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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 41-57, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448481


Resumen La investigación sobre el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes ha crecido significativamente en la última década y su medición es de gran interés en la investigación educativa. Esto se podría explicar por su potencial para comprender problemas educativos importantes con respecto a las trayectorias académicas de los estudiantes, incluida la adaptación a la escuela, el rendimiento y los logros académicos, las tasas de finalización y la deserción escolar. Se ha evidenciado que los estudiantes que se sienten más comprometidos con su escuela experimentan una trayectoria escolar más positiva y tienen una vida más exitosa, por lo que se considera que el compromiso escolar es una variable protectora vinculada a tasas más bajas de delincuencia, abuso de sustancias y depresión. Para obtener una comprensión más profunda del cuerpo de investigación actual sobre el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes, esta revisión de la literatura tuvo por objetivo analizar las características metodológicas de la investigación empírica cuantitativa sobre ese compromiso de los estudiantes en la escuela secundaria. Como método se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y SciELO del período 2013 a 2020. Cuarenta y siete artículos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión establecidos. Los resultados evidenciaron que casi todos los estudios se realizaron en Estados Unidos, mientras que ninguno de los artículos analizados fue desarrollado en América Latina. Con respecto al tamaño de la muestra, se identificó que la mayoría de los estudios revisados ​​tenían un tamaño de muestra entre 501 y 5000 participantes. En cuanto a los diseños de investigación utilizados en estos estudios, la mayoría utilizó un diseño correlacional, pero solo unos pocos implementaron diseños longitudinales o cuasi experimentales. Se identificó la coexistencia de diferentes marcos conceptuales sobre el compromiso escolar; sin embargo, la investigación concuerda en comprenderlo como un constructo multidimensional que implica el involucramiento del estudiante en actividades relacionadas con la escuela y su estudio. La diversidad conceptual del constructo de compromiso escolar se refleja en los numerosos instrumentos identificados en esta revisión, en los que las dimensiones más prevalentes del compromiso escolar fueron la dimensión conductual, cognitiva y emocional. Respecto de los tipos de variables incluidas en los estudios de compromiso escolar, se observó que se han incluido un gran número que cubren diferentes aspectos y temas relacionados con las experiencias académicas de los estudiantes, como las relacionadas con los propios estudiantes, así como las relacionadas con los padres, compañeros, profesores y escuelas. En conclusión, dado que el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes es una variable que se ha considerado crítica en contextos académicos, a medida que se realicen estudios futuros en este campo, será importante examinar la correlación de diferentes tipos de variables con el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes. Se podrían examinar las potenciales variables moderadoras que podrían surgir al realizar estudios en nuevos entornos educativos o culturalmente diversos, por ejemplo, con estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Esto es especialmente importante cuando se considera a la región Latinoamericana. Dado que la mayoría de los estudios se han realizado en Estados Unidos, se requiere considerar aspectos importantes antes de su implementación, como la validez de los instrumentos de medida, los que podrían estar sesgados si no se adaptan a la cultura Latinoamericana. Además, los estudios futuros deberían definir con precisión el constructo de compromiso escolar de los estudiantes y lograr un consenso en la investigación.

Abstract Student engagement research has grown significantly in the past decade and measuring it is of high interest in educational research. To gain a deeper understanding of the current body of research on student engagement, this review aims to analyze the design characteristics of empirical quantitative research on student engagement in secondary school. A systematic review was performed in the Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO databases from the period 2013 to 2020. Forty-seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The results revealed that most studies were performed in North America and none in Latin America; the designs were mainly measuring variable associations. Teacher-related variables are the least examined variables. The instruments used to measure the student engagement and the constructs employed, shows there is substantial theoretical heterogeneity among studies. Future studies need to accurately define student engagement; give further attention to variables related to teachers, peers, families, and institutional conditions.

