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Saúde debate ; 46(134): 665-681, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410151


RESUMO Existe ampla evidência que a contenção da pandemia de Covid-19 requer vigilância sindrômica e isolamento de casos suspeitos/confirmados. É essencial a disponibilidade de testes diagnósticos no Sistema Único de Saúde, que poderia ser facilitada pela soberania nacional no desenvolvimento e produção, considerando-se a alta demanda/escassez no mercado internacional. Este estudo identificou as etapas da pesquisa translacional de testes diagnósticos para Covid-19 no Brasil, verificando sua distribuição geográfica, entre outros indicadores. Estudo transversal, exploratório, partindo de banco público com 789 projetos de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I) em Covid-19, complementado com outras buscas, inclusive no CVLattes dos pesquisadores. No banco, havia 89 projetos de testes diagnósticos. Em 45 casos, foi possível obter informações complementares para classificá-los conforme as etapas da pesquisa translacional. Identificaram-se 15 inovações que atingiram o estágio T3, ou seja, tiveram seus produtos incorporados em protocolos clínicos na atenção à saúde, mesmo considerando-se as profundas restrições orçamentárias em PD&I. O Brasil possui potencial de desenvolvimento e implementação de produtos tecnológicos na área de testes de diagnóstico para Sars-CoV-2. Políticas públicas de PD&I em saúde necessitam ser priorizadas para ampliação de cooperações nacionais e internacionais, a fim de promover efetiva autonomia nacional na vigilância sindrômica e à saúde da população.

ABSTRACT There is much evidence suggesting that mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic requires syndromic surveillance and isolation of suspected/confirmed cases. The availability of diagnostic tests in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) is essential, which could be facilitated by national sovereignty in development and production, considering the high demand/lack of supply in the international market. This study identified the stages of translational research into diagnostic tests for COVID-19 in Brazil, verifying their geographic distribution, among other indicators. A cross-sectional, exploratory study based on a public database with 789 Research, Development, and Innovation (RD&I) projects regarding COVID-19, complemented by other searches, including the researchers' curricula (CVLattes). There were 89 diagnostic test projects in the database. In 45 cases, it was possible to obtain additional information to classify them according to the translational research stages. Fifteen innovations that reached the T3 stage were identified, with their products incorporated into clinical protocols in healthcare, even considering the deep budget restrictions in RD&I. Brazil has the potential to develop and implement technological products in the field of diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2. Public health RD&I policies need to be prioritized to expand national and international cooperation to promote effective national autonomy in syndromic surveillance and population health.

PeerJ ; 9: e10500, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33859869


BACKGROUND: Physical exercise is a health promotion factor regulating gene expression and causing changes in phenotype, varying according to exercise type and intensity. Acute strenuous exercise in sedentary individuals appears to induce different transcriptional networks in response to stress caused by exercise. The objective of this research was to investigate the transcriptional profile of strenuous experimental exercise. METHODOLOGY: RNA-Seq was performed with Rattus norvegicus soleus muscle, submitted to strenuous physical exercise on a treadmill with an initial velocity of 0.5 km/h and increments of 0.2 km/h at every 3 min until animal exhaustion. Twenty four hours post-physical exercise, RNA-seq protocols were performed with coverage of 30 million reads per sample, 100 pb read length, paired-end, with a list of counts totaling 12816 genes. RESULTS: Eighty differentially expressed genes (61 down-regulated and 19 up-regulated) were obtained. Reactome and KEGG database searches revealed the most significant pathways, for down-regulated gene set, were: PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, RAF-MAP kinase, P2Y receptors and Signaling by Erbb2. Results suggest PI3K-AKT pathway inactivation by Hbegf, Fgf1 and Fgr3 receptor regulation, leading to inhibition of cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Cell signaling transcription networks were found in transcriptome. Results suggest some metabolic pathways which indicate the conditioning situation of strenuous exercise induced genes encoding apoptotic and autophagy factors, indicating cellular stress. CONCLUSION: Down-regulated networks showed cell transduction and signaling pathways, with possible inhibition of cellular proliferation and cell degeneration. These findings reveal transitory and dynamic process in cell signaling transcription networks in skeletal muscle after acute strenuous exercise.

