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Biofouling ; 39(7): 748-762, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37791479


Bryozoans are commonly associated with various artificial structures in marine environments and have been responsible for several bioinvasion events worldwide. Understanding the interactions between bryozoans and artificial structures is therefore essential to prevent the establishment and spread of potential bioinvaders. This study investigated bryozoan recruitment on four different substrates (PET, nautical ropes, metal, and PVC) placed in three orientations (vertical, horizontal facing down and facing up) in an area of the Western Atlantic. In total, 15 species of bryozoans were found. The results revealed significant variations in assemblages' richness, with bryozoans showing a preference for settling on PVC (14 species found) and on the underside of horizontal substrates (15 species found), resulting in the higher representativity observed in this study. Cryptogenic (nine species) and exotic (five species) bryozoans dominated the assemblages in all treatments, indicating that the type of substrate (especially artificial) and its orientation can favor the settlement of bryozoans, particularly non-native species. Therefore, the availability of multiple types of artificial substrates in marine environments should be treated as a cause for concern.

Biofilmes , Briozoários , Animais
PeerJ ; 11: e15144, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37073277


Background: The increasing habitat heterogeneity and complexity shows positive effects over different communities, leading to environmental diversity, access to resources and reducing the effectiveness of predation. In the present study we evaluate the structural and functional patterns of polychaete assemblages of three Mussismilia species with different coral morphology. Mussismilia hispida has a massive growth pattern; M. braziliensis also is a massive coral but forms a crevice in the corallum base; and M. harttii has a meandroid pattern. Methods: Ten individuals of the three Mussismilia species were sampled in two reefs in the Todos-os-Santos Bay, and we analyzed the differences in richness and abundance of polychaete species and the functional diversity metrics: Rao's quadratic entropy, functional dispersion, functional evenness, number of functional groups and functional richness, among Mussismilia species. Results: Two-way ANOVA with permutations showed significant differences for polychaete abundances and richness among Mussismilia species (higher values for M. harttii), but no differences were recorded when compared between the two coral reef areas studied. There was no statistical difference among coral species or between reefs in relation to the functional diversity components influenced by abundance, such as Rao quadratic entropy, functional dispersion, and functional evenness. Some individual polychaete functional traits presented differences among Mussismilia species, and that also helped us to build a picture about the effect of different growth structures over functional aspects of polychaete assemblages. Thus, the taxonomical approach, the analysis of individual functional traits and the functional diversity metrics are fundamental tools to characterize the assemblage of organisms associated with corals.

Antozoários , Animais , Recifes de Corais , Ecossistema , Fenótipo
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(2): e20231467, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447507


Abstract This work was carried out in order to provide the length-weight relationship (LWR) and the allometric condition factor (Ka), as well as its correlation with limnological variables, for Prochilodus lineatus from the middle Tietê River basin. Fish were collected using gill nets in two rivers with contrasting environmental conditions, totaling 46 specimens in the highly polluted Tietê River, and 37 in the Peixe River, a relatively well-conserved tributary. Environmental measures were obtained concomitantly to the fish capture. The results showed an isometric growth (b = 3.00) for the fish from Tietê River and a positive allometric growth (b = 3.23) for the fish from Peixe River. The mean value of Ka was unexpectedly higher for the main river (Ka = 2.63) when compared to its tributary (Ka = 2.42), being statistically different from each other. This can be explained by the much higher availability of organic sediments in the main river, resulting from a long-term eutrophication process. Nevertheless, the positive and statistically significant correlations with dissolved oxygen, for both rivers, as well as significant negative correlations with electric conductivity, nitrogen and chlorophyll a for Tietê River, indicate the negative effects of the water quality deterioration on the fish condition factor. The work contributes to the expansion of knowledge about P. lineatus, the most important commercial fish of the middle Tietê River basin, which is severely impacted by unsustainable human actions.