Appl Neuropsychol Adult ; 30(4): 431-438, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34379022


The picture version of the Free and cued selective reminding test with immediate recall is a test adept at measuring the memory encoding and the effect of semantic cues. Furthermore, it is sensitive to detect early dementia stages. This study aimed to obtain psychometric properties of visual Buschke and Grober The Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) in healthy older adults, mild neurocognitive disorders, and major neurocognitive subjects on a Chilean population. METHOD: 226 participants were included, 113 healthy older adults (HOA), 65 mild neurocognitive disorder (NCD) subjects, and 48 major NCD. Each individual was assessed with the same protocol. RESULTS: The observed area under the curve (AUC) was higher than .90 in all the FCSRT measures in the major cognitive disorders and healthy older people. CONCLUSION: according to the AUCs, it was shown that Free Recall, Sensitivity to Cueing Index, and Delay Recall of the FCSRT are suitable to detect major neurocognitive disorders.

Doença de Alzheimer , Transtornos Cognitivos , Humanos , Idoso , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Doença de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Sinais (Psicologia) , Chile , Rememoração Mental
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0002, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529752


RESUMEN La etiqueta de superdotado/a es un arma de doble filo, ya que implica simultáneamente privilegio y estigma: por un lado, se asocia con un mayor estatus, pero por otro, como cualquier otra etiqueta o categoría diferenciadora, tiene el riesgo de separar de la "normalidad" a los individuos, tanto física como psicológicamente. Con el objetivo de determinar los efectos del uso de la etiqueta de superdotación en los/as estudiantes, se trabajó con un método de revisión narrativa. A partir de los hallazgos, se plantea que la utilidad de la etiqueta de superdotación es marginal y, más bien, el proceso de etiquetamiento de la superdotación tiene efectos negativos en la identidad del individuo etiquetado, en sus formas de afrontamiento, en sus relaciones sociales e incluso, en su experiencia escolar, debido a que el uso de la etiqueta, los estereotipos y el estigma derivados de ellos, llevan a la sobreexigencia de su entorno y a la exclusión de los círculos naturales de pares cuando se imponen programas educacionales especializados.

ABSTRACT The gifted label of is a double-edged sword, as it simultaneously implies privilege and stigma: on the one hand, it is associated with higher status, but, on the other hand, like any other label or differentiating category, it takes the risk of separating individuals from "normality", both physically and psychologically. In order to determine the effects of using the giftedness label on students, a narrative review method was used. From the findings, it is proposed that the usefulness of the label of giftedness is marginal and, rather, the process of labeling giftedness has negative effects on the identity of the labeled individual, on his/her ways of coping, on his/her social relationships and even, on his/her school experience, because the use of the label, the stereotypes and the stigma derived from them, lead to an overly-demanding environment and exclusion from natural circles of peers when specialized educational programs are imposed.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(1): 164-187, ene.-abr. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365870


Resumen (analítico) Investigaciones previas sostienen que la relación docente-estudiante es un factor relevante para el compromiso escolar y rendimiento académico. Sin embargo, su impacto ha sido poco explorado en estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. Este estudio examina la influencia de la relación docente-estudiante en el compromiso escolar según la percepción de estudiantes de primer año medio con necesidades educativas especiales de una Región de Chile. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, de tipo fenomenológico y de alcance descriptivo-analítico. Se desarrollaron diez entrevistas en profundidad a estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales, las que se analizaron mediante el método de comparación constante de la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados revelan el rol clave de los/as docentes en el compromiso escolar a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades de vinculación y competencia de sus estudiantes, pero no de su autonomía.

Abstract (analytical) The results of existing research studies show that the teacher-student relationship is a relevant factor that affects academic engagement and school performance. However, there is limited evidence of its impact on students with special educational needs. This study examines the influence of the teacher-student relationship on school engagement based on the perceptions of students with special educational needs in their first year of high school education in Chile. The study used a qualitative, phenomenological, and descriptive-analytical design. A total of ten indepth interviews were conducted with students with special educational needs. The data was analysed using the methodological guidelines of grounded theory. The results highlight the key role of teachers in academic engagement by satisfying students' psychological needs in the areas of connection and competence, but not satisfying students' need for autonomy.

