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Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 41: 01-04, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-475420


Background: Wild and captivity monkeys are infested by several parasites species, mainly, Strongyloides sp. and Acanthocephala sp, which has been identifi ed as the major causes of illness and death. However, Molineus torulosus is a pathogenic nematode found in Neotropical New World Primates and causes severe illness in small primates due to severe gastrointestinal injury. In South America, the parasite was described in Cebus apella and C. olivecaeus from French Guyana and were verifi ed the occurrence in tropical forests. Thus, it is the fi rst report about M. torulosus infestation in capitivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil.Case: Two capuchin monkeys were presented for necropsy. According to veterinarian the monkeys had about fi ve years old and weighed 0.9 kg and lived in a particular park in urban with 20 to 30 capuchin monkeys group. The veterinarian described that six capuchin monkeys were found dead in two months period. One of the monkeys were found dead and another one had respiratory disturbance, apathy, prostration, cyanotic mucosa, feces with green coloration and death after four days in observation and isolation of the group. Necropsy confi rmed emaciation and moderate splenomegaly, great amount of fibrin on the intestine and presence of multifocal 1 to 2 cm nodules in small intestine with numerous parasites mainly initial portion. In the small intestine, were found s

Background: Wild and captivity monkeys are infested by several parasites species, mainly, Strongyloides sp. and Acanthocephala sp, which has been identifi ed as the major causes of illness and death. However, Molineus torulosus is a pathogenic nematode found in Neotropical New World Primates and causes severe illness in small primates due to severe gastrointestinal injury. In South America, the parasite was described in Cebus apella and C. olivecaeus from French Guyana and were verifi ed the occurrence in tropical forests. Thus, it is the fi rst report about M. torulosus infestation in capitivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil.Case: Two capuchin monkeys were presented for necropsy. According to veterinarian the monkeys had about fi ve years old and weighed 0.9 kg and lived in a particular park in urban with 20 to 30 capuchin monkeys group. The veterinarian described that six capuchin monkeys were found dead in two months period. One of the monkeys were found dead and another one had respiratory disturbance, apathy, prostration, cyanotic mucosa, feces with green coloration and death after four days in observation and isolation of the group. Necropsy confi rmed emaciation and moderate splenomegaly, great amount of fibrin on the intestine and presence of multifocal 1 to 2 cm nodules in small intestine with numerous parasites mainly initial portion. In the small intestine, were found s

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 41: 01-04, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457060


Background: Wild and captivity monkeys are infested by several parasites species, mainly, Strongyloides sp. and Acanthocephala sp, which has been identifi ed as the major causes of illness and death. However, Molineus torulosus is a pathogenic nematode found in Neotropical New World Primates and causes severe illness in small primates due to severe gastrointestinal injury. In South America, the parasite was described in Cebus apella and C. olivecaeus from French Guyana and were verifi ed the occurrence in tropical forests. Thus, it is the fi rst report about M. torulosus infestation in capitivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil.Case: Two capuchin monkeys were presented for necropsy. According to veterinarian the monkeys had about fi ve years old and weighed 0.9 kg and lived in a particular park in urban with 20 to 30 capuchin monkeys group. The veterinarian described that six capuchin monkeys were found dead in two months period. One of the monkeys were found dead and another one had respiratory disturbance, apathy, prostration, cyanotic mucosa, feces with green coloration and death after four days in observation and isolation of the group. Necropsy confi rmed emaciation and moderate splenomegaly, great amount of fibrin on the intestine and presence of multifocal 1 to 2 cm nodules in small intestine with numerous parasites mainly initial portion. In the small intestine, were found s

