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Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(5): 261-270, Sep.-Dec. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-744076


El cáncer en la edad pediátrica presenta características que lo diferencian de otros tipos reportados en edades posteriores. La supervivencia global a 3 años es de hasta el 70%, dependiendo de la neoplasia estudiada. Los principales aparatos y sistemas afectados son el sistema hematopoyético, el sistema nervioso central y simpático, así como tejidos mesenquimatosos. El incremento en la incidencia de tumores neonatales observado en este y otros estudios se basa en el aumento del número de tumores sólidos (teratomas y neuroblastomas), ya que los casos de tumores en el sistema nervioso central y leucemias han permanecido constantes. La ultrasonografía es la primera línea de abordaje y puede detectar hasta el 70% de las anomalías fetales. La fisiología del neonato hace que el tratamiento multidisciplinario necesario en las enfermedades neoplásicas sea modificado sustancialmente en este grupo de edad, para evitar toxicidad y secuelas. El tratamiento más utilizado es la cirugía. Logrando el diagnóstico oportuno existen opciones terapéuticas efectivas para mejorar la supervivencia de estos pacientes.

Cancer in children has characteristics that differentiate it from other types reported in later ages. Overall survival at 3 years is up to 70% depending on the tumor studied. Major organs and systems affected are the hematopoietic system, central nervous system and sympathetic and mesenchymal tissues. The increased incidence of neonatal tumors observed in this and other studies is based on the increasing number of solid tumors (teratomas and neuroblastomas) because cases of central nervous system tumors and leukemias have remained constant. Ultrasonography is the first line of approach and can detect up to 70% of fetal anomalies. The physiology of the newborn causes the necessary multidisciplinary treatment in neoplastic disease to be modified substantially in this age group to avoid toxicity and sequelae. The most common treatment is surgery. Achieving timely diagnostic treatment options are effective in improving the survival of these patients.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 71(5): 261-270, 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29421614


Cancer in children has characteristics that differentiate it from other types reported in later ages. Overall survival at 3 years is up to 70% depending on the tumor studied. Major organs and systems affected are the hematopoietic system, central nervous system and sympathetic and mesenchymal tissues. The increased incidence of neonatal tumors observed in this and other studies is based on the increasing number of solid tumors (teratomas and neuroblastomas) because cases of central nervous system tumors and leukemias have remained constant. Ultrasonography is the first line of approach and can detect up to 70% of fetal anomalies. The physiology of the newborn causes the necessary multidisciplinary treatment in neoplastic disease to be modified substantially in this age group to avoid toxicity and sequelae. The most common treatment is surgery. Achieving timely diagnostic treatment options are effective in improving the survival of these patients.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 69(3): 190-196, abr.-jun. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-701182


Introducción. La leucemia linfoblástica aguda es el tipo de cáncer infantil más frecuente. Los pacientes son clasificados de acuerdo con los hallazgos clínicos, biológicos, moleculares y de respuesta a la terapia inicial. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los hallazgos al diagnóstico de una muestra de pacientes mexicanos e identificar las diferencias clínicas de acuerdo con la mortalidad cruda. Métodos. Se revisaron 391 expedientes de pacientes pediátricos con leucemia linfoblástica aguda en nueve hospitales afiliados al Seguro Popular en la República Mexicana. Resultados. Se incluyeron 296 pacientes vivos y 95 fallecidos. La media de edad fue de 6.48 años en los vivos y 8.31 años en los fallecidos. Los signos y síntomas para solicitar la atención médica fueron fiebre, palidez, astenia y adinamia. Las principales alteraciones hematológicas fueron anemia y trombocitopenia. La mayor proporción de blastos en sangre periférica se observó en el grupo de los fallecidos (28.3 vs 40.7, p=0.030). El 86.4% de la muestra contaba con inmunofenotipo y 11.2% tenía estudio citogenético. En cuanto al riesgo, 148 pacientes se clasificaron como de riesgo habitual y 230 como de alto riesgo. Conclusiones. Caracterizar la población de niños con leucemia linfoblástica aguda permite a los sistemas de salud conocer sus peculiaridades e implementar acciones específicas para mejorar la atención, como el desarrollo de estrategias para realizar los inmunofenotipos y la citogenética.

Background. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in childhood. Patients are classified according to clinical, biological, and molecular characteristics as well as their response to initial therapy. The objective of this study is aimed to characterize the diagnostic findings in a sample of Mexican patients with ALL and to identify clinical differences according to crude mortality. Methods. We reviewed clinical records of 391 pediatric ALL patients in nine hospitals in Mexico affiliated with the Seguro Popular insurance program. Results. Included in this study were 296 living patients and 95 deceased patients. Mean age was 6.48 years and 8.31 years for living and deceased patients, respectively. Signs and symptoms associated with seeking medical care were fever, pallor, fatigue and weakness. The main hematologic abnormalities were anemia and thrombocytopenia. The largest proportion of blasts in peripheral blood was observed in the group of deceased patients; 86.4% of the sample had immunophenotype in the clinical record and only 11.2% had cytogenetic study. One hundred forty eight patients were classified as standard risk and 230 patients as high risk. Conclusions. To characterize the population of children with ALL allows health systems to be aware of the features of patients with ALL and to implement specific actions and to develop strategies so that all patients have access to immunophenotype and cytogenetic studies.