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Rev. argent. cir ; 116(2): 106-114, jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565215


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la duodenopancreatectomía cefálica (DPC) con resección vascular venosa está indicada para el tratamiento del adenocarcinoma ductal y de tumores neuroendocrinos de páncreas, tanto por laparoscopia como por laparotomía. Objetivo: describir los resultados de una serie de pacientes operados de DPC con resección vascular venosa y comparar la morbimortalidad entre los abordados por laparoscopia y por laparotomía. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, comparativo, retrospectivo de pacientes con DPC con resección vascular entre enero de 2022 y agosto de 2023. El abordaje laparoscópico fue determinado en menores de 80 años, invasión venosa tumoral igual a 180° o menor en la tomografía, buen performance status, y no haber realizado tratamiento neoadyuvante. Resultados: fueron realizadas 23 DPC con resección vascular venosa: 11 por laparoscopia y 12 por laparotomía. Las 11 realizadas por laparoscopia fueron resecciones laterales, y, en los 12 abordados por laparotomía, se realizó resección total de vena porta en 5 y en el resto, resección lateral. El tiempo de "clampeo" (pinzamiento) portal y la necesidad de transfusiones fue similar en ambos grupos. El estudio patológico reveló R0 en el 78,2% de los pacientes e invasión venosa en el 40.9%. La morbilidad con laparoscopia y con laparotomía consistió, respectivamente, en: fístula pancreática en 7 (4 y 3), vaciamiento gástrico retardado en 4 (1 y 4), fístula biliar en uno (1 y 0), neumonía en dos (1 y 1) e infección de herida en uno (0 y 1). La mortalidad fue de 8,6% por el fallecimiento de dos pacientes, uno en cada grupo. Conclusión: de acuerdo con los criterios empleados, la morbimortalidad de la DPC con resección vascular fue similar por laparoscopia y por laparotomía.

ABSTRACT Background: Cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy (CPD) with venous resection is indicated for the treatment of ductal adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas, either through laparoscopy or laparotomy. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the results of a series of patients undergoing CPD with venous vascular resection and compare morbidity and mortality between the laparoscopic approach and open surgery. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective, comparative and observational study of patients who underwent CPD with venous vascular resection between January 2022 and July 2023. Criteria for laparoscopic surgery were age < 80 years, interface between tumor and vein of 180° of the circumference of the vessel wall or less on computed tomography, good performance status, and no previous neoadjuvant treatment. Results: A total of 23 CPD procedures with venous vascular resection were performed: 11 by laparoscopy and 12 by laparotomy. The 11 laparoscopic procedures were lateral resections, and in the 12 patients approached by laparotomy, 5 were total portal vein resections and 7 were lateral resections. Portal vein clamping time and need for transfusion was similar in both groups. The pathological examination reported R0 resections in 78.2% and venous invasion in 40.9%. The complications associated with laparoscopy and laparotomy were pancreatic fistula in 4 and 3 patients, respectively, delayed gastric emptying in 1 and 4 patients, respectively, biliary fistula in 1 and 0 patients, respectively, aspiration pneumonia i 1 and 1 patients, respectively and surgical site infection in 0 and 1 patients, respectively. Mortality was 8.6% (n =2), one in each group. Conclusion: According to the criteria used, the morbidity and mortality of CPD with vascular resection were similar for laparoscopy and laparotomy.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(7)2024 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612169


In recent years, antimony sulfide (Sb2S3) has been investigated as a photovoltaic absorber material due to its suitable absorber coefficient, direct band gap, extinction coefficient, earth-abundant, and environmentally friendly constituents. Therefore, this work proposes Sb2S3 film preparation by an effective two-step process using a new graphite box design and sulfur distribution, which has a high repeatability level and can be scalable. First, an Sb thin film was deposited using the RF-Sputtering technique, and after that, the samples were annealed with elemental sulfur into a graphite box, varying the sulfurization time from 20 to 50 min. The structural, optical, morphological, and chemical characteristics of the resulting thin films were analyzed. Results reveal the method's effectivity and the best properties were obtained for the sample sulfurized during 40 min. This Sb2S3 thin film presents an orthorhombic crystalline structure, elongated grains, a band gap of 1.69 eV, a crystallite size of 15.25 Å, and a nearly stoichiometric composition. In addition, the formation of a p-n junction was achieved by depositing silver back contact on the Glass/FTO/CdS/Sb2S3 structure. Therefore, the graphite box design has been demonstrated to be functional to obtain Sb2S3 by a two-step process.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1288-1296, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521049


