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Braz J Biol ; 84: e280711, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38808787


In the Brazilian Cerrado, the Red-and-green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) populations are facing an accelerated rate of habitat loss. Despite this, their feeding areas and primary food sources remain poorly understood. In this study, I assessed the relationship between the diet of the Red-and-green Macaw and available food resources in a habitat mosaic from the fragmented Cerrado in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Red-and-green Macaws fed on 20 native and five exotic species, mainly in dry habitats (Cerrado, dry forest, and an urban area along the Maracaju Cliffs) during the dry season, while year-round foraging in the riparian vegetation (Aquidauana River and streams). Then, the number of feeding macaws paralleled variations in food abundance and diversity, besides the number of food species. On the other hand, by using a wide variety of abundant foods, macaws' diet breadth presented high values throughout the year. The seasonal consumption of large-seeded fruits across the habitat mosaic displayed a gradient ranging from the urban area to dry habitats, along which macaws ate from exotic to Cerrado species. In this respect, Terminalia catappa seeds and Mangifera indica fruit pulp were important for Red-and-green Macaws in the urban area during the wet season, while Caryocar brasiliense seeds comprised the same in the Cerrado. At this site, both Dipteryx alata and Buchenavia tomentosa seeds composed much of the Red-and-green Macaws' diet during the dry season. Between those habitats, in the watercourse vegetation, macaws frequently foraged on palm fruits across seasons. Therefore, throughout the year, the abundance and variety of food resources strongly influenced the number of foraging Red-and-green Macaws across the habitat mosaic. Understanding the effect of varying seed availability on the spatial and temporal abundance patterns of Red-and-green Macaws, which primarily feed on large-seeded species, is central to developing effective conservation strategies. Due to the accelerated habitat loss, the Maracaju Cliffs emerge as crucial for the Red-and-green Macaw among the Cerrado remnants of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Ecossistema , Comportamento Alimentar , Estações do Ano , Animais , Brasil , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251438, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345560


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos d'água lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos d'água desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Animais , Aves , Biodiversidade , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Florestas , Ecossistema
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e259137, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364510


The edge effect has impacts on seed and seedling survival due to modifications in biotic and abiotic factors. Often, large-seeded tree species lost seed vectors in the forest edge due to the rarity or absence of large frugivores at this habitat type. In this study, I compared the seedling abundance and distribution of the palm Syagrus flexuosa between edges and interiors of three large Cerrado remnants. In every remnant, the number of seedlings around parent palms in the edge was smaller than around palm individuals located in the Cerrado interior. Moreover, the distribution of seedlings around parent palms differed between edges and interiors. In the edges, most seedlings were found under parent crowns, while in the interiors, the contrary occurred. The high concentration of seedlings under parent palms suggests a decrease of seed dispersal at the edges. Because S. flexuosa is a widely distributed palm that serves as an important resource for several animals along Cerrado habitats, changes on the regeneration process of this palm due to edge effects can further impact frugivore populations. Therefore, the decline of seedling establishment along forest edges implies changes in the Cerrado regeneration dynamics, which may compromise the persistence of ecological processes and animal communities.

O efeito de borda tem impactos severos na sobrevivência de sementes e plântulas devido a modificações dos fatores bióticos e abióticos. Frequentemente, espécies arbóreas com sementes grandes perdem seus dispersores na borda da floresta devido à raridade ou ausência de grandes frugívoros neste tipo de habitat. Neste estudo, comparei a abundância e distribuição de plântulas de S. flexuosa entre bordas e interiores de três grandes remanescentes de Cerrado. Em cada remanescente, o número de plântulas ao redor das palmeiras-mãe, na borda, era menor do que ao redor dos indivíduos no interior do Cerrado. Nas bordas, a maioria das plântulas foi encontrada junto às plantas mãe, enquanto no interior ocorreu o contrário. A alta concentração de plântulas sob as plantas adultas sugere diminuição da dispersão de sementes nas bordas. Como S. flexuosa é uma palmeira amplamente distribuída que serve como um recurso importante para vários animais nos habitats do Cerrado, mudanças no processo de regeneração dessa palmeira devido aos efeitos de borda podem impactar ainda mais as populações de frugívoros. Portanto, o declínio do estabelecimento de plântulas ao longo das bordas do Cerrado implica em mudanças na dinâmica de regeneração do Cerrado, o que pode comprometer a persistência de processos ecológicos e comunidades animais.

Ecossistema , Arecaceae , Plântula , Dispersão de Sementes
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469245


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos dágua lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos dágua desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469386


Abstract The edge effect has impacts on seed and seedling survival due to modifications in biotic and abiotic factors. Often, large-seeded tree species lost seed vectors in the forest edge due to the rarity or absence of large frugivores at this habitat type. In this study, I compared the seedling abundance and distribution of the palm Syagrus flexuosa between edges and interiors of three large Cerrado remnants. In every remnant, the number of seedlings around parent palms in the edge was smaller than around palm individuals located in the Cerrado interior. Moreover, the distribution of seedlings around parent palms differed between edges and interiors. In the edges, most seedlings were found under parent crowns, while in the interiors, the contrary occurred. The high concentration of seedlings under parent palms suggests a decrease of seed dispersal at the edges. Because S. flexuosa is a widely distributed palm that serves as an important resource for several animals along Cerrado habitats, changes on the regeneration process of this palm due to edge effects can further impact frugivore populations. Therefore, the decline of seedling establishment along forest edges implies changes in the Cerrado regeneration dynamics, which may compromise the persistence of ecological processes and animal communities.