Health Res Policy Syst ; 19(1): 10, 2021 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33478499


BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has spread throughout more than 160 countries, infecting millions of people worldwide. To address this health emergency, countries have organized the flow of production and innovation to reduce the impact on health. This article shows the response of the Brazilian scientific community to meet the urgent needs of the public unified health system [SUS], aiming to guarantee universal access to an estimated population of 211 million. By December 2020, Brazil had recorded more than six million cases and approximately 175,000 deaths. METHODS: We collected data on research, development and innovation projects carried out by 114 public universities (plus Oswaldo Cruz Foundation [Fiocruz] and Butantan Institute), as reported on their websites. Additionally, we examined the studies on COVID-19 approved by the National Comission for Research Ethics, as well as those reported on the Ministry of Education website as of May 15, 2020. RESULTS: The 789 identified projects were classified according to research categories as follows: development and innovation (n = 280), other types of projects (n = 226), epidemiologic research (n = 211), and basic research on disease mechanisms (n = 72). Most proposals focused on the development and innovation of personal protective equipment, medical devices, diagnostic tests, medicines and vaccines, which were rapidly identified as research priorities by the scientific community. Some promising results have been observed from phase III vaccine trials, one of which is conducted in partnership with Oxford University and another of which is performed with Sinovac Biotech. Both trials involve thousands of volunteers in their Brazilian arms and include technology transfer agreements with Fiocruz and the Butantan Institute, respectively. These vaccines proved to be safe and effective and were immediately licensed for emergency use. The provision of doses for the public health system, and vaccination, started on January 17, 2021. CONCLUSIONS: The mobilized Brazilian scientific community has generated comprehensive research, development and innovation proposals to meet the most urgent needs. It is important to emphasize that this response was only possible due to decades of investment in research, development and innovation in Brazil. We need to reinforce and protect the Brazilian science, technology and innovation system from austerity policies that disregard health and knowledge as crucial investments for Brazilian society, in line with the constitutional right of universal health access and universal health coverage.

Pesquisa Biomédica , COVID-19 , Atenção à Saúde , Pandemias , Saúde Pública , Pesquisa Biomédica/economia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Economia , Emergências , Humanos , Indústrias , Apoio à Pesquisa como Assunto , SARS-CoV-2 , Pesquisa Translacional Biomédica , Universidades , Vacinação , Vacinas
Saúde debate ; 43(spe2): 169-180, nov. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059034


RESUMO A pesquisa translacional envolve a interface entre a pesquisa básica e a clínica médica com o intuito de gerar produtos ou processos inovadores para introduzi-los nos protocolos clínicos e nos sistemas de saúde. O objetivo desse ensaio foi apresentar uma visão geral dos avanços da transcriptômica, subsidiados pela disponibilidade e utilização das novas tecnologias da informação e biologia molecular. Na busca pelo diagnóstico preciso e menos invasivo, testes transcriptômicos utilizam assinaturas de expressão gênica visando detectar doenças neurodegenerativas (Parkinson e Alzheimer), autoimunes (lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, granulomatose de Wegener), insuficiência cardíaca, autismo e câncer (de mama, colorretal, hepático e de pulmão). No sistema de saúde inglês as diretrizes clínicas incorporam oito testes transcriptômicos, todos com foco no câncer. No Brasil testes genômicos com base nas sequências de DNA são regulamentados para diagnosticar anomalias congênitas, tanto no Sistema Único de Saúde, como na saúde suplementar, mas os testes moleculares não avançaram no âmbito da transcriptômica diagnóstica. O sistema de saúde brasileiro deveria ir além dos testes de análise genômica e iniciar o processo de regulamentação das tecnologias transcriptômicas de diagnóstico. No futuro, testes diagnósticos avaliando múltiplos perfis de expressão gênica podem se transformar em exames de rotina numa forma de triagem molecular.

