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Chemphyschem ; 25(16): e202400118, 2024 Aug 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38742372


In recent decades, two-dimensional (2D) perovskites have emerged as promising semiconductors for next-generation photovoltaics, showing notable advancements in solar energy conversion. Herein, we explore the impact of alternative inorganic lattice BX-based compositions (B=Ge or Sn, X=Br or I) on the energy gap and stability. Our investigation encompasses BA2Man-1BnX3n+1 2D Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites (for n=1-5 layers) and 3D bulk (MA)BX3 systems, employing first-principles calculations with spin-orbit coupling (SOC), DFT-1/2 quasiparticle, and D3 dispersion corrections. The study unveils how atoms with smaller ionic radii induce anisotropic internal and external distortions within the inorganic and organic lattices. Introducing the spacers in the low-layer regime reduces local distortions but widens band gaps. Our calculation protocol provides deeper insights into the physics and chemistry underlying 2D perovskite materials, paving the way for optimizing environmentally friendly alternatives that can efficiently replace with sustainable materials.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 11710, 2024 May 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778075


In this paper, we investigate the optical, electronic, vibrational, and excitonic properties of four two-dimensional ß -pnictogen materials-nitrogenene, phosphorene, arsenene, and antimonene-via density functional theory calculations and the Bethe-Salpeter equation. These materials possess indirect gaps with significant exciton binding energies, demonstrating isotropic behavior under circular light polarization and anisotropic behavior under linear polarization by absorbing light within the visible solar spectrum (except for nitrogenene). Furthermore, we observed that Raman frequencies red-shift in heavier pnictogen atoms aligning with experimental observations; simultaneously, quasi-particle effects notably influence the linear optical response intensively. These monolayers' excitonic effects lead to optical band gaps optimized for solar energy harvesting, positioning them as promising candidates for advanced optoelectronic device applications.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(17): 13172-13181, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38630106


Transition metal nanoclusters can exhibit unique and tunable properties which result not only from their chemical composition but also from their atomic packing and quantized electronic structures. Here, we introduce a promising family of bimetallic TM@Ti12, TM@Zr12, and TM@Hf12 nanoclusters with icosahedral geometry, where TM represents an atom from groups 3 to 12. Density functional theory calculations show that their stability can be explained with familiar concepts of metal cluster electronic and atomic shell structures. The magnetic properties of these quasispherical clusters are entirely consistent with superatom electronic shells and Hund's rules, and can be tuned by the choice of the TM dopant. The computed cluster atomization energies were analyzed in terms of the elements' cohesive energy, Ecoh, and contributions from geometric distortion, Edis, surface energy, Es, and ionic bonding, Ei. Some clusters have anomalous stability relative to Ecoh + Edis + Es + Ei. We attribute this to superatomic character associated with a favorable atomic and electronic shell structure. This raises the possibility of designing stable superatoms and materials with tailored electronic and magnetic properties.

Dalton Trans ; 53(2): 746-752, 2024 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38086661


The presented simulation protocol provides a solid foundation for exploring two-dimensional materials. Taking the TiBr2 2H monolayer as an example, this material displays promising TMDC-like optical and excitonic properties, making it an excellent candidate for optoelectronic and valleytronic applications. The direct band gap semiconductor (1.19 eV) is both structurally and thermodynamically stable, with spin-orbit coupling effects revealing a broken mirror symmetry in the K and K' valleys of the band structure, as confirmed by opposite values of the Berry curvature. A direct and bright exciton ground state was found, with an exciton binding energy of 0.56 eV. The study also revealed an optical helicity selection rule, suggesting selectivity in the valley excitation by specific circular light polarizations.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 17157, 2023 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37821570


Here, we performed a systematic DFT study assisted by the workflow framework SimStack for the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of the clay mineral lizardite in pristine and six different types of O vacancies configurations. In most cases, the defect caused a structural phase transition in the lizardite from the trigonal (pristine) to the triclinic phase. The results show that oxygen vacancies in lizardite significantly reduce the lattice thermal conductivity, accompanied by an elastic moduli reduction and an anisotropy index increase. Through the P-V relation, an increase in compressibility was evidenced for vacancy configurations. Except for the vacancy with the same crystalline structure as pristine lizardite, the sound velocities of the other vacancy configurations produce a decrease in these velocities, and it is essential to highlight high values for the Grüneisen parameter. We emphasize the great relevance of the punctual-defects introduction, such as O vacancies, in lizardite, since this microstructural design is responsible for the decrease of the lattice thermal conductivity in comparison with the pristine system by decreasing the heat transfer ability, turning lizardite into a promising candidate for thermoelectric materials.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 4446, 2023 Mar 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36932128


