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Animals (Basel) ; 14(13)2024 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38998121


Behavior analysis is a widely used non-invasive tool in the practical production routine, as the animal acts as a biosensor capable of reflecting its degree of adaptation and discomfort to some environmental challenge. Conventional statistics use occurrence data for behavioral evaluation and well-being estimation, disregarding the temporal sequence of events. The Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP) algorithm is a data mining method that identifies recurrent sequences that exceed a user-specified support threshold, the potential of which has not yet been investigated for broiler chickens in enriched environments. Enrichment aims to increase environmental complexity with promising effects on animal welfare, stimulating priority behaviors and potentially reducing the deleterious effects of heat stress. The objective here was to validate the application of the GSP algorithm to identify temporal correlations between heat stress and the behavior of broiler chickens in enriched environments through a proof of concept. Video image collection was carried out automatically for 48 continuous hours, analyzing a continuous period of seven hours, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, during two consecutive days of tests for chickens housed in enriched and non-enriched environments under comfort and stress temperatures. Chickens at the comfort temperature showed high motivation to perform the behaviors of preening (P), foraging (F), lying down (Ld), eating (E), and walking (W); the sequences <{Ld,P}>; <{Ld,F}>; <{P,F,P}>; <{Ld,P,F}>; and <{E,W,F}> were the only ones observed in both treatments. All other sequential patterns (comfort and stress) were distinct, suggesting that environmental enrichment alters the behavioral pattern of broiler chickens. Heat stress drastically reduced the sequential patterns found at the 20% threshold level in the tested environments. The behavior of lying laterally "Ll" is a strong indicator of heat stress in broilers and was only frequent in the non-enriched environment, which may suggest that environmental enrichment provides the animal with better opportunities to adapt to stress-inducing challenges, such as heat.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(3)2021 Mar 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33803605


Feeding is one of the most critical processes in the broiler production cycle. A feeder can collect data of force signals and continuously transform it into information about birds' feed intake and quickly permit more agile and more precise decision-making concerning the broiler farm's production process. A smart feeding unit (SFU) prototype was developed to evaluate the broiler pecking force and average feed intake per pecking (g/min). The prototype consisted of a power supply unit with a data acquisition module, management software connected to a computer for data storage, and a video camera to verify the pecking force during signal processing. In the present study, seven male Cobb-500 broilers were raised in an experimental chamber to test and commission the prototype. The prototype consisted of a feeding unit (feeder) with a data acquisition module (amplifier), with real-time integration for testing and intuitive operation with Catman Easy software connected to a computer to obtain and store data from signals. The sampling of average feed intake per pecking per broiler (g) was conducted during the first minute of feeding, subtracting the amount of feed provided per the amount of feed consumed, including the count of pecking in the first minute of feeding. An equation was used for estimating the average feed intake per pecking per broiler (g). The results showed that the average broiler pecking force was 1.39 N, with a minimum value of 0.04 N and a maximum value of 7.29 N. The average feed intake per pecking (FIP) was 0.13 g, with an average of 173 peckings per minute. The acquisition, processing, and classification of signals in the pecking force information were valuable during broilers' feeding. The smart feeding unit prototype for broilers was efficient in the continuous assessment of feed intake and can generate information for estimating broiler performance.

Sci. agric ; 75(3): 173-183, mai.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497713


Ventilation systems used in swine facilities deserve to be studied because they directly affect productivity in the pig farming sector. Bearing this in mind the uniformity of air distribution and temperature is essential to animal welfare in this breeding environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify whether changes in air entrances and exhaust fan positioning could influence air velocity and temperature distribution. The experimental data were collected in a commercial full-scale sow facility. Validation was carried out by comparing the simulated air temperatures and data measured in the field. These results showed agreement between data with a maximum relative error of approximately 3 %. The real settings showed a gradual increase in the air velocity from the air entrances and dead zones due to the change in airflow direction. There was no difference when the positioning of the exhaust fans was altered or was maintained in the original air entrances. The proposed arrangement with only one air inlet reduced the areas of low air movement as a consequence of the change in flow direction. Furthermore, the variables have the same pattern along the transversal plane. The simulations showed that the position of the air inlets had a higher influence on temperature distribution.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Temperatura , Ventilação , Metodologias Computacionais , Suínos
Sci. agric. ; 75(3): 173-183, mai.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728740