El propósito de este estudio fue analizar el comportamiento mecánico de la estructura dental sana de un primer premolar inferior humano sometido a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales en diferentes direcciones. Se buscó comprender, bajo las variables contempladas, las zonas de concentración de esfuerzos que conllevan al daño estructural de sus constituyentes y tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó el modelo 3D de la reconstrucción de un archivo TAC de un primer premolar inferior, que incluyó esmalte, dentina, ligamento periodontal y hueso alveolar considerando tres variables: dirección, magnitud y área de la fuerza aplicada. La dirección fue dirigida en tres vectores (vertical, tangencial y horizontal) bajo cuatro magnitudes, una funcional de 35 N y tres disfuncionales de 170, 310 y 445 N, aplicadas sobre un área de la cara oclusal y/o vestibular del premolar que involucró tres contactos estabilizadores (A, B y C) y dos paradores de cierre. Los resultados obtenidos explican el fenómeno de combinar tres vectores, cuatro magnitudes y un área de aplicación de la fuerza, donde los valores de esfuerzo efectivo equivalente Von Mises muestran valores máximos a partir de los 60 MPa. Los valores de tensión máximos se localizan, bajo la carga horizontal a 170 N y en el proceso masticatorio en la zona cervical, cuando la fuerza pasa del 60 %. Sobre la base de los hallazgos de este estudio, se puede concluir que la reacción de los tejidos a fuerzas funcionales y disfuncionales varía de acuerdo con la magnitud, dirección y área de aplicación de la fuerza. Los valores de tensión resultan ser más altos bajo la aplicación de fuerzas disfuncionales tanto en magnitud como en dirección, produciendo esfuerzos tensiles significativos para la estructura dental y periodontal cervical, mientras que, bajo las cargas funcionales aplicadas en cualquier dirección, no se generan esfuerzos lesivos. Esto supone el reconocimiento del poder de detrimento estructural del diente y periodonto frente al bruxismo céntrico y excéntrico.

SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical behavior of the healthy dental structure of a human mandibular first premolar subjected to functional and dysfunctional forces in different directions. It was sought to understand, under the contemplated variables, the areas of stress concentration that lead to structural damage of its constituents and adjacent tissues. The 3D model of the reconstruction of a CT file of a lower first premolar was made, which included enamel, dentin, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone considering three variables: direction, magnitude and area of the applied force. The direction was directed in three vectors (vertical, tangential and horizontal) under four magnitudes, one functional of 35 N and three dysfunctional of 170, 310 and 445 N, applied to an area of the occlusal and/or buccal face of the premolar that involved three stabilizing contacts (A, B and C) and two closing stops. The results obtained explain the phenomenon of combining three vectors, four magnitudes and an area of force application, where the values of effective equivalent Von Mises stress show maximum values from 60 MPa. The maximum tension values are located under the horizontal load at 170 N and in the masticatory process in the cervical area, when the force exceeds 60%. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the reaction of tissues to functional and dysfunctional forces varies according to the magnitude, direction, and area of application of the force. The stress values turn out to be higher under the application of dysfunctional forces both in magnitude and in direction, producing significant tensile stresses for the dental and cervical periodontal structure, while under functional loads applied in any direction, no damaging stresses are generated. This supposes the recognition of the power of structural detriment of the tooth and periodontium against centric and eccentric bruxism.

Humanos , Dente Pré-Molar/fisiologia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Dente/fisiologia , Força de Mordida , Bruxismo/fisiopatologia , Módulo de Elasticidade , Desgaste dos Dentes , Mastigação/fisiologia
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520004


Introducción. El objetivo del estudio es contribuir a una nueva mirada del sistema de salud peruano a partir de la producción de bienes públicos en salud. Métodos. Se calculó el promedio de prestaciones de salud per cápita producidas por el sistema de salud peruano en niveles nacional, regional y provincial, a partir de fuentes de datos abiertos de la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud (SUSALUD), el Seguro Integral de Salud (SIS) y el Seguro Social de Salud (EsSalud) para el año 2019. Se desarrolló un análisis exploratorio de asociación entre las consultas médicas per cápita y variables socio-económicas. Resultados. Se encontró un promedio nacional de consultas médicas per cápita de 1,8, encontrándose una gran variabilidad de valores a nivel regional (2,9 a 0,8). A nivel provincias se encontró un primer cuartil superior, 50 provincias con valores entre 5,52 y 1,75 que concentran el 55% de la población peruana y el 71,3% de todas las prestaciones médicas. Un segundo cuartil agrupa 47 provincias con valores entre 1,73 - 1,33 y dos cuartiles inferiores que agrupan a 95 provincias con valores entre 1,32 y 0,08. El análisis exploratorio mostro asociación entre las consultas médicas per cápita a nivel regional y las variables analizadas, destacando la tasa de médicos por 1000 habitantes (R2: 064, valor p= 0,000) y el producto bruto interno regional per cápita (R2: 0,59, valor p=0,000). Conclusiones. La distribución por cuartiles en la producción de consultas médicas per cápita permiten identificar territorios con mejor atención, con mayor definición que los atributos de estructura del sistema (número de establecimientos, médicos por 1000 habitantes).

Introduction. The objective of the study is to contribute with a new perspective about the peruvian health system, based on the production of public goods in health. Methods. For this purpose, we calculated the per capita average of health encounters produced by the peruvian health system at the national, regional and provincial levels. Information was collected on the number of medical encounters, registered at the open data sources of the National Health Superintendence (SUSALUD), the Public Health Insurance (SIS), and the Health Social Insurance (EsSalud) for year 2019. Results. The national average of medical encounters per capita was 1.8, with a great variability of values at the regional level (2.9 to 0.8). In the case of the provinces, a first upper quartile was found, which group 50 provinces with values between 5.52 and 1.75 and concentrate 55% of the Peruvian population and 71.3% of all medical encounters produced by the health system. A second quartile groups 47 provinces, with values between 1.73 - 1.33; and two lower quartiles that group 95 provinces with values between 1.32 and 0.08. We showed an association between per capita medical encounters at the regional level and the socio-economic variables analyzed, in particular the Density of Physicians per 1000 population (R2: 0.64, p-value= 0.000) and the regional gross domestic product per capita (R2: 0.59, p-value=0.000). Conclusion. Medical encounters per capita is a useful indicator, that allows us to identify better served territories, with higher definition than other structure indicators (doctors per 1000 people; number of facilities).

Rev. argent. cir ; 115(1): 19-29, mayo 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441166


RESUMEN Antecedentes: la pancreatectomía izquierda laparoscópica es un procedimiento de alta complejidad que debe ser sistematizado para reducir complicaciones y tiempos quirúrgicos. Objetivo: Describir los resultados con una técnica sitematizada de esplenopancreatectomía laparoscópica. Material y métodos: se seleccionaron pacientes candidatos a realizar esplenopancreatecomía distal en el período comprendido entre 2007 y 2022. Se excluyeron pacientes con enfermedad sistémica. La técnica quirúrgica laparoscópica consiste en ligar los vasos cortos como primer paso, luego disecar y cortar la arteria esplénica, dejando la sección de la vena como último gesto quirúrgico. Esto evita la congestión venosa del bazo. Se analizaron variables preoperatorias, intraoperatorias y posoperatorias. Resultados: sobre un total de 155 pacientes, 90 fueron intervenidos por vía laparoscópica y 65 por vía convencional. El tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue 168 minutos. Cuando se analizó el tiempo quirúrgico en los abordajes laparoscópicos, se observó una disminución del tiempo a partir del caso número 30. La mortalidad fue del 1,12%. La incidencia de fístula pancreática total fue 41%. La necesitad de transfusión intraoperatoria ocurrió en el 10,7% de los pacientes y la tasa de conversión fue del 13,3%. Conclusión: la sistematización de la técnica de la pancreatectomía laparoscópica permite la reducción de los tiempos quirúrgicos, adquirir mayor seguridad en la disección y realizar procedimientos cada vez más complejos.

