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JMIR Serious Games ; 12: e48900, 2024 Jan 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38206670


BACKGROUND: Since the early 2000s, there has been a growing interest in using exercise video games (exergames) and virtual reality (VR)-based interventions as innovative methods to enhance physical rehabilitation for individuals with multiple disabilities. Over the past decade, researchers and exercise professionals have focused on developing specialized immersive exercise video games for various populations, including those who have experienced a stroke, revealing tangible benefits for upper limb rehabilitation. However, it is necessary to develop highly engaging, personalized games that can facilitate the creation of experiences aligned with the preferences, motivations, and challenges communicated by people who have had an episode of stroke. OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to explore the customization potential of an exergame for individuals who have undergone a stroke, concurrently evaluating its usability as a technological tool in the realm of physical therapy and rehabilitation. METHODS: We introduce a playtest methodology to enhance the design of a VR exergame developed using a user-centered approach for upper limb rehabilitation in stroke survivors. Over 4 playtesting sessions, stroke survivors interacted with initial game versions using VR headsets, providing essential feedback for refining game content and mechanics. Additionally, a pilot study involving 10 stroke survivors collected data through VR-related questionnaires to assess game design aspects such as mechanics, assistance, experience, motion sickness, and immersion. RESULTS: The playtest methodology was beneficial for improving the exergame to align with user needs, consistently incorporating their perspectives and achieving noteworthy results. The pilot study revealed that users had a positive response. In the first scenario, a carpenter presents a game based on the flexion-extension movement of the elbow; the second scenario includes a tejo game (a traditional Colombian throwing game) designed around game mechanics related to the flexion-extension movement of the shoulder; and in the third scenario, a farmer challenges the player to perform a movement combining elbow flexion and extension with internal and external rotation of the shoulder. These findings suggest the potential of the studied exergame as a tool for the upper limb rehabilitation of individuals who have experienced a stroke. CONCLUSIONS: The inclusion of exergames in rehabilitation for stroke-induced hemiparesis has significantly benefited the recovery process by focusing on essential shoulder and elbow movements. These interactive games play a crucial role in helping users regain mobility and restore practical use of affected limbs. They also serve as valuable data sources for researchers, improving the system's responsiveness. This iterative approach enhances game design and markedly boosts user satisfaction, suggesting exergames have promising potential as adjunctive elements in traditional therapeutic approaches.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 13(2): 75-82, DICIEMBRE, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348691


RESUMEN La craneoplastia es la reconstrucción de los elementos cutáneos, óseos, y meningeos que resguardan los elementos nobles del cráneo usando materiales aloplásticos, la búsqueda de la mejor alternativa a estos nos llevó a desarrollar una técnica que utiliza los propios tejidos peri lesiónales, practicada en un paciente, que luego de 15 días de haber sufrido un traumatismo con herramienta cortante que expuso tejidos nobles intracraneales comprometiendo su vida. Se realizó la reconstrucción de la bóveda craneal en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. Esta técnica permitió alcanzar resultados satisfactorios, logrando evitar rechazos de los materiales utilizados frecuente en otras técnicas.

ABSTRACT Cranioplasty is the reconstruction of the skin, bone, and meningeal elements that protect the noble elements of the skull using alloplastic materials, the search for the best alternative to these led us to develop a technique that uses the peri-lesion tissues themselves, practiced in a patient, who after 15 days of having suffered a trauma with a cutting tool that exposed intracranial noble tissues, compromising his life. Reconstruction of the cranial vault was performed in a single surgical time. This technique allowed to achieve satisfactory results, managing to avoid rejections of the materials used frequently in other techniques.

