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Sci Total Environ ; 949: 175026, 2024 Nov 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39097022


Tailings dams' breaks are environmental disasters with direct and intense degradation of soil. This study analyzed the impacts of B1 tailings dam rupture occurred in the Ribeirão Ferro-Carvão watershed (Brumadinho, Brazil) in January 25, 2019. Soil organic carbon (SOC) approached environmental degradation. The analysis encompassed wetlands (high-SOC pools) located in the so-called Zones of Decreasing Destructive Capacity (DCZ5 to DCZ1) defined along the Ferro-Carvão's stream bed and banks after the disaster. Remote sensed water indices were extracted from Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 satellite images spanning the 2017-2021 period and used to distinguish the wetlands from other land covers. The annual SOC was extracted from the MapBiomas repository inside and outside the DCZs in the same period, and assessed in the field in 2023. Before the dam collapse, the DCZs maintained stable levels of SOC, while afterwards they decreased substantially reaching minimum values in 2023. The reductions were abrupt: for example, in the DCZ3 the decrease was from 51.28 ton/ha in 2017 to 4.19 ton/ha in 2023. Besides, the SOC increased from DCZs located near to DCZs located farther from the dam site, a result attributed to differences in the percentages of clay and silt in the tailings, which also increased in the same direction. The Ferro-Carvão stream watershed as whole also experienced a slight reduction in the average SOC levels after the dam collapse, from nearly 43 ton/ha in 2017 to 38 ton/ha in 2021. This result was attributed to land use changes related with the management of tailings, namely opening of accesses to remove them from the stream valley, creation of spaces for temporary deposits, among others. Overall, the study highlighted the footprints of tailings dams' accidents on SOC, which affect not only the areas impacted with the mudflow but systemically the surrounding watersheds. This is noteworthy.

J Environ Manage ; 356: 120590, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38522281


Understanding the origins of sediment transport in river systems is crucial for effective watershed management, especially after catastrophic events. This information is essential for the development of integrated strategies that guarantee water security in river basins. The present study aimed to investigate the rupture of the B1 tailings dam of the Córrego do Feijão mine, which drastically affected the Brumadinho region (Minas Gerais, Brazil). To address this issue, a confluence-based sediment fingerprinting approach was developed through the SedSAT model. Uncertainty was assessed through Monte Carlo simulations and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Estimates of the overall average contributions of each tributary were quantified for each station and annually during the period 2019-2021. It was observed that the sampling point PT-09, closest to the dam breach, contributed to almost 80% of the Paraopeba River in 2019. Despite the dredging efforts, this percentage increased to 90% in 2020 due to the need to restore the highly degraded area. Additionally, the main tributaries contributing to sediment increase in the river are Manso River "TT-03" (almost 36%), associated with an area with a high percentage of urban land use, and Cedro stream "TT-07" (almost 71%), whose geology promotes erosion, leading to higher sediment concentration. Uncertainties arise from the limited number of available tracers, variations caused by dredging activities, and reduced data in 2020 due to the pandemic. Parameters such as land use, riparian vegetation degradation, downstream basin geology, and increased precipitation are key factors for successfully assessing tributary contributions to the Paraopeba River. The obtained results are promising for a preliminary analysis, allowing the quantification of key areas due to higher erosion and studying how this disaster affected the watershed. This information is crucial for improving decision-making, environmental governance, and the development of mitigating measures to ensure water security. This study is pioneering in evaluating this methodology in watersheds affected by environmental disasters, where restoration efforts are ongoing.

