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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e180, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36320202


Objectives: To evaluate the association between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (KAB) towards sodium use and sodium intake measured by 24-hour urinary collection in an adult cohort from Uruguay (Genotype Phenotype and Environment of Hypertension Study, GEFA-HT-UY). Methods: In a cross-sectional study (n = 159), a single 24-hour urinary sample, participants' physical, biochemical and blood pressure measurements and questionnaire data were collected. The association between KAB and 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was assessed using general linear models. Results: Mean age of participants was 49.8±15.5 years, 67.9% were women, and mean 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was 3.6±1.7 g/day. Although 90.6% of participants exceeded the maximum recommended intake as indicated by urinary sodium excretion, more than half misperceived their actual intake, reporting consuming "the right amount." Almost three-quarters of the participants reported being concerned about the amount of sodium in their diet, but only 52.8% reported taking action to control it. Lack of procedural knowledge was observed. There was no association between KAB and sodium use and intake assessed by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Conclusions: The lack of association between KAB towards the use of sodium and intake measured by 24-hour urinary excretion reflects the need to support people with opportunities and motivations to reduce sodium consumption. Structural actions to promote an adequate food environment, such as the effective implementation of the front-of-package nutrition labeling in Uruguay, are positive steps.

Artigo em Inglês | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-56537


[ABSTRACT]. Objectives. To evaluate the association between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (KAB) towards sodium use and sodium intake measured by 24-hour urinary collection in an adult cohort from Uruguay (Genotype Phenotype and Environment of Hypertension Study, GEFA-HT-UY). Methods. In a cross-sectional study (n = 159), a single 24-hour urinary sample, participants' physical, bio- chemical and blood pressure measurements and questionnaire data were collected. The association between KAB and 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was assessed using general linear models. Results. Mean age of participants was 49.8±15.5 years, 67.9% were women, and mean 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was 3.6±1.7 g/day. Although 90.6% of participants exceeded the maximum recommended intake as indicated by urinary sodium excretion, more than half misperceived their actual intake, reporting consuming “the right amount.” Almost three-quarters of the participants reported being concerned about the amount of sodium in their diet, but only 52.8% reported taking action to control it. Lack of procedural knowl- edge was observed. There was no association between KAB and sodium use and intake assessed by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Conclusions. The lack of association between KAB towards the use of sodium and intake measured by 24-hour urinary excretion reflects the need to support people with opportunities and motivations to reduce sodium consumption. Structural actions to promote an adequate food environment, such as the effective implementation of the front-of-package nutrition labeling in Uruguay, are positive steps.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. Evaluar la relación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos en lo relativo a la ingesta de sodio medida por la recolección de orina de 24 horas en una cohorte de adultos en Uruguay (GEnotipo, Fenotipo y Ambiente de la HiperTensión Arterial en UruguaY, GEFA-HT-UY). Métodos. En un estudio transversal (n = 159), se obtuvo una muestra urinaria de 24 horas y los datos de un cuestionario y de las mediciones físicas, bioquímicas y de presión arterial de los participantes. Se evaluó la asociación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos y la excreción urinaria de sodio en 24 horas con modelos lineales generales. Resultados. La edad media de los participantes fue 49,8±15,5 años, 67,9% eran mujeres y la excreción urinaria media de sodio en 24 horas fue de 3,6±1,7 g/día. Aunque 90,6% de los participantes excedieron la ingesta máxima recomendada de acuerdo con la excreción urinaria de sodio, más de la mitad percibió su ingesta real incorrectamente al señalar que consumía “la cantidad correcta”. Casi tres cuartas partes de los participantes manifestaron estar preocupados por la cantidad de sodio en su dieta, si bien solo 52,8% declaró haber tomado medidas para controlarla. Se observó una falta de conocimiento sobre los procedimientos. No se encontró una asociación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos y la ingesta de sodio evaluada mediante la excreción urinaria de sodio en 24 horas. Conclusiones. La falta de relación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos respecto del consumo de sodio y su ingesta medida por excreción urinaria en 24 horas refleja la necesidad de apoyar a las perso- nas con oportunidades y motivaciones para reducir el consumo de sodio. Adoptar medidas estructurales que promuevan unas condiciones alimentarias adecuadas, como la aplicación efectiva del etiquetado nutricional frontal en Uruguay, constituye un paso en la dirección correcta.