ABSTRACT Translational research involves the interface between basic research and medical practice in order to generate innovative products or processes to introduce them into clinical protocols and health systems. The objective of this essay was to present an overview of transcriptomic advances, subsidized by the availability and use of new information technologies and molecular biology. In the search for accurate and less invasive diagnosis, transcriptomic tests use gene expression signatures to detect neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson and Alzheimer), autoimmune (systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener's granulomatosis), heart failure, autism and cancer (breast, colorectal, hepatic and lung). In the English health system the clinical guidelines incorporate eight transcriptomic tests, all with a focus on cancer. In Brazil genomic tests based on DNA sequences are regulated to diagnose congenital anomalies both in the Unified Health System and in supplementary health, but the molecular tests have not advanced in the scope of the diagnostic transcriptomics. The Brazilian health system should go beyond the tests of genomic analysis and begin the process of regulation of transcriptomic diagnostic technologies. In the future, diagnostic tests evaluating multiple gene expression profiles may become routine exams in a form of molecular screening.

Biol Sport ; 35(1): 3-11, 2018 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30237656


Regular exercise is an exogenous factor of gene regulation with numerous health benefits. The study aimed to evaluate human genes linked to physical exercise in an 'omic scale, addressing biological questions to the generated database. Three literature databases were searched with the terms 'exercise', 'fitness', 'physical activity', 'genetics' and 'gene expression'. For additional references, papers were scrutinized and a text-mining tool was used. Papers linking genes to exercise in humans through microarray, RNA-Seq, RT-PCR and genotyping studies were included. Genes were extracted from the collected literature, together with information on exercise protocol, experimental design, gender, age, number of individuals, analytical method, fold change and statistical data. The 'omic scale dataset was characterized and evaluated with bioinformatics tools searching for gene expression patterns, functional meaning and gene clusters. As a result, a physical exercise-related human gene compendium was created, with data from 58 scientific papers and 5.147 genes functionally correlated with 17 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways. While 50.9% of the gene set was up-regulated, 41.9% was down-regulated. 743 up- and 530 down-regulated clusters were found, some connected by regulatory networks. To summarize, up- and down-regulation was encountered, with a wide genomic distribution of the gene set and up- and down-regulated clusters possibly assembled by functional gene evolution. Physical exercise elicits a widespread response in gene expression.

Int J Biometeorol ; 61(12): 2195-2203, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28842788


The main objective of this research was to analyze the climate data for the host cities of the soccer World Cup held in Brazil in June and July 2014. A great deal of criticism was expressed about the Brazilian climate in the national and international press and media in the run-up to the competition, suggesting that the air temperature and relative air humidity would be the main adversaries of the soccer teams, especially those from Europe, during the competition. An analysis of the weather was done at the places and times of each of the 64 matches held. A human thermal comfort index was calculated (discomfort index (DI)) for each of the matches in order to discover the real climatic conditions in the host cities during the 2014 World Cup and their potential influence on the teams and human comfort in general. During the 2014 World Cup, only two matches were played at temperatures above 30 °C, representing a negligible percentage of the total number of matches. The air temperature for over half the matches (53%) was 20-25 °C. The results showed the air temperature and relative humidity data analyzed here both individually and in the form of an index indicate that the World Cup held in Brazil in 2014 did not put any of the players at risk due to extreme heat.

