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Coluna/Columna ; 23(1): e271651, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557646


ABSTRACT: Objective: To compare the use of drugs to control low back pain in the pre- and postoperative periods among patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) undergoing neuromodulation. Methods: Retrospective observational study analyzing the medical records of patients with FBSS who underwent neuromodulation, followed up in an outpatient clinic from 2018 to 2020. The characteristics of the patients were evaluated: the use of medications, quality of life through the results of the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36), and functional capacity using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) in the pre-surgical and post-surgical periods (06 months, 01 year). The criterion for establishing statistical significance was p≤0.05. Results: 56 patients were evaluated. There was a reduction in the use of pain control drugs after the institution of neuromodulation, including in the opioid class (d=0.81). An improvement was also observed in the ODI scores (p<0.001) and all the SF-36 domains (p<0.02) in the postoperative periods investigated. Conclusion: The data suggest that neuromodulation positively impacted back pain by reducing medication use and improving functional capacity and quality of life. Level of Evidence IV; Retrospective, Observational Study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Comparar o uso de medicamentos para o controle da dor lombar nos períodos pré e pós-operatórios entre pacientes com Síndrome da Falha da Cirurgia na Coluna (FBSS) submetidos à neuromodulação. Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo de análise de prontuários dos pacientes com FBSS submetidos à neuromodulação, acompanhados ambulatorialmente no período de 2018 a 2020. Foram avaliadas as características dos pacientes; o uso de medicamentos; a qualidade de vida através dos resultados do Questionário Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF- 36) e a capacidade funcional utilizando o Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) nos períodos pré-cirúrgico e pós-cirúrgicos (06 meses, 01 ano). O critério para estabelecer significância estatística foi valores de p≤0,05. Resultados: Foram avaliados 56 pacientes. Verificou-se redução do uso de medicamentos para o controle da dor após a instituição da neuromodulação, inclusive na classe dos opioides (d=0,81). Observou-se ainda melhora nos escores do ODI (p<0,001) e de todos os domínios do SF-36 (p<0,02) nos períodos pós-operatórios investigados. Conclusão: Os dados sugerem que a neuromodulação teve impacto positivo na dor de coluna em termos de redução no uso de medicamentos, melhora da capacidade funcional e da qualidade de vida. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo Retrospectivo, Observacional.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Comparar el uso de fármacos para el control de la lumbalgia en el pre y posoperatorio en pacientes con Síndrome de Cirugía Fallida de Columna (FBSS) sometidos a neuromodulación. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo analizando las historias clínicas de pacientes con FBSS que se sometieron a neuromodulación, seguidos en consulta externa de 2018 a 2020. Se evaluaron las características de los pacientes; el uso de medicamentos; calidad de vida a través de los resultados del Cuestionario Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) y la capacidad funcional mediante el Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) en los períodos prequirúrgico y posquirúrgico (06 meses, 01 año). El criterio para establecer la significación estadística fue p≤0,05. Resultados: se evaluaron 56 pacientes. Hubo una reducción en el uso de medicamentos para el control del dolor después de la institución de la neuromodulación, incluso en la clase de opioides (d = 0,81). También se observó una mejora en las puntuaciones del ODI (p<0,001) y en todos los dominios del SF-36 (p<0,02) en los períodos postoperatorios investigados. Conclusión: Los datos sugieren que la neuromodulación tuvo un impacto positivo en el dolor de espalda en términos de reducción del uso de medicamentos, mejorando la capacidad funcional y la calidad de vida. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Estudio Retrospectivo, Observacional.

Coluna Vertebral
Acta Ortop Bras ; 31(5): e264116, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37876865


