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Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(6): 352-357, sep.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-760399


Introducción: Ya que la erupción dental es el resultado de una serie de eventos fisiológicos, es importante conocer con precisión la edad promedio de exfoliación y erupción de cada órgano dentario, lo que resulta de utilidad para establecer criterios de diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar los métodos de estudio transversal y longitudinal en la estimación de la edad media de la erupción dental. Métodos: Se estudió una muestra de 524 individuos (273 niñas y 251 niños) de 5-9 años de edad en el Estado de México. Se observaron los dientes permanentes presentes: primer molar superior, incisivos central y lateral, y primer molar inferior. Para el método longitudinal, se realizó el seguimiento de los niños durante 3 años, hasta registrar el brote dental. Para el método transversal, se registró la observación de los dientes presentes durante el segundo año de seguimiento. Se utilizó abatelenguas, espejo dental y luz natural. Resultados: En ambos métodos, la erupción dental se presentó primero en el sexo femenino. La edad media de erupción dental entre los dos métodos no mostró diferencia estadística en el 88% de los dientes. Conclusiones: La medición de la edad de erupción dental a través del método transversal proporciona datos confiables con relación al método longitudinal.

Background: Because dental eruption is the result of a series of physiological events, it is important to acknowledge precisely the mean age of exfoliation and eruption of each dental organ. This is useful to establish diagnostic, preventive and treatment criteria. The aim of this study was to compare the cross-sectional and cohort methods toward estimating the average age of dental eruption. Methods: The study sample was comprised of 524 school-age children from the State of Mexico (273 females and 251 males). Only permanent teeth were surveyed: the first upper molar and central and lateral incisors and the first lower molar. The cohort was observed during a 3-year period until the tooth budded. Dental mirror, tongue depressor and day light were used. Cross-sectional method consisted of permanent teeth observed after the first year. Results: In both methods, teeth budded first in females. The average ages of dental eruption according to both methods did not show statistical difference in 88% of the teeth. Conclusions: Measurement of the age of dental eruption through cross-sectional method provides reliable data in relation to the cohort method.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 71(6): 352-357, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29421631


BACKGROUND: Because dental eruption is the result of a series of physiological events, it is important to acknowledge precisely the mean age of exfoliation and eruption of each dental organ. This is useful to establish diagnostic, preventive and treatment criteria. The aim of this study was to compare the cross-sectional and cohort methods toward estimating the average age of dental eruption. METHODS: The study sample was comprised of 524 school-age children from the State of Mexico (273 females and 251 males). Only permanent teeth were surveyed: the first upper molar and central and lateral incisors and the first lower molar. The cohort was observed during a 3-year period until the tooth budded. Dental mirror, tongue depressor and day light were used. Cross-sectional method consisted of permanent teeth observed after the first year. RESULTS: In both methods, teeth budded first in females. The average ages of dental eruption according to both methods did not show statistical difference in 88% of the teeth. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of the age of dental eruption through cross-sectional method provides reliable data in relation to the cohort method.