Two-dimensional hybrid lead iodide perovskites based on methylammonium (MA) cation and butylammonium (BA) organic spacer-such as [Formula: see text]-are one of the most explored 2D hybrid perovskites in recent years. Correlating the atomistic profile of these systems with their optoelectronic properties is a challenge for theoretical approaches. Here, we employed first-principles calculations via density functional theory to show how the cation partially canceled dipole moments through the [Formula: see text] terminal impact the structural/electronic properties of the [Formula: see text] sublattices. Even though it is known that at high temperatures, the organic cation assumes a spherical-like configuration due to the rotation of the cations inside the cage, our results discuss the correct relative orientation according to the dipole moments for ab initio simulations at 0 K, correlating well structural and electronic properties with experiments. Based on the combination of relativistic quasiparticle correction and spin-orbit coupling, we found that the MA horizontal-like configuration concerning the inorganic sublattice surface leads to the best relationship between calculated and experimental gap energy throughout n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 number of layers. Conversely, the dipole moments cancellation (as in BA-MA aligned-like configuration) promotes the closing of the gap energies through an electron depletion mechanism. We found that the anisotropy [Formula: see text] isotropy optical absorption conversion (as a bulk convergence) is achieved only for the MA horizontal-like configuration, which suggests that this configuration contribution is the majority in a scenario under temperature effects.

J Comput Chem ; 44(14): 1395-1403, 2023 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36805580


Because of instability issues presented by metal halide perovskites based on methylammonium (MA), its replacement to Cs has emerged as an alternative to improve the materials' durability. However, the impact of this replacement on electronic properties, especially gap energy and bulk Rashba splitting remains unclear since electrostatic interactions from organic cations can play a crucial role. Through first-principles calculations, we investigated how organic/inorganic cations impact the electronic properties of MAPbI 3 and CsPbI 3 perovskites. Although at high temperatures the organic cation can assume spherical-like configurations due to its rotation into the cages, our results provide a complete electronic mechanism to show, from a chemical perspective based on ab initio calculations at 0 K , how the MA dipoles suppression can reduce the MAPbI 3 gap energy by promoting a degeneracy breaking in the electronic states from the PbI 3 framework, while the dipole moment reinforcement is crucial to align theory ↔ experiment, increasing the bulk Rashba splitting through higher Pb off-centering motifs. The lack of permanent dipole moment in Cs results in CsPbI 3 polymorphs with a pronounced Pb on-centering-like feature, which causes suppression in their respective bulk Rashba effect.

J Comput Chem ; 44(10): 1040-1051, 2023 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36576316


Gold and silver subnanoclusters with few atoms are prominent candidates for catalysis-related applications, primarily because of the large fraction of lower-coordinated atoms exposed and ready to interact with external chemical species. However, an in-depth energetic analysis is necessary to characterize the relevant terms within the molecular adsorption process that can frame the interactions within the Sabatier principle. Herein, we investigate the interaction between Agn and Aun subnanoclusters (clu, n = 2-7) and N2 , NO, CO, and O2 molecules, using scalar-relativistic density functional theory calculations within van der Waals D3 corrections. The onefold top site is preferred for all chemisorption cases, with a predominance of linear (≈180°) and bent (≈120°) molecular geometries. A larger magnitude of adsorption energy is correlated with smaller distances between molecules and clusters and with the weakening of the adsorbates bond strength represented by the increase of the equilibrium distances and decrease of molecular stretching frequencies. From the energetic decomposition, the interaction energy term was established as an excellent descriptor to classify subnanoclusters in the adsorption/desorption process concomitant with the Sabatier principle. The limiting cases: (i) weak molecular adsorption on the subnanoclusters, which may compromise the reaction activation, where an interaction energy magnitude close to 0 eV is observed (e.g., physisorption in N2 /Ag6 ); and (ii) strong molecular interactions with the subnanoclusters, given the interaction energy magnitude is larger than at least one of the individual fragment binding energies (e.g., strong chemisorption in CO/Au4 and NO/Au4 ), conferring a decrease in the desorption rate and an increase in the possible poisoning rate. However, the intermediate cases are promising by involving interaction energy magnitudes between zero and fragment binding energies. Following the molecular closed-shell (open-shell) electronic configuration, we find a predominant electrostatic (covalent) nature of the physical interactions for N2 ⋯clu and CO ⋯clu (O2 ⋯clu and NO⋯clu), except in the physisorption case (N2 /Ag6 ) where dispersive interaction is dominant. Our results clarify questions about the molecular adsorption on subnanoclusters as a relevant mechanistic step present in nanocatalytic reactions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(11): 6515-6524, 2022 Mar 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35257130