Resumo O efeito de borda tem impactos severos na sobrevivência de sementes e plântulas devido a modificações dos fatores bióticos e abióticos. Frequentemente, espécies arbóreas com sementes grandes perdem seus dispersores na borda da floresta devido à raridade ou ausência de grandes frugívoros neste tipo de habitat. Neste estudo, comparei a abundância e distribuição de plântulas de S. flexuosa entre bordas e interiores de três grandes remanescentes de Cerrado. Em cada remanescente, o número de plântulas ao redor das palmeiras-mãe, na borda, era menor do que ao redor dos indivíduos no interior do Cerrado. Nas bordas, a maioria das plântulas foi encontrada junto às plantas mãe, enquanto no interior ocorreu o contrário. A alta concentração de plântulas sob as plantas adultas sugere diminuição da dispersão de sementes nas bordas. Como S. flexuosa é uma palmeira amplamente distribuída que serve como um recurso importante para vários animais nos habitats do Cerrado, mudanças no processo de regeneração dessa palmeira devido aos efeitos de borda podem impactar ainda mais as populações de frugívoros. Portanto, o declínio do estabelecimento de plântulas ao longo das bordas do Cerrado implica em mudanças na dinâmica de regeneração do Cerrado, o que pode comprometer a persistência de processos ecológicos e comunidades animais.

Braz J Biol ; 84: e259137, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35262567


The edge effect has impacts on seed and seedling survival due to modifications in biotic and abiotic factors. Often, large-seeded tree species lost seed vectors in the forest edge due to the rarity or absence of large frugivores at this habitat type. In this study, I compared the seedling abundance and distribution of the palm Syagrus flexuosa between edges and interiors of three large Cerrado remnants. In every remnant, the number of seedlings around parent palms in the edge was smaller than around palm individuals located in the Cerrado interior. Moreover, the distribution of seedlings around parent palms differed between edges and interiors. In the edges, most seedlings were found under parent crowns, while in the interiors, the contrary occurred. The high concentration of seedlings under parent palms suggests a decrease of seed dispersal at the edges. Because S. flexuosa is a widely distributed palm that serves as an important resource for several animals along Cerrado habitats, changes on the regeneration process of this palm due to edge effects can further impact frugivore populations. Therefore, the decline of seedling establishment along forest edges implies changes in the Cerrado regeneration dynamics, which may compromise the persistence of ecological processes and animal communities.

Arecaceae , Dispersão de Sementes , Animais , Florestas , Plântula , Sementes , Árvores
Braz J Biol ; 84: e251438, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34705953


The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Biodiversidade , Aves , Animais , Brasil , Ecossistema , Florestas , Estações do Ano
Braz. j. biol ; 79(4): 577-583, Nov. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001476


Abstract Palms are an important component of Neotropical communities as they are often diverse and abundant. In some areas, palms occur in high density and act as limiting factor in tree recruitment by limiting tree seedling and sapling abundance. In this study, I evaluated the intensity of seed mortality caused by insects in Attalea geraensis, in a large area of preserved Cerrado (Serra do Cabral, MG, Brazil) during wet season when both A. geraensis fruits and bruchid beetles were abundant. I collected a total of 63 infructescences which had from 3 fruits and 7 seeds to 82 fruits and 251 seeds. Endocarps had from 1 to 6 seeds. Seed mortality per infructescence due to beetles (Pachymerus cardo) was intense, and increases positively and disproportionally according to seed number per infructescence. Besides that, average proportions of seeds preyed upon by insects were consistently high (> 0.83), irrespective of seed number per endocarp. Positive density-dependent seed mortality caused by specialized natural enemies has been assumed to promote species rarity, an important feature of species coexistence in Neotropical forests. Then, the intense seed mortality documented in this study suggests that seed predators may contribute to the richness and diversity of plant species in the Cerrado, the richest and most endangered savanna in the world.