Monitoramento Ambiental , Colapso Estrutural , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Efeitos Antropogênicos , Sedimentos Geológicos , Política Ambiental , Brasil
Sci Total Environ ; 923: 171437, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38447735


Human actions can damage the ecosystems and affect the services depending on them, with ample detrimental consequences. In earlier studies, the Conservation Use Potential (PCU) framework proved useful in assessing the capacity for aquifer recharge, suitable land uses and resistance to erosion at the river basin scale. On the other hand, the joint analysis of PCU and land uses allowed identifying the adequacy of current uses in relation to suitability (natural uses) in various basins. This was especially useful from the management perspective in basins with environmental conflicts, where current uses differed from suitability, because the PCU indicated how and where the conflicts should be mitigated. Besides the use as management tool, the PCU has potential to shed light over environmental issues such as ecosystem services, but that was not tempted so far. The aim of this work was therefore to bridge that knowledge gap and frame the PCU's application from the standpoint of Ecosystem Services (ES) assessment. We demonstrated how the PCU could be used to improve provision (recharge), support (sustainable agriculture) and regulation (resistance to erosion) services in a specific basin with land use conflicts (the Upper Rio das Velhas basin, located in Minas Gerais, Brazil), through the planning of suitable uses. It was noted that the studied basin is mostly composed of Very Low, Low and Medium potentials. These classes occur because steep slopes, fragile soils and lithologies with high denudation potential and low nutrient supply dominate in the basin. On the other hand, urban sprawl has a negative impact on all ES, while maintaining agricultural areas with appropriate management can effectively regulate erosion. As per the current results, the premise of using the PCU as joint management-environmental tool was fully accomplished, and is recommended a basis for public policy design and implementation in Brazil and elsewhere.

Sci Total Environ ; 912: 169136, 2024 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38072273


The use of tailings dams in the mining industry is recurrent and a matter of concern given the risk of collapse. The planning of tailings dam's emplacement usually attends construction design criteria and site geotechnical properties, but often neglects the risk of installing the depositional facilities in potentially unstable landscapes, namely those characterized by steep slopes and(or) high drainage densities. In order to help bridging this gap, the present study developed a framework model whereby geomorphologic vulnerability is assessed by a set of morphometric parameters (e.g., drainage density; relief ratio; roughness coefficient). Using the Ribeirão Ferro-Carvão micro-basin (3265.16 ha) as test site, where six dams currently receive tailings from the mining of iron-ore deposits in the Brumadinho region (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and one has collapsed in 25 January 2019 (the B1 dam of Córrego do Feijão mine of Vale, S.A.), the risk of dam instability derived from geomorphologic vulnerability was assessed and alternative suitable locations were highlighted when applicable. The results made evident the location of five dams (including the collapsed B1) in high-risk regions and two in low-risk regions, which is preoccupying. The alternative locations represent 58 % of Ribeirão Ferro-Carvão micro-basin, which is a reasonable and workable share. Overall, the study exposed the fragility related with tailings dams' geography, which is not restricted to the studied micro-basin, because dozens of active tailings dams exist in the parent basin (the Paraopeba River basin) that can also be vulnerable to geomorphologically-dependent hydrologic hazards such as intensive erosion, valley incision or flash floods. Attention to this issue is therefore urgent to prevent future tragedies related with tailings dams' breaks, in the Paraopeba River basin or elsewhere, using the proposed framework model as guide.

Sci Total Environ ; 901: 165919, 2023 Nov 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37527724


Groundwater helps overcoming periods of drought buffering their effects on water supply to people, natural ecosystems and the economy. Following the latest Conference of the Parties (COP27), groundwater research gained renewed impulse because the Parties committed themselves to invest on environmental dimensions of water security related with aquifer characterization and protection. In that context, the purpose of this study was to help providing an integrated assessment to some fundamental issues about groundwater security, summarized as the three "how"s: how much, how ready and for how long can groundwater be delivered from watersheds? A complementary goal was to identify and quantify the role of watershed characteristics controlling these "how"s. The methodology combined hydrologic modeling and GIS and the results for the test site (Paraopeba River basin, Brazil) were: (1) the studied river tributaries mostly drain regolith aquifers with short hydrologic turnover times (1.3-23.7 yr) and small aquifer mobile storages (0.1-1.3 m), but high specific yields (0.2-8.2 m/yr), being generally prone to hydrologic droughts; (2) the specific discharge is primarily elevation controlled (via precipitation increases with altitude), but relates positively with drainage density as well; (3) the mobile storage in the Quadrilátero-Ferrífero mountain is larger than elsewhere, being influenced by a local geomorphologic setting (higher coverage with concave hillslopes); (4) the groundwater contribution to streamflow discharge is high (> 50 %, on average), being improved with the coverage of argisols; (5) vulnerability to droughts could be alleviated through expansion of water-retention infrastructure in specific regions, as well as through land use conversions targeting reduced evapotranspiration or sustainable land management of argisol and concave surface landscapes. Although applied to a specific catchment, our results stand on a site-independent methodological framework. Thus, the understanding about groundwater security gained with this study can be inspiring to other workers dealing with tropical climate landscapes.