Resumo Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de fornecer a relação peso-comprimento (LWR) e o fator de condição alométrico (Ka), bem como sua correlação com variáveis limnológicas, para Prochilodus lineatus da bacia do médio rio Tietê. Os peixes foram coletados com redes de espera em dois rios com condições ambientais contrastantes, totalizando 46 espécimes no altamente poluído rio Tietê, e 37 no rio do Peixe, um tributário relativamente bem conservado. Medidas ambientais foram obtidas concomitantemente à captura dos peixes. Os resultados mostraram um crescimento isométrico (b = 3,00) para os peixes do rio Tietê e um crescimento alométrico positivo (b = 3,23) para os peixes do rio do Peixe. O valor médio de Ka foi, inesperadamente, maior para o rio principal (Ka = 2,63) quando comparado ao seu afluente (Ka = 2,42), sendo estatisticamente diferentes entre si. Isso pode ser explicado pela disponibilidade muito maior de sedimentos orgânicos no rio principal, resultante de um longo processo de eutrofização. No entanto, as correlações positivas e estatisticamente significativas com o oxigênio dissolvido, para ambos os rios, bem como correlações significativas negativas com a condutividade elétrica, nitrogênio e clorofila a para o rio Tietê, indicam os efeitos negativos da deterioração da qualidade da água sobre o fator condição dos peixes. O trabalho contribui para a expansão do conhecimento sobre P. lineatus, o peixe de maior importância comercial da bacia do médio rio Tietê, severamente impactada por ações humanas não-sustentáveis.

Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200110, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443291


The goal of our study was to evaluate the nutritional potential of dented corn hybrids for silage production. We performed a two-location trial in which 19 dented corn hybrids and five corn controls grew in four randomized blocks within two experimental areas located in the Northern (Campos dos Goytacazes) and Northwestern (Itaocara) Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. We recorded yields of fresh and dry forage matter and yields of fresh and dry grain matter, as well as chemical composition variables. We interpreted variables by assuming a Normal distribution for yield variables and a Beta distribution for chemical composition and ratios. The SAS GLIMMIX procedure fitted the linear model under those assumptions. Dual-pool models fitted the gas production profiles generated by in vitro anaerobic fermentations. We used the nlme of R software to fit the dual-pool models and the information-theoretic approach to evaluate their quality of fit. We did a cluster analysis (NbClust of R) to group corn hybrids based on fresh and DM yields and kinetic parameters of in vitro gas production. Three clusters of corn hybrids stood out, their basic differences relied on fresh and DM yields. Nonetheless, the least-squares means for gas production characteristics among groups did not present disjoint confidence intervals. Therefore, we can infer that dented corn hybrids rank by forage yield, but not by forage quality, and recommend the most productive ones that consistently outstand in both locations (hybrids UENF-2203, UENF-2192, UENF-2193, and UENF-506-11).

Silagem/análise , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Zea mays/genética , Valor Nutritivo
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 92(3): e20191096, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33263662


Biological and abiotic processes influence ecosystem structure and species distribution. For bryozoan assemblages, depth, substratum and habitat structure are among the main factors influencing their distribution. Ecological studies on bryozoan fauna from Brazil are scarce and factors affecting the distribution and/or diversity of this common group are obscure. Here we attempted to verify the influence of bathymetry on bryozoan richness on the north shore of Bahia State, north-eastern Brazil. We identified 57 bryozoan taxa, comprising 35 families and 50 genera, all belonging to the Cheilostomata. Retevirgula multipunctata Winston, Vieira & Woollacott, 2014 and Tetraplaria dichotoma (Osburn, 1914) and the genus Aimulosia Jullien, 1888 were recorded for the first time from Bahia State. Species growing as encrusting sheets were dominant at all depths. There was a significant difference in richness among samples at different depths, with highest values of richness at 40 meters (Kruskal-Wallis Test). Analysis of similarities revealed a significant difference among the bryozoan assemblages, mainly when comparing assemblages from 10 and 20 meters with deeper ones. Also, shallower assemblages composition varied much than assemblages from 30 and 40 meters. Since depth is a proxy for several environmental parameters, further studies are needed to identify other factors influencing bryozoan distribution.

Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Brasil , Humanos
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 20(4): e20201001, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131949