Umidade , Futebol , Temperatura , Brasil , Cidades , Clima , Humanos
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 23(4): 328-334, July-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-898991


RESUMO Introdução: Novos estudos de regulação gênica do exercício físico por meio de técnicas pós-genômicas em ensaios de resistência (endurance) e força caracterizam a transcriptômica do exercício físico. Entre os genes afetados, destacamos a via da proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK), cuja ativação ocorre durante o exercício como resultado das alterações dos níveis de fosfato energético da fibra muscular. Objetivo: Avaliar a via de sinalização da AMPK por revisão sistemática da expressão de genes e análise in silico. Método: Foi efetuada uma revisão sistemática para avaliar a regulação gênica da via de sinalização AMPK, caracterizando os genes estudados na literatura, as variações de regulação obtidas, na forma de fold change e tipos de exercício usados. Resultados: A via de sinalização AMPK mostrou 133 genes no repositório KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), os quais foram confrontados com a revisão sistemática da literatura, totalizando 65 genes. Dezessete genes apresentaram UR e 24 mostraram DR com relação ao seu respectivo controle. Além destes, 20 genes estavam presentes nos trabalhos, apresentando tanto UR e DR e quatro genes não apresentaram dados de regulação. Verificou-se regulação específica em função do tipo de exercício efetuado. Discussão: Dos 133 genes da via AMPK, 48,8% foram amostrados nos trabalhos revisados, indicando que uma parte significativa da via é regulada pelo exercício. O estudo apresentou a regulação gênica básica de dois mecanismos para a recuperação energética, a biogênese mitocondrial e o bloqueio da gliconeogênese. Conclusão: Este trabalho mostrou que o exercício atua ativamente na via de sinalização da AMPK, na importância da regulação via PGC-1α e no papel de outros genes, regulando a expressão de mais da metade dos genes amostrados.

ABSTRACT Introduction: New studies of gene regulation by physical exercise through post-genomic techniques in endurance and strength tests characterize the physical exercise transcriptomics. Among the affected genes, we highlight the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway, the activation of which occurs during exercise because of changes in muscle fiber energetic phosphate levels. Objective: To evaluate the AMPK signaling pathway by systematic review of gene expression and in silico analysis. Method: A systematic review was performed in order to assess the gene regulation of AMPK signaling pathway, characterizing the genes studied in the literature, regulation variations obtained in the form of fold change, and types of exercise performed. Results: The AMPK signaling pathway showed 133 genes in the KEGG repository (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), which were compared with the systematic review of the literature, totaling 65 genes. Seventeen genes presented UR and 24 showed DR in relation to their respective control. In addition to these, 20 genes were present in the literature, presenting both UR and DR and four genes showed no regulatory data. Specific regulation was verified according to the type of exercises performed. Discussion: Of the 133 genes of the AMPK pathway, 48.8% were sampled in the revised studies indicating that a significant part of the pathway is regulated by exercise. The study presented the basic gene regulation of two mechanisms for energy recovery, mitochondrial biogenesis, and gluconeogenesis blockade. Conclusion: This work showed that the exercise actively works in the AMPK signaling pathway, in the importance of regulation via PGC-1α and in the role of other genes, regulating the expression of more than half of the genes sampled.

RESUMEN Introducción: Nuevos estudios de regulación génica del ejercicio físico por medio de técnicas pos-genómicas en ensayos de resistencia (endurance) y fuerza caracterizan la transcriptómica del ejercicio físico. Entre los genes afectados, destacamos la vía de la proteína quinasa activada por AMP (AMPK), cuya activación ocurre durante el ejercicio como resultado de las alteraciones de los niveles de fosfato energético de la fibra muscular. Objetivo: Evaluar la vía de señalización AMPK por revisión sistemática de la expresión de genes y análisis in silico. Método: Se ha efectuado una revisión para evaluar la regulación génica de la vía de señalización AMPK, caracterizando los genes estudiados en la literatura, las variaciones de regulación obtenidas en forma de fold change y tipos de ejercicios utilizados. Resultados: La vía de señalización AMPK mostró 133 genes en el repositorio KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), los cuales fueran confrontados con la revisión sistemática de la literatura, totalizando 65 genes. Diecisiete genes presentaron UR y 24 mostraron DR con respecto a su respectivo control. Además de estos, 20 genes estaban presentes en los trabajos, presentando tanto UR y DR y cuatro genes no presentaron dados de regulación. Se observó una regulación específica en función del tipo de ejercicio efectuado. Discusión: De los 133 genes de la vía AMPK, 48,8% fueron muestreados en los trabajos revisados, indicando que una parte significativa de la vía es regulada por el ejercicio. El estudio presentó la regulación génica básica de dos mecanismos para la recuperación energética, la biogénesis mitocondrial y el bloqueo de la gluconeogénesis. Conclusión: Este trabajo mostró que el ejercicio actúa activamente en la vía de señalización AMPK, en la importancia de la regulación vía factor PGC-1a y en el papel de otros genes, regulando la expresión de más de la mitad de los genes muestreados.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 22(2): 126-130, mar.-abr. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-781467