Resumo (analítico) Pesquisas anteriores afirmam que a relação professor-aluno é um fator relevante para o engajamento e desempenho acadêmico. No entanto, seu impacto tem sido pouco explorado em alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Este estudo examina a influência da relação professor-aluno no compromisso escolar segundo a percepção dos alunos com alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais do primeiro ano do ensino médio, da Chile. O desenho foi qualitativo, fenomenológico, descritivo-analítico em escopo. Foram realizadas 10 entrevistas em profundidade com alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Os dados foram analisados segundo as diretrizes metodológicas da teoria fundamentada nos dados. Os resultados apontam para o papel fundamental do professor no comprometimento escolar, por meio da satisfação das necessidades de vinculação e competência de seus alunos, mas não de sua autonomia.

Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes , Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 28: e0120, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394758


RESUMEN: El compromiso escolar se entiende como el nivel de involucramiento del estudiante con su escuela, su sentido de pertenencia, y la motivación por aprender y obtener logros académicos. En este estudio se busca caracterizar el rol de la familia en el compromiso escolar desde la perspectiva de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. Para tal efecto, se realizó un estudio cualitativo con enfoque fenomenológico. Los participantes son ocho estudiantes de primer y segundo año de enseñanza secundaria de la Región del Biobío, Chile. Se utilizó la técnica de fotoelicitación, narración fotográfica, y entrevistas. Se realizó análisis de contenido con los datos. Los resultados muestran que la dimensión emocional del compromiso escolar es la que más aparece reportada en la experiencia subjetiva de los estudiantes, a través de sentimientos relacionados con el "estar presente", el apoyo y la acogida. En segundo lugar, aparece la dimensión conductual del compromiso, a través del monitoreo, el uso de recordatorios y la reiteración sobre la importancia de estudiar. Finalmente, sobre la dimensión cognitiva, solo algunos estudiantes mencionan acciones de apoyo pedagógico de forma directa o indirecta. Respecto a las necesidades educativas especiales, estas no aparecen como un tema relevante en la experiencia de los participantes. Se discuten estos resultados respecto de la importancia del apoyo parental en el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes.

ABSTRACT: School engagement is the level of involvement of students with their school, their sense of belonging, and the motivation to learn and achieve academic goals. The purpose of this study was to characterize the role of the family on school engagement from the perspective of students with special educational needs. For this purpose, a qualitative study with a phenomenological focus was carried out. Eight Chilean students from first and second grade of secondary schools from the Biobio region, Chile, participated in the study. The study employed the technique of photo-elicitation, photographic narration, and interviews. Content analysis was performed with the data. The results show that the emotional dimension of school engagement is the most reported one, highlighting subjective experiences related to their families "being present", providing support, and making company. The behavioral dimension of the engagement appears to a lower extent, through parental actions such as monitoring, reminding school work, and stressing the importance of education. In relation to the cognitive dimension, fewer students mentioned families provided pedagogical support actions. Participants do not mention special educational needs as a relevant issue in their academic experience. Tese results are discussed highlighting the importance of family support on students' school engagement.

Front Psychol ; 12: 708157, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34335423