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of the dorsal fixation technique with a cannulated compression screw (CCS) for transverse scaphoid neck fractures. METHODS: A case series study was carried out with patients treated with a CSS between April 2014 and May 2021. The main outcome was the healing of the fracture, verified by radiographic evaluation that used images of the wrist in anteroposterior, lateral, radial deviation, ulnar deviation and oblique views, obtained in the postoperative period. RESULTS: Fifty-two patients aged between 15 and 65 years were analyzed, of which 43 (83%) were male. Of the 52 patients, 19 (36.53%) had a right-hand injury and 33 (63.46%) had a left-hand injury. Results were excellent in 47 patients (90.38%); good in 4 patients (7.69%), with reduced mobility compared to contralateral and poor in 1 patient (1.92%), with failure of consolidation and breakage of the synthesis material. In 51 cases (99%) there was bone consolidation at the end of six months. CONCLUSION: Osteosynthesis with a cannulated compression screw is a safe, effective and promising method for the treatment of scaphoid neck fractures. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da técnica de fixação dorsal com parafuso canulado de compressão (CCS) para fraturas transversas do colo do escafoide. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo de série de casos com pacientes tratados com CSS entre abril de 2014 e maio de 2021. O desfecho principal foi a consolidação da fratura, verificada por meio da avaliação radiográfica das imagens do punho em anteroposterior, perfil, desvio radial, desvio ulnar e oblíquo obtidas no pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 52 pacientes com idade entre 15 e 65 anos, sendo 43 (83%) do sexo masculino. Dos 52 pacientes, 19 (36,53%) tinham lesão na mão direita e 33(63,46%) na mão esquerda. Os resultados foram excelentes em 47 dos pacientes (90,38%); bons em quatro (7,69%), com mobilidade reduzida comparada ao membro contralateral; e ruim em um (1,92%), com falha da consolidação e quebra do material de síntese. Em 51 casos (99%) houve consolidação óssea ao final de seis meses. Conclusão: A osteossíntese com parafuso canulado de compressão é um método seguro, eficaz e promissor para o tratamento das fraturas no colo do escafoide. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de Casos.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): e262320, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430246


ABSTRACT Objective: To perform a retrospective analysis of patients with degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine undergoing arthrodesis or lumbar arthroplasty in terms of functional capacity and quality of life. Methods: Retrospective observational study analyzing the medical records of patients undergoing arthrodesis or lumbar arthroplasty, followed-up at an outpatient clinic from 2018 to 2020. Patient characteristics were evaluated; the quality of life through the results of the Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) and the functional capacity using the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) in the pre-surgical and post-surgical periods (6 months, 1 and 2 years). The criterion to establish statistical significance was p≤0.05. Results: Sixty-one patients were evaluated. After the surgical interventions, the individuals migrated from the classification of invalid (61.4%-64.6%) to minimal/moderate disability (17.7%-25.6%). There was a decline in ODI scores over time of follow-up (p≤0.001) as well as in SF-36 values (p≤0.001) for all surgical techniques. In this regard, evaluating the difference in means revealed the better performance of lumbar arthroplasty (p≤0.001). Conclusion: The data suggest that lumbar arthroplasty offers greater benefits to patients regarding functional capacity and quality of life. Level of Evidence III; Retrospective, descriptive, observational study.

Resumo: Objetivo: Realizar uma análise retrospectiva de pacientes com doença degenerativa discal da coluna lombar submetidos à artrodese ou artroplastia lombar em termos de capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida. Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo de análise de prontuários dos pacientes submetidos à artrodese ou artroplastia lombar, acompanhados ambulatorialmente no período de 2018 a 2020. Foram avaliadas as características dos pacientes; a qualidade de vida através dos resultados do Questionário Short Form 36 Health Survey Questionnaire (SF-36) e a capacidade funcional utilizando o Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) nos períodos pré-cirúrgico e pós-cirúrgico (06 meses, 01 ano e 02 anos). O critério para estabelecer significância estatística foi valores de p≤0,05. Resultados: Foram avaliados 61 pacientes. Após as intervenções cirúrgicas, os indivíduos migraram da classificação inválido (61,4%-64,6%) para incapacidade mínima/moderada (17,7%-25,6%). Houve declínio nos escores do ODI ao longo do tempo de acompanhamento (p≤0,001) assim como nos valores do SF-36 (p≤0,001) para todas as técnicas cirúrgicas. Nesse quesito, a avaliação da diferença de médias revelou melhor desempenho da artroplastia lombar (p≤0,001). Conclusão: Os dados sugerem que a artroplastia lombar oferece maior benefício para os pacientes em termos de capacidade funcional e de qualidade de vida. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, observacional.

Resumen: Objetivo: Realizar un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con enfermedad degenerativa del disco de la columna lumbar sometidos a artrodesis o artroplastia lumbar en términos de capacidad funcional y calidad de vida. Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo analizando las historias clínicas de pacientes sometidos a artrodesis o artroplastia lumbar, seguidos en consulta externa desde 2018 hasta 2020. Se evaluaron las características de los pacientes; la calidad de vida a través de los resultados del Cuestionario de Encuesta de Salud Short Form 36 (SF-36) y la capacidad funcional utilizando el Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) en los periodos prequirúrgico y posquirúrgico (06 meses, 01 año y 02 años). El criterio para establecer la significación estadística fue p≤0,05. Resultados: Se evaluaron 61 pacientes. Después de las intervenciones quirúrgicas, los individuos migraron de la clasificación de inválidos (61,4%-64,6%) a invalidez mínima/moderada (17,7%-25,6%). Hubo una disminución en las puntuaciones del ODI a lo largo del tiempo de seguimiento (p≤0,001) así como en los valores del SF-36 (p≤0,001) para todas las técnicas quirúrgicas. En ese sentido, la evaluación de la diferencia de medias reveló un mejor desempeño de la artroplastia lumbar (p≤0,001). Conclusión: Los datos sugieren que la artroplastia lumbar ofrece mayor beneficio a los pacientes en términos de capacidad funcional y calidad de vida. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, observacional.

