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Oral Dis ; 26(6): 1284-1291, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32248598


OBJECTIVES: To assess the association between Gram-negative enteric rods and Pseudomonas with the clinical parameters in peri-implant disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients treated with implants and diagnosed with peri-implant mucositis and/or peri-implantitis participate in this cross-sectional research. Unusual microorganisms from the implants were recognized using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Linear regression models were applied. RESULTS: A total of 103 implants were evaluated in thirty-one participants. Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas were observed in 47 implants (46%). Interestingly, there were differences in probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment loss (CA), and bleeding on probing (BOP) between the groups, where implants with the presence of Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas presented deteriorated clinical parameters (p < .0001). The crude and adjusted linear regression models for PPD in peri-implant mucositis, PPD in peri-implantitis, CA in peri-implantitis, and BOP in peri-implant disease present significant ßs, demonstrating deteriorated parameters (p < .0001) in the presence of Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas. Besides, the model for CA in peri-implantitis showed that cemented restored reconstructions were statistically significant (p = .009). Additionally, the R2 value in most models indicated a high degree of correlation (>85%). CONCLUSION: The occurrence of Gram-negative enteric rods and Pseudomonas was associated with deteriorated clinical parameters in patients with peri-implant disease.

Clin Implant Dent Relat Res ; 21(5): 946-952, 2019 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31313462


PURPOSE: To evaluate the association between Gram-negative enteric rods and Pseudomonas with mucositis and peri-implantitis, in implants restored with cemented and screw-retained reconstructions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Individuals treated with implants, diagnosed with peri-implant mucositis and or peri-implantitis, participated in this study. Microbiota from the implant and the gingival sulcus of two neighboring teeth were also studied. The microorganisms were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. RESULTS: A total of 52 and 51 implants cemented and screwed restored were evaluated in 31 patients. The presence of Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas (P = .01) was significantly higher in the cemented restored implants. When the unit of analysis was the implant, the presence of Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas was associated with cemented restored implants after adjustment for possible confounders (odds ratio [OR] = 3.7; 95% CI, 1.4-10; P = .01); besides, peri-implantitis was statistically significant in the multivariate model (P = .008). Considering the patient as a unit of analysis, peri-implantitis was associated with cemented restored implants (OR = 9.4; 95% CI, 2-46; P = .006); this statistically significant association remained after adjusting for potential confounders (OR = 6.8; 95% CI, 1.3-37; P = .02). CONCLUSION: The presence of Gram-negative enteric rods/Pseudomonas was associated with cemented restored implants; besides, peri-implantitis was associated with cemented restored implants.

Implantes Dentários , Mucosite , Peri-Implantite/microbiologia , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Pseudomonas
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 21(2): 186-197, jun. 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-551745


Introducción: las sales de potasio y el flúor han sido usadas en el tratamiento de la hipersensibilidad dentinaria.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la eficacia de una crema dental para dientes sensibles con citrato de potasio al 5,6% y fluoruro de sodio al 0,3%, en la disminución de los síntomas de hipersensibilidad dentinaria. Métodos: se obtuvo una muestra aleatoria de 100 personas, hombres y mujeres, mayores de 18 años procedentes del Valle de Aburrá; que presentaran hipersensibilidad dentinaria y cumplieran con los criterios de inclusión. Se diseñó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, controlado, triple ciego; utilizando un grupo control (placebo) y un grupo experimental (crema dental para dientes sensibles). Las 100personas fueron sometidas a un interrogatorio donde calificaban la intensidad del dolor utilizando la escala visual análoga antes de la intervención; posteriormente en cada persona se seleccionó un diente, el cual fue sometido a la prueba de estímulo térmicoy a la prueba de contacto a presión constante calificando igualmente la intensidad del dolor percibido en cada prueba usando la escala visual análoga. A cada sujeto se le entregó un cepillo dental suave y se le suministró de forma aleatoria el producto que podía contener o el principio activo o el placebo. Los pacientes fueron evaluados y sometidos a las pruebas igual que al inicio delproyecto, en la semana 4 y en la semana 8; registrando los datos obtenidos para cada prueba en los tres tiempos de evaluación. Ninguno de los participantes, es decir; ni el paciente, ni el clínico, ni la estadística conocieron qué tipo de crema se suministróa los pacientes (placebo o componente activo). Resultados: los resultados muestran que en ambos grupos hubo disminución de la hipersensibilidad, pero la crema dental para dientes sensibles muestra mayor disminución de la sensibilidad en todas las mediciones, con las diferentes pruebas aplicadas.