Sci Total Environ ; 899: 165639, 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37478951


The Payment for Environmental Services (PES) is often conceived through complex schemes without a clear definition of all concepts involved. This study presents the results of a systematic literature review on PES schemes in Brazil, accompanied by a critical assessment of their efficacy for potential environmental gains. The PES approaches were grouped into six categories based on the research focus, and those that were focused on PES policies were identified as the most studied. A particular emphasis has been given to the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes, where the ecosystem services studied were mostly centered on issues related to carbon and water, respectively. Approximately one-third of all schemes provided no clear definition of which ecosystem services are proposed for payment. In addition, the review showed no consensus among studies on the definition of services in similar schemes. Most schemes presented no payment system conditioned on the provision of environmental services. Furthermore, the review showed that the absence of clarity in the application of concepts may hinder the development of public policies to properly implement PES in Brazil. The conclusion is that standardizing terms used in the literature and in PES schemes is critical; therefore, the use of the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) as a reference is recommended to ensure clarity, objectivity and, more importantly, the expected environmental efficacy.

Sci Total Environ ; 891: 164426, 2023 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37236470


The collapse of B1 dam at the Córrego do Feijão mine of Vale, S.A., located in the Ferro-Carvão stream watershed (Brazil), released 11.7 Mm3 of tailings rich in iron and manganese, and 2.8 Mm3 entered the Paraopeba River 10 km downstream. Seeking to predict the evolution of environmental deterioration in the river since the dam break on January 25, 2019, the present study generated exploratory and normative scenarios based on predictive statistical models, and proposed mitigating measures and subsides to ongoing monitoring plans. The scenarios segmented the Paraopeba into three sectors: "anomalous" for distances ≤63.3 km from the B1 dam site, "transition" (63.3-155.3 km), and "natural" (meaning unimpacted by the mine tailings in 2019; >155.3 km). The exploratory scenarios predicted a spread of the tailings until reaching the "natural" sector in the rainy season of 2021, and their containment behind the weir of Igarapé thermoelectric plant located in the "anomalous" sector, in the dry season. Besides, they predicted the deterioration of water quality and changes to the vigor of riparian forests (NDVI index) along the Paraopeba River, in the rainy season, and a restriction of these impacts to the "anomalous" sector in the dry season. The normative scenarios indicated exceedances of chlorophyll-a in the period January 2019-January 2022, but not exclusively caused by the rupture of B1 dam as they also occurred in areas not affected by the accident. Conversely, the manganese exceedances clearly flagged the dam failure, and persist. The most effective mitigating measure is likely the dredging of the tailings in the "anomalous" sector, but currently it represents solely 4.6 % of what has entered the river. Monitoring is paramount to update the scenarios until the system enters a route towards rewilding, and must include water and sediments, the vigor of riparian vegetation, and the dredging.

MethodsX ; 10: 102052, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36911210