Resumo Devido à abundância e diversidade, as palmeiras são um componente importante das comunidades neotropicais. Em algumas áreas as palmeiras ocorrem em elevada densidade, tornando-se um fator limitante ao recrutamento de árvores, por restringir a abundância de plântulas e árvores jovens. Neste estudo, avaliei a intensidade de mortalidade das sementes de Attalea geraensis , causada por insetos, em uma grande área preservada de Cerrado (Serra do Cabral, MG, Brasil), durante a estação chuvosa, quando frutos de A. geraensis e besouros predadores de sementes eram abundantes. Coletei um total de 63 infrutescências que tinham de 3 frutos e 7 sementes a 82 frutos e 251 sementes. Os endocarpos tinham de 1 a 6 sementes. Nas infrutescências a mortalidade das sementes causada por besouros (Pachymerus cardo) foi intensa e aumentou positiva e desproporcionalmente conforme o número de sementes por infrutescência. Além disso, independentemente do número de sementes por endocarpo, as proporções médias de sementes predadas por endocarpo foram consistentemente altas (> 0,83). A mortalidade densidade dependente positiva de sementes causada por inimigos naturais especializados é assumida como uma das principais causas da raridade das espécies vegetais, um fator importante para coexistência de espécies nas florestas neotropicais. Portanto, a intensa mortalidade de sementes documentada neste estudo sugere que predadores de sementes podem contribuir para a riqueza e diversidade de espécies de plantas no Cerrado, a savana mais rica e ameaçada do mundo.

Animais , Besouros/fisiologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Arecaceae/fisiologia , Herbivoria , Sementes/fisiologia , Brasil , Pradaria
Braz J Biol ; 79(4): 577-583, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30365636


Palms are an important component of Neotropical communities as they are often diverse and abundant. In some areas, palms occur in high density and act as limiting factor in tree recruitment by limiting tree seedling and sapling abundance. In this study, I evaluated the intensity of seed mortality caused by insects in Attalea geraensis, in a large area of preserved Cerrado (Serra do Cabral, MG, Brazil) during wet season when both A. geraensis fruits and bruchid beetles were abundant. I collected a total of 63 infructescences which had from 3 fruits and 7 seeds to 82 fruits and 251 seeds. Endocarps had from 1 to 6 seeds. Seed mortality per infructescence due to beetles (Pachymerus cardo) was intense, and increases positively and disproportionally according to seed number per infructescence. Besides that, average proportions of seeds preyed upon by insects were consistently high (> 0.83), irrespective of seed number per endocarp. Positive density-dependent seed mortality caused by specialized natural enemies has been assumed to promote species rarity, an important feature of species coexistence in Neotropical forests. Then, the intense seed mortality documented in this study suggests that seed predators may contribute to the richness and diversity of plant species in the Cerrado, the richest and most endangered savanna in the world.

Arecaceae/fisiologia , Besouros/fisiologia , Cadeia Alimentar , Herbivoria , Animais , Brasil , Pradaria , Sementes/fisiologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 79(4): 577-583, nov. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19541


Palms are an important component of Neotropical communities as they are often diverse and abundant. In some areas, palms occur in high density and act as limiting factor in tree recruitment by limiting tree seedling and sapling abundance. In this study, I evaluated the intensity of seed mortality caused by insects in Attalea geraensis, in a large area of preserved Cerrado (Serra do Cabral, MG, Brazil) during wet season when both A. geraensis fruits and bruchid beetles were abundant. I collected a total of 63 infructescences which had from 3 fruits and 7 seeds to 82 fruits and 251 seeds. Endocarps had from 1 to 6 seeds. Seed mortality per infructescence due to beetles (Pachymerus cardo) was intense, and increases positively and disproportionally according to seed number per infructescence. Besides that, average proportions of seeds preyed upon by insects were consistently high (> 0.83), irrespective of seed number per endocarp. Positive density-dependent seed mortality caused by specialized natural enemies has been assumed to promote species rarity, an important feature of species coexistence in Neotropical forests. Then, the intense seed mortality documented in this study suggests that seed predators may contribute to the richness and diversity of plant species in the Cerrado, the richest and most endangered savanna in the world.(AU)

Devido à abundância e diversidade, as palmeiras são um componente importante das comunidades neotropicais. Em algumas áreas as palmeiras ocorrem em elevada densidade, tornando-se um fator limitante ao recrutamento de árvores, por restringir a abundância de plântulas e árvores jovens. Neste estudo, avaliei a intensidade de mortalidade das sementes de Attalea geraensis , causada por insetos, em uma grande área preservada de Cerrado (Serra do Cabral, MG, Brasil), durante a estação chuvosa, quando frutos de A. geraensis e besouros predadores de sementes eram abundantes. Coletei um total de 63 infrutescências que tinham de 3 frutos e 7 sementes a 82 frutos e 251 sementes. Os endocarpos tinham de 1 a 6 sementes. Nas infrutescências a mortalidade das sementes causada por besouros (Pachymerus cardo) foi intensa e aumentou positiva e desproporcionalmente conforme o número de sementes por infrutescência. Além disso, independentemente do número de sementes por endocarpo, as proporções médias de sementes predadas por endocarpo foram consistentemente altas (> 0,83). A mortalidade densidade dependente positiva de sementes causada por inimigos naturais especializados é assumida como uma das principais causas da raridade das espécies vegetais, um fator importante para coexistência de espécies nas florestas neotropicais. Portanto, a intensa mortalidade de sementes documentada neste estudo sugere que predadores de sementes podem contribuir para a riqueza e diversidade de espécies de plantas no Cerrado, a savana mais rica e ameaçada do mundo.(AU)