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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 137-144, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557867


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la incidencia del espectro del acretismo placentario en pacientes ingresadas a la unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos del Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo fundamentado en el análisis de la base de datos del Hospital de la Mujer de pacientes internadas entre los años 2017 a 2020 con diagnóstico de espectro de placenta acreta, referidas o diagnosticadas en la institución e intervenidas para histerectomía por la complicación estudiada. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de acretismo placentario que dieron una incidencia de 0.09%; de éstas, a 1 se le indicó cesárea; 19 de las 22 pacientes tenían antecedente de cicatriz uterina previa, todas con placenta previa. El promedio de edad fue de 30.86 ± 4 años. La cesárea se practicó, en promedio, a las 34 semanas de embarazo con dos técnicas quirúrgicas. El sangrado promedio estimado fue de 1.947 mL. Las complicaciones transoperatorias fueron las lesiones: ureteral (n = 2) y vesical (n = 1). La principal complicación posoperatoria fue la fístula vesicouterina (n = 1). El promedio de estancia fue de 2 días en 16 de las 22 pacientes y de 7 días en las 6 restantes. CONCLUSIONES: Lo importante del acretismo placentario es el diagnóstico oportuno que permita derivar a las pacientes a centros hospitalarios que cuenten con especialistas experimentados en la atención de estos casos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of placental accretism spectrum in pregnant women admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study based on the analysis of the database of the Hospital de la Mujer of patients admitted between 2017 and 2020 with a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum, referred or diagnosed at the institution and underwent hysterectomy for the complication studied. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta were analysed, giving a prevalence of 0.09%; of these, caesarean section was indicated in 0.2%. 19 of the 22 patients had a history of previous uterine scarring, all with placenta praevia. Mean age was 30.86 ± 4 years. Caesarean section was performed at a mean gestational age of 34 weeks using two surgical techniques. The mean estimated blood loss was 1,947 mL. The most common operative complications were ureteral (n = 2) and bladder (n = 1) injuries. The most common postoperative complication was vesico-uterine fistula (n = 1). The mean length of stay was 2 days in 16 of the 22 patients and 7 days in the remaining 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The most important aspect of placenta accreta is early diagnosis, which allows referral to hospital centres with specialists experienced in the management of these cases.

Am J Case Rep ; 24: e941946, 2023 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111179


BACKGROUND In the 18th century, Morgagni described membranous dysmenorrhea as the sudden and complete detachment of the decidua during menstruation. This causes intense and painful contractions of the myometrium, aggravated by the expulsion of tissues produced by the decidualization of the endometrium. It is a rare pathology associated with oral contraceptives, ectopic pregnancies, abortions, and natural cycles, with consequent thickening and endometrial decidualization with molding of the tissue of the uterine cavity of membranous appearance. The definitive diagnosis is made by histopathological examination. CASE REPORT A 43-year-old female patient came for urgent consultation for an acute picture of severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the genital area with transvaginal bleeding of 2 h of evolution. She had no significant past medical history. A transvaginal ultrasound was performed and showed an unchanged endometrial cavity. A vaginal examination revealed a foreign body of soft consistency; therefore, a speculum examination was performed, which showed tissue of endometrial origin located in the cervical canal of a reddish spongy texture. The tissue was removed, thus improving the symptomatology, and was sent to the pathological anatomy service for histopathologic diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS Membranous dysmenorrhea is a rare gynecologic disorder with only a few documented cases. According to other case reports, our patient's case, at age 43 years, was an atypical presentation. The clinical features and association with this pathology allowed the diagnosis and its confirmation by histopathological examination.