[RESUMO]. Objetivos. Avaliar a associação entre conhecimento, atitudes e comportamento (KAB, sigla do inglês Knowl- edge, Attitudes, Behavior) e o uso e ingestão de sódio, medida pela coleta de urina de 24 horas em uma coorte de adultos do Uruguai (Estudo do Genótipo, Fenótipo e Ambiente da Hipertensão, GEFA-HT-UY). Métodos. Em um estudo transversal (n = 159), foi coletada uma única amostra de urina de 24 horas dos par- ticipantes, medidas físicas, bioquímicas e de pressão arterial, e dados de questionários. A associação entre KAB e excreção urinária de sódio nas 24 horas foi avaliada por meio de modelos lineares gerais. Resultados. A idade média dos participantes foi de 49,8±15,5 anos; 67,9% eram mulheres e a excreção média de sódio na urina de 24 horas foi de 3,6±1,7 g/dia. Embora 90,6% dos participantes excedessem a ingestão máxima recomendada, conforme indicado pela excreção urinária de sódio, mais da metade dos participantes não tinha percepção da real ingestão de sódio, relatando consumir "a quantidade correta". Quase três quartos dos participantes relataram estar preocupados com a quantidade de sódio na dieta, mas apenas 52,8% relataram ter implementado medidas para controlá-la. Observou-se falta de conhecimento de procedimentos. Não houve associação entre KAB e o uso e a ingestão de sódio avaliada pela excreção de sódio na urina de 24 horas. Conclusões. A falta de associação entre KAB e o uso e a ingestão do sódio avaliada pela excreção urinária de 24 horas reflete a necessidade de oferecer apoio aos indivíduos por meio de oportunidades e motivações para reduzir o consumo de sódio. Ações estruturais para promover um ambiente alimentar adequado, como a implementação efetiva de advertências na rotulagem frontal dos alimentos no Uruguai, são passos positivos.

Conhecimento , Atitude , Sódio , Cloreto de Sódio , Sódio na Dieta , Características da População , Uruguai , Conhecimento , Atitude , Sódio , Cloreto de Sódio , Sódio na Dieta , Características da População , Conhecimento , Atitude , Sódio , Cloreto de Sódio , Sódio na Dieta , Características da População , Uruguai
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e180, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450203


Abstract Objectives. To evaluate the association between knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (KAB) towards sodium use and sodium intake measured by 24-hour urinary collection in an adult cohort from Uruguay (Genotype Phenotype and Environment of Hypertension Study, GEFA-HT-UY). Methods. In a cross-sectional study (n = 159), a single 24-hour urinary sample, participants' physical, biochemical and blood pressure measurements and questionnaire data were collected. The association between KAB and 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was assessed using general linear models. Results. Mean age of participants was 49.8±15.5 years, 67.9% were women, and mean 24-hour urinary sodium excretion was 3.6±1.7 g/day. Although 90.6% of participants exceeded the maximum recommended intake as indicated by urinary sodium excretion, more than half misperceived their actual intake, reporting consuming "the right amount." Almost three-quarters of the participants reported being concerned about the amount of sodium in their diet, but only 52.8% reported taking action to control it. Lack of procedural knowledge was observed. There was no association between KAB and sodium use and intake assessed by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. Conclusions. The lack of association between KAB towards the use of sodium and intake measured by 24-hour urinary excretion reflects the need to support people with opportunities and motivations to reduce sodium consumption. Structural actions to promote an adequate food environment, such as the effective implementation of the front-of-package nutrition labeling in Uruguay, are positive steps.