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disease worldwide. Endothelial dysfunction characteristic of these patients is one of the major risk factors for atherosclerosis. Early diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction is essential for the treatment especially of non-invasive manner, such as flow mediated dilation. Physical exercise is capable of generating beneficial adaptations may improve endothelial function. Objective: Identify the effect of physical exercise, using the clinical technique of ultrasound in the assessment of the endothelial function of patients with metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Thirty-one patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome were studied, with a mean age (± SD) of 58±6 years, randomized into three groups. The training was performed for 50 minutes, four times a week. Before and after six weeks of training, subjects performed the endurance test and a study of the endothelial function of the brachial artery by high-resolution ultrasound. Results: After hyperemia, the percentage of arterial diameter was significantly higher for the high-intensity group (HI before = 2.52±2.85mm and after = 31.81±12.21mm; LI before = 3.23±3.52mm and after = 20.61±7.76mm; controls before = 3.56±2.33mm and after = 2.43±2.14mm; p<0.05). Conclusions: The high-intensity aerobic training improved the vasodilatation response-dependent endothelium, recorded by ultrasound, in patients with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Introdução: Diabetes melittus é a doença metabólica mais comum no mundo. A disfunção endotelial característica desses pacientes é um dos principais fatores de risco para aterosclerose. O diagnóstico precoce da disfunção endotelial é imprescindível para o tratamento, sobretudo, de maneira não invasiva, tal como dilatação mediada pelo fluxo. O exercício físico é capaz de gerar adaptações benéficas podendo melhorar a função endotelial. Objetivo: Identificar o efeito do exercício físico de alta intensidade, usando a técnica clínica de ultrassom, na avaliação da função endotelial de pacientes com síndrome metabólica ou diabetes mellitus tipo dois. Métodos: Foram estudados 31 pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo dois ou síndrome metabólica, com média de idade (± DP) de 58 ± 6 anos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos. O treinamento foi realizado por 50 minutos, quatro vezes por semana. Antes e depois de seis semanas de treinamento, os indivíduos realizaram o ensaio de resistência e um estudo da função endotelial por ultrassom de alta resolução da artéria braquial. Resultados: Depois da hiperemia, a porcentagem do diâmetro arterial foi significativamente maior para o grupo de alta intensidade. (AI antes = 2,52 ± 2,85 mm e depois = 31,81 ± 12,21 mm; BI antes = 3,23 ± 3,52 mm e depois = 20,61 ± 7,76 mm; controles antes = 3,56 ± 2,33 mm e depois = 2,43 ± 2,14 mm; p < 0,05). Conclusões: O treinamento aeróbico de alta intensidade melhorou o endotélio de modo dependente da resposta vasodilatadora, constatada por meio de ultrassom, em pacientes com síndrome metabólica e diabetes tipo 2.