Dismenorreia , Útero , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Anticoncepcionais Orais , Dismenorreia/etiologia , Dismenorreia/diagnóstico , Endométrio , Ultrassonografia
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(9): 706-710, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520962


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Las quemaduras son la forma más severa de estrés que el cuerpo puede sufrir; pueden generarse por diferentes agentes térmicos y químicos. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 25 años, con dolor intenso en la región genital de 12 horas de evolución, secundario a la introducción en la vagina de una piedra de alumbre. Se le hicieron múltiples irrigaciones con solución salina al 0.9% sin obtener el resto de la piedra de alumbre. Se le aplicó sulfadiazina de plata en la cavidad vaginal cada 12 horas, óvulos vaginales de ketanserina, miconazol y metronidazol cada 8 horas, ketorolaco por vía oral 10 mg cada 8 horas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria tuvo buena evolución, con disminución de la inflamación en la zona genital, epitelización adecuada. Al tercer día se dio de alta del hospital con cita para valoración a los siete días. CONCLUSIÓN: El tratamiento de las quemaduras en el área genital, por agentes químicos, tiene como piedra angular la identificación del agente causante de la lesión que permita actuar de forma inmediata y evitar las secuelas físicas, sexuales y psicológicas mediante el lavado exhaustivo con solución o agua estéril para remover el agente causal y disminuir que continúe actuando en el sitio afectado.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Burns are the most severe form of stress that the body can suffer; they can be caused by various thermal and chemical agents. CLINICAL CASE: A 25-year-old female patient presented with severe genital pain of 12 hours' duration, secondary to the introduction of an alum stone into the vagina. She underwent several irrigations with 0.9% saline without obtaining the rest of the alum stone. She was given vaginal silver sulfadiazine every 12 hours, vaginal ketanserin, miconazole and metronidazole every 8 hours and oral ketorolac 10 mg every 8 hours. During her stay in hospital, she progressed well, with a decrease in genital inflammation and adequate epithelialisation. She was discharged on the third day with an appointment for a seven-day follow-up. CONCLUSION: The management of genital burns caused by chemical agents is based on the identification of the agent causing the lesion, which allows immediate action and prevents physical, sexual and psychological sequelae by thorough washing with sterile solution or water to remove the causative agent and reduce its continued action in the affected area.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(10): 774-779, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557823


Resumen ANTECEDENTE: El síndrome de Karsch-Neugebauer o ectrodactilia del pie o pie hendido, es una enfermedad congénita sumamente rara, caracterizada por aplasia-hipoplasia de las falanges y metatarsianos del pie. Cuando aparece de forma aislada se debe a una forma autosómica dominante de expresión variable, aunque también puede ser de carácter autosómico recesivo. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 31 años, sin antecedentes heredofamiliares de importancia, con IMC de 25.95 kg/m2, signos vitales en parámetros normales. Con dos embarazos, cesárea previa sin complicaciones. El ultrasonido estructural 20 a 23.6 semanas del embarazo actual reportó un feto vivo, de sexo femenino y 22.2 semanas de gestación, con múltiples alteraciones anatómicas: arteria umbilical única, hueso nasal hipoplásico, micrognatia en ángulo facial y miembros inferiores con ectrodactilia bilateral. CONCLUSIONES: Los estudios ultrasonográficos, en especial el de las semanas 20 a 23.6 de gestación son decisivos para la detección de malformaciones congénitas. Sin embargo, a partir de las 11 a 13.6 semanas es posible establecer diagnósticos estructurales de manera temprana. Muchas alteraciones y síndromes, como el de Karsch-Neugebauer, suelen ser incapacitantes y al combinarse con otras anomalías pueden llegar a ser incompatibles con la vida. Se requieren diagnósticos tempranos para la toma de decisiones de manera consensuada con la familia y el equipo multidisciplinario.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome, or ectrodactyly of the foot or cleft foot, is an extremely rare congenital disorder characterized by aplasia-hypoplasia of the phalanges and metatarsals of the foot. When it occurs in isolation, it is due to an autosomal dominant form of variable expression, although it can also be autosomal recessive. CLINICAL CASE: 31-year-old female patient with no significant hereditary family history, BMI of 25.95 kg/m2, vital signs within normal parameters. With two pregnancies, previous caesarean section without complications. Structural ultrasound 20 to 23.6 weeks of the current pregnancy showed a live fetus, female sex and 22.2 weeks gestation, with multiple anatomical anomalies: single umbilical artery, hypoplastic nasal bone, micrognathia in the facial angle and lower limbs with bilateral ectrodactyly. CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound examinations, especially at 20 to 23.6 weeks of gestation, are crucial for the detection of congenital malformations. However, from 11 to 13.6 weeks it is possible to make early structural diagnoses. Many disorders and syndromes, such as Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome, are often disabling and, in combination with other anomalies, can become incompatible with life. Early diagnosis is necessary to make informed decisions with the family and the multidisciplinary team.