Humanos , Artrodese , Artroplastia , Coluna Vertebral
Acta ortop. bras ; 31(5): e264116, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519947


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the dorsal fixation technique with a cannulated compression screw (CCS) for transverse scaphoid neck fractures. Methods: A case series study was carried out with patients treated with a CSS between April 2014 and May 2021. The main outcome was the healing of the fracture, verified by radiographic evaluation that used images of the wrist in anteroposterior, lateral, radial deviation, ulnar deviation and oblique views, obtained in the postoperative period. Results: Fifty-two patients aged between 15 and 65 years were analyzed, of which 43 (83%) were male. Of the 52 patients, 19 (36.53%) had a right-hand injury and 33 (63.46%) had a left-hand injury. Results were excellent in 47 patients (90.38%); good in 4 patients (7.69%), with reduced mobility compared to contralateral and poor in 1 patient (1.92%), with failure of consolidation and breakage of the synthesis material. In 51 cases (99%) there was bone consolidation at the end of six months. Conclusion: Osteosynthesis with a cannulated compression screw is a safe, effective and promising method for the treatment of scaphoid neck fractures. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da técnica de fixação dorsal com parafuso canulado de compressão (CCS) para fraturas transversas do colo do escafoide. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo de série de casos com pacientes tratados com CSS entre abril de 2014 e maio de 2021. O desfecho principal foi a consolidação da fratura, verificada por meio da avaliação radiográfica das imagens do punho em anteroposterior, perfil, desvio radial, desvio ulnar e oblíquo obtidas no pós-operatório. Resultados: Foram analisados 52 pacientes com idade entre 15 e 65 anos, sendo 43 (83%) do sexo masculino. Dos 52 pacientes, 19 (36,53%) tinham lesão na mão direita e 33(63,46%) na mão esquerda. Os resultados foram excelentes em 47 dos pacientes (90,38%); bons em quatro (7,69%), com mobilidade reduzida comparada ao membro contralateral; e ruim em um (1,92%), com falha da consolidação e quebra do material de síntese. Em 51 casos (99%) houve consolidação óssea ao final de seis meses. Conclusão: A osteossíntese com parafuso canulado de compressão é um método seguro, eficaz e promissor para o tratamento das fraturas no colo do escafoide. Nível de Evidência IV, Série de Casos.

Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 25: e220037, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36478210


OBJECTIVE: To assess the trend in motorcyclist mortality rate from traffic accidents in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2015 to 2020. METHODS: This is an ecological time series study with secondary data from the Traffic Accident Management Information System of the State of São Paulo (INFOSIGA), referring to motorcyclists' deaths due to road traffic injuries in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2015 to 2020. The Annual Percent Change was calculated according to the Prais-Winsten regression model, using the Stata 14.0 software. RESULTS: A total of 11,343 deaths of motorcyclists due to road traffic injuries were reported. The highest proportion of deaths occurred among men (88.1%), aged between 18 and 24 years (27.9%), in the two most populous and urbanized regions of the state. The distribution of mortality showed minimal variation in the analyzed period, from 4.22 to 4.42 deaths/100 thousand inhabitants. Among the analyzed sociodemographic variables, the mortality trend of motorcyclists was mostly stationary. CONCLUSION: The analysis of the mortality of motorcyclists due to road traffic injuries in the state of São Paulo showed a stationary trend.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia
Einstein (Sao Paulo) ; 20: eAO6318, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35195190


