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Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33055, 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521330


Resumen Reflexionar desde la experiencia vivida, siendo esta un vehículo para la construcción del conocimiento, ha sido fundamental para la realización de este texto. Se deriva de una parte de mi investigación doctoral, es simplemente una provocación para dejar salir temas como la masculinidad, la paternidad y la violencia pediátrica, que iban surgiendo con un tipo de escritura diferente y de manera reveladora. Con el objetivo de hacer un ejercicio de écfrasis a través de la descripción de una fotografía personal muy íntima, me he permitido realizar esta reflexión desde la perspectiva de la autoetnografía evocadora. Usando narración en capas, donde la recopilación y el análisis se realizan simultáneamente. Hago uso, por un lado, de la disciplina, fuera de mi formación como profesional de la salud, pero entendiendo al mismo tiempo que esta forma de construir conocimiento desde una experiencia personal para comprender una experiencia cultural me implica, no solo un acto de vulnerabilidad ante lo desconocido, pero mucho aprendizaje, donde la deconstrucción y reconstrucción ha sido permanente.

Abstract Reflecting from the lived experience, being this a vehicle for the construction of knowledge, has been fundamental to carry out this text. It is derived from a part of my doctoral research, it is simply a provocation to let out issues such as masculinity, fatherhood and pediatric violence, which were emerging with a different type of writing and in a revealing way. With the aim of doing an exercise in ekphrasis through a description of a very intimate personal photograph, I have allowed myself to make this reflection from the perspective of evocative autoethnography. Using layered storytelling, where collection and analysis are done simultaneously. I make use, on the one hand, to discipline, outside of my training as a health professional, but understanding at the same time that this way of building knowledge from a personal experience to understand a cultural experience involves me, not just an act of vulnerability before the unknown, but a lot of learning, where the deconstruction and re-construction has been permanent.

Resumo Refletir a partir da experiência vivida, sendo esta um veículo para a construção do conhecimento, foi fundamental para a realização deste texto. Deriva de uma parte da minha pesquisa de doutorado, é simplesmente uma provocação para colocar em pauta questões como masculinidade, paternidade e violência infantil, que foram surgindo com uma escrita diferente e de forma reveladora. Com o objetivo de fazer um exercício de ekphrasis através da descrição de uma fotografia pessoal muito íntima, permiti-me fazer esta reflexão na perspetiva da autoetnografia evocativa. Usando storytelling em camadas, onde a coleta e a análise são feitas simultaneamente. Recorro, por um lado, à disciplina, fora da minha formação como profissional de saúde, mas compreendendo ao mesmo tempo que esta forma de construir conhecimento a partir de uma experiência pessoal para compreender uma experiência cultural me envolve, não apenas um ato de vulnerabilidade perante o desconhecido, mas muito aprendizado, onde a desconstrução e reconstrução tem sido permanente.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 93(4)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409089


RESUMEN El trabajo en equipo interdisciplinario es fundamental, no solo en el cuidado del recién nacido y su familia sino también en el propio equipo de salud, con el fin de ofrecer un cuidado y una atención integral, humana y no fragmentada. Es imperativo explorar como se ha venido llevando a cabo dicho cuidado en la región de Latinoamérica. El presente artículo trata cuatro aspectos: primero, una contextualización acerca del concepto interdisciplinario; segundo, la experiencia en la conformación de un grupo interdisciplinario dentro de una sociedad científica; tercero, los resultados de una encuesta sobre la interdisciplinaridad en los cuidados neonatales en Latinoamérica y, por último, algunas recomendaciones para promover la interdisciplina en las unidades de cuidado intensivo neonatal en Latinoamérica.

ABSTRACT Interdisciplinary teamwork is essential, not only in the care of newborns and their families but also in the health work team itself, in order to offer comprehensive, humane and non-fragmented care and assistance. It is imperative to explore how such care has been carried out in the Latin American region. This article deals with four aspects: first, a contextualization on interdisciplinarity; second, the experience in the formation of an interdisciplinary group within a scientific society; third, the results of a survey on interdisciplinarity in neonatal care in Latin America and, finally, some recommendations to promote interdisciplinarity in neonatal intensive care units in Latin America.