RESUMEN Objetivos. Evaluar la relación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos en lo relativo a la ingesta de sodio medida por la recolección de orina de 24 horas en una cohorte de adultos en Uruguay (GEnotipo, Fenotipo y Ambiente de la HiperTensión Arterial en UruguaY, GEFA-HT-UY). Métodos. En un estudio transversal (n = 159), se obtuvo una muestra urinaria de 24 horas y los datos de un cuestionario y de las mediciones físicas, bioquímicas y de presión arterial de los participantes. Se evaluó la asociación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos y la excreción urinaria de sodio en 24 horas con modelos lineales generales. Resultados. La edad media de los participantes fue 49,8±15,5 años, 67,9% eran mujeres y la excreción urinaria media de sodio en 24 horas fue de 3,6±1,7 g/día. Aunque 90,6% de los participantes excedieron la ingesta máxima recomendada de acuerdo con la excreción urinaria de sodio, más de la mitad percibió su ingesta real incorrectamente al señalar que consumía "la cantidad correcta". Casi tres cuartas partes de los participantes manifestaron estar preocupados por la cantidad de sodio en su dieta, si bien solo 52,8% declaró haber tomado medidas para controlarla. Se observó una falta de conocimiento sobre los procedimientos. No se encontró una asociación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos y la ingesta de sodio evaluada mediante la excreción urinaria de sodio en 24 horas. Conclusiones. La falta de relación entre conocimientos, actitudes y comportamientos respecto del consumo de sodio y su ingesta medida por excreción urinaria en 24 horas refleja la necesidad de apoyar a las personas con oportunidades y motivaciones para reducir el consumo de sodio. Adoptar medidas estructurales que promuevan unas condiciones alimentarias adecuadas, como la aplicación efectiva del etiquetado nutricional frontal en Uruguay, constituye un paso en la dirección correcta.

RESUMO Objetivos. Avaliar a associação entre conhecimento, atitudes e comportamento (KAB, sigla do inglês Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavior) e o uso e ingestão de sódio, medida pela coleta de urina de 24 horas em uma coorte de adultos do Uruguai (Estudo do Genótipo, Fenótipo e Ambiente da Hipertensão, GEFA-HT-UY). Métodos. Em um estudo transversal (n = 159), foi coletada uma única amostra de urina de 24 horas dos participantes, medidas físicas, bioquímicas e de pressão arterial, e dados de questionários. A associação entre KAB e excreção urinária de sódio nas 24 horas foi avaliada por meio de modelos lineares gerais. Resultados. A idade média dos participantes foi de 49,8±15,5 anos; 67,9% eram mulheres e a excreção média de sódio na urina de 24 horas foi de 3,6±1,7 g/dia. Embora 90,6% dos participantes excedessem a ingestão máxima recomendada, conforme indicado pela excreção urinária de sódio, mais da metade dos participantes não tinha percepção da real ingestão de sódio, relatando consumir "a quantidade correta". Quase três quartos dos participantes relataram estar preocupados com a quantidade de sódio na dieta, mas apenas 52,8% relataram ter implementado medidas para controlá-la. Observou-se falta de conhecimento de procedimentos. Não houve associação entre KAB e o uso e a ingestão de sódio avaliada pela excreção de sódio na urina de 24 horas. Conclusões. A falta de associação entre KAB e o uso e a ingestão do sódio avaliada pela excreção urinária de 24 horas reflete a necessidade de oferecer apoio aos indivíduos por meio de oportunidades e motivações para reduzir o consumo de sódio. Ações estruturais para promover um ambiente alimentar adequado, como a implementação efetiva de advertências na rotulagem frontal dos alimentos no Uruguai, são passos positivos.

Nutrients ; 13(7)2021 Jun 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34199124


The impact of habitual diet on chronic diseases has not been extensively characterized in South America. We aimed to identify major dietary patterns (DP) in an adult cohort in Uruguay (Genotype Phenotype and Environment of Hypertension Study-GEFA-HT-UY) and to assess associations with metabolic, anthropometric characteristics, and cardiovascular and kidney phenotypes. In a cross-sectional study (n = 294), DP were derived by the principal component analysis. Blood and urine parameters, anthropometrics, blood pressure, pulse wave velocity, and glomerular filtration rate were measured. Multivariable adjusted linear models and adjusted binary logistic regression were used. Three DP were identified (Meat, Prudent, Cereal and Mate) explaining 22.6% of total variance in food intake. The traditional Meat DP, characterized by red and barbecued meat, processed meat, bread, and soft drinks, was associated with worse blood lipid profile. Prudent DP, characterized by vegetables, fish, and nuts, and lower loads for bread and crackers, was associated with reduced risk of vitamin D deficiency. Cereal and Mate DP, was characterized by higher loads of cereals, bread, and crackers, and mate infusion, with higher odds of excessive body weight. No direct associations of dietary patterns with hypertension, arterial stiffness, chronic kidney disease, and nephrolithiasis were found in the studied population, nor by age categories or sex.

