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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4)ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569266


SUMMARY: To diagnose obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), polysomnography is used, an expensive and extensive study requiring the patient to sleep in a laboratory. OSAS has been associated with features of facial morphology, and a preliminary diagnosis could be made using an artificial intelligence (AI) predictive model. This study aimed to analyze, using a scoping review, the AI-based technological options applied to diagnosing OSAS and the parameters evaluated in such analyses on craniofacial structures. A systematic search of the literature was carried out up to February 2024, and, using inclusion and exclusion criteria, the studies to be analyzed were determined. Titles and abstracts were independently selected by two researchers. Fourteen studies were selected, including a total of 13,293 subjects analyzed. The age of the sample ranged from 18 to 90 years. 9,912 (74.56 %) subjects were male, and 3,381 (25.43 %) were female. The included studies presented a diagnosis of OSAS by polysomnography; seven presented a control group of subjects without OSAS and another group with OSAS. The remaining studies presented OSAS groups in relation to their severity. All studies had a mean accuracy of 80 % in predicting OSAS using variables such as age, gender, measurements, and/or imaging measurements. There are no tests before diagnosis by polysomnography to guide the user in the likely presence of OSAS. In this sense, there are risk factors for developing OSA linked to facial shape, obesity, age, and other conditions, which, together with the advances in AI for diagnosis and guidance in OSAS, could be used for early detection.

Para diagnosticar el Síndrome Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAOS) se utiliza la polisomnografía, el cual es un costoso y extenso estudio que exige que el paciente duerma en un laboratorio. El SAOS ha sido asociado con características de la morfología facial y mediante un modelo predictivo de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), se podría realizar un diagnóstico preliminar. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar por medio de una revisión de alcance, las opciones tecnológicas basadas en IA aplicadas al diagnóstico del SAOS, y los parámetros evaluados en dichos análisis en las estructuras craneofaciales. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura hasta febrero del 2024 y mediante criterios de inclusión y exclusión se determino los estudios a analizar. Los títulos y resúmenes fueron seleccionados de forma independiente por dos investigadores. Se seleccionaron 14 estudios, incluyeron un total de 13.293 sujetos analizados. El rango edad de la muestra oscilo entre 18 y 90 años. 9.912 (74.56 %) sujetos eran de sexo masculino y 3.381 (25,43 %) eran de sexo femenino. Los estudios incluidos presentaron diagnóstico de SAOS mediante polisomnografía, siete estudios presentaron un grupo control de sujetos con ausencia de SAOS y otro grupo con presencia de SAOS. Mientras que los demás estudios, presentaron grupos de SAOS en relación con su severidad. Todos los estudios tuvieron una precisión media del 80 % en la predicción de SAOS utilizando variables como la edad, el género, mediciones y/o mediciones imagenológicas. no existen exámenes previos al diagnóstico por polisomnografía que permitan orientar al usuario en la probable presencia de SAOS. En este sentido, existen factores de riesgo para desarrollar SAOS vinculados a la forma facial, la obesidad, la edad y otras condiciones, que sumados a los avances con IA para diagnóstico y orientación en SAOS podrían ser utilizados para la detección precoz del mismo.

Humanos , Inteligência Artificial , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono/diagnóstico , Face/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 950-953, ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569265


El lenguaje científico, en el ámbito de la anatomía y ciencias de la salud, se sustenta en una terminología que ha estado abierta a discusiones y modificaciones. En Terminologia Anatomica, el término 'Lengua' proviene del latín Lingua. Sin embargo, también existen términos que derivan del lexema griego glossa y glotta, que también significa lengua. Lo que establece hiperonimia y sinonimia entre estructuras anatómicas relacionadas con este órgano músculo-sensorial. El objetivo fue analizar la presencia de los lexemas 'glossa' - 'glotta' en Terminologia Anatomica y revisar las definiciones de términos que incluyan estos lexemas utilizando el Diccionario Manual Griego-Español VOX y Vocabulario Básico de Griego con anotaciones morfológicas y etimológicas. Para la etimología en español se utilizaron el Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos y Diccionario médico-biológico, histórico y etimológico. También se determinó la primera vez que se ocuparon en español, utilizando Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Los lexemas estudiados aparecen citados 15 veces en Terminologia Anatomica. Estos se definen como 'lengua, boca; habla, don de la palabra; expresión, manifestación, palabras; habla, lengua, lenguaje, idioma'. También se encuentran algunos términos derivados como Ductus thyroglossalis, epiglottis, glottis, ligamentum thyroepiglotticum y Vallecula epiglottica. Por lo que estos lexemas se consideran sinónimos. El lexema glossa se utilizó por primera vez en el ámbito médico el año 1870. Los lexemas glossa y glotta son frecuentes en Terminologia Anatomica, generando preguntas sobre el uso del doble sigma en griego jónico y doble tau en griego ático clásico. Aunque son sinónimos, su abundancia destaca la importancia del dominio del lenguaje anatómico para la comunicación efectiva y la comprensión precisa entre estudiantes, profesionales e investigadores.

SUMMARY: The scientific language in the field of anatomy and health sciences relies on a terminology that has been open to discussions and modifications. In Terminologia Anatomica, the term lengua comes from the Latin Lingua. However, there are also terms derived from the Greek lexemes glossa and glotta, both meaning 'tongue.' This establishes hyperonymy and synonymy among anatomical structures related to this sensory-muscular organ. The objective was to analyze the presence of the lexemes glossa - glotta in Terminologia Anatomica and review the definitions of terms containing these lexemes using the Diccionario Manual Griego-Español VOX and the Vocabulario Básico de Griego con anotaciones morfológicas y etimológicas. For Spanish etymology, the Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos and the Diccio- nario Médico-Biológico, Histórico y Etimológico were used. The first use in Spanish was determined using the Corpus Diacrónico del Español. The studied lexemes were cited 15 times in Terminologