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J Med Cases ; 12(1): 32-36, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434425


Meningiomas have been described as the most frequent extra-axial tumor in the brain. Most are benign and correspond to World Health Organization (WHO) grade I; however, there are some reports of cases that shows atypical locations, like subcortical intra-axial meningiomas. This represents a challenge in radiological diagnosis because it could be taken as a metastasis tumor or vascular malformations. The authors bring a case report of a previously healthy patient who presents a traumatic brain injury with no traumatic lesions. A computed tomography (CT) evidenced a left frontal rounded subcortical lesion surrounded by large vasogenic edema. The first diagnostic impression was a metastasis tumor. During surgery, a total resection was completed, and the appearance of the tumor was meningioma. This was later confirmed by histological analysis. The literature was reviewed in order to determine the importance of including intraparenchymal meningiomas in the differential diagnosis of intracranial lesions.

Univ. med ; 60(1)2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-995101


El empiema subdural es una patología rara que ocurre secundaria a otra infección en el complejo craneofacial; puede ser por una otitis media o por sinusitis en la mayoría de los casos. Por esto, normalmente, los gérmenes asociados con esta patología son los mismos encontrados en el oído medio y en los senos paranasales. A veces, un microrganismo raro causa el absceso, caso de este paciente, quien ingresó al hospital con dolor ocular y rápidamente progresó a un déficit neurológico causado por la bacteria Aggregatibacter aphrophilus. El caso tuvo una rápida intervención de todos los servicios involucrados. Neurocirugía drenó el empiema mediante trepano; posteriormente, el paciente requirió ventriculostomía y craniectomía descompresiva. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es determinar qué dice la evidencia acerca del drenaje de empiemas mediante trepano o el uso temprano de craniectomía en este tipo de pacientes.

The subdural empyema is a rare pathology that normally occurs secondary' to another infection in the skull-facial complex, could be medial otitis or sinusitis in most of the cases, that's why the germs associated with this pathology' are normally the same found in the middle ear and paranasal sinuses. Eventually a rare microorganism causes an abscess, this is the case of this patient, who arrived to the hospital with ocular pain and rapidly progress with neurological déficit cause by' a bacteria called Aggregatibacter aphrophilus. The case had a fast intervention of all the Services involved, neurosurgery made an empyema drainage by burr hole, after that the patient required ventriculostomy and finally decompressive craniectomy. The objective of this review of the literature is to determine what does the evidence say about the empyema drainage by' burr hole or the early use of craniectomy in this kind of patients.

Empiema Subdural/diagnóstico , Craniotomia