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Food Waterborne Parasitol ; 25: e00136, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34765755


Taeniosis is a neglected disease, particularly in developing countries, and is caused by infection with the adult tapeworm of either Taenia solium, Taenia saginata, and Taenia asiatica. Of these, T. solium is of primary concern due to the potential for cysticercosis should T. solium eggs be ingested. In Cuba, all cases of taeniosis are assumed to be caused by T. saginata, although some cases of cysticercosis have been documented. It is therefore important to gain further insights regarding the species causing taeniosis in Cuba, especially as diagnostic records indicate an increasing incidence, with the highest number of cases reported in 2020. In this study, we analysed 37 Taenia-positive faecal samples (or proglottids isolated from faecal samples) from the period 2001 until 2020 from all regions of the country. Genomic DNA was extracted from the samples, which had been stored in 10% formalin, using the QIAamp Tissue Kit. Species identification was carried out by duplex real-time PCR targeting the mitochondrial DNA. All cases were found to be T. saginata, and sequence analysis of three isolates confirmed the identification of this species. Our data do not provide any evidence that T. solium currently occurs in Cuba. However, given the relatively low number of samples analysed here, that the parasite may be imported with visitors or travellers who have been in endemic countries, and that taeniosis has relatively mild symptoms and thus infected patients may not seek medical attention, we recommend species determination for all taeniosis cases reported in Cuba.

Medisur ; 17(4): 480-485, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091199


RESUMEN Introducción: La sífilis es una de las infecciones de transmisión sexual que ha representado a través de los siglos, una de las causas más frecuentes de muerte. Objetivo: Analizar la incidencia de sífilis en Cienfuegos durante el año 2013-2017. Método: Se realizó estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de una serie de casos en CPHEM (Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología) de Cienfuegos, de pacientes con diagnóstico de sífilis en el período 2013 - 2017. Se trabajaron variables como: grupo etáreo, sexo, conducta sexual, clasificación de diagnóstico por tipo de sífilis, factores de riesgo y orientación sexual. Resultados: Los municipios mas afectados fueron Rodas y Aguada. El año de mayor incidencia 2013(21.2%), aunque en los últimos dos años estudiados no hay una diferencia marcada, existiendo 162 pacientes en 2016 y 2017(20.9%), demostrando una alta incidencia de la sífilis en la provincia. El grupo etáreo que prevalece de 25 a 59 años, con un total 477 pacientes (61.7%), el sexo masculino predominó con 482 pacientes (62,3%) sobre el femenino con 291 pacientes (37,6%). De acuerdo a clasificación del diagnóstico por tipo, 395 (51 %) correspondieron a sífilis temprana adquirida latente y adquirida sintomática 378 (49%). Referente a conducta sexual, se constató que los heterosexuales aportaron mayor número de casos, así como el no uso del condón en cuanto a factores de riesgo fue el de mayor frecuencia. Conclusiones: Existe incidencia marcada de sífilis en la provincia. Prevalece la sífilis temprana adquirida latente en el sexo masculino. Se pretende incrementar aún más la vigilancia epidemiológica en pacientes con comportamientos sexuales de riesgo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Syphilis is one of the sexually transmitted infections which, surpassed only by HIV / AIDS, has had devastating effects on humanity and is still a health problem. Objective: To analyze the incidence of syphilis in Cienfuegos during the year 2013-2017. Method: A descriptive, retrospective study was conducted in a series of cases in PCHE (Provincial Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Cienfuegos), of patients diagnosed with syphilis in the period 2013 - 2017. The variables used were: age group, sex, behavior sexual, diagnostic classification by type of syphilis, risk factors and sexual orientation. Results: The most affected municipalities were Rodas and Aguada. The highest incidence was in 2013 (21.2%), although in the last two studied years there is no significant difference, with 162 patients in 2016 and 2017 (20.9%), demonstrating a high incidence of syphilis in the province. The prevailing age group was 25 to 59 years, with a total of 477 patients (61.7%), the male sex predominated with 482 patients (62.3%) over the female with 291 patients (37.6%). According to diagnostic classification by type, 395 (51%) corresponded to early latent acquired syphilis and symptomatic acquired 378 (49%). Regarding sexual behavior, it was found that heterosexuals contributed more cases, as well as non-use of the condom in terms of risk factors was the most frequent. Conclusions: There is a significant incidence of syphilis in the province. Early acquired latent syphilis prevails in males. The aim is to increase epidemiological surveillance even more in patients with risky sexual behavior.

Medisur ; 17(3): 374-382, mayo.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091184


RESUMEN Fundamento: la rabia es una enfermedad viral con una mortalidad cercana al 100 %, pero evitable mediante la vacunación. Objetivo: describir los aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos de la rabia en la provincia Cienfuegos, en los años 2016 y 2017. Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de todos los pacientes lesionados por animales en la provincia de Cienfuegos, durante el periodo comprendido de enero del 2016 a diciembre del 2017. Se analizaron las variables: municipios de ocurrencia, gravedad de la lesión, grupos de edades, tipo de animal lesionador, tratamiento antirrábico, saneamiento canino y vigilancia de la rabia. La fuente primaria de obtención de la información fue la revisión de las tarjetas de notificación del lesionado en las áreas de salud de la Provincia Cienfuegos y datos del Departamento de Estadística del Centro Provincial de Higiene Epidemiologia y Microbiología de Cienfuegos. Resultados: se reportaron 2 577 lesionados; Lajas fue el municipio de más reportes en el 2016 y Palmira en el 2017; se mantiene elevado el riesgo de los humanos para contraer rabia; el 87,5 % de las lesiones fueron producidas por caninos, de ellos el 35,2 % son perros callejeros. Las mayores tasas las tienen las edades pediátricas de 5-9 años; predominaron las lesiones leves y la actividad de saneamiento fue superior en el 2017. Conclusiones: aún existen dificultades en cuanto a la prevención y control de la rabia por lo que es importante trabajar en las deficiencias para evitar la aparición de casos teniendo en cuenta la elevada letalidad de esta enfermedad.

ABSTRACT Foundation: rabies is a viral disease with a mortality of almost 100%, but avoidable by vaccination. Objective: To describe clinical and epidemiological aspects of rabies in the province of Cienfuegos, in the years 2016 and 2017. Methods: retrospective descriptive study of all the patients injured by animals in the province of Cienfuegos, during the period from January 2016 to December 2017. The variables analyzed were: municipalities of occurrence, injury severity, age groups, type of animal injury, rabies treatment, canine sanitation and rabies surveillance. The primary source for obtaining the information was injured patient´s notification cards review in the health areas of the Cienfuegos Province and data from the Department of Statistics of the Provincial Center for Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology of Cienfuegos. Results: 2 577 injured were reported; Lajas was the municipality with the highest number of reports in 2016 and Palmira in 2017; the risk of humans to get rabies is kept high; 87.5% of the injuries were produced by canines, of which 35.2% are street dogs. The 5-9 years pediatric ages have the highest rates; slight injuries predominated and sanitation activity was higher in 2017. Conclusion: there are still difficulties in the prevention and control of rabies, so it is important to work on the deficiencies to avoid the occurrence of cases taking into account the high lethality of this disease.