Sistema Cardiovascular , Dieta , Rim , Fenótipo , Adulto , Antropometria , Pressão Sanguínea , Bebidas Gaseificadas , Estudos Transversais , Grão Comestível , Comportamento Alimentar , Feminino , Humanos , Hipertensão , Masculino , Carne , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Prospectivos , Análise de Onda de Pulso , América do Sul , Verduras
Int J Cardiol ; 286: 117-120, 2019 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30954286


BACKGROUND: Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most frequent cardiac congenital valvular disease. Although the BAV risk of first degree relatives (FDR) has been assessed (7-9%), there is little information as to the heritable risk for aortopathy. OBJECTIVE: Identify the specific risk for regional aortopathy in FDR with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV) of BAV patients according to their aortic phenotype and aortic regurgitation (AR). METHODS: Using an international consortium, BAV probands were assessed for aortopathy of the root, ascending aorta and for AR. Aortopathy was defined by the presence of segmental dilatation. The presence of segmental aortopathy and AR in BAV probands was evaluated as predictor for aortopathy in FDR with TAV. RESULTS: We identified 74 FDR related to 49 probands with aortopathy and 66 FDR related to 31 probands without aortopathy. Demographic variables were similar between proband groups. Among FDR, 16 individuals had BAV (11.4%). TAV-FDR of probands with ascending aortopathy had higher incidence of root aortopathy (18.8% vs. 3.6% p < 0.05) while TAV-FDR of probands with root aortopathy had higher incidence of aortopathy at all aortic segments (55%vs25%, 55%vs21%, and 4%vs29% at annulus, root and ascending respectively, p < 0.05 for all). Independent predictors for root aortopathy in TAV-FDR were: ascending (OR = 6.23;95%CI:1.27-30.5) and root aortopathy (OR = 9.00;95%CI:1.58-51.1) in probands; and for ascending aortopathy: root aortopathy (OR = 4.04;95%CI:1.33-12.3) and AR in probands (OR = 4.84; 95%CI:1.75-13.4). CONCLUSION: Root and ascending aortopathy in BAV probands are strong predictors of aortopathy in their TAV-FDR. AR in BAV patients has an independent effect on the risk for ascending aortopathy in TAV-FDR.

Aorta Torácica , Doenças da Aorta/etiologia , Insuficiência da Valva Aórtica/complicações , Valva Aórtica/anormalidades , Doenças das Valvas Cardíacas/complicações , Medição de Risco/métodos , Idoso , Doenças da Aorta/epidemiologia , Doenças da Aorta/genética , Insuficiência da Valva Aórtica/diagnóstico , Aortografia , Doença da Válvula Aórtica Bicúspide , Estudos Transversais , Ecocardiografia , Feminino , Seguimentos , Doenças das Valvas Cardíacas/diagnóstico , Humanos , Incidência , Itália/epidemiologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Linhagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Uruguai/epidemiologia
Int J Hypertens ; 2018: 6956078, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30631591


Many public health policies in Latin America target an optimized sodium and potassium intake. The aims of this study were to assess the sodium and potassium intake using 24-hour urinary analysis and to study their association with blood pressure in a Uruguayan population cohort using cluster analysis. A total of 149 participants (aged 20-85 years) were included in the study, and office blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, biochemical parameters in the blood, and 24-hour urine samples were obtained. The overall mean sodium and potassium excretion was 152.9 ± 57.3 mmol/day (8.9 ± 3.4 g/day of salt) and 55.4 ± 19.6 mmol/day, respectively. The average office systolic/diastolic blood pressure was 124.6 ± 16.7/79.3 ± 9.9 mmHg. Three compact spherical clusters were defined in untreated participants based on predetermined attributes, including blood pressure, age, and sodium and potassium excretion. The major characteristics of the three clusters were (1) high systolic blood pressure and moderate sodium excretion, (2) moderate systolic blood pressure and very high sodium excretion, and (3) low systolic blood pressure and low sodium excretion. Participants in cluster three had systolic blood pressure values that were 23.9 mmHg (95% confidence interval: -29.5 to -1.84) lower than those in cluster one. Participants in cluster two had blood pressure levels similar to those in cluster one (P = 0.32) and worse metabolic profiles than those in cluster one and three (P < 0.05). None of the clusters showed high blood pressure levels and high sodium excretion. No linear association was found between blood pressure and urinary sodium excretion (r < 0.14; P > 0.47). An effect of sodium and potassium intake on blood pressure levels was not found at the population level using regression or cluster analysis.