Background: Wild and captivity monkeys are infested by several parasites species, mainly, Strongyloides sp. and Acanthocephala sp, which has been identifi ed as the major causes of illness and death. However, Molineus torulosus is a pathogenic nematode found in Neotropical New World Primates and causes severe illness in small primates due to severe gastrointestinal injury. In South America, the parasite was described in Cebus apella and C. olivecaeus from French Guyana and were verifi ed the occurrence in tropical forests. Thus, it is the fi rst report about M. torulosus infestation in capitivity capuchin monkeys in Brazil.Case: Two capuchin monkeys were presented for necropsy. According to veterinarian the monkeys had about fi ve years old and weighed 0.9 kg and lived in a particular park in urban with 20 to 30 capuchin monkeys group. The veterinarian described that six capuchin monkeys were found dead in two months period. One of the monkeys were found dead and another one had respiratory disturbance, apathy, prostration, cyanotic mucosa, feces with green coloration and death after four days in observation and isolation of the group. Necropsy confi rmed emaciation and moderate splenomegaly, great amount of fibrin on the intestine and presence of multifocal 1 to 2 cm nodules in small intestine with numerous parasites mainly initial portion. In the small intestine, were found s

Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 9(1): 226-237, 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1474119


The experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of diets without micro minerals and vitamins, reduced inorganic phosphorus levels and phytase addition in bone metabolism and renal and hepatic functions in finishing pigs. Forty eight 105-day old females were randomly allotted in six groups: standard diets (T1), composed of corn, soybean meal and wheat meal; standard ration without micro mineral and vitamin supplement (T2); T2 ration with phytase (T3) T2 ration reducing 1/3 of inorganic P with phytase (T4), T2 ration reduced 2/3 of inorganic P with phytase (T5) and T2 ration with complete reduction of inorganic P with phytase (T6). The experiment was carried out in two phases: phase 1: 24 animals slaughtered at 150 days of age (106.65 kg); and phase 2: 24 animals slaughtered at 175 days of age (123.87 kg). The serum parameters evaluated were: total and ionic calcium, phosphorus, calcium/phosphorus ratio, total protein, albumin, AST, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, urea and creatinine. All biochemical parameters were analyzed using commercial kits in an automatic analyzer. The levels obtained for all analyzed parameters ranged within normal established values for this species and age. Inorganic phosphorus decrease in phytase-added diets did not interfere in bone metabolism. Vitamin and mineral supplements withdrawal and progressive decrease of inorganic phosphorus and phytase addition in

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da restrição micromineral-vitamínica com redução gradativa do fósforo inorgânico em rações contendo fitase sobre o metabolismo ósseo, função hepática e renal de suínos em terminação. Alojaram-se 48 fêmeas suínas com idade inicial de 105 dias (66,15 ± 0,14 kg), recebendo dietas experimentais à base de milho, farelo de soja e farelo de trigo. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: dieta completa (T1), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico (T2), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico e com fitase (T3), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T4), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T5), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T6). Dividiu-se o experimento em duas etapas, sendo a primeira composta por 24 animais que foram abatidos aos 150 dias (106,65 kg) e a segunda composta por 24 animais que foram abatidos aos 175 dias (123,87 kg). Avaliaram-se os seguintes itens: cálcio total, cálcio iônico, fósforo, relação cálciofósforo, proteínas totais, albumina, AST, GGT, ALP, uréia e creatinina no soro. Para isso, fez-se uso de um analisador bioquímico automático e de reagentes comerciais. Os resultados obtidos das análises do cálcio total, cálcio iônico, fó

Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 9(3): 746-752, 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1474184


The present experiment was considered with objective to verify if the effect of the withdrawal of the micromineral, vitaminic supplement and the addition of fitase, associates to the reduction of inorganic phosphorus of the ration, on the meat shelf-life of the swine cooled. Six treatments had been carried through, with four repetitions: 1 ration with micromineral and vitaminic supplement (control); 2 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement; 3 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement with fitase; 4 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement without 1/3 of inorganic phosphorus and with fitase; 5 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement without 2/3 of inorganic phosphorus and with addition of fitase; 6 ration without supplement. They had been harvested, aleatoryment, two samples of the Longissimus muscle dorsi of each treatment after cooling, following itself of the sending under refrigeration for the Center of Research in Foods of the School of Veterinary medicine of the UFG. The carried through analyses had been: determination of the most likely number of total and fecais coliformes, counting of aerobic organisms or facultative "viable mesófilos", "psicrotróficos" and gauging of pH. The used delineation was entirely too perhaps, with application of the test of Tukey 5%. By means of the analysis of the gotten results, on