Abstract: We present here the first study that analyzed the composition and richness of rotifers of the entire La Plata River basin, the second largest in South America, based on simultaneous and standardized sampling. Fifteen large reservoirs and eight river stretches were selected in the upper, middle, and lower portions of the Paraná, Paraguay, and Uruguay Rivers, which are the major rivers of the La Plata basin. We took a total of 86 samples (open water habitats) in 2010. A mean of 27±11 species per sub-basin was found, with the highest richness in the Lower Paraná (41 species), followed by the Paranapanema (40 species) and Lower Uruguay (38 species). Low richness was observed in the Middle Uruguay and Middle Paraná. We found 106 species belonging to 21 families and two orders. The family with the highest number of species was Lecanidae (21), followed by Brachionidae (20), Trichocercidae (9), and Synchaetidae (8). The species with higher occurrences were Conochilus dossuarius, Kellicottia bostoniensis, Keratella americana, Keratella cochlearis and Hexarthra mira. New occurrences of rotifers were registered for Brazil (Colurella adriatica), São Paulo State (Enteroplea lacustris), and Argentina (Gastropus hyptopus, Harringia rousseleti and Lecane thienemanni). Spearman correlation between the number of species and physical and chemical variables demonstrated positive correlation with chlorophyll and temperature, and negative correlation with dissolved oxygen. We extend the distribution list for some native (Lecane ludwigii) and non-native species of rotifers (K. bostoniensis). We also list the monogonont rotifer species found at the sampling stations.

Resumo: Apresentamos aqui o primeiro estudo que analisou a composição e riqueza de rotíferos de toda a bacia do Rio da Prata, a segunda maior da América do Sul, com amostragens simultâneas e padronizadas. Quinze grandes reservatórios e oito trechos lóticos foram selecionados nas porções alta, média e baixa dos rios Paraná, Paraguai e Uruguai, que atuam como os principais formadores da bacia do Prata. Coletamos um total de 86 amostras (habitats de águas abertas) em 2010. Foi encontrada uma média de 27 ± 11 espécies por sub-bacia, com maior riqueza no Baixo Paraná (41 espécies), seguido por Paranapanema (40 espécies) e Baixo Uruguai (38 espécies). Uma baixa riqueza foi observada no Médio Uruguai e no Médio Paraná. Encontramos 106 espécies pertencentes a 21 famílias e duas ordens. A família com maior número de espécies foi Lecanidae (21), seguida por Brachionidae (20), Trichocercidae (9) e Synchaetidae (8). As espécies com maior ocorrência foram Conochilus dossuarius, Kellicottia bostoniensis, Keratella americana, Keratella cochlearis e Hexarthra mira. Novas ocorrências de rotíferos foram registradas para o Brasil (Colurella adriatica), Estado de São Paulo (Enteroplea lacustris) e Argentina (Gastropus hyptopus, Harringia rousseleti e Lecane thienemanni). A correlação de Spearman entre o número de espécies e as variáveis físicas e químicas demonstrou correlação positiva com clorofila e temperatura, e correlação negativa com oxigênio dissolvido. Estendemos a lista de distribuição para algumas espécies nativas (Lecane ludwigii) e não-nativas de rotíferos (K. bostoniensis). Disponibilizamos também uma lista de espécies de rotíferos Monogononta encontrados nas estações amostradas.

Iheringia. Sér. Zool. ; 108: e2018035, 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762582


Knickzones are originated from basaltic outcroppings, present runs, riffles and pools and are highly influenced by flood pulses, which maintain their natural dynamic. However, the construction of hydroelectric power plants alters or eliminate the dynamism of this area and can affect the resident fauna that may be dependent on it. The aim of this study was to evaluate the organization of a knickzones ichthyofauna considering the influence of seasonality and connectivity of habitats. The study was performed in a knickzone located in the Sapucaí-Mirim River, Southeast Brazil. We sampled four rocky pools connected to the river and three isolated pools, during rainy and dry conditions. The analysis of the two factors (connectivity and seasonality) and of their interaction showed a significant influence only for seasonality on ichthyofauna structure, with higher values of abundance in the rainy season. The species that most contributed to the high dissimilarity between seasons were Knodus moenkhausii (50% of contribution) and Astyanax bockmanni (21%). The former is the most abundant species in the rainy season and the later in the dry season. The alteration between low and high water level occurs frequently in knickzones, as it is a rocky shallow platform in the middle of a river, with floods occurring seasonally or in stochastic short-term periods. This hydrological seasonal dynamic, high limnological variability and complex interactions of different habitats (pools, runs and rapids) explain the particular ichthyofauna structure in such small area. Our results also indicate the potential importance of basaltic knickzones for regional fish diversity conservation, especially due to the imminent threat by intensive hydropower reservoir construction.(AU)