Am J Hypertens ; 29(6): 737-46, 2016 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26476084


BACKGROUND: No previous population study assessed the diurnal profile of central arterial properties. METHODS: In 167 participants (mean age, 56.1 years; 63.5% women), randomly recruited in Montevideo, Uruguay, we used the oscillometric Mobil-O-Graph 24-h PWA monitor to measure peripheral and central systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), and pulse (PP) pressures and central hemodynamics standardized to a heart rate of 75 bpm, including aortic pulse wave velocity, systolic augmentation (first/second peak × 100), and pressure amplification (peripheral PP/central PP). RESULTS: Over 24 hours, day and night, peripheral minus central differences in SBP/DBP and in PP averaged 12.2/-1.1, 14.0/-0.7, and 9.7/0.2mm Hg and 12.6, 14.7, and 9.5mm Hg, respectively (P < 0.001 except for nighttime DBP (P = 0.38)). The central-to-peripheral ratios of SBP, DBP, and PP were 0.89, 1.00, and 0.70 unadjusted, but after accounting for anthropometric characteristics decreased to 0.74, 0.97, and 0.63, respectively, with strong influence of height for SBP and DBP and of sex for PP. From day (10-20h) to nighttime (0-6h), peripheral (-10.4/-10.5 mm Hg) and central (-6.0/-11.3mm Hg) SBP/DBP, pulse wave velocity (-0.7 m/s) and pressure amplification (-0.05) decreased (P < 0.001), whereas central PP (+5.3mm Hg) and systolic augmentation (+2.3%) increased (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The diurnal rhythm of central pressure runs in parallel with that of peripheral pressure, but the nocturnal fall in SBP is smaller centrally than peripherally. pulse wave velocity, systolic augmentation, and pressure amplification loop through the day with high pulse wave velocity and pressure amplification but low systolic augmentation in the evening and opposite trends in the morning.

Pressão Sanguínea , Ritmo Circadiano , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise de Onda de Pulso , Sístole , Uruguai , Adulto Jovem
Int J Nephrol ; 2014: 837106, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25215234


Background. Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) from biomarkers has evolved and multiple equations are available to estimate renal function at bedside. Methods. In a random sample of 119 Uruguayans (54.5% women; 56.2 years (mean)), we used Bland and Altman's method and Cohen's kappa statistic to assess concordance on a continuous or categorical (eGFR < 60 versus ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) scale between eGFRcys (reference) and eGFR derived from serum creatinine according to the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (eGFRmdrd) or the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equations (eGFRepi) or from both serum cystatin C and creatinine (eGFRmix). Results. In all participants, eGFRmdrd, eGFRepi, and eGFRmix were, respectively, 9.7, 11.5, and 5.6 mL/min/1.73 m(2) higher (P < 0.0001) than eGFRcys. The prevalence of eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2) was the highest for eGFRcys (21.8%), intermediate for eGFRmix (11.8%), and the lowest for eGFRmdrd (5.9%) and eGFRepi (3.4%). Using eGFRcys as reference, we found only fair agreement with the equations based on creatinine (Cohen's kappa statistic 0.15 to 0.23). Conclusion. Using different equations we reached clinically significant differences in the estimation of renal function. eGFRcys provides lower estimates, resulting in higher prevalence of eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m(2).

Rev. méd. Urug ; 30(3): 157-63, set. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | BVSNACUY | ID: bnu-17652