OBJECTIVE: To describe the technical specificities and feasibility of simulation of minimally invasive spine surgery in live pigs, as well as similarities and differences in comparison to surgery in humans. METHODS: A total of 22 Large White class swine models, weighing between 60 and 80kg, were submitted to surgical simulations, performed during theoretical-practical courses for training surgical techniques (microsurgical and endoscopic lumbar decompression; percutaneous pedicular instrumentation; lateral access to the thoracic spine, and anterior and retroperitoneal to the lumbar spine, and management of complications) by 86 spine surgeons. For each surgical technique, porcine anatomy (similarities and differences in relation to human anatomy), access route, and dimensions of the instruments and implants used were evaluated. Thus, the authors describe the feasibility of each operative simulation, as well as suggestions to optimize training. Study results are descriptive, with figures and drawings. RESULTS: Neural decompression surgeries (microsurgeries and endoscopic) and pedicular instrumentation presented higher similarities to surgery on humans. On the other hand, intradiscal procedures had limitations due to the narrow disc space in swines. We were able to simulate situations of surgical trauma in surgical complication scenarios, such as cerebrospinal fluid fistulas and excessive bleeding, with comparable realism to surgery on humans. CONCLUSION: A porcine model for simulation of minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques had similarities with surgery on humans, and is therefore feasible for surgeon training.

Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral , Fusão Vertebral , Animais , Vértebras Lombares , Região Lombossacral , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Fusão Vertebral/métodos , Suínos , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 25: e220037, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407530


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the trend in motorcyclist mortality rate from traffic accidents in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2015 to 2020. Methods: This is an ecological time series study with secondary data from the Traffic Accident Management Information System of the State of São Paulo (INFOSIGA), referring to motorcyclists' deaths due to road traffic injuries in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2015 to 2020. The Annual Percent Change was calculated according to the Prais-Winsten regression model, using the Stata 14.0 software. Results: A total of 11,343 deaths of motorcyclists due to road traffic injuries were reported. The highest proportion of deaths occurred among men (88.1%), aged between 18 and 24 years (27.9%), in the two most populous and urbanized regions of the state. The distribution of mortality showed minimal variation in the analyzed period, from 4.22 to 4.42 deaths/100 thousand inhabitants. Among the analyzed sociodemographic variables, the mortality trend of motorcyclists was mostly stationary. Conclusion: The analysis of the mortality of motorcyclists due to road traffic injuries in the state of São Paulo showed a stationary trend.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a tendência da taxa de mortalidade de motociclistas decorrentes de lesões por acidentes de trânsito no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, nos anos de 2015 a 2020. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de delineamento de série temporal com dados secundários provenientes do Sistema de Informações Gerenciais de Acidentes de Trânsito do Estado de São Paulo (INFOSIGA), referentes aos óbitos de motociclistas decorrentes de lesões por acidentes de trânsito no estado de São Paulo, de 2015 a 2020. A variação percentual anual foi calculada pelo modelo de regressão de Prais-Winsten, utilizando o programa STATA 14.0. Resultados: Foram notificados 11.343 óbitos de motociclistas resultantes de lesões por acidentes de trânsito. A maior proporção de óbitos ocorreu entre indivíduos do sexo masculino (88,1%), entre 18 e 24 anos de idade (27,9%), nas duas regiões mais populosas e urbanizadas do estado. A distribuição da taxa de mortalidade apresentou mínima variação no período analisado, de 4,22 a 4,42 óbitos/100 mil habitantes. Entre as variáveis sociodemográficas analisadas, a tendência da mortalidade de motociclistas foi estacionária em sua maioria. Conclusão: A análise da taxa de mortalidade de motociclistas decorrentes de lesões por acidentes de trânsito no estado de São Paulo apresentou tendência estacionária.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eAO6318, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360397


ABSTRACT Objective To describe the technical specificities and feasibility of simulation of minimally invasive spine surgery in live pigs, as well as similarities and differences in comparison to surgery in humans. Methods A total of 22 Large White class swine models, weighing between 60 and 80kg, were submitted to surgical simulations, performed during theoretical-practical courses for training surgical techniques (microsurgical and endoscopic lumbar decompression; percutaneous pedicular instrumentation; lateral access to the thoracic spine, and anterior and retroperitoneal to the lumbar spine, and management of complications) by 86 spine surgeons. For each surgical technique, porcine anatomy (similarities and differences in relation to human anatomy), access route, and dimensions of the instruments and implants used were evaluated. Thus, the authors describe the feasibility of each operative simulation, as well as suggestions to optimize training. Study results are descriptive, with figures and drawings. Results Neural decompression surgeries (microsurgeries and endoscopic) and pedicular instrumentation presented higher similarities to surgery on humans. On the other hand, intradiscal procedures had limitations due to the narrow disc space in swines. We were able to simulate situations of surgical trauma in surgical complication scenarios, such as cerebrospinal fluid fistulas and excessive bleeding, with comparable realism to surgery on humans. Conclusion A porcine model for simulation of minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques had similarities with surgery on humans, and is therefore feasible for surgeon training.