O presente experimento foi proposto com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da retirada dos suplementos micromineral e vitamínico e a adição de fitase, associados à redução de fósforo inorgânico da ração, sobre a vida de prateleira da carne suína refrigerada. Foram realizados seis tratamentos, com quatro repetições: T1 ração com suplemento micromineral e vitamínico (controle); T2 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico; T3 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico com fitase; T4 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase; 5 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com adição de fitase; T6 ração sem suplemento. Colheram-se, aleatoriamente, duas amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi de cada tratamento após resfriamento, enviadas sob refrigeração para o Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos da Escola de Veterinária da UFG. Procedeu-se à determinação do número mais provável de coliformes totais e fecais, à contagem de microrganismos aeróbios ou facultativos "mesófilos", "psicrotróficos" viáveis e à aferição do pH. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com aplicação do teste de Tukey a 5%. Por meio da análise dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que não houve efeito dos tratamentos na vida de prateleira da carne suína refrigeradaPALAVRAS-CHAVES: Carne, dieta, físico-químic

Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 9(4): 1128-1137, 2008.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1474243


The present experiment aimed to evaluate histological changes in hepatic, renal, thyroid, parathyroid and metacarpian bone tissues of pigs submitted to diets without micro minerals and vitamins, reduced inorganic phosphorus levels and phytase addition in two restriction times. Forty eight 105-days old (66.15±0.14 kg) female pigs received experimental diets with corn, soybean and wheat meal. The animals were randomly distributed in six groups: standard diets (T1); composed of corn, soybean meal and wheat meal; standard ration without micro mineral and vitamin supplement (T2); T2 ration with phytase (T3); T2 ration reducing 1/3 of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T4); T2 ration reduced 2/3 of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T5); and T2 ration with complete reduction of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T6). The experiment was carried out in two phases: Phase 1. 24 animals, 35 days of restriction and slaughter at 150 days of age (106.65 kg), and Phase 2, 24 animals, 60 days of restriction and slaughter at 175 days of age (123.87 kg). At slaughter, samples of liver, kidney, thyroid, parathyroid and metacarpian bone were collected from all animals. The samples were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde and stained by hematoxilin and eosin (HE). The Mallorys trichrome stain was used in bone sections. Kidney histopathological evaluation showed interstitial nephritis in 37 animals

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar histologicamente fígado, rim, tireóide, paratireóide e osso metacarpo de suí­nos submetidos a restrições de microminerais, vitaminas e fósforo, e suplementados com a enzima fitase em dois períodos de restrição. Empregaram-se 48 fêmeas suínas com idade inicial de 105 dias (66,15 ± 0,14kg), recebendo dietas experimentais à base de milho e farelos de soja e trigo. Os animais foram agrupados aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: dieta completa (T1); dieta completa sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico (T2); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico e com fitase (T3); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T4); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T5); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T6). Desenvolveu-se o experimento em duas etapas, sendo a primeira composta por 24 animais, restrição de 35 dias e abate aos 150 dias (106,65 kg), e a segunda, composta por 24 animais, restrição de 60 dias e abate aos 175 dias (123,87 kg). No momento do abate, colheram-se fragmentos de fígado, rim, tireóide, paratireóide e osso metacarpiano de cada animal dos diversos tratamentos. Todos os fragmentos foram fixados em solução de formol tamponado a 10%, processados, incluídos em parafina e corados por hematoxilina e eo

Ci. Anim. bras. ; 9(4): 1128-1137, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-713644