Pedrais são originados de afloramentos basálticos, apresentando rápidos, corredeiras e poças e são altamente influenciados por pulsos de inundação que mantêm sua dinâmica natural. No entanto, a construção de usinas hidrelétricas altera ou elimina o dinamismo dessa área e pode afetar a fauna residente que pode ser dependente dela. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a organização da ictiofauna de um pedral considerando a influência da sazonalidade e conectividade dos habitats. O estudo foi realizado em uma zona localizada no rio Sapucaí-Mirim, sudeste do Brasil. Foram amostradas quatro poças rochosas conectadas ao rio e três isoladas, em condições chuvosas e secas. A análise dos dois fatores (conectividade e sazonalidade) e de sua interação mostrou influência significativa apenas para a sazonalidade na estrutura da ictiofauna, com maiores valores de abundância na estação chuvosa. As espécies que mais contribuíram para a alta dissimilaridade entre as estações foram Knodus moenkhausii (50% de contribuição) e Astyanax bockmanni (21%). A primeira é a espécie mais abundante na estação chuvosa e a posterior na estação seca. A alteração entre baixo e alto nível de água ocorre com frequência em pedrais, pois é uma plataforma rochosa e rasa no meio de um rio, com inundações ocorrendo sazonalmente ou em períodos estocásticos de curto prazo. Esta dinâmica hidrológica sazonal, alta variabilidade limnológica e interações complexas de diferentes habitats (poças, rápidos e corredeiras) explicam a particular estrutura da ictiofauna em uma área tão pequena. Nossos resultados também indicam a importância potencial dos pedrais basálticos para a conservação regional da diversidade de peixes, especialmente devido à ameaça iminente da construção intensiva de reservatórios de hidrelétricas.(AU)

Animais , Recursos Hídricos , Ecossistema , Estações do Ano , Peixes , Filogeografia
Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 108: e2018035, 2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483212


Knickzones are originated from basaltic outcroppings, present runs, riffles and pools and are highly influenced by flood pulses, which maintain their natural dynamic. However, the construction of hydroelectric power plants alters or eliminate the dynamism of this area and can affect the resident fauna that may be dependent on it. The aim of this study was to evaluate the organization of a knickzones ichthyofauna considering the influence of seasonality and connectivity of habitats. The study was performed in a knickzone located in the Sapucaí-Mirim River, Southeast Brazil. We sampled four rocky pools connected to the river and three isolated pools, during rainy and dry conditions. The analysis of the two factors (connectivity and seasonality) and of their interaction showed a significant influence only for seasonality on ichthyofauna structure, with higher values of abundance in the rainy season. The species that most contributed to the high dissimilarity between seasons were Knodus moenkhausii (50% of contribution) and Astyanax bockmanni (21%). The former is the most abundant species in the rainy season and the later in the dry season. The alteration between low and high water level occurs frequently in knickzones, as it is a rocky shallow platform in the middle of a river, with floods occurring seasonally or in stochastic short-term periods. This hydrological seasonal dynamic, high limnological variability and complex interactions of different habitats (pools, runs and rapids) explain the particular ichthyofauna structure in such small area. Our results also indicate the potential importance of basaltic knickzones for regional fish diversity conservation, especially due to the imminent threat by intensive hydropower reservoir construction.

Pedrais são originados de afloramentos basálticos, apresentando rápidos, corredeiras e poças e são altamente influenciados por pulsos de inundação que mantêm sua dinâmica natural. No entanto, a construção de usinas hidrelétricas altera ou elimina o dinamismo dessa área e pode afetar a fauna residente que pode ser dependente dela. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a organização da ictiofauna de um pedral considerando a influência da sazonalidade e conectividade dos habitats. O estudo foi realizado em uma zona localizada no rio Sapucaí-Mirim, sudeste do Brasil. Foram amostradas quatro poças rochosas conectadas ao rio e três isoladas, em condições chuvosas e secas. A análise dos dois fatores (conectividade e sazonalidade) e de sua interação mostrou influência significativa apenas para a sazonalidade na estrutura da ictiofauna, com maiores valores de abundância na estação chuvosa. As espécies que mais contribuíram para a alta dissimilaridade entre as estações foram Knodus moenkhausii (50% de contribuição) e Astyanax bockmanni (21%). A primeira é a espécie mais abundante na estação chuvosa e a posterior na estação seca. A alteração entre baixo e alto nível de água ocorre com frequência em pedrais, pois é uma plataforma rochosa e rasa no meio de um rio, com inundações ocorrendo sazonalmente ou em períodos estocásticos de curto prazo. Esta dinâmica hidrológica sazonal, alta variabilidade limnológica e interações complexas de diferentes habitats (poças, rápidos e corredeiras) explicam a particular estrutura da ictiofauna em uma área tão pequena. Nossos resultados também indicam a importância potencial dos pedrais basálticos para a conservação regional da diversidade de peixes, especialmente devido à ameaça iminente da construção intensiva de reservatórios de hidrelétricas.

