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Heliyon ; 10(9): e30566, 2024 May 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38726101


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated universities' adaptation process toward online education, and it is necessary to know the students' attitudes toward this online education. Objective: To describe the evolution of the attitude toward online education among social science students at a public university in Peru in the academic year 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The study uses a quantitative approach, a descriptive level, a non-experimental design, and a longitudinal trend. The sample consisted of 1063 students at the beginning of the class period, 908 during the classes, and 1026 at the end of the class period. The questionnaire for data collection was the Attitude scale toward online education for university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was collected using Google Forms. Results: As a result, the attitude towards online education was predominantly weak negative at the beginning (51.1 %) and during the classes (49.1 %), and weak positive (48.1 %) at the end of the class period. The changes were not significant when comparing the three moments, the levels of attitude toward, intention to adopt, ease of use, technical and pedagogical support, stressors, and need for online education (p-value <0.05). Conclusion: The evolution of the attitude towards online education in the sample had a non-significant positive trend. In the initial and process stages, a weak negative attitude prevailed due to the institution's inexperience and poor digital infrastructure; in the end, the attitude became weak and positive due to the adaptation and need for online education.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506525


El objetivo fue identificar las características sociales, económicas, culturales y emocionales de las mujeres que permanecen en una relación violenta con su agresor en Jauja. La población fue de 686 y la muestra 148 mujeres víctimas de violencia. El instrumento fue el cuestionario, cuya validez fue 0,72 a 0,99 y para la confiabilidad se utilizó el alfa de Crombach, cuyo resultado fue 0,955. Las características sociales de estas mujeres son: El 34% tiene de 28 a 37 años, 49% posee secundaria, 43% tiene de 3 a 4 hijos, 51% en caso de separarse, viviría en casa de sus familiares. Así mismo dentro de las características económicas el 43%, se dedican al trabajo doméstico, el 37% perciben menos de S/400. En las características culturales, el 74% de los cónyuges imponen autoridad y dentro de las características emocionales, el 43% evitan no separarse de su pareja. Se concluye, que la mayoría de ellas, son jóvenes, su ocupación principal es el trabajo doméstico, aunque algunas trabajan fuera del hogar con ingresos económicos menos de S/400.00 con prevalencia del machismo en su hogar y temor a la ruptura de pareja.

The objective was to identify the social, economic, cultural and emotional characteristics of women who remain in a violent relationship with their aggressor in Jauja. The population was 686 and the sample 148 women victims of violence. The instrument was the questionnaire, whose validity was 0.72 to 0.99, and for reliability, the Cronbachs alpha was used, whose result was 0.955. The social characteristics of these women are: 34% are 28 to 37 years old, 49% have just high school education, 43% have 3 to 4 children, 51% if they get separated, would live at home with their relatives. Also within the economic characteristics 43%, are dedicated to domestic work, 37% receive less than S / 400 in earnings. In the cultural characteristics, 74% of the spouses impose authority and within the emotional characteristics, 43% avoid not separating from their partner. It is concluded that most of them are young people, whose main occupation is domestic work, although some work outside the home with economic incomes less than S / 400.00 with a prevalence of machismo in their home and fear of breaking up.

O objetivo foi identificar as características sociais, econômicas, culturais e emocionais das mulheres que mantêm um relacionamento violento com o agressor em Jauja. A população era de 686 e a amostra de 148 mulheres vítimas de violência. O instrumento foi o questionário, com validade de 0,72 a 0,99 e, para confiabilidade, foi utilizado o alfa de Crombach, cujo resultado foi 0,955. As características sociais dessas mulheres são: 34% têm de 28 a 37 anos, 49% têm ensino médio, 43% têm de 3 a 4 filhos, 51% se separadas, morariam em casa com suas famílias. Também dentro das características econômicas 43%, dedicadas ao trabalho doméstico, 37% recebem menos que S / 400. Nas características culturais, 74% dos cônjuges impõem autoridade e, dentro das características emocionais, 43% evitam não se separar do parceiro. Conclui-se que a maioria é composta por jovens, cuja principal ocupação é o trabalho doméstico, embora alguns trabalhem fora de casa com renda econômica inferior a S / 400,00, com prevalência de machismo em sua casa e medo de desmembramento.