ABSTRACT Background: Laparoscopic left pancreatectomy is a high complexity procedure that should be systematized to reduce complications and operative time. Objective: To describe the results achieved with a systematized technique for laparoscopic pancreatectomy and splenectomy. Materials and methods: We selected patients who were candidates for distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy between 2007 and 2022. Patients with systemic diseases were excluded. The laparoscopic technique consists of ligating the short vessels as a first step, then dissecting and cutting the splenic artery, leaving the section of the vein as the last surgical gesture to avoid venous congestion of the spleen. Perioperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables were analyzed. Results: A total of 155 patients were analyzed, 90 underwent laparoscopy and 65 underwent conventional surgery. Mean operative time was 168 minutes The operative time in the laparoscopic approach decreased from case 30 onwards. Mortality rate was 1.12%. The incidence of pancreatic fistula was 41%. Need for intraoperative transfusion occurred in 10.7% of the patients and the conversion rate was 13.3%. Conclusion: The systematization of the technique of pancreatic laparoscopy is essential to reduce surgical times, ensure safe dissections and performe more complex procedures.

J Theor Biol ; 564: 111462, 2023 05 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36921839


Cell-based models provide a helpful approach for simulating complex systems that exhibit adaptive, resilient qualities, such as cancer. Their focus on individual cell interactions makes them a particularly appropriate strategy to study cancer therapies' effects, which are often designed to disrupt single-cell dynamics. In this work, we propose them as viable methods for studying the time evolution of cancer imaging biomarkers (IBM). We propose a cellular automata model for tumor growth and three different therapies: chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy, following well-established modeling procedures documented in the literature. The model generates a sequence of tumor images, from which a time series of two biomarkers: entropy and fractal dimension, is obtained. Our model shows that the fractal dimension increased faster at the onset of cancer cell dissemination. At the same time, entropy was more responsive to changes induced in the tumor by the different therapy modalities. These observations suggest that the prognostic value of the proposed biomarkers could vary considerably with time. Thus, it is essential to assess their use at different stages of cancer and for different imaging modalities. Another observation derived from the results was that both biomarkers varied slowly when the applied therapy attacked cancer cells scattered along the automatons' area, leaving multiple independent clusters of cells at the end of the treatment. Thus, patterns of change of simulated biomarkers time series could reflect on essential qualities of the spatial action of a given cancer intervention.

Fractais , Neoplasias , Humanos , Autômato Celular , Entropia , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/terapia , Biomarcadores
Int J Health Econ Manag ; 23(3): 361-392, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36929472


This study aims to assess whether Ecuadorian health reforms carried out since 2008 have affected the efficiency performance of public hospitals in the country. We contribute to the literature by shedding new light on the effects on public healthcare efficiency for developing countries when policies move toward health equity and universal coverage. We follow a two-stage approach, wherein the first stage we make use of factor and cluster analysis to obtain three clusters of public hospitals based on their technological endowment; we exploit Data Envelopment Analysis for panel data in the second stage to estimate robust efficiency measures over time. Our innovative empirical strategy considers the heterogeneity of healthcare institutions in the analysis of their efficiency performance. The results show a significant decrease in the average efficiency of low and intermediate technology hospitals after the new constitution was adopted in 2008. The decline in efficiency coincides with the two reforms of 2010 and 2011 that brought on higher social security coverage.

Reforma dos Serviços de Saúde , Hospitais Públicos , Humanos , Equador , Atenção à Saúde , Instalações de Saúde
Int J Ment Health Addict ; 21(1): 383-394, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34366729


The world is social distancing, and compulsory confinement has caused stress, psychological instability, stigmatization, fear, and discrimination in the general population. In this cross-sectional survey study, we administered the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) to hospital medical and nonmedical personnel. A total of 1216 participants were surveyed from May 25 to May 29 of 2020. We asked all the staff for their participation in the study, and physical copies of the survey were distributed to the staff willing to participate. All surveys were answered anonymously. We found that the global FCV-19S mean score was 16.4 ± 6.1, with a significant difference between women and men's scores. Medical students presented higher scores than experienced medical personnel. Additionally, the medical and nursing personnel presented a higher level of fear than hospital staff who did not work directly with COVID-19 patients. Our findings suggest that greater knowledge of medicine or infectious diseases could decrease the overall psychological impact of the pandemic disease.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 70(4)Oct.-Dec. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535184