Introducción: el déficit de vitamina D (25VD) es frecuente. Objetivo: evaluar la prevalencia del déficit severo de 25VD (DS-25VD) en hemodiálisis crónica (HDC) y su asociación con alteraciones metabólicas. Material y método: estudio de corte transversal de pacientes en HDC. Se consignó edad, sexo, hospitalizaciones y dosis de eritropoyetina (epo). Se midió calcio, fósforo, hemoglobina, hormona paratiroidea intacta (PTHi), ferritina, proteína C reactiva (PCR), 25VD y resistencia a epo (dosis/gramo Hb). Se consideró DS-25VD menor a 10 ng/ml, anemia como hemoglobina menor a 10 g/dL o uso de epo. Se catalogó elevadas: ferritina mayor a 500 ng/ml y PCR mayor a 5 mg/L. Se estimó riesgo de DS-25VD y anemia por regresión logística. Se comparó por chi cuadrado o test de t según DS-25VD, considerando significativa p < 0,05. Resultados: de 105 pacientes, 65 (61,9%) eran hombres, edad 69,8 ± 13,2 años; 33 (31,4%) diabéticos. La media de 25VD fue de 13,0 ± 7,5 ng/ml, <30 ng/ml en 103 (97%) y 42 (40,8%) tuvieron DS-25VD. El DS-25VD se asoció a anemia (90,7% vs 75,8%) y anemia moderada-severa (76,7% vs 51,6%). Pacientes con DS-25VD tenían mayor resistencia a epo (8,6 vs 5,8), ferritina (592 vs 455 ng/ml) y PCR (15,8 vs 7,6 mg/L). El DS-25VD aumentó con PCR alta (OR: 4,59, IC95% 1,69-12,44), e incrementó el riesgo de anemia (OR: 3,09, IC: 1,06-9,01) ajustados a edad, sexo, diabetes y PTHi. Veintisiete pacientes con hospitalizaciones tuvieron significativamente menor Hb (10,2 ± 1,4 vs 11,2 ± 1,4) y 25VD (10,4 ± 3,8 vs 13,8 ± 8,2). Conclusiones: el DS-25VD se asocia a anemia y a mayor resistencia a epo en HDC. El mecanismo podría implicar mayor inflamación (PCR y ferritina altas). (AU)

Introduction: vitamin D deficiency (25VD) is very common.Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency of 25VD (DS-25VD) in chronic hemodialysis patients and its association with metabolic alterations.Method: cross-sectional study of chronic hemodialysis patients. Age, sex, hospitalizations and erythropoietin doses were recorded. Calcium, phosphorus, hemoglobin, intact parathyroid hormone, ferritin, C-reactive protein (CRP), 25VD and erythropoietin resistance (doses/gram Hb) were measured. Considering DS-25VD lower than 10 ng/ml, anemia was defined when anemia as hemoglobin was lower than 10 g/dL or use of erythropoietin. It was considered to be high upon: ferritin greater than 500 ng/ml and C-reactive protein (CRP) greater than 5 mg/L. Risk of DS-25VD and anemia were estimated using the logistic regression model. Comparisons were made using square chi or t-test according to DS-25VD, considering p < 0.05 was meaningful.Results: 65 out of 105 patients (61.9%) were male, ages were 69.8 ± 13.2 años; 33 of them (31.4%) were diabetic. Average 25VD was 13,0±7.5 ng/ml, <30 ng/ml in 103 (97%) and 42 (40.8%) had DS-25VD. The DS-25VD was associated with anemia (90.7% vs 75.8%) and moderate-severe anemia (76.7% vs 51.6%). Patients with DS-25VD had a greater resistance to erythropoietin (8.6 vs 5.8), ferritin (592 vs 455 ng/ml) and CRP (15.8 vs 7.6 mg/L). The DS-25VD increased with high CRP (OR: 4.59, IC95% 1.69-12.44) and it increased the risk of anemia (OR: 3.09, IC: 1.06-9.01), adjusted according to age, sex, diabetes and intact parathyroid hormone. Twenty seven patients who were hospitalized had a significantly lower Hb (10.2 ± 1.4 vs 11.2 ± 1.4) and 25VD (10.4 ± 3.8 vs 13.8 ± 8.2).Conclusions: the DS-25VD is associated to anemia and a greater erythropoietin resistance in chronic hemodialysis patients. The mechanism could imply a greater inflammation (high CRP and ferritin).