Rev. Soc. Peru. Med. Interna ; 27(3): 130-135, jul.-sept. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-754601


Objetivo. Determinar las complicaciones dependientes del sitio quirúrgico de la cirugía abdominal de urgencia. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional y transversal, de pacientes con cirugía abdominal de urgencia que tuvieron una o más complicaciones postoperatorias en el servicio de cirugía del hospital General Docente Enrique Cabrera Cossío, en la Habana, Cuba, desde enero a diciembre de 2011. Las variables analizadas fueron edad, sexo, comorbilidades, diagnóstico operatorio, complicaciones dependientes del sitio quirúrgico, estadía y estado al egreso. Se utilizaron medidas de absolutas y porcentuales, y el test χ² de Pearson. Resultados. De 584 historias clínicas revisadas, 139 fueron sleccionadas. el grupo etario mayor de 60 años presentó 33,1%. la infecciónde la herida se observó en 30,9% con tasa de infecciones de 13,6; 100% de los pacientes eviscerados y 75% de los que se presentaron dehiscencia de sutura fallecieron. La tasa de mortalidad fue 19,4. Conclusión. Las complicaciones dependientes del sitio quirúrgico aumentaron directamente proporcional con la edad, el período preoperatorio prolongado y larga estadía; y, las principales causas de muerte fueron la evisceración y la dehiscencia de sutura.

Objective. To determine the surgical site-depending complicationsin emergency's abdominal surgery. Material and methods. It was done a retrospective, observational and transversal study in patients that underwent an emergency abdominal surgery and who had one or more postoperative complications, in the surgery service of the General Teaching Hospital Enrique Cabrera Cossio, Havana, Cuba, from January to December 2011. It was analyzed variables as age, sex, co-morbidities, surgical diagnosis, complications of the surgical site, stay and discharge status-dependent. We used measures of absolute and percentage values and Person's χ² test. Results. From 584 clinical records, 139 were selected. The 60 year-old age group accounted for 33,1%. Wound infection was observed in 30,9% of cases and a infection rate of 13,6%. The total of eviscerated patients and 75% of those who had a suture deshiscence died. The overall mortality rate was 19,4%. Conclusio. surgical site-dependent complications increase directly proportional to age, prolonged preoperative period and long stay; and, the main causes of death were evisceration and suture dehiscence.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Abdome/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/mortalidade , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudo Observacional , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Transversais
Rev. Soc. Peru. Med. Interna ; 27(2): 68-74, abr.-jun. 2014. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-728046


Objetivo: Determinar la morbilidad y la mortalidad en las derivaciones biliodigestivas en el servicio de Cirugía general en el Hospital Enrique Cabrera, de enero de 2007 a diciembre de 2011. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y prospectiva. La muestra fue constituida por 51 pacientes a los que se les realizó una o más derivaciones biliodigestivas. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, causa de intervención, tecnica quirúrgica, complicaciones, estado al egreso y causa de muerte. Se calculó la frecuencia de complicaciones y la mortalidad para cada técnica. Resultados: Fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente 51 pacientes, con un promedio de edad de 57,5 años El tumor de cabeza de páncreas correspondió a 56,9% de los casos y la lesión de vía biliar, a 17,6%. La infección del sitio quirúrgico ocurrió en 33,3%. Fallecieron 50% de los operados por ténica de Whipple. La técnica quirúrgica más utilizada fue la coledocoduodenostomía. La mortalidad fue 11,8% y la principal causa de muerte, la falla multiorgánica. Conclusiones: El tumor de cabeza de páncreas fue la causa de intervención más frecuente La pancreatoduodenectomía de Whipple reportó la mayor morbimortalidad. Las tasas de incidencia de complicaciones y de mortalidad para la cirugía biliodigestiva fueron altas.

Objectives: To determine the morbidity and mortality in biliary bypasses in the Service of General Surgery at the Enrique Cabrera Hospital from January of 2007 to December of 2011. Material and Methods: It was carried out an observational, descriptive and prospective study. The sample constituted by 51 patients who had underwent a biliary bypass. The studied variables were: age, sex, intervention cause, surgical technique, complications, condition at discharge and cause of death. Frequency of complications and mortality were calculated for each technique. Results: Fifty one patients underwent a biliary bypass, age average of 57,5 year-old. The head's pancreas tumor was 56,9% and biliary's ducts lesions 17,6%. Surgical wound infection occurred in 33,3% of cases, and 50% of those who underwent a Whipple's technique died. The more used surgical technique was the choledocoduodenostomy. The mortality was of 11,8% and the main cause of death was multiorganic failure. Conclusions: The head's pancreas tumor was the cause that underwent surgery. The Whipple's pancreatoduodenectomy reported the highest morbidity and mortality. The frequency of complications and mortality for a biliary bypass were high.