J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc ; 21(1): 10-14, 2020 03 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640306


Objective: To evaluate the time of ureteral ejection of intravenous sodium fluorescein in the assessment of ureteral patency in patients undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). Material and Methods: Fifty-four women undergoing TLH were studied in a public teaching hospital in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. They underwent cystoscopic evaluation of ureteral patency after intravenous administration of 100 mg of sodium fluorescein. The present study analyzed the time elapsed in minutes from the intravenous administration of fluorescein to the outflow of stained urine by one or both ureteral meatus, the degree of urine staining, and the impact of body mass index (BMI) (BMI; normal, overweight, and obesity) on ejection time. Results: The overall average time elapsed to visualize the ejection of fluorescein through at least one ureteral meatus was 7.5 minutes [95% confidence interval (CI): 6.3-8.7]. There were no significant differences in the time of ureteral ejection of fluorescein taking BMI into account (p=0.579), with a mean time for normal BMI of 8.1 minutes (95% CI: 5.1-11.2), for overweight of 7.0 minutes (95% CI: 5.5-8.5), and for obesity of 7.8 minutes (95% CI: 5.3-10.3). Conclusion: Intravenously administered 10% sodium fluorescein dye is rapidly eliminated and strongly stains urine, which makes it useful for identifying ureteral patency during cystoscopy after TLH. Fluorescein excretion is not affected by patient BMI.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(9): 569-574, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346233


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Describir el incremento en la frecuencia del cáncer de endometrio en un hospital de tercer nivel en las últimas décadas y su asociación con el sobrepeso y la obesidad. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, comparativo y observacional efectuado con base en la información de los expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de endometrio atendidas en el servicio de Oncología del Hospital General de México (2000-2017). Los datos se compararon con un estudio previo de 1966-1993. RESULTADOS: Del 2000 al 2017 se registraron 785 pacientes y en el periodo global de 44 años, incluidos en el estudio, 1045 enfermas. En el lapso de 27 años se registraron 260 pacientes, y en el de 17 años: 785 enfermas; es decir, un incremento de 200% en la frecuencia de esta enfermedad. CONCLUSIONES: En esta serie los porcentajes de sobrepeso y obesidad se elevaron de 46 a 72.5%. El cáncer de endometrio en mujeres menores de 48 años aumentó de 19 a 28%. El 30.5% de las pacientes en etapas tempranas de cáncer de endometrio tuvieron factores de riesgo de recurrencia tumoral y 42% de la serie global cursó con neoplasias avanzadas, lo que está demostrado afecta su pronóstico.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To describe the increase shown in the frequency of endometrial cancer in a tertiary hospital in the last decades and its association with overweight and obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, comparative and observational study based on information from the files of patients with a diagnosis of endometrial cancer attended at the Oncology Service of the General Hospital of Mexico (2000-2017). Data were compared with a previous study from 1966-1993. RESULTS: From 2000 to 2017, 785 patients were registered and in the global period of 44 years, 1045 patients were included in the study. In the 27-year period, 260 patients were registered, and in the 17-year period, 785 patients were registered; that is, a 200% increase in the frequency of this disease. CONCLUSIONS: In this series the percentages of overweight and obesity rose from 46 to 72.5%. Endometrial cancer in women under 48 years of age increased from 19 to 28%. 30.5% of patients in early stages of endometrial cancer had risk factors for tumor recurrence and 42% of the overall series had advanced neoplasms, which is shown to affect their prognosis.

J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc ; 20(3): 133-137, 2019 08 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30556663


Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics and location of lesions in patients with deeply infiltrating endometriosis using the revised Enzian (rEnzian) classification. Material and Methods: The clinical records of 60 patients undergoing laparoscopy for deeply infiltrating endometriosis at Hospital Civil de Culiacán, Sinaloa and Hospital San Javier, Jalisco, Mexico, were reviewed. Age, body mass index (BMI), number of pregnancies, childbearing, previous abortions, laparoscopic suggestion (pelvic pain, bleeding, infertility), and size and location of the lesions were assessed according to the rEnzian classification. Results: The mean age of the patients was 30.5 years. The mean BMI was 25.6 kg/m2. Sixty-eight percent were nulliparous and 13% had at least one birth. Eighty-five percent had pelvic pain and 8.3% had infertility. Seventy percent (n=42) of the women had ovarian endometriomas (middle compartment); uterosacral and the torus uterinus ligaments were affected in 23.3%, rectum and sigmoid colon in 35% (posterior compartment), and the appendix and small intestine in 3.3%. According to the rEnzian classification, the most affected compartment was C2 (rectum and sigmoid colon with 1-3 cm lesions). Conclusion: Pelvic pain was the main symptom of patients with deeply infiltrating endometriosis, mainly in nulliparous women. According to the rEnzian classification, the C2 compartment was the most affected (rectum and sigmoid colon).

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(2): 93-99, ene. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154278


Resumen OBJETIVO: Comparar la frecuencia de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal en pacientes tratadas con y sin estrógenos equinos conjugados por vía vaginal antes de la histerectomía total laparoscópica. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Ensayo clínico controlado, comparativo, ciego simple, efectuado en pacientes atendidas entre enero de 2013 y agosto de 2016 en el Hospital Civil de Culiacán con indicación de histerectomía total laparoscópica por enfermedad benigna. Criterios de inclusión: haber recibido durante tres semanas previas al procedimiento estrógenos equinos conjugados por vía vaginal (grupo de estudio) o crema lubricante vaginal como placebo (grupo control). Criterios de exclusión: pacientes con diabetes mellitus tratadas con esteroides y antecedente de un evento tromboembólico reciente. Se evaluó la frecuencia de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal a los 7 y 30 días posteriores a la cirugía. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para comparar medias y la χ2 para la comparación de proporciones, con cálculo de riesgo relativo para evaluar el riesgo de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 236 pacientes con edad promedio, en ambos grupos, de 47.1 y 47.7 años, respectivamente (p > .05). Los antecedentes ginecoobstétricos y las indicaciones para histerectomía fueron similares en ambos grupos (p = .340). La incidencia total de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal fue de 4.6% (n = 11/236) con frecuencia de 6.8% (n = 8/118) en las pacientes del grupo tratado con lubricante vaginal y de 2.5% (n = 3/118) en el grupo tratado con estrógenos equinos conjugados por vía vaginal, sin diferencias entre ambos grupos (p = .123; RR=.359; IC95%: .093-1.387). CONCLUSIONES: El riesgo de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal fue similar entre el grupo que recibió lubricante y el de estrógenos tópicos vaginales, pero con una tendencia menor en la frecuencia de dehiscencia de la cúpula vaginal en el grupo tratado con estrógenos tópicos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare the frequency of vaginal cuff dehiscence in patients managed with and without conjugated equine estrogens vaginally prior to total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a single-blind controlled clinical trial, 236 patients with indications for laparoscopic total hysterectomy for benign pathology at the Hospital Civil de Culiacán and who agreed to participate in the study were randomly assigned to receive vaginally conjugated equine estrogens (study group) or vaginal lubricating cream as a placebo (control group) for 3 weeks prior to the procedure. Patients with diabetes mellitus, treated with steroids and history of a recent thromboembolic event were excluded. The frequency of vaginal cuff dehiscence was evaluated at 7 and 30 days after surgery. The student's t-test was used to compare means and the Chi-square test was used to compare proportions, with relative risk (RR) calculation to evaluate the risk of vaginal cuff dehiscence. RESULTS: We studied 236 patients with average age, in both groups, 47.1 and 47.7 years, respectively (p > .05). The mean age of the patients was similar between the groups (47.1 vs 47.7 years, p>.05). The gynecological-obstetric history and indications for hysterectomy were similar between both groups (p = .340). The incidence of vaginal cuff dehiscence was 2.5% (n = 3) in the group treated with conjugated equine estrogens vaginally and 6.8% (n = 8) in the patients of thse group treated with vaginal lubricant (p= .123; RM= .359; IC95%: .093-1.387). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of presenting vaginal cuff dehiscence was similar between the group of lubricant and topical vaginal estrogens, but with a lower tendency in the frequency of vaginal cuff dehiscence in the group of topical estrogens.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(10): 650-657, feb. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984406