Ventilation systems used in swine facilities deserve to be studied because they directly affect productivity in the pig farming sector. Bearing this in mind the uniformity of air distribution and temperature is essential to animal welfare in this breeding environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify whether changes in air entrances and exhaust fan positioning could influence air velocity and temperature distribution. The experimental data were collected in a commercial full-scale sow facility. Validation was carried out by comparing the simulated air temperatures and data measured in the field. These results showed agreement between data with a maximum relative error of approximately 3 %. The real settings showed a gradual increase in the air velocity from the air entrances and dead zones due to the change in airflow direction. There was no difference when the positioning of the exhaust fans was altered or was maintained in the original air entrances. The proposed arrangement with only one air inlet reduced the areas of low air movement as a consequence of the change in flow direction. Furthermore, the variables have the same pattern along the transversal plane. The simulations showed that the position of the air inlets had a higher influence on temperature distribution.(AU)

Animais , Ventilação , Temperatura , Bem-Estar do Animal , Metodologias Computacionais , Suínos
Sci. agric ; 74(2): 101-109, Mar. - Apr. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497632


Ventilation systems are incorporated at intensive poultry farms to control environment conditions and thermal comfort of broilers. The ventilation system operates based on environmental data, particularly measured by sensors of temperature and relative humidity. Sensors are placed at different positions of the facility. Quality, number and positioning of the sensors are critical factors to achieve an efficient performance of the system. For this reason, a strategic positioning of the sensors associated to controllers could support the maintenance and management of the microclimate inside the facility. This research aims to identify the three most representative points for the positioning of sensors in order to support the ventilation system during the critical period from 12h00 to 15h00 on summer days. Temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were measured in four different tunnel ventilated barns at the final stage of the production cycle. The descriptive analysis was performed on these data. The Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) was also calculated. Then, the geostatistical analysis of THI was performed by GS+ and the position of sensors was determined by ordinary kriging. The methodology was able to detect the most representative points for the positioning of sensors in a case study (southeastern Brazil). The results suggested that this strategic positioning would help controllers to obtain a better inference of the microclimate during the studied period (the hottest microclimate), considered critical in Brazil. In addition, these results allow developing a future road map for a decision support system based on 24 h monitoring of the ventilation systems in broiler houses.

Aves Domésticas , Temperatura , Ventilação , Bem-Estar do Animal , Criação de Animais Domésticos , Microclima
Sci. agric. ; 74(2): 101-109, Mar. - Apr. 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-686685


Ventilation systems are incorporated at intensive poultry farms to control environment conditions and thermal comfort of broilers. The ventilation system operates based on environmental data, particularly measured by sensors of temperature and relative humidity. Sensors are placed at different positions of the facility. Quality, number and positioning of the sensors are critical factors to achieve an efficient performance of the system. For this reason, a strategic positioning of the sensors associated to controllers could support the maintenance and management of the microclimate inside the facility. This research aims to identify the three most representative points for the positioning of sensors in order to support the ventilation system during the critical period from 12h00 to 15h00 on summer days. Temperature, relative humidity and wind speed were measured in four different tunnel ventilated barns at the final stage of the production cycle. The descriptive analysis was performed on these data. The Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) was also calculated. Then, the geostatistical analysis of THI was performed by GS+ and the position of sensors was determined by ordinary kriging. The methodology was able to detect the most representative points for the positioning of sensors in a case study (southeastern Brazil). The results suggested that this strategic positioning would help controllers to obtain a better inference of the microclimate during the studied period (the hottest microclimate), considered critical in Brazil. In addition, these results allow developing a future road map for a decision support system based on 24 h monitoring of the ventilation systems in broiler houses.(AU)

Ventilação , Aves Domésticas , Temperatura , Microclima , Criação de Animais Domésticos , Bem-Estar do Animal
Ciênc. rural ; 38(9): 2498-2505, dez. 2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-498402


O conhecimento da variabilidade espacial de atributos climáticos e a construção de mapas de krigagem podem auxiliar no manejo adequado de animais confinados em galpões. Portanto, o trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar a variabilidade espacial do microclima de um galpão do tipo free-stall utilizado para confinamento de bovinos leiteiros empregando a técnica de geoestatística e verificar se as variáveis climáticas encontram-se dentro dos limites de conforto dos animais. Os atributos microclimáticos - temperatura, umidade relativa, velocidade do vento, luminosidade e índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) - foram amostrados em 152 pontos, em intervalos regulares de 2m, na forma de malha. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, foi possível verificar que o uso da geoestatística possibilitou definir áreas com diferentes variabilidades espaciais para os atributos microclimáticos, definindo áreas específicas no galpão onde a umidade relativa, a temperatura, a velocidade do vento e a luminosidade estão acima do recomendado para o conforto térmico animal. O sistema de climatização utilizado não garantiu a homogeneização do ambiente. Os valores de ITU permaneceram fora da condição de conforto térmico, portanto, a condição de ambiência do galpão possivelmente não propicia conforto aos animais.