Feminino , Coledocostomia/mortalidade , Desvio Biliopancreático/mortalidade , Morbidade , Pancreaticoduodenectomia/mortalidade , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto , Estudos Prospectivos
Rev. Soc. Peru. Med. Interna ; 26(1): 17-21, ene.-mar. 2013. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-713353


Objetivo. Describir los resultados de las anastomosis primarias colorrectales con preparación mecánica del colon (PMC) y sin esta (SPMC). Material y Métodos. Se incluyó a los pacientes admitidos en el Hospital Enrique Cabrera de la Habana, Cuba, y que fueron operados por afecciones del colon y recto, tanto de urgencia como electivos. Se estudió las variables: enfermedades por la que se realizó la operación, técnica de sutura empleada, nivel de la anastomosis, número de reintervenciones, estado al egreso y complicaciones. resultadOs. A 107 pacientes estudiados se les realizó sutura primaria, 59 (44,8%) fueron operados SPMC (28 en cirugía electiva y 31 de urgencia) y 48 (44,8%) pacientes fueron operados con PMC, todos en cirugía electiva. El 83,2% de los pacientes requirió cirugía por enfermedades neoplásicas; y, la tasa global de complicaciones fue de 18,7%. El 81,3% tuvo una evolución satisfactoria siendo la dehiscencia de sutura la complicación más frecuente seguida de la infección de la herida operatoria. cOnclusión. La morbilidad y la mortalidad en la sutura primaria del colon, son independientes del uso o no de la preparación mecánica del colon.

Objective. To describe the results of primary anastomosis for colorectal with mechanical preparation of the colon and without it. Material and Methods. We included patients admitted to the Hospital Enrique Cabrera, Havana, Cuba, that were operated by diseases of the colon and rectum, both urgent as elective. it was studied. Indications for colon surgery, technical suture used, level of anastomosis, number of reoperations, condition on discharge and complications. results. One hundred and seven studied patients underwent primary suture, 59 (44,8%) were operated withoutprevious colonic mechanical preparation (28 in elective surgery and 31 urgent) and 48 (44,8%) patients were operated with colonic mechanical preparation, all in elective surgery. The 83,2% of patients required surgery for neoplastic diseases; and, the overall complication rate was 18,7%. And, 81,3% had a satisfactory evolution, being infection of the surgical wound the most frequent complication followed by suture dehiscence. Conclusion. The morbidity and mortality in primary suture of the colon were independent from the use or not of the mechanical preparation of the colon.

Humanos , Masculino , Anastomose Cirúrgica , Cirurgia Colorretal , Colo/cirurgia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Observacionais como Assunto , Estudos Prospectivos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-731401


Introducción: las complicaciones intrabdominales después de una laparotomía agravan el estado del paciente y ensombrece su pronóstico. La relaparotomía es aquella que se lleva a cabo en un paciente previamente operado y que en los treinta días del postoperatorio haya presentado una complicación intrabdominal.Objetivo: describir los resultados de las reintervenciones quirúrgicas abdominales.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital General Docente Aleida Fernández Chardiet del municipio Güines, provincia Mayabeque, desde enero de 2008 hasta enero de 2011. La muestra coincidió con el universo N=n de 46 pacientes que fueron reintervenidos por complicaciones quirúrgicas intrabdominales. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, número de reintervenciones, tiempo entre la operación inicial y la relaparotomía, valor de la presión intrabdominal, así como su relación con la mortalidad y causa directa de muerte.Resultados: predominaron los pacientes entre 40-49años, el sistema de órganos más afectado en la intervención inicial fue el gastrointestinal y asociado a peritonitis bacteriana secundaria, predominaron los pacientes que se intervinieron antes de las 48 horas y los que tuvieron dos reintervenciones, la mayoría presentaron presión intrabdominal grado III y la causa de muerte más frecuente fue la disfunción múltiple de órganos Conclusiones: el aumento del tiempo entre la intervención inicial y la primera reintervención, el número creciente de reintervenciones y el aumento descontrolado de la presión intrabdominal por encima de valores normales incrementa directamente la mortalidad por las consecuencias del Síndrome Compartimental Abdominal.

Introduction: intra-abdominal complications after laparotomy aggravate the patient's condition and worsens prognosis. Relaparotomy is the one that is carried out in a previously operated patient and who has presented postoperative intra-abdominal complication within thirty days.Objective: to describe the results of surgical reinterventions. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study was conducted at the Surgery Service of Aleida Fernández Chardiet General Teaching Hospital of Güines Municipality, Mayabeque Province from January 2008 to January 2011. The sample coincided with the universe N=n of 46 patients who were reintervened due to intra-abdominal surgical complications. It was analyzed the variables age, sex, number of reinterventions, time between the initial operation and relaparotomy, value of the intra-abdominal pressure as well as its relation to mortality and direct cause of death.Results: patients were predominantly between 40 49 y.o., the most affected organ system in the initial intervention was the gastrointestinal one associated with secondary bacterial peritonitis, There was predominance of patients operated on before 48 hours and those who had two reinterventions, the majority presented intra-abdominal pressure Grade III and the most frequent cause of death was Multiple Organ Dysfunction.Conclusions: the increase of the time between the initial intervention and the first reintervention, the increasing number of reinterventions and the uncontrolled increase in intra-abdominal pressure above normal values directly increases mortality for the consequences of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome

Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Infecções Intra-Abdominais/cirurgia , Laparotomia/efeitos adversos , Peritonite
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 11(supl.5): 640-649, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662330


Introducción: persisten las discrepancias sobre la reintervención quirúrgica o relaparotomías en pacientes con peritonitis. Objetivo: Caracterizar las relaparotomías en pacientes con peritonitis ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Enrique Cabrera". Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo de los pacientes relaparotomizados por diagnóstico de peritonitis ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General "Enrique Cabrera" desde el 2006 al 2010. Se analizaron variables como tipo de relaparotomía, diagnóstico preoperatorio, indicaciones y complicaciones. La información se obtuvo de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Resultados: se relaparotomizaron 44 pacientes, 27 relaparotomías a demanda (RD), 15 relaparotomías programadas (RP) y 2, por técnica abdomen abierto (AA). 45,5% de los pacientes fueron por síndromes peritoneales y de ellos los perforativos los más frecuentes. Las principales indicaciones fueron por peritonitis fecaloidea, abscesos intrabdominales y peritonitis fibrinopurulenta. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron shock séptico e infección del sitio quirúrgico. Las complicaciones más graves se presentaron en la RD. Conclusiones: las relaparotomías se realizan fundamentalmente por peritonitis fecaloidea o fibrinopurulenta constatándose que las complicaciones más graves fueron más frecuentes en las relaparotomías a demanda.

Introducción: discrepancies about surgical reinterventions in patients with peritonitis still persist at present. Objective: characterize the relaparatomy in a patient who entered with peritonitis in the intensive care unit at "Enrique Cabrera" Hospital. Material and Methods: it was carried out a retrospective and descriptive study in patients who were practice a second laparatomy for peritonitis from January 2006 to December 2010. Some variables were analyzed such as: type of relaparatomy performed, indications and complications. Information was taken from the clinical records of the patients. Results: from a total of 44 patients who were relaparatomied 27 of them demanded laparatomies (RD)15 programmed relaparatomies and 2 open abdomen techniques. The principal indications of relaparatomy were: fecal peritonitis, intraabdominal abscesses and fibrinopurulent peritonitis. The most frequent complications were septic shock and infection of the surgical place. Conclusions: relaparatomy is usually carried out for fecal and fibrinopurulent peritonitis. Relaparatomy was frequently demanded arising serious complications.