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar el patrón menstrual y la reserva ovárica mediante la determinación de FSH y conteo de folículos antrales en pacientes con salpingectomía y oclusión tubárica bilateral como métodos de esterilización definitiva. Material y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, comparativo, experimental, con asignación al azar, ciego simple, al que se incluyeron pacientes con deseos de esterilización definitiva como método anticonceptivo. Las pacientes se asignaron al azar a dos grupos, el primero con oclusión tubárica bilateral y el segundo con salpingectomía. A los seis meses posprocedimiento se evaluaron en forma ciega el patrón menstrual y la determinación sérica de hormona folículo estimulante (FSH) y el recuento de folículos antrales por ultrasonido transvaginal como marcadores de reserva ovárica. El análisis estadístico se llevó a cabo con t de Student para muestras independientes (comparación entre los grupos) y dependientes (comparación intragrupo) para comparación de medias y la prueba x2 para comparación de proporciones. Resultados: Se estudiaron 60 pacientes, 31 con oclusión tubárica bilateral y 29 con salpingectomía. Se registraron aumentos significativos en los días de sangrado menstrual con respecto a la basal después de la oclusión tubaria bilateral (p = .002) y salpingectomía (p = .008). No hubo diferencias entre oclusión tubárica bilateral y salpingectomía con respecto al tiempo quirúrgico para llevar a cabo la técnica de esterilización (p = .83), duración del ciclo menstrual (p = .35), duración de los días de sangrado menstrual (p = .40). Tampoco resultaron diferencias en las concentraciones séricas de FSH (p = 0.75) ni en el recuento de folículos antrales (p = .44) entre los grupos. Conclusiones: El patrón menstrual y la reserva ovárica son muy similares en pacientes con oclusión tubárica bilateral o salpingectomía. Ambas técnicas incrementan la duración del sangrado menstrual posterior al procedimiento. La salpingectomía implica un aumento ligero en el tiempo quirúrgico, sin diferencias en la frecuencia de complicaciones.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the menstrual pattern and ovarian reserve in patients undergoing salpingectomy and bilateral tubal occlusion as definitive sterilization methods. Material and methods: A prospective, longitudinal, comparative, experimental, randomized, single blind study was carried out in patients with a desire for definitive sterilization as a contraceptive method. Patients were randomly assigned to perform bilateral tubal occlusion or salpingectomy. Six months after the procedure in each patient, the menstrual pattern and the serum determination of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and the antral follicle count were evaluated by transvaginal ultrasound as markers of ovarian reserve. The statistical analysis was carried out using the student's t-test for independent samples (comparison between groups) and dependent samples (intra-group comparison) for comparison of means and the x2 test for comparison of proportions. Results: Sixty patients were studied, 31 with bilateral tubal occlusion and 29 with salpingectomy. Significant increases were observed in the days of menstrual bleeding with respect to the baseline after bilateral tubal occlusion (p = .002) and salpingectomy (p = .008). No differences were observed between bilateral tubal occlusion and salpingectomy with respect to the surgical time to carry out the sterilization technique (p = .83), menstrual cycle duration (p = .35), duration of the days of menstrual bleeding (p = .40). No differences were observed in the serum levels of FSH (p = .75) nor in the antral follicle count (p = .44) between the groups. Conclusions: The menstrual pattern and the ovarian reserve are very similar in patients who undergo bilateral tubal occlusion and salpingectomy, although the two techniques increase the duration of menstrual bleeding after the procedure.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(7): 423-433, feb. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984456


Resumen Objetivo: Reportar la experiencia institucional en el tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con cáncer de vulva de acuerdo con la clasificación vigente de la Federación Internacional de Ginecología y Obstetricia (FIGO). Materiales y métodos: Análisis retrospectivo de expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de carcinoma vulvar operadas con o sin coadyuvancia en el servicio de Oncología del Hospital General de México en un lapso de 34 años. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa Epi Info versión 7.2. Resultados: Se incluyeron 151 pacientes: 24 (16%) con lesiones preinvasoras o con mínima invasión, se intervinieron con escisiones locales o vulvectomías simples; 16 (15%) con cánceres invasores en quienes se efectuó cirugía conservadora de la vulva con o sin disección ganglionar unilateral. En 94 (62%) se efectuaron vulvectomías con linfadenectomías: 47 con cirugías en bloque y 47 mediante incisiones separadas. En 11 (%) pacientes se practicaron cirugías ultrarradicales: 6 resecciones abdominoperineales y 5 exenteraciones pélvicas. De 127 pacientes que tuvieron seguimiento, 62 (49%) evolucionaron 30 meses en promedio sin evidencia de enfermedad. Se incluyen 21/23 (91%) lesiones tempranas (VIN 2,3 y I- A); 37/49, (76%) de las invasoras en estadios IB-II; 13/41, (32%) de los estadios III (p = 0.00007) y 3/14 (21%) de los IV-A. Conclusiones: Si bien la tendencia actual se orienta a individualizar el tratamiento quirúrgico de pacientes con cáncer de vulva invasor, en esta serie solo en 15% fueron cirugías conservadoras. La metástasis ganglionar fue el factor pronóstico más desfavorable.

Abstract Objective: The present study is a review of our experience of the surgical options for vulvar cancer using The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of records of patients diagnosed with vulvar carcinoma operated with or without coadyuvance in the Oncology service of the General Hospital of Mexico in a span of 34 years. For the statistical analysis, the Epi Info version 7.2 program was used. Results: Patients were divided into groups, those with pre-invasion or minimal invasion disease were resolved with local excision or simple vulvectomy 24 (16%). Patients with invasive cancer were treated with conservative surgery with or without unilateral lymph node dissection 16 (15%); radical vulvectomy with inguino femoral lymphadenectomy 94 (62%) (47 block surgeries and 47 with separate incision); ultra-radical surgery 11 (7%) (6 abdomino-perineal resections and 5 pelvic exenterations). 127 patients had follow-up and 62 of them had a disease-free survival rate of 30 months (48.8%). The overall survival in pre-invasion or minimal invasion disease were 91.3% (21/23), in stage IB-II 75.5% (37/49), in stage III 31.7% (13/41) (p=0.00007) and in stage IVA 21.4% ( 3/14 ). Conclusions: Although a more individualized and less radical treatment is suggested, in this series only 14.5% of patients, could be resolved with conservative surgery. In addition, the lymph node status was the most important prognostic factor for survival.