilers in the 17/3,000 and control treatments had similar (p>0.05) GTeBS (202 and 224 N, respectively), and TiBS (338 and 332 N, respectively). Birds in the 13/2,900 treatment showed higher GS (lower walking ability; 80% of birds with score >3), and greater VAng (53% of birds with score >2) than broilers in the control treatment (0% of birds with GS score >3 and 0% of birds with VAng score >2). Experiment 2, broilers in the 16/3,000 showed similar VAng, GS and TiBS than birds in the control treatment. However, birds in the 16/3,000 treatment showed lower (-26%) GTeBS than birds in the control treatment (p<0.05). Conclusions: Feeding broilers with 16% CP and 3,000 kcal ME kg-1 of diet did not affect tibia breaking strength, gait score and valgus/varus angulation. A diet containing 16% CP or less and 2,900-3,000 kcal ME kg-1 reduces tendon and tibia breaking strength.

Antecedentes: La restricción de nutrientes es una estrategia común para prevenir trastornos metabólicos en pollos de engorde, sin embargo, se dispone de información limitada sobre el impacto de las dietas bajas en proteína y energía en las anomalías de piernas. Objetivo: Se llevaron a cabo dos experimentos para evaluar el efecto de niveles variables de proteína cruda (PC) y energía metabolizable (EM) en la fuerza de rotura del tendón del gastrocnemio (GTeBS) y tibia (TiBS), la evaluación de marcha (GS) y la angulación en valgus/varus (VAng). Métodos: En el Experimento 1, pollos de engorde Ross 308 de ocho días de edad (n = 90) se asignaron al azar en tres tratamientos: 13/2.900; 13% PC y 2.900 kcal ME kg-1 de dieta, 17/3.000; 17% PC y 3.000 kcal ME kg-1 de dieta y 21/3.025 o control; 21% PC y 3.025 kcal ME kg-1 de dieta. En el Experimento 2, pollos Ross 308 de seis días de edad (n = 192) se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en dos tratamientos: 16/3.000; 16% PC y 3.000 kcal ME kg-1 de dieta y 21/3.000 o control; 21% PC y 3.000 kcal ME kg-1 de dieta. En ambos experimentos los datos se analizaron como ANOVA de una vía. Resultados: En el Experimento 1, los pollos de los tratamientos 17/3.000 y control tuvieron GTeBS (202 y 224 N, respectivamente) y TiBS (338 y 332 N, respectivamente) similares (p>0,05). Las aves del tratamiento 13/2.900 mostraron mayor GS (menor capacidad para caminar; 80% de las aves con puntaje >3) y mayor VAng (53% de las aves con puntaje >2) que los pollos del tratamiento control (0% de aves con un puntaje GS >3 y 0% de aves con un puntaje VAng >2). En el Experimento 2, los pollos del 16/3.000 mostraron VAng, GS y TiBS similares a los de las aves del tratamiento control. Sin embargo, las aves del tratamiento 16/3.000 mostraron menor (-26%) GTeBS que las aves control (p<0,05). Conclusiones: La alimentación de pollos de engorde con 16% PC y 3.000 kcal EM kg-1 de dieta no afecta la resistencia a la ruptura de la tibia, la marcha y la angulación valgus/varus. La dieta formulada con 16% de PC o menos y 2.900-3.000 kcal de EM kg-1 reduce la resistencia a la ruptura del tendón y de la tibia.

Antecedentes: A restrição de nutrientes é uma estratégia comum para prevenir distúrbios metabólicos em frangos de corte, no entanto, há informações limitadas disponíveis sobre o impacto de dietas de baixa proteína e baixa energia nas anormalidades de pernas destas aves. Objetivo: Dois experimentos foram realizados para avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de proteína bruta (PB) e energia metabolizável (EM) em força de ruptura do tendão do músculo gastrocnêmio (GTeBS), forca de ruptura da tíbia (TiBS), gait score (GS) e angulação em valgus/varus (VAng). Métodos: Experimento 1, foram utilizados 308 frangos de corte machos da linhagem Ross com oito dias de idade (n = 90) distribuidos aleatoriamente em três tratamentos: dieta controle com 21% PB e 3.025 kcal EM kg-1 13/2.900; dieta con 13% PB e 2.900 kcal EM kg-1, y 17% PB e 3.000 kcal EM kg-1 . Experimento 2, foram utilizados 308 frangos de corte da linhagem Ross com seis dias de idade (n = 192) distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos: dieta controle con 21% PB e 3.000 kcal EM kg-1 e dieta com 16% PB e 3.000 kcal EM kg-1 . Em ambos os experimentos, os dados foram submetidos a ANOVA. Resultados: Experimento 1, os frangos de corte submetidos ao dos tratamentos 17/3.000 e controle nao apresentaram diferencas significativas (p>0,05) para as variáveis GteBS (202 y 224 N, respectivamente) e TiBS (338 y 332 N, respectivamente). Os frangos submetidos ao 13/2.900 apresentaram maior frequência de GS (menor capacidade de locomocao; 80% das aves com pontuação>3) e maior VAng (53% das aves com pontuação>2) do que os frangos do tratamento controle (0% das aves com pontuação GS>3 e 0% das aves com pontuação VAng>2). Experimento 2, os frangos do 16/3.000 apresentaram VAng, GS e TiBS semelhantes aos das aves do tratamento controle. Entretanto, as aves do tratamento 16/3.000 apresentaram GTeBS mais baixo (-26%) em comparacao as aves do tratamento de controle (p<0,05). Conclusões: A dieta com 16% PB e 3.000 kcal EM kg-1 não afetou a forca de ruptura da tíbia, gaite score marcha e angulação em valgus/varus de frangos de corte. Uma dieta com níveis de 16% de PB ou menos e 2.900-3.000 kcal EM kg-1 reduziu a resistência à ruptura do tendão e a resistência de tibia de frangos de corte.

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 32(4): 564-573, 2019 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30208697


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the effects of i) dehulling of lupine seed on chemical composition and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and ii) soybean meal substitution by dehulled lupine seed in broiler diets with enzymes on productive performance, size of digestive organs and welfare-related variables. METHODS: Experiment 1, chemical composition and AME were determined in whole and dehulled lupine seed. Experiment 2, two hundred eighty-eight one-day-old male Ross 308 broilers were used. The experimental diets were maize-soybean meal (MS), MS with enzymes (MSE) and maize-dehulled lupine seed with enzymes (MLE). Diets were assigned to the experimental units under a completely randomized design (eight replicates per diet). The body weight (BW) gain, feed intake, feed conversion, digestive organ weights, gait score, latency to lie down and valgus/varus angulation were evaluated. RESULTS: The dehulling process increased protein (25.0% to 31.1%), AME (5.9 to 8.8 MJ/kg) and amino acid contents. The BW gain of broilers fed the MLE diet was similar (p>0.05) to that of those fed the MS diet, but lower than that of those fed the MSE diet. Feed intake of broilers fed the MLE diet was higher (p<0.05) than that of those fed the MS diet and similar (p>0.05) to those fed the MSE diet. Feed conversion of broilers fed the MLE diet was 8.0% and 8.7% higher (p<0.05) than that of those fed the MS and MSE diets, respectively. Broilers fed the MLE diet had the highest (p<0.05) relative proventriculus and gizzard weights, but had poor welfare-related variables. CONCLUSION: It is possible to substitute soybean meal by dehulled lupine seed with enzymes in broiler diets, obtaining similar BW gains in broilers fed the MLE and MS diets; however, a higher feed intake is required. Additionally, the MLE diet reduced welfare-related variables.