The present experiment aimed to evaluate histological changes in hepatic, renal, thyroid, parathyroid and metacarpian bone tissues of pigs submitted to diets without micro minerals and vitamins, reduced inorganic phosphorus levels and phytase addition in two restriction times. Forty eight 105-days old (66.15±0.14 kg) female pigs received experimental diets with corn, soybean and wheat meal. The animals were randomly distributed in six groups: standard diets (T1); composed of corn, soybean meal and wheat meal; standard ration without micro mineral and vitamin supplement (T2); T2 ration with phytase (T3); T2 ration reducing 1/3 of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T4); T2 ration reduced 2/3 of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T5); and T2 ration with complete reduction of inorganic phosphorus with phytase (T6). The experiment was carried out in two phases: Phase 1. 24 animals, 35 days of restriction and slaughter at 150 days of age (106.65 kg), and Phase 2, 24 animals, 60 days of restriction and slaughter at 175 days of age (123.87 kg). At slaughter, samples of liver, kidney, thyroid, parathyroid and metacarpian bone were collected from all animals. The samples were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde and stained by hematoxilin and eosin (HE). The Mallorys trichrome stain was used in bone sections. Kidney histopathological evaluation showed interstitial nephritis in 37 animals

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar histologicamente fígado, rim, tireóide, paratireóide e osso metacarpo de suí­nos submetidos a restrições de microminerais, vitaminas e fósforo, e suplementados com a enzima fitase em dois períodos de restrição. Empregaram-se 48 fêmeas suínas com idade inicial de 105 dias (66,15 ± 0,14kg), recebendo dietas experimentais à base de milho e farelos de soja e trigo. Os animais foram agrupados aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: dieta completa (T1); dieta completa sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico (T2); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico e com fitase (T3); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T4); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T5); dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T6). Desenvolveu-se o experimento em duas etapas, sendo a primeira composta por 24 animais, restrição de 35 dias e abate aos 150 dias (106,65 kg), e a segunda, composta por 24 animais, restrição de 60 dias e abate aos 175 dias (123,87 kg). No momento do abate, colheram-se fragmentos de fígado, rim, tireóide, paratireóide e osso metacarpiano de cada animal dos diversos tratamentos. Todos os fragmentos foram fixados em solução de formol tamponado a 10%, processados, incluídos em parafina e corados por hematoxilina e eo

Ci. Anim. bras. ; 9(1): 226-237, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-713231


The experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of diets without micro minerals and vitamins, reduced inorganic phosphorus levels and phytase addition in bone metabolism and renal and hepatic functions in finishing pigs. Forty eight 105-day old females were randomly allotted in six groups: standard diets (T1), composed of corn, soybean meal and wheat meal; standard ration without micro mineral and vitamin supplement (T2); T2 ration with phytase (T3) T2 ration reducing 1/3 of inorganic P with phytase (T4), T2 ration reduced 2/3 of inorganic P with phytase (T5) and T2 ration with complete reduction of inorganic P with phytase (T6). The experiment was carried out in two phases: phase 1: 24 animals slaughtered at 150 days of age (106.65 kg); and phase 2: 24 animals slaughtered at 175 days of age (123.87 kg). The serum parameters evaluated were: total and ionic calcium, phosphorus, calcium/phosphorus ratio, total protein, albumin, AST, GGT, alkaline phosphatase, urea and creatinine. All biochemical parameters were analyzed using commercial kits in an automatic analyzer. The levels obtained for all analyzed parameters ranged within normal established values for this species and age. Inorganic phosphorus decrease in phytase-added diets did not interfere in bone metabolism. Vitamin and mineral supplements withdrawal and progressive decrease of inorganic phosphorus and phytase addition in

Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da restrição micromineral-vitamínica com redução gradativa do fósforo inorgânico em rações contendo fitase sobre o metabolismo ósseo, função hepática e renal de suínos em terminação. Alojaram-se 48 fêmeas suínas com idade inicial de 105 dias (66,15 ± 0,14 kg), recebendo dietas experimentais à base de milho, farelo de soja e farelo de trigo. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em seis tratamentos: dieta completa (T1), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico (T2), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico e com fitase (T3), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T4), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T5), dieta sem suplemento micromineral-vitamínico, sem fósforo inorgânico e com fitase (T6). Dividiu-se o experimento em duas etapas, sendo a primeira composta por 24 animais que foram abatidos aos 150 dias (106,65 kg) e a segunda composta por 24 animais que foram abatidos aos 175 dias (123,87 kg). Avaliaram-se os seguintes itens: cálcio total, cálcio iônico, fósforo, relação cálciofósforo, proteínas totais, albumina, AST, GGT, ALP, uréia e creatinina no soro. Para isso, fez-se uso de um analisador bioquímico automático e de reagentes comerciais. Os resultados obtidos das análises do cálcio total, cálcio iônico, fó