Introduction: potassium and fluoride salts have been used for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. The objectiveof this study was to determine the efficacy of a tooth paste with 5.6% of potassium citrate and 0.3% of sodium fluoride for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Methods: a randomized sample of 100 people, male and female from the Valle de Aburrá, older than 18 years of age, with dentine hypersensitivity and who met the inclusion criteria was selected. A randomized triple blind clinical trial was designed, using a control group (placebo), and an experimental group (tooth paste for sensitive teeth).The subjects were given a questionnaire in which they rated the intensity of the pain using the visual analogical scale before the intervention; next, a tooth was selected in each person and subjected to a thermal stimulus test and constant pressure contact test, also rating the intensity of the pain in each test using the visual analogical pain scale. Each subject received a soft toothbrush and the product containing the active principle or the placebo was supplied to them at random. The patients were evaluated and subjected to the same tests used at the beginning of the study, at the fourth week and at the eight week, registering the data obtainedfor each of the tests during the three evaluation periods. None of the participants, that is, neither the doctor, nor the patient nor the statistician knew which toothpaste (active component or placebo) was supplied to the patients. Results: the results showed that there was a decrease in hypersensitivity in both groups; however, the sensitivity toothpaste showed a greater decrease in all the measurements with the different tests applied. Conclusions: although there was a decrease in the symptoms of the placebo group,there was a statistically significant larger decrease in the group that used the sensitivity toothpaste.

Sensibilidade da Dentina , Citrato de Potássio , Fluoreto de Sódio , Cremes Dentais
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 20(2): 191-204, jun. 2009. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-535267


La adecuada oseointegración de un implante no es suficiente para declarar el éxito; los implantes colocados en inadecuadas posiciones, terminan con restauraciones antiestéticas que no proveen satisfacción ni al clínico ni al paciente. La creación de una restauración sobre implante que luzca naturalmente estética, depende no solamente de la apropiada colocación del implante sino de la reconstrucción de una arquitectura gingival que esté en armonía con el componente labial y el facial. La terapia con implantes ha demostrado ser un tratamiento efectivo en el remplazo de estructuras dentarias. Parece ser un tratamiento sencillo, pero para obtener resultados óptimos, la restauración debe tener un balance armonioso entre la función, la estética y los principios biológicos. Esta filosofía ha generado el concepto de implantes guiados protésicamente, en el cuallos implantes son colocados con base en los requisitos de la restauración final, y no simplemente en la disponibilidad del hueso en la zona para el implante.

Adequate osseointegration of an implant is not always sufficient to obtain success; implants placed in inadequate positions end up with unaesthetic restorations that do not provide satisfaction to the professional or the patient. The placement of an esthetic restoration over an implant depends not only on the appropriate placement of the implant but also on the proper reconstruction of the gingival architecture in harmony with the facial and labial component. Therapy with implants has demonstrated to be an effective treatment for the replacement of tooth structures. It seems to be a simple treatment, although in order to obtain good results, the restoration must have a harmonious balance between function, esthetics and biological principles. This philosophy has generated the concept of “prosthetic guided implants”, in which the implants are placed in relation to the final restoration rather that the availability of bone for the implant.

Humanos , Implantes Dentários , Estética Dentária , Periodontia