Contemporary educational research has found that student engagement and disengagement have a relevant influence on learning outcomes. However, research on the influence of teacher-student relationships in the engagement of students with special educational needs (SEN) is scarce. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of teacher-student relationships, peer support at school, family support for learning, opportunities to participate at school, and SEN on engagement and disengagement of students using a sample of secondary students with SEN and typical development (TD). Through a non-experimental, correlational, and cross-sectional design, we evaluated 1,020 high school students (340 with SEN and 680 with TD) in the 9th grade (13-19 years old, M = 14.8; SD = 0.89). Teacher-student relationships, peer support at school, and family support for learning were assessed via subscales from the Student Engagement Inventory (SEI), opportunities to participate at school were measured with a subscale of the School Participation Questionnaire (SP), whereas engagement and disengagement were measured using the Multidimensional Scale of School Engagement (MSSE). Results show significant statistical differences between SEN and TD students in both student engagement and disengagement indicators. Engagement of SEN students is higher in the cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions than that of TD students. However, they also have higher disengagement in the cognitive and behavioral dimensions. Furthermore, SEN students rate their relationships with teachers more highly and perceive more opportunities for school participation than their peers. Further analyses show that teacher-student relationships are positively associated with all dimensions of student engagement and inversely with behavioral and cognitive disengagement. Although correlational, the findings suggest teacher-student relationships and school participation opportunities could be important variables for diminishing disengagement and its negative consequences for both SEN and TD students, while improving student engagement. We discuss these results considering possible implications for educational policies, practices, and research.

J Atten Disord ; 25(2): 188-198, 2021 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29806534


Objective: The aim of this research was to analyze the role of monitoring in the causal relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of combined ADHD. Method: It has been conducted a quantitative investigation of two phases. Results: In the first study, a moderation model was analyzed (N = 144 adolescents with combined ADHD), where monitoring was considered as a moderating variable in the causal relationship between the inhibitory control and the symptomatology of ADHD F(3, 140) = 28.03, p < .001; R2 = .37. In the second study, the model through an experimental study was tested (N = 52 adolescents with and without ADHD) where it was found that adolescents with ADHD improve in their inhibitory control when they receive external support to the monitoring F(1, 50) = 21.38, p < .001, η2 = .30. Conclusion: Results suggest that monitoring compensates the poor performance of inhibitory control in adolescents with ADHD, which is a contribution to the theoretical construction of ADHD and to the treatments proposed for this condition because it goes beyond the classic conception of a causality chain among the deficit of inhibitory control and ADHD symptomatology to propose a new explanation about this disorder, where neuropsychology intervention of monitoring would diminish ADHD's symptomatology impact on adolescents.

Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Adolescente , Causalidade , Humanos
Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra ; 10(3): 105-114, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33250917


BACKGROUND: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a sensitive screening instrument for mild neurocognitive disorder (mild NCD). However, cut-off scores and accuracy indices should be established using representative samples of the population. In this context, the aim of this study was to update the normative values, and diagnostic efficiency statistics of the MoCA to detect mild NCD in the Chilean population. METHODS: This study included 226 participants from the north, center, and south of the country, classified into 3 groups: healthy elderly (HE; n = 113), mild NCD (n = 65), and major neurocognitive disorder (major NCD; n = 48). RESULTS: The optimal cut-off score to discriminate mild NCD from HE participants was 20 points with a sensitivity of 82.8% and a specificity of 84.1%. The observed balance between sensitivity and specificity shows a good test performance either to confirm or discard a diagnosis. The cut-off between mild NCD and major NCD from HE participants was 19 points with 85.6% of sensitivity and 90.3% of specificity. CONCLUSION: Overall diagnostic accuracy can be considered as outstanding (AUC ≥0.904) when discriminating HE from both mild NCD and major NCD. These results showed that the MoCA is a suitable tool to identify mild NCD and major NCD.

Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 14(2): 25-30, dic. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1102460