Introducción: Diabetes mellitus es la enfermedad metabólica más común en todo el mundo. La disfunción endotelial característica de estos pacientes es uno de los principales factores de riesgo para la aterosclerosis. El diagnóstico precoz de la disfunción endotelial es esencial para el tratamiento, sobre todo de forma no invasiva como la dilatación mediada por flujo. El ejercicio es capaz de Generar adaptaciones beneficiosas mejorando la función endotelial. Objetivo: Identificar los efectos del ejercicio de alta intensidad, utilizando la técnica clínica del ultrasonido en la evaluación de la función endotelial en pacientes con síndrome metabólico o diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos: Se estudiaron 31 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 o síndrome metabólico, con una edad media (± DE) de 58 ± 6 años, divididos aleatoriamente en tres grupos. El entrenamiento se llevó a cabo durante 50 minutos, cuatro veces por semana. Antes y después de seis semanas de entrenamiento, los sujetos realizaron la prueba de resistencia y un estudio de la función endotelial mediante ultrasonido de alta resolución de la arteria braquial. Resultados: Después de hiperemia, el porcentaje de diámetro arterial fue significativamente mayor en el grupo de alta intensidad (AI antes = 2,52 ± 2,85 mm y después = 31,81 ± 12,21 mm; BI antes = 3,23 ± 3,52 mm y después = 20,61 ± 7,76 mm; controles antes = 3,56 ± 2,33 mm y después = 2,43 ± 2,14 mm; p < 0,05). Conclusiones: El entrenamiento aeróbico de alta intensidad, mejoró el endotelio de manera dependiente de la respuesta vasodilatadora, registrado por ultrasonido, en sujetos con síndrome metabólico y diabetes tipo 2.

Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 41-43, 2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-481233


Studies show that exhaustive exercise prints in an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant defense system. One of the enzymes responsible for the defense system is catalase (CAT) which detoxifica hydrogen peroxide in skeletal muscle avoiding possible damage. The aim of this study was to assess the time course of response catalase in skeletal muscle of mice after an exhaustive exercise session. They used 36 male Wistar rats with 60 days old and weighing 220-240g, kept in light / dark 12h / 12h with water and food ad libitum. The animals were divided into six groups: control group; immediately after exercise (0h); 6h; 12h; 24h; 48 hours after exercise. These have been adapted for two weeks on a treadmill for 48 hours after the animals and adaptation undergo a workout. The portions of red gastrocnemius muscle were dissected and stored in liquid nitrogen. The gene expression analysis was performed by PCR in real time. To analyze the enzymatic activity of CAT, the cultures were placed in a spectrophotometer at the absorbance value at 240 nm. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA - oneway) and post Tukey test (p <0.05). The results showed large capacity regulation of this antioxidant enzyme, indicating a significant increase in expression of CAT 6h after exercise (p <0.05), as well as enzyme activity also increased by 6 hours after exercise (p <0.05) compared with the control, concluding that in the first hour after exercise has been possible to identify a defense response in skeletal muscle after exhaustive exercise.(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Catalase , Músculo Esquelético , Enzimas , Radicais Livres
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 41-43, 2015. graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472215


Studies show that exhaustive exercise prints in an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidant defense system. One of the enzymes responsible for the defense system is catalase (CAT) which detoxifica hydrogen peroxide in skeletal muscle avoiding possible damage. The aim of this study was to assess the time course of response catalase in skeletal muscle of mice after an exhaustive exercise session. They used 36 male Wistar rats with 60 days old and weighing 220-240g, kept in light / dark 12h / 12h with water and food ad libitum. The animals were divided into six groups: control group; immediately after exercise (0h); 6h; 12h; 24h; 48 hours after exercise. These have been adapted for two weeks on a treadmill for 48 hours after the animals and adaptation undergo a workout. The portions of red gastrocnemius muscle were dissected and stored in liquid nitrogen. The gene expression analysis was performed by PCR in real time. To analyze the enzymatic activity of CAT, the cultures were placed in a spectrophotometer at the absorbance value at 240 nm. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA - oneway) and post Tukey test (p <0.05). The results showed large capacity regulation of this antioxidant enzyme, indicating a significant increase in expression of CAT 6h after exercise (p <0.05), as well as enzyme activity also increased by 6 hours after exercise (p <0.05) compared with the control, concluding that in the first hour after exercise has been possible to identify a defense response in skeletal muscle after exhaustive exercise.

Animais , Ratos , Catalase , Músculo Esquelético , Enzimas , Radicais Livres