The complexity of Cu13, Ag13, and Au13 coinage-metal clusters was investigated through their energy contributions via a density functional theory study, considering improvements in the PBE functional, such as van der Waals (vdW) corrections, spin-orbit coupling (SOC), Hubbard term (+U), and their combinations. Investigating two-dimensional (planar 2D) and three-dimensional (distorted 3D, CUB - cuboctahedral, and ICO - icosahedral) configurations, we found that vdW corrections are dominant in modulating the stability swapping between 2D and ICO (3D) for Ag13 (Au13), whereas for Cu13 its role is increasing the relative stability between 2D (least stable) and 3D (most stable), setting ICO as the reference. Among the energy portions that constitute the relative total energy, the dimensionality difference correlates with the magnitude of the relative dispersion energy (large for 2D/ICO and small for 3D/ICO) as the causal factor responsible for an eventual stability swapping. For instance, empirical vdW corrections may favor Ag13 as ICO, while semi empirical ones tend to swap the stability by favoring 2D. The same tendency is observed for Au13, except when SOC is included, which enlarges the stability of 3D over 2D. Energy decomposition analysis combined with the natural orbitals for the chemical valence approach confirmed the correlations between the dimensionality difference and the magnitude of the relative dispersion energies. Our structural analysis protocol was able to capture the local distortion effects (or even their absence) through the quantification of the Hausdorff chirality measure. Here, ICO, CUB, and 2D are achiral configurations for all coinage-metal clusters, whereas Cu13 as 3D presents a slight chirality when vdW correction based on many body dispersion is used, at the same time Ag13 as 3D turned out to be chiral for all calculation protocols as evidence of the role of the chemical composition.

J Comput Chem ; 43(4): 230-243, 2022 Feb 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34751955


The coinage-metal clusters possess a natural complexity in their theoretical treatment that may be accompanied by inherent shortcomings in the methodological approach. Herein, we performed a scalar-relativistic density functional theory study, considering Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) with (empirical and semi empirical) van der Waals (vdW), spin-orbit coupling (SOC), +U (Hubbard term), and their combinations, to treat the Cu 13 , Ag 13 , and Au 13 clusters in different structural motifs. The energetic scenario is given by the confirmation of the 3D lowest energy configurations for Cu 13 and Ag 13 within all approaches, while for Au 13 there is a 2D/3D competition, depending on the applied correction. The 2D geometry is 0.43 eV more stable with plain PBE than the 3D one, the SOC, +U, and/or vdW inclusion decreases the overestimated stability of the planar configurations, where the most surprising result is found by the D3 and D3BJ vdW corrections, for which the 3D configuration is 0.29 and 0.11 eV, respectively, more stable than the 2D geometry (with even higher values when SOC and/or +U are added). The D3 dispersion correction represents 7.9% (4.4%) of the total binding energy for the 3D (2D) configuration, (not) being enough to change the sd hybridization and the position of the occupied d -states. Our predictions are in agreement with experimental results and in line with the best results obtained for bulk systems, as well as with hybrid functionals within D3 corrections. The properties description undergoes small corrections with the different approaches, where general trends are maintained, that is, the average bond length is smaller (larger) for lower (higher)-coordinated structures, since a same number of electrons are shared by a smaller (larger) number of bonds, consequently, the bonds are stronger (weaker) and shorter (longer) and the sd hybridization index is larger (smaller). Thus, Au has a distinct behavior in relation to its lighter congeners, with a complex potential energy surface, where in addition to the relevant relativistic effects, correlation and dispersion effects must also be considered.