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Sci Rep ; 11(1): 17820, 2021 Sep 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34497283


We report the resistivity of 5 Cu films approximately 65 nm thick, measured between 5 and 290 K, and the transverse magnetoresistance and Hall effect measured at temperatures 5 K < T < 50 K. The mean grain diameters are D = (8.9, 9.8, 20.2, 31.5, 34.7) nm, respectively. The magnetoresistance signal is positive in samples where D > L/2 (where L = 39 nm is the electron mean free path in the bulk at room temperature), and negative in samples where D < L/2. The sample where D = 20.2 nm exhibits a negative magnetoresistance at B < 2 Tesla and a positive magnetoresistance at B > 3 Tesla. A negative magnetoresistance in Cu films has been considered evidence of charge transport involving weak Anderson localization. These experiments reveal that electron scattering by disordered grain boundaries found along L leads to weak Anderson localization, confirming the localization phenomenon predicted by the quantum theory of resistivity of nanometric metallic connectors. Anderson localization becomes a severe obstacle for the successful development of the circuit miniaturization effort pursued by the electronic industry, for it leads to a steep rise in the resistivity of nanometric metallic connectors with decreasing wire dimensions (D < L/2) employed in the design of Integrated Circuits.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 12(47): 53454-53461, 2020 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33169962


Magnetic skyrmions are nontrivial spin textures that resist external perturbations, being promising candidates for the next-generation recording devices. Nevertheless, a major challenge in realizing skyrmion-based devices is the stabilization of ordered arrays of these spin textures under ambient conditions and zero applied field. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the formation and stabilization of magnetic skyrmions on the arrays of self-assembled hexagonal nanodomes taking advantage of the intrinsic properties of its curved geometry. Magnetic force microscopy images from the arrays of 100 nm nanodomes showed stable skyrmions at the zero field that are arranged following the topography of the nanostructure. Micromagnetic simulations are compared to the experiments to determine the correlation of the domain textures with the topography of the samples. We propose a simple method to nucleate and annihilate skyrmions, opening the possibility for an ultradense data storage based on the high stability and low energy consumption of the skyrmionic textures.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 14823, 2019 Oct 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31616007


With the continuing interest in new magnetic materials for sensor devices and data storage applications, the community needs reliable and sensitive tools for the characterization of such materials. Soft X-rays tuned to elemental absorption edges are a depth and element sensitive probe of magnetic structure at the nanoscale, and scattering measurements have the potential to provide 3D magnetic structural information of the material. In this work we develop a methodology in transmission geometry that allows one to probe the spatial distribution of the magnetization along the different layers of magnetic heterostructures. We study the in-plane/out-of-plane transition of magnetic domains in multilayer thin film systems consisting of two layers of NiFe top and bottom, and a 50 repeat Co/Pd multilayer in the centre. The experimental data are analysed by simulating scattering data starting from micromagnetic simulations, and we find that the out of plane domains of the Co/Pd multilayer intrude into the NiFe layers to a greater extent than would be expected from micromagnetic simulations performed using the standard magnetically isotropic input parameters for the NiFe layers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(20): 206803, 2006 May 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803194


We report measurements of the Hall effect performed on 4 gold films evaporated onto mica substrates where the signal arises primarily from electron-surface scattering. The measurements were performed at low temperatures T (4 K < or = T < or = 50 K) under high magnetic field strengths B (1.5 T < or = B < or = 9 T), with B oriented perpendicular to the films.