Introdução: a deficiência de vitamina D (25VD) é frequente.Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência da deficiência severa de 25VD (DS-25VD) em hemodiálise crónica (HDC) e sua associação com alterações metabólicas.Material e método: estudo transversal de pacientes em HDC. Foram registradas idade, sexo, hospitalizações e dose de eritropoietina (epo). Foram determinados os valores de cálcio, fósforo, hemoglobina, hormona paratireoide intacta (PTHi), ferritina, proteína C reativa (PCR), 25VD e resistência a epo (doses/gramo Hb). Foram consideradas como DS-25VD quando os valores de vitamina D eram menores que 10 ng/ml, e como anemia valores de hemoglobina menores que 10 g/dL ou uso de epo; e valores altos uma ferritina superior a 500 ng/ml e PCR superior a 5 mg/L. O risco de DS-25VD e anemia foi calculado por regressão logística. A comparação foi feita pelos testes de Qui quadrado ou t de acordo com o valor de DS-25VD, considerando significativo o valor de p < 0,05.Resultados: de 105 pacientes, 65 (61,9%) eram de sexo masculino, com idade 69,8 ± 13,2 anos; 33 (31,4%) eram diabéticos. A média de 25VD foi de 13,0±7,5 ng/ml, <30 ng/ml em 103 (97%) e 42 (40,8%) apresentaram DS-25VD. A DS-25VD foi associada a anemia (90,7% vs 75,8%) e anemia moderada-severa (76,7% vs 51,6%). Pacientes com DS-25VD apresentaram maior resistência a epo (8,6 vs 5,8), ferritina (592 vs 455 ng/ml) e PCR (15,8 vs 7,6 mg/L). A DS-25VD aumentou com PCR alta (OR: 4,59, IC95% 1,69-12,44), e incrementou o risco de anemia (OR: 3,09, IC: 1,06-9,01) ajustados à idade, sexo, diabetes e PTHi. Vinte e sete pacientes com hospitalizações apresentaram valores de Hb (10,2 ± 1,4 vs 11,2 ± 1,4) e 25VD (10,4 ± 3,8 vs 13,8 ± 8,2) significativamente menores.Conclusões: a DS-25VD está associada à anemia e a maior resistência a epo em HDC. O mecanismo poderia implicar maior inflamação (PCR y ferritina altas).

Deficiência de Vitamina D , Anemia , Diálise Renal , Inflamação , Eritropoetina
Rev. méd. Urug ; 30(3): 157-63, set. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-737575


Introducción: el déficit de vitamina D (25VD) es frecuente. Objetivo: evaluar la prevalencia del déficit severo de 25VD (DS-25VD) en hemodiálisis crónica (HDC) y su asociación con alteraciones metabólicas. Material y método: estudio de corte transversal de pacientes en HDC. Se consignó edad, sexo, hospitalizaciones y dosis de eritropoyetina (epo). Se midió calcio, fósforo, hemoglobina, hormona paratiroidea intacta (PTHi), ferritina, proteína C reactiva (PCR), 25VD y resistencia a epo (dosis/gramo Hb). Se consideró DS-25VD menor a 10 ng/ml, anemia como hemoglobina menor a 10 g/dL o uso de epo. Se catalogó elevadas: ferritina mayor a 500 ng/ml y PCR mayor a 5 mg/L. Se estimó riesgo de DS-25VD y anemia por regresión logística. Se comparó por chi cuadrado o test de t según DS-25VD, considerando significativa p < 0,05. Resultados: de 105 pacientes, 65 (61,9%) eran hombres, edad 69,8 ± 13,2 años; 33 (31,4%) diabéticos. La media de 25VD fue de 13,0 ± 7,5 ng/ml, <30 ng/ml en 103 (97%) y 42 (40,8%) tuvieron DS-25VD. El DS-25VD se asoció a anemia (90,7% vs 75,8%) y anemia moderada-severa (76,7% vs 51,6%). Pacientes con DS-25VD tenían mayor resistencia a epo (8,6 vs 5,8), ferritina (592 vs 455 ng/ml) y PCR (15,8 vs 7,6 mg/L). El DS-25VD aumentó con PCR alta (OR: 4,59, IC95% 1,69-12,44), e incrementó el riesgo de anemia (OR: 3,09, IC: 1,06-9,01) ajustados a edad, sexo, diabetes y PTHi. Veintisiete pacientes con hospitalizaciones tuvieron significativamente menor Hb (10,2 ± 1,4 vs 11,2 ± 1,4) y 25VD (10,4 ± 3,8 vs 13,8 ± 8,2). Conclusiones: el DS-25VD se asocia a anemia y a mayor resistencia a epo en HDC. El mecanismo podría implicar mayor inflamación (PCR y ferritina altas)...

Anemia , Deficiência de Vitamina D , Diálise Renal , Eritropoetina , Inflamação