The knowledge of the spatial variability of climatic attributes and the build of kriging maps can help livestock management in lodged animals. Therefore, the objective of this research was to characterize the spatial variability of the climatic attributes inside a dairy cow free-stall barn using the technique of geostatistics and to verify if the climatic variables are in agreement with the thermal comfort limits of the animals. The climatic attributes - temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, luminosity and temperature and humidity index (THI) were sampled in 152 points, in regular spacing of 2m, as a grid. According the results, the geostatistical analysis made it possible to find areas with different spatial variability for the climatic variables, showing specifically areas inside the dairy barn where the relative humidity, the temperature, the air velocity and the luminosity were above that the comfort limits for animal housing. The acclimatization system didn't homogenize the environment. The THI values remained above the thermal comfort condition, so, the environment of the barn probably didn't provide comfort for the animals.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(8): 2383-2387, Nov. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-512029


O Brasil é o sexto maior produtor de leite do mundo, sendo que essa produção cresce a uma taxa anual 4 por cento superior aos demais países produtores. Parte desse aumento na produção de leite deve-se ao uso de diversas tecnologias desenvolvidas para o setor, principalmente, aquelas relacionadas à genética e ao manejo do rebanho. A detecção acurada do cio em vacas é um fator limitante na eficiência reprodutiva do rebanho leiteiro, sendo considerada uma das principais deficiências na reprodução bovina. Falha na identificação do estro com eficiência ocasiona perdas para o produtor. Métodos quantitativos preditivos, baseados em dados históricos e conhecimento especialista, permitem, a partir de uma base de dados organizada, a predição de padrões com baixa percentagem de erro. Este trabalho comparou a precisão das técnicas de estimativa de estro para vacas da raça Holandesa alojadas em galpão freestall, utilizando métodos quantitativos preditivos, por meio da interposição dos pontos intermediários provenientes de série histórica do rebanho. Uma base de regras foi formulada sendo que os valores dos pesos de cada afirmação pertencem a um intervalo de zero a um, e esses limites foram utilizados para gerar a função de pertinência Fuzzy, cuja saída era a predição de estro. Na etapa seguinte, foi aplicada a técnica de Data mining utilizando os parâmetros de movimentação, produção de leite, dias de lactação e comportamento de monta, sendo gerada uma árvore de decisão para analisar os parâmetros mais significativos na previsão de estro em vacas leiteiras. Os resultados indicaram que a presença de estro pode ser detectada com maior precisão usando a observação de movimentação das vacas (87 por cento, erro estimado 4 por cento) ou o comportamento de monta (78 por cento, erro estimado 11 por cento).

Brazil is the sixth world’s larger milk producer, increasing its production at an annual rate of 4 percent above other producer countries. Part of this raise in milk production was due to the use of several technologies that have being developed for the sector, mainly those related to genetics and herd management. Accurate estrus detection in dairy cows is a limiting factor in the reproduction efficiency of dairy cattle, and it has been considered the most important deficiency in the field of reproduction. Failing to detect estrus efficiently may cause losses for the producer. Quantitative predictive methods based on historical data and specialist knowledge may allow, from an organized data base, the prediction of estrus pattern with lower error. This research compared the precision of the estrus prediction techniques for freestall confined Holstein dairy cows using quantitative predictive methods, through the interpolation of intermediate points of historical herd data set. A base of rules was formulated and the values of weight for each statement is within the interval of 0 to 1; and these limits were used to generate a function of pertinence fuzzy that had as output the estrus prediction. In the following stage Data mining technique was applied using the parameters of movement rate, milk production, days of lactation and mounting behavior, and a decision tree was built for analyzing the most significant parameters for predicting estrus in dairy cows. The results indicate that the prediction of estrus incidence may be achieved either using the association of cow’s movement (87 percent, with estimated error of 4 percent) or the observation of mounting behavior (78 percent, with estimated error of 11 percent).