Ci. Anim. bras. ; 9(3): 746-752, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-713069


The present experiment was considered with objective to verify if the effect of the withdrawal of the micromineral, vitaminic supplement and the addition of fitase, associates to the reduction of inorganic phosphorus of the ration, on the meat shelf-life of the swine cooled. Six treatments had been carried through, with four repetitions: 1 ration with micromineral and vitaminic supplement (control); 2 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement; 3 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement with fitase; 4 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement without 1/3 of inorganic phosphorus and with fitase; 5 ration without micromineral and vitaminic supplement without 2/3 of inorganic phosphorus and with addition of fitase; 6 ration without supplement. They had been harvested, aleatoryment, two samples of the Longissimus muscle dorsi of each treatment after cooling, following itself of the sending under refrigeration for the Center of Research in Foods of the School of Veterinary medicine of the UFG. The carried through analyses had been: determination of the most likely number of total and fecais coliformes, counting of aerobic organisms or facultative "viable mesófilos", "psicrotróficos" and gauging of pH. The used delineation was entirely too perhaps, with application of the test of Tukey 5%. By means of the analysis of the gotten results, on

O presente experimento foi proposto com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da retirada dos suplementos micromineral e vitamínico e a adição de fitase, associados à redução de fósforo inorgânico da ração, sobre a vida de prateleira da carne suína refrigerada. Foram realizados seis tratamentos, com quatro repetições: T1 ração com suplemento micromineral e vitamínico (controle); T2 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico; T3 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico com fitase; T4 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico sem 1/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com fitase; 5 ração sem suplemento micromineral e vitamínico sem 2/3 de fósforo inorgânico e com adição de fitase; T6 ração sem suplemento. Colheram-se, aleatoriamente, duas amostras do músculo Longissimus dorsi de cada tratamento após resfriamento, enviadas sob refrigeração para o Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos da Escola de Veterinária da UFG. Procedeu-se à determinação do número mais provável de coliformes totais e fecais, à contagem de microrganismos aeróbios ou facultativos "mesófilos", "psicrotróficos" viáveis e à aferição do pH. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com aplicação do teste de Tukey a 5%. Por meio da análise dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que não houve efeito dos tratamentos na vida de prateleira da carne suína refrigeradaPALAVRAS-CHAVES: Carne, dieta, físico-químic

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 36(3): 285-288, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-733160


A tireoidite linfocítica é uma enfermidade auto-imune e uma das principais afecções tireoidianas, responsáveis por causar hipotireoidismo primário em cães. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um canino, Bull terrier, macho, de dois anos de idade e histórico de morte súbita durante exercício em esteira. À macroscopia, as alterações relevantes compreenderam congestão e edema pulmonar e endocardiose de mitral. Ao exame microscópico foram verificadas endocardiose, aterosclerose em vasos de diversos órgãos e, na tireóide, constatou-se tireoidite linfocítica. O exame anatomopatológico compreendeu ferramenta decisiva na descrição das alterações e conclusão do diagnóstico, visto que não havia diagnóstico prévio da enfermidade.

Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 36(3): 285-288, 2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731995


A tireoidite linfocítica é uma enfermidade auto-imune e uma das principais afecções tireoidianas, responsáveis por causar hipotireoidismo primário em cães. O presente trabalho relata o caso de um canino, Bull terrier, macho, de dois anos de idade e histórico de morte súbita durante exercício em esteira. À macroscopia, as alterações relevantes compreenderam congestão e edema pulmonar e endocardiose de mitral. Ao exame microscópico foram verificadas endocardiose, aterosclerose em vasos de diversos órgãos e, na tireóide, constatou-se tireoidite linfocítica. O exame anatomopatológico compreendeu ferramenta decisiva na descrição das alterações e conclusão do diagnóstico, visto que não havia diagnóstico prévio da enfermidade.