Data Brief ; 37: 107235, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34195310


This dataset contains 2850 photographs of the seafloor in coral communities from Venezuela that were taken during 2017 and 2018. We used a hierarchical experimental design with four random factors representing four different spatial scales: (1) region (hundreds of kilometers), (2) localities (tens of kilometers), (2) reef sites (hundreds of meters) and (3) transects (a couple meters) across the Venezuelan coast. At each site, four 30-m transects were deployed parallel to the coastline, and 15 pictures were taken every other meter at each transect, containing an area of at least 80 × 90cm with enough resolution to identify benthic groups. This dataset covers spatial scales from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers; marine protected areas, and non-protected areas; coastal zones, continental and oceanic islands. These images have the potential to be further used for training researchers in benthic organisms identification, and training artificial intelligence classification algorithms. Also, they represent and updated baseline to perform spatial and temporal comparisons in Venezuela or further studies involving multiple spatial scales in the region.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 31(3): 110-110, sept. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128578


Introducción: La enfermedad diverticular de colon es una patología de alta prevalencia en nuestro medio. Su presentación inicial como fístulas no complicadas no es frecuente sin antecedentes de episodios de diverticulitis previa. Objetivos: Presentar detalles técnicos de la cirugía de resección y tratamiento laparoscópico de una fistula colovesical de origen diverticular. Materiales y métodos: Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 63 años con dolor en hipogastrio sin alteraciones evacuatorias ni cirugías previas. Sin antecedentes de diverticulitis. Se realizó ecografía abdominal y tomografía computada donde se constata aire en vejiga. El urocultivo es positivo para escherichia coli y el colon por enema detecta pequeño trayecto fistuloso entre colon sigmoides y vejiga. Se decide resección laparoscópica. Resultados: Se realizó una colectomía sigmoidea laparoscópica con identificación de trayecto fistuloso a la vejiga que se aisló y seccionó entre clips de polímero. Se completó con anastomosis primara colorrectal y sondaje vesical prolongado que se retiró a los 15 días. Los parámetros postoperatorios fueron favorables con egreso a las 72 hs. Conclusión: La fístula colovesical es una complicación de la enfermedad diverticular de colon aunque es rara su debut como forma de presentación sin episodios de diverticulitis previa. Se destaca su identificación como trayecto único y no hemos encontrado mención al respecto en la bibliografía. Su resolución de ligadura entre clips es una opción terapéutica efectiva y rápida para su resolución definitiva. El abordaje laparoscópico electivo es de elección y su tratamiento mediante el procedimiento propuesto resultó efectivo y seguro.

Background: Diverticular disease is a high prevalent colonic pathology. Initial presentation as complicated disease includes fistulas, perforation and bleeding. Objetive: To present technical surgical aspects of surgical treatment of laporoscopic resection of colovesical fistula after diverticular disease. Methods: A 63 years old patient presented with low abdominal pain and no transit symptoms. There was no previous surgery and diverticulitis episode. Abdominal ultrasound and CT scan showed air in the bladder. Urine culture was positive to Escherichia coli. Colonic barium x-rays showed a colovesical fistula. Laparoscopic resection was decided as treatment of choice. Results: Laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy, aisolation of fistula tract and posterior clips ligation and section. Primary mecanic anastomosis and 15 days vesical catheter completed the treatment. Postoperative evolution was satisfactory. Conclusions: Colovesical fistula is a frequent complication of complicated diverticular disease, however its debut without previous episodes is rare. The colonic fistula presented as unique tract is unfrequent. Resolution by polimer clips and section associated with colonic resection by laparoscopic is a good option to avoid bladder sutures. This procedure resulted safe and effective.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fístula da Bexiga Urinária/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/métodos , Colectomia/métodos , Doença Diverticular do Colo/cirurgia , Doença Diverticular do Colo/complicações
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 31(2): 70-72, jun. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117014