Animais , Ecossistema , Estações do Ano , Peixes , Recursos Hídricos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483255


ABSTRACT Knickzones are originated from basaltic outcroppings, present runs, riffles and pools and are highly influenced by flood pulses, which maintain their natural dynamic. However, the construction of hydroelectric power plants alters or eliminate the dynamism of this area and can affect the resident fauna that may be dependent on it. The aim of this study was to evaluate the organization of a knickzones ichthyofauna considering the influence of seasonality and connectivity of habitats. The study was performed in a knickzone located in the Sapucaí-Mirim River, Southeast Brazil. We sampled four rocky pools connected to the river and three isolated pools, during rainy and dry conditions. The analysis of the two factors (connectivity and seasonality) and of their interaction showed a significant influence only for seasonality on ichthyofauna structure, with higher values of abundance in the rainy season. The species that most contributed to the high dissimilarity between seasons were Knodus moenkhausii (50% of contribution) and Astyanax bockmanni (21%). The former is the most abundant species in the rainy season and the later in the dry season. The alteration between low and high water level occurs frequently in knickzones, as it is a rocky shallow platform in the middle of a river, with floods occurring seasonally or in stochastic short-term periods. This hydrological seasonal dynamic, high limnological variability and complex interactions of different habitats (pools, runs and rapids) explain the particular ichthyofauna structure in such small area. Our results also indicate the potential importance of basaltic knickzones for regional fish diversity conservation, especially due to the imminent threat by intensive hydropower reservoir construction.

RESUMO Pedrais são originados de afloramentos basálticos, apresentando rápidos, corredeiras e poças e são altamente influenciados por pulsos de inundação que mantêm sua dinâmica natural. No entanto, a construção de usinas hidrelétricas altera ou elimina o dinamismo dessa área e pode afetar a fauna residente que pode ser dependente dela. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a organização da ictiofauna de um pedral considerando a influência da sazonalidade e conectividade dos habitats. O estudo foi realizado em uma zona localizada no rio Sapucaí-Mirim, sudeste do Brasil. Foram amostradas quatro poças rochosas conectadas ao rio e três isoladas, em condições chuvosas e secas. A análise dos dois fatores (conectividade e sazonalidade) e de sua interação mostrou influência significativa apenas para a sazonalidade na estrutura da ictiofauna, com maiores valores de abundância na estação chuvosa. As espécies que mais contribuíram para a alta dissimilaridade entre as estações foram Knodus moenkhausii (50% de contribuição) e Astyanax bockmanni (21%). A primeira é a espécie mais abundante na estação chuvosa e a posterior na estação seca. A alteração entre baixo e alto nível de água ocorre com frequência em pedrais, pois é uma plataforma rochosa e rasa no meio de um rio, com inundações ocorrendo sazonalmente ou em períodos estocásticos de curto prazo. Esta dinâmica hidrológica sazonal, alta variabilidade limnológica e interações complexas de diferentes habitats (poças, rápidos e corredeiras) explicam a particular estrutura da ictiofauna em uma área tão pequena. Nossos resultados também indicam a importância potencial dos pedrais basálticos para a conservação regional da diversidade de peixes, especialmente devido à ameaça iminente da construção intensiva de reservatórios de hidrelétricas.

Zookeys ; (497): 1-111, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25931959


An identification guide is presented for species of calanoid copepod family Diaptomidae from "de la Plata" River Basin (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). It was based on material collected during the summer and winter of 2010 from 43 sites across the eastern part and the lower stretches of this basin, the second largest in South America and the fourth in the world. The guide contains identification keys and species diagnoses for males and females, richly supported by scanning electronic micrographs and/or line drawings of 19 species. It also includes some general remarks on the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of these species. The key was adjusted to be useful for these species only, with separate keys for each sex, and is the first for females of South America. One species classified herein as incertae sedis was not included in the analysis. At least ten other species have previously been recorded in the basin but were not present in our samples. This is the first attempt to compile comprehensive taxonomic information on this group of copepods in this region, and it is expected to become a useful tool for biologists and young taxonomists interested in the crustacean biota of the Neotropical region.