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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(4): 137-144, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557867


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la incidencia del espectro del acretismo placentario en pacientes ingresadas a la unidad de cuidados intensivos obstétricos del Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo fundamentado en el análisis de la base de datos del Hospital de la Mujer de pacientes internadas entre los años 2017 a 2020 con diagnóstico de espectro de placenta acreta, referidas o diagnosticadas en la institución e intervenidas para histerectomía por la complicación estudiada. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 22 pacientes con diagnóstico de acretismo placentario que dieron una incidencia de 0.09%; de éstas, a 1 se le indicó cesárea; 19 de las 22 pacientes tenían antecedente de cicatriz uterina previa, todas con placenta previa. El promedio de edad fue de 30.86 ± 4 años. La cesárea se practicó, en promedio, a las 34 semanas de embarazo con dos técnicas quirúrgicas. El sangrado promedio estimado fue de 1.947 mL. Las complicaciones transoperatorias fueron las lesiones: ureteral (n = 2) y vesical (n = 1). La principal complicación posoperatoria fue la fístula vesicouterina (n = 1). El promedio de estancia fue de 2 días en 16 de las 22 pacientes y de 7 días en las 6 restantes. CONCLUSIONES: Lo importante del acretismo placentario es el diagnóstico oportuno que permita derivar a las pacientes a centros hospitalarios que cuenten con especialistas experimentados en la atención de estos casos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of placental accretism spectrum in pregnant women admitted to the obstetric intensive care unit of the Hospital de la Mujer, Culiacán, Sinaloa. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study based on the analysis of the database of the Hospital de la Mujer of patients admitted between 2017 and 2020 with a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum, referred or diagnosed at the institution and underwent hysterectomy for the complication studied. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta were analysed, giving a prevalence of 0.09%; of these, caesarean section was indicated in 0.2%. 19 of the 22 patients had a history of previous uterine scarring, all with placenta praevia. Mean age was 30.86 ± 4 years. Caesarean section was performed at a mean gestational age of 34 weeks using two surgical techniques. The mean estimated blood loss was 1,947 mL. The most common operative complications were ureteral (n = 2) and bladder (n = 1) injuries. The most common postoperative complication was vesico-uterine fistula (n = 1). The mean length of stay was 2 days in 16 of the 22 patients and 7 days in the remaining 6 patients. CONCLUSIONS: The most important aspect of placenta accreta is early diagnosis, which allows referral to hospital centres with specialists experienced in the management of these cases.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(9): 706-710, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520962


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Las quemaduras son la forma más severa de estrés que el cuerpo puede sufrir; pueden generarse por diferentes agentes térmicos y químicos. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 25 años, con dolor intenso en la región genital de 12 horas de evolución, secundario a la introducción en la vagina de una piedra de alumbre. Se le hicieron múltiples irrigaciones con solución salina al 0.9% sin obtener el resto de la piedra de alumbre. Se le aplicó sulfadiazina de plata en la cavidad vaginal cada 12 horas, óvulos vaginales de ketanserina, miconazol y metronidazol cada 8 horas, ketorolaco por vía oral 10 mg cada 8 horas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria tuvo buena evolución, con disminución de la inflamación en la zona genital, epitelización adecuada. Al tercer día se dio de alta del hospital con cita para valoración a los siete días. CONCLUSIÓN: El tratamiento de las quemaduras en el área genital, por agentes químicos, tiene como piedra angular la identificación del agente causante de la lesión que permita actuar de forma inmediata y evitar las secuelas físicas, sexuales y psicológicas mediante el lavado exhaustivo con solución o agua estéril para remover el agente causal y disminuir que continúe actuando en el sitio afectado.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Burns are the most severe form of stress that the body can suffer; they can be caused by various thermal and chemical agents. CLINICAL CASE: A 25-year-old female patient presented with severe genital pain of 12 hours' duration, secondary to the introduction of an alum stone into the vagina. She underwent several irrigations with 0.9% saline without obtaining the rest of the alum stone. She was given vaginal silver sulfadiazine every 12 hours, vaginal ketanserin, miconazole and metronidazole every 8 hours and oral ketorolac 10 mg every 8 hours. During her stay in hospital, she progressed well, with a decrease in genital inflammation and adequate epithelialisation. She was discharged on the third day with an appointment for a seven-day follow-up. CONCLUSION: The management of genital burns caused by chemical agents is based on the identification of the agent causing the lesion, which allows immediate action and prevents physical, sexual and psychological sequelae by thorough washing with sterile solution or water to remove the causative agent and reduce its continued action in the affected area.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35805345


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational institutions around the world. One partial solution for students and teachers to continue the academic process involved the use of software and hardware technologies via the internet. The main objective of this research was to analyze the actions carried out by computer science teachers (and teachers who taught related degrees) in Sinaloa, Mexico, during the COVID-19 confinement period, to determine if the working conditions were different at all educational institutions. Based on quantitative, descriptive-explanatory, correlational, field, and cross-sectional approaches to data collection-a survey was designed and sent to teachers who taught classes in computer science and related careers. The results showed that although teachers felt prepared in designing and implementing virtual courses (90.73%), 68.5% believed that virtual classes were not enough for students (i.e., regarding replacing the training being offered). Likewise, teachers observed that only 27.8% of their students showed real commitment to online classes. In the hypothesis test, a chi-squared value of 3.84 was obtained, with a significance (p-value) of 0.137. There was a probability of error of 13.7%; this is high, considering that the level of significance must be 0.05 (5%) or less. It was concluded that teachers must be permanently trained in the use of new digital technologies; in addition, they must continuously produce academic material and make it available to the educational community. It is necessary for universities to design plans for the regulated use of applications and devices for academic purposes, update study plans and programs, and train teachers and students beyond conventional education.

COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Pandemias , Estudantes , Universidades