Introduction: Gastric cancer is one of the most lethal cancers; therefore, a high level of knowledge about its prevention is essential in the training of future physicians. Objective: To determine the epidemiological and educational factors associated with the level of knowledge of gastric cancer prevention among medical interns from a private university in Lima, Peru. Materials and methods: Analytical cross-sectional study conducted in 319 medical interns enrolled in 2020 and 2021 at the Faculty of Human Medicine of the Universidad Ricardo Palma. Participants' information was collected using surveys. In addition, their socioeconomic status and level of knowledge were measured using the Graffar classification and the knowledge test on gastric cancer prevention, previously validated in a health care center from Lima (Cron-bach's Alpha: 0.84), respectively. A bivariate and a multivariate analysis were performed using a Poisson regression model, calculating prevalence ratios (PR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI) and a significance level of p<0.05. Results: The level of knowledge was high in 53.92% of medical interns. In the multivariate analysis, a significant association was found between having a high level of knowledge about gastric cancer prevention and the following variables: planning to enroll in a surgical specialty (aPR: 1.43, 95%CI: 1.13-1.81; p=0.003) and having a socioeconomic status at levels I-II (aPR: 1.58, 95%CI: 1.26-1.99; p=0.000). On the contrary, variables such as sex, age, having an immediate relative with cancer, having an immediate relative who is a physician, and attendance to cancer conferences were not significantly associated. Conclusion: Planning to enroll in a surgical specialty and having a I-II socioeconomic status were the only variables associated with having a high level of knowledge about gastric cancer prevention. Therefore, the Faculty of Human Medicine should develop strategies aimed at improving the level of knowledge of medical interns about this topic.

Introducción. El cáncer gástrico es uno de los cánceres más letales; por lo tanto, un alto nivel de conocimiento sobre su prevención es esencial en la formación de los futuros médicos. Objetivo. Determinar los factores epidemiológicos y educativos asociados al nivel de conocimiento en prevención de cáncer gástrico en internos de medicina de una universidad en Lima, Perú. Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal analítico realizado en 319 internos de medicina matriculados en 2020 y 2021 en la Facultad de Medicina Humana de la Universidad Ricardo Palma. La información se recolectó utilizando encuestas. Además, el nivel socioeconómico y el nivel de conocimiento se midieron mediante la clasificación de Graffar y el test de conocimiento sobre prevención en cáncer gástrico, previamente validado en un centro de salud en Lima (alfa de Cronbach: 0.84), respectivamente. Se realizó un análisis bivariado y uno multivariado con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculándose razones de prevalencia, con un intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95% y un nivel de significancia de p<0.05. Resultados. El nivel de conocimientos fue alto en 53.92% de los internos. En el análisis multivariado, se observó una asociación significativa entre el nivel alto de conocimiento sobre prevención de cáncer gástrico y las siguientes variables: planear realizar una especialidad quirúrgica (RPa: 1.43, IC95%: 1.13-1.81; p=0.003) y tener nivel socioeconómico I-II (RPa: 1.58, IC95%: 1.26-1.99; p=0.000). Por otro lado, las variables sexo, edad, tener un familiar directo con cáncer, tener un familiar médico directo y asistencia a conferencias de cáncer no mostraron una asociación significativa. Conclusión. Planear realizar una especialidad quirúrgica y tener nivel socioeconómico I-II fueron las únicas variables asociadas con tener un nivel alto de conocimientos sobre prevención del cáncer gástrico, por lo que se recomienda que la Facultad de Medicina Humana desarrolle estrategias dirigidas a mejorar el nivel de conocimiento de los internos de medicina en este tema.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(6): 680-683, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423799


Abstract: Coronary artery disease continues to be the leading cause of death in modern society; the most frequent cause is atherosclerosis. There are other causes such as coronary embolism and coronary dissection, among others. This article presents the case of a young patient with acute myocardial infarction in whom a coronary embolism was documented as the cause of infarction.

Resumen: La enfermedad arterial coronaria continúa siendo una causa de mortalidad en nuestro medio; la causa más frecuente es la aterosclerosis. Existen otras causas como embolia coronaria, disección coronaria. En este artículo se describe el caso de un paciente joven, quien presentó un infarto agudo de miocardio y se documentó un embolia conoraria como causa.