Reconciling the restoration of ecosystem services within agricultural landscapes is an effort that has been advancing within degraded areas restoration through agroforestry systems. However, to contribute to the effectiveness of these initiatives, it is essential to integrate landscape vulnerability and local demands to better highlight in which areas the implementation of agroforestry systems should be prioritized. Thus, we developed a spatial hierarchization methodology as a decision support tool as an active strategy for agroecosystem restoration. The proposed method constitutes a spatial indicator of priority areas to guide agroforestry interventions, including resource allocation and public policies for payment for environmental services. The methodology consists of Multicriteria Decision Analysis implemented in GIS software by combining input datasets based on biophysical conditions, environmental and socioeconomic aspects, that integrated promotes an assessment of the environment fragility, the pressures and responses to land use dynamic; a strategy for landscape restoration and conservation of the natural habitats, and multiple specific scenarios for decision making regarding the agricultural and the local actors demands. The output of the model provides the spatial distribution of areas suitable for the implementation of agroforestry systems, sorted into four priority levels (Low, Medium, High, and Extreme priority). The method is a promising tool proposal for territorial management and governance and subsidizes future research on the flows of ecosystem services.•Assessment of the environment fragility and the pressures and responses to land use dynamic.•Strategy for landscape restoration and conservation of remaining natural habitats.•Multiple specific scenarios for decision making regarding the agricultural and the local actors demands.

Sci Total Environ ; 851(Pt 1): 158248, 2022 Dec 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36028023


The present study aimed to investigate the rupture of B1 tailings dam of Córrego do Feijão mine, which drastically affected the region of Brumadinho (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The contamination of water resources reached 155.3 km from the dam site. In the river channel, high concentrations of Mn, Al, As and Fe were detected and correlated to the spillage of the tailings in the river. The presence of the tailings also affected the chlorophyll-a content in the water, as well as the reflectance of riparian forests. With the increase of metal(oid) concentrations above permitted levels, water management authorities suspended the use of Paraopeba River as resource in the impacted areas, namely the drinking water supply to the Metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. This study aimed to evaluate possible links between tailings distribution, river water quality, and environmental degradation, which worked as latent variables in partial least squares regression models. The latent variables were represented by numerous physical and chemical parameters of water and sediment, measured four times in 22 locations during the rainy season of 2019, in addition to stream flow and to NDVI evaluated in satellite images processed daily. The modeling results suggested a relationship between river flow turbulence and increased arsenic release from sand fractions, as well as desorption of Mn from metal oxides, both representing causes of water quality reduction. They also revealed increasing iron concentrations affecting the forest NDVI (greening), which was interpreted as environmental degradation. The increase of chlorophyll-a concentrations (related with turbidity decreases), as well as the increase of river flows (responsible for dilution effects), seemed to work out as attenuators of degradation. Although applied to a specific site, our modeling approach can be transposed to equivalent dam failures and climate contexts, helping water resource management authorities to decide upon appropriate recovery solutions.

Arsênio , Água Potável , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Arsênio/análise , Brasil , Clorofila , Monitoramento Ambiental , Ferro , Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados , Rios/química , Areia , Estações do Ano , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise
Sci Total Environ ; 839: 156185, 2022 Sep 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35618113


The ecological functions restoration in agricultural areas is a major challenge on a landscape scale. In the specific case of active restoration through Agroforestry Systems (AFS), the absence of a specific direction hinders ecological restoration processes, especially in regions that prefer intensive agriculture. Thus, this study aims to develop a Spatial Indicator of Priority Areas to guide Agroforestry Systems implementation in agricultural landscapes. A spatial multicriteria decision analysis (MDCA) was carried out based on environmental factors: soil, geology and slope (which determine the natural vulnerability of the land) and anthropogenic factors: land use and land cover, forest fragments, potential land use capacity and legal protected areas in rural properties (which reflects human pressure and land use suitability). Subsequently, four priority levels were classified for agroforestry interventions: (1) Low priority; (2) Average priority; (3) High priority; (4) Extreme priority. A final map was made to identify priority areas for landscape recovery in 9 cities located at the mouth of the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Considering the natural vulnerability of the land and the multifunctional aspects of the landscape, the scenarios projection allowed a consensus for forest conservation and agricultural suitability perspectives. A final combination of the explored aspects culminated in the spatial indicator, which model foresees 22,300 ha available for urgent actions for restoration, reforestation and sustainable exploitation through agroforestry systems. We emphasize the challenges in reconciling the socioeconomic and ecological functions in the agroecosystem, however, the metric provides a more inclusive and assertive management strategy for natural resources and advances towards the goal of reforestation and implementation of payment for environmental services (PES) schemes.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Agricultura , Brasil , Florestas , Humanos