Objetivo: Presentar el caso infrecuente de sangrado tardío posterior al tratamiento con macroligadura elástica de hemorroides, tratamiento propuesto por A. Reis Neto. Caso Clínico: Mujer de 26 años con tratamiento de hemorroides con macroligadura elástica. A los 28 días es admitida en urgencia por proctorragia abundante sin signos de shock hipovolémico. Laboratorio: Hematocrito 27%, Hemoglobina 8,9 mg/dl. Se realiza colonoscopia evidenciando la cicatriz de macroligadura con signos de coágulo desprendido sin sangrado activo. Se decide conducta expectante con tratamiento de la hipovolemia incial y anemia. Evoluciona sin resangrado con control endoscópico a los 60 y 180 (sin sangrado y excelentes resultados). Discusión: La macroligadura es una técnica alternativa para el tratamiento de hemorroides con excelentes resultados anatómicos y funcionales. Presenta menor dolor postoperatorio, bajo índice de complicaciones (ninguna severa o propia del método). No existen comunicaciones sobre sangrado tardío grave tanto en ligaduras convencionales como macroligadura. Conclusiones: Se presenta el primer caso comunicado a la fecha de un sangrado tardío en macroligaduras que fue resuelto en forma conservadora.

Objetive: To present an infrequent clinical report of a case of late bleeding after rubber macroband ligation. Case report: A 28-year-old female with severe rectal bleeding but no associated shock was presented 28 days after rubber macroband ligation at emergency room. Blood samples showed acute anemia. An urgent colonoscopy was performed which showed a scar without acute bleeding. Medical treatment was settled. There was no secondary bleeding in follow up. Endoscopic control was done at 60 and 180 days. Discusion: Hemorrhoidal rubber macroband ligation is a modification of conventional rubber band ligation. It was proposed and developed by J.A. Reis Neto (Campinas, SP, Brazil). Morbidity is low and results are excellent. There is no previous report of delayed bleeding considering both rubber band and macroband ligation. Conclusion: The First case of late bleeding after rubber band ligation treated with conservative measures.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/etiologia , Hemorroidas/cirurgia , Ligadura/efeitos adversos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Colonoscopia , Conduta Expectante , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Ligadura/métodos
PeerJ ; 8: e8429, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32351778


The characteristics of coral reef sampling and monitoring are highly variable, with numbers of units and sampling effort varying from one study to another. Numerous works have been carried out to determine an appropriate effect size through statistical power; however, these were always from a univariate perspective. In this work, we used the pseudo multivariate dissimilarity-based standard error (MultSE) approach to assess the precision of sampling scleractinian coral assemblages in reefs of Venezuela between 2017 and 2018 when using different combinations of number of transects, quadrats and points. For this, the MultSE of 36 sites previously sampled was estimated, using four 30m-transects with 15 photo-quadrats each and 25 random points per quadrat. We obtained that the MultSE was highly variable between sites and is not correlated with the univariate standard error nor with the richness of species. Then, a subset of sites was re-annotated using 100 uniformly distributed points, which allowed the simulation of different numbers of transects per site, quadrats per transect and points per quadrat using resampling techniques. The magnitude of the MultSE stabilized by adding more transects, however, adding more quadrats or points does not improve the estimate. For this case study, the error was reduced by half when using 10 transects, 10 quadrats per transect and 25 points per quadrat. We recommend the use of MultSE in reef monitoring programs, in particular when conducting pilot surveys to optimize the estimation of the community structure.

PeerJ ; 8: e9082, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32411533


Estimating variability across spatial scales has been a major issue in ecology because the description of patterns in space is extremely valuable to propose specific hypotheses to unveil key processes behind these patterns. This paper aims to estimate the variability of the coral assemblage structure at different spatial scales in order to determine which scales explain the largest variability on ß-diversity. For this, a fully-nested design including a series of hierarchical-random factors encompassing three spatial scales: (1) regions, (2) localities and (3) reefs sites across the Venezuelan territory. The variability among spatial scales was tested with a permutation-based analysis of variance (Permanova) based on Bray-Curtis index. Dispersion in species presence/absence across scales (i.e., ß-diversity) was tested with a PermDisp analysis based on Jaccard's index. We found the highest variability in the coral assemblage structure between sites within localities (Pseudo-F = 5.34; p-value = 0.001, CV = 35.10%). We also found that longitude (Canonical corr = 0.867, p = 0.001) is a better predictor of the coral assemblage structure in Venezuela, than latitude (Canonical corr = 0.552, p = 0.021). Largest changes in ß-diversity of corals occurred within sites (F = 2.764, df1= 35, df2 = 107, p = 0.045) and within localities (F = 4.438, df1= 6, df2 = 29, p = 0.026). Our results suggest that processes operating at spatial scales of hundreds of meters and hundreds of kilometers might both be critical to shape coral assemblage structure in Venezuela, whereas smaller scales (i.e., hundreds of meters) showed to be highly- important for the species turnover component of ß-diversity. This result highlights the importance of creating scale-adapted management actions in Venezuela and likely across the Caribbean region.

Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 31(1): 28-30, mar. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102177


Introducción: El término ''síndrome antifosfolipídico'' (SAF) describe la asociación de los anticuerpos antifosfolipídicos (AAF) con un cuadro clínico de hipercoagulabilidad caracterizado por trombosis a repetición y abortos recurrentes. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de celulitis severa de periné en paciente con SAF y tratamiento con hidroxicloroquina. Caso clínico: Paciente de 39 años con embarazo de término con SAF tratado con hidroxicloroquina y anticoagulación que desarrolló una infección severa de partes blandas del periné que fue tratado con interrupción del embarazo, drenaje agresivo del periné y tratamiento antibiótico extenso con buena evolución. Conclusión: La asociación del tratamiento con hidroxicloroquina, embarazo y una complicación séptica es incierta. El tratamiento con inmunosupresión no es estándar y podría haber favorecido el mal pronóstico del cuadro clínico. (AU)

Objetive: To present a case of severe perineal cellulitis in a pregnant patient with Antiphospholipid syndrome treated wiht hidroxicloroquine. Case report: A 39 years old female pregnant patient with AFS treated with hidroxicloroquine and heparin developed severe perineal infection with systemic impairment. Final treatment included aggressive perineal drainage in multiple sessions, pregnancy delivered and systemic treatment with wide spectrum antibiotics and general measures. Discusion and Conclusion: Treatment with hidroxicloroquine, pregnancy and septic complication is infrequent. This approach is not standard and it could favored worst prognostic of the general syndrome. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Celulite (Flegmão)/cirurgia , Celulite (Flegmão)/tratamento farmacológico , Síndrome Antifosfolipídica/tratamento farmacológico , Gangrena de Fournier/cirurgia , Gangrena de Fournier/tratamento farmacológico , Períneo/cirurgia , Períneo/lesões , Clindamicina/uso terapêutico , Vancomicina/uso terapêutico , Meropeném/uso terapêutico , Hidroxicloroquina/efeitos adversos , Hidroxicloroquina/uso terapêutico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 30(4): 93-96, dic. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1096795


Introducción: Entre los tratamientos alternativos de las hemorroides se destaca por ser costo-eficientes las ligaduras elásticas convencionales. Las macroligaduras elásticas se hayan en difusión por similares resultados que las bandas elasticas convencionales. La literatura es aun escasa. El objetivo fue analizar los resultados, morbilidad y recidiva a corto y mediano plazo de hemorroides tratadas con macroligaduras. Diseño: Estudio observacional analítico prospectivo. Pacientes: 188 pacientes (110 varones y 78 mujeres). Periodo: 2011-2014. Lugar: Institución privada universitaria. Métodos: Inclusión: pacientes tratados con hemorroides internas sintomáticas. Exclusión: enfermedad anoperineal asociada, tratamiento previo, inmunocompromiso o anticoagulación. Se registraron resultados, complicaciones y recidiva. La técnica empleada fue la descripta por Reis Neto. El Seguimiento fue a 10, 30 días y 6 y 12 meses y 5 años. Resultados: Todos fueron tratados con internación de corta estadía. La edad fue 49,5 años (23-76). Los síntomas fueron prolapso 96, sangrado 44 y ambos 48. Se realizó sólo una sesión en 178 casos (94,6%). Se trataron 2 paquetes en 122 y 3 en 66. El dolor moderado fue en 5 casos y prolongado en 2. El sangrado leve y tenesmo se presentó en la mayoría de los pacientes, pero desapareció en la primera semana. Se registró sangrado inmediato moderado en 5% sin sangrado severo inmediato. Otras complicaciones inmediatas: 2 trombosis y 3 congestión/edema local. En 1 paciente ocurrió un sangrado que requirió de internación sin necesidad de cirugía en forma alejada. Sólo en 3 casos se realizó resección local de plicomas previos. En 139 casos se realizó como único procedimiento. La recidiva fue 6 casos. (2 al primer año y 4 a los 5 años), 5 se trataron con nueva macroligadura y 1 con cirugía. No se registró ninguna complicacion severa, infecciosa o única relacionada al procedimiento. El seguimiento a 1 año fue del 100% y a 5 años del 96%. Discusión y conclusiones: El tratamiento con macroligaduras para el prolapso hemorroidario presentó con baja morbilidad sin complicaciones severas. Los resultados son reproducibles entre diferentes autores. Son el tratamiento ideal para las hemorroides grado III con poco componente externo. (AU)