Los estudiantes con doble excepcionalidad son alumnos que presentan dos condiciones fuera de lo común, típicamente una condición asociada a talento y otra condición a discapacidad. Este estudio buscó determinar un perfil de funcionamiento ejecutivo (FE) y bienestar subjetivo (BS) de alumnos con doble excepcionalidad (DE) que presentan trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) e inteligencia sobre el rango promedio, para compararlo con estudiantes con desarrollo normativo e inteligencia Promedio de la comuna de Concepción. Los alumnos fueron pareados por sexo, edad y nivel socio económico. Mediante un método cuantitativo, descriptivo, comparativo y transversal, se evaluaron a 10 varones; cinco alumnos DE (M= 12,65 [4,18]) y cinco del grupo comparativo (M=12,48 [4,10]). Al comparar funcionamiento ejecutivo entre grupos, se observó que los alumnos con DE presentan mejor desempeño en Razonamiento Fluido (p=0,04) y, según la percepción de los docentes, un mejor control Inhibitorio (p=0,04). A pesar de que no se encontraron otras diferencias significativas entre grupos, el perfil de alumnos DE si mostró un déficit en funciones ejecutivas, pero únicamente en la manifestación conductual de las mismas. Los resultados asociados al bienestar subjetivo, indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre grupos. El perfil de alumnos DE refleja que mantienen "moderada" satisfacción con la vida y mayor Afecto Positivo que Negativo.

Students with double exceptionality are those who present two out of the ordinary conditions: one associated with outstanding skill and the other associated with a disability. This study sought to determine a profile of executive functioning and subjective well-being of students with double exceptionality (DE) which presented both above-average intelligence and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The results were compared with a control group of equally numbered students. The students were paired by sex, age, and socio-economic level. Through a quantitative, descriptive, comparative and cross-cutting method, 10 males were evaluated: five DE students (M=12.65 [4.18]) and five control group Students (M=12.48 [4.10]). The results of executive functioning show that DE Students present higher performance in Fluid Reasoning (p=0.04) and, according to teachers' perception, a better Inhibitory Control (p=0.04). Although no other significative differences were found between groups, DE students' profile did show a deficiency in executive functioning, but only in its behavioral manifestation. Results associated with subjective well-being didn't show any significative differences between groups. DE students' profile reflects that they maintain moderate satisfaction with life and higher positive affect than negative.

Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Adolescente , Satisfação Pessoal , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/fisiopatologia , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Inteligência
Rev. ecuat. neurol ; 28(3): 41-46, sep.-dic. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058472


Abstract Background: Inhibitory control has been described as a factor causing difficulties in the regulation present in the ADHD. Objective: The aim was to analyze the relationship between inhibitory control and symptoms of ADHD in a sample of 81 subjects diagnosed with ADHD (Mage=10.05, SD=2.53). Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational scope research was carried out. The instruments used were the ADHD RS IV and SIMON experiment. Correlation inferential statistical regression and regression processes were applied. Results: Three regression models were tested, where inhibitory control presents a significant prediction with the (a) attention deficit F (1,79) =20.69, p=<.001, R 2 =.21, (b) hyperactivity and impulsivity F (1, 79) =5.90, p=.01, R 2 =.07 and (c) the combination of both (a+b) F (1, 79) =13.25, p=< .01, R 2 =.14. Conclusions: The findings suggest that inhibitory control is one of the main executive functions that determines the degree of affectation of the symptomatology of the child population with ADHD.

Resumen Antecedentes: El control inhibitorio ha sido descrito como un factor causal que genera problemas de déficit de atención, impulsividad e hiperactividad que engloban la sintomatología del TDAH. Objetivo: El fin de esta investigación fue analizar la relación entre el control inhibitorio y los síntomas del TDAH en una muestra de 81 sujetos diagnosticados con TDAH (M edad = 10.05, DE = 2.53). Método: Se ejecutó una investigación cuantitativa, transversal y alcance correlacional. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron ADHD RS IV y el experimento SIMON. Se aplicaron procesos de análisis estadístico inferencial correlacional y regresión. Resultados: Tres modelos de regression fueron testeados, donde el control inhibitorio present una relación significativa, prediciendo (a) el déficit de atención F (1, 79) = 20.69, p=< .001, R 2 =.21, (b) hiperactividad e impulsividad F (1, 79) = 5.90, p=.01, R 2 =.07 y (c) la combinación de ambos (a+b) F (1, 79) = 13.25, p=< .01, R 2 =.14. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados sugieren que el control inhibitorio es una de las funciones ejecutivas principales que determina el grado de afectación de la sintomatología de la población infantil con ADHD.