Animais , Fusão Vertebral/métodos , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral , Suínos , Resultado do Tratamento , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Vértebras Lombares , Região Lombossacral
J. Hum. Growth Dev. (Impr.) ; 31(3): 496-506, Sep.-Dec. 2021. graf, map, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1356370


INTRODUCTION: Inserted in the vulnerable context of the Brazilian Amazon, the state of Tocantins has suffered damages with the dissemination of COVID-19 in its territory; however, little evidence is published from this state. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the case-fatality, mortality, and incidence of COVID-19 in Tocantins. METHODS: This is an ecological study, population-based, time-series analysis of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the state of Tocantins from March 2020 to August 2021. RESULTS: During the examined period, 219,031 COVID-19 cases, and 3,594 deaths were registered due to disease. Two possible occurrence peaks were characterized in this time-series analysis. Remarkably, the Second Wave had the highest lethality rates (3.02% - April 2021), mortality (39.81 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants - March 2021), and incidence (1,938.88 cases per 100,000 inhabitants - March 2021). At the end of the period, mortality, incidence, and lethality showed flat trends, suggesting a positive outcome of the vaccination program. CONCLUSION: The prevention, surveillance, and control actions of COVID-19 cases in Tocantins State have been directed to mitigate the deleterious effects of the pandemic. Nevertheless, efforts are still needed to decrease lethality, mortality, and incidence trends, and ultimately to achieve control of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region

INTRODUÇÃO: Inserido em vulnerável contexto da Amazônia Brasileira, o estado de Tocantis tem sofrido danos com a disseminação da COVID-19 em seu território; entretanto, escassas evidências têm sido publicadas sobre este estado. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a letalidade, mortalidade e incidência da COVID-19 em Tocantins. MÉTODO: Este é um estudo ecológico, de base populacional, com análises de séries temporais de casos e óbitos de COVID-19 no estado do Tocantins de março de 2020 a agosto de 2021. RESULTADOS: No período examinado, foram registrados 219.031 casos de COVID-19 e 3,594 óbitos devido a doença. Foram caracterizadas nesta análise de série temporal a formação de duas possíveis ondas. Notavelmente, a segunda onda apresentou as maiores taxas de letalidade (3,02% - abril de 2021), mortalidade (39,81 óbitos por 100.000 habitantes - março de 2021) e incidência (1.938,88 casos por 100.000 habitantes - março de 2021). No final do período, a mortalidade, incidência e letalidade apresentaram tendências estacionárias, sugerindo um resultado positivo do programa de vacinação. CONCLUSÃO: As ações de prevenção, vigilância e controle dos casos de COVID-19 no Estado do Tocantins têm sido direcionadas para mitigar os efeitos deletérios da pandemia. No entanto, esforços ainda são necessários para diminuir as tendências da letalidade, mortalidade e, em última instância, para alcançar o controle da pandemia de COVID-19 na região.

Humanos , COVID-19/mortalidade , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Incidência , Estudos Ecológicos , Fatores Sociodemográficos
Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 56(5): 601-614, 2021 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34733432


Objective The present paper aims to evaluate the use of a 5% lidocaine patch to treat neuropathic pain after orthopedic procedures in comparison with therapeutic massage over surgical incisions. Methods This is a prospective, randomized clinical trial with 37 patients who underwent orthopedic surgery from January 2015 to February 2017. The study included subjects aged 13 to 70 years old who underwent foot and ankle orthopedic surgery and presented neuropathic pain or hypersensitivity at the surgical incision site for at least 90 days after the procedure. All patients were assessed for pain (using the visual analog scale [VAS]) and quality of life (with the SF-36 questionnaire) at the beginning of the treatment and after 30, 60, and 90 days. Results Although the treatment improved pain in both groups, subjects using the lidocaine patch presented greater pain reduction over time. There were no statistically significant differences in the SF-36 questionnaire, with no significant evidence regarding functional capacity, physical aspects, vitality, emotional aspects, social aspects, general health condition, and mental health. The great advantage of the patch was the degree of personal satisfaction of the patients, with statistical relevance, probably due to the easy application and psychological effect of a drug therapy. Conclusion Lidocaine patches and massages are effective treatment methods for reducing scar tissue pain, with similar outcomes. The patches improved the degree of patient satisfaction. Level of Evidence 1. Prospective randomized clinical trial.