Introduction: Alternative therapies for internal hemorrhoid plexus are several procedures with specific indications for each grade of hemorrhoid. Due to some major advantages, rubber band ligation has become probably in the most popular between colorectal surgeons. The high-macro rubber band ligation appears to be as the first choice but literature is few. Objective: To analyze results, morbidity and recurrence of internal hemorrhoid disease treated with high-macro rubber band ligation. Design: Observational non-randomized prospective analysis. Patients: 188 patients (110 male). Period: 2011-2014. Setting: Private Institution. Methods: Patients with symptomatic internal hemorrhoid disease (grade II-III-IV). Results, Immediate and late complications and 5 years recurrence were registered. Technique used was the original description by Reis Neto. Patients with immunosuppression, additional perianal disease, previous treatment and anticoagulation were excluded. Results: There was only one session in 178 cases. Two banding were placed in 122 and 3 in 66. Symptoms were prolapse in 96, bleeding in 44 and both in 48. 139 patients were treated as only procedure. Tenesmus and light hemorrhage occurred in most cases. Moderate or late pain was registered in 7 cases, and immediate moderate bleeding in 5%. There was no severe immediate bleeding. Immediate morbidity was 2 thrombosis and 3 anal congestion. There was one moderate late bleeding at day 28 and required admission. Recurrence occurred in six cases, 5 were ligated again and 1 was treated by conventional surgery. There was none severed or unique complication or infection associated. Discussion and conclusion: Macrorubber band presented low morbidity and there are no severe complications at 5 years follow-up. Recurrence of prolapse is low and could be treated by a new session with equal morbidity. Results are equivalent and reproducible by different authors. This procedure might be the ideal treatment for hemorrhoid prolapse. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Prolapso Retal , Hemorroidas/terapia , Ligadura/instrumentação , Ligadura/métodos , Dor Pós-Operatória , Argentina , Recidiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Assistência ao Convalescente , Hemorroidectomia , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Hemorroidas/cirurgia
PeerJ ; 7: e7041, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31198644


Coral disease research encompasses five decades of undeniable progress. Since the first descriptions of anomalous signs, we have come to understand multiple processes and environmental drivers that interact with coral pathologies. In order to gain a better insight into the knowledge we already have, we explored how key topics in coral disease research have been related to each other using network analysis. We reviewed 719 papers and conference proceedings published from 1965 to 2017. From each study, four elements determined our network nodes: (1) studied disease(s); (2) host genus; (3) marine ecoregion(s) associated with the study site; and (4) research objectives. Basic properties of this network confirmed that there is a set of specific topics comprising the majority of research. The top five diseases, genera, and ecoregions studied accounted for over 48% of the research effort in all cases. The community structure analysis identified 15 clusters of topics with different degrees of overlap among them. These clusters represent the typical sets of elements that appear together for a given study. Our results show that while some coral diseases have been studied considering multiple aspects, the overall trend is for most diseases to be understood under a limited range of approaches, e.g., bacterial assemblages have been considerably studied in Yellow and Black band diseases while immune response has been better examined for the aspergillosis-Gorgonia system. Thus, our challenge in the near future is to identify and resolve potential gaps in order to achieve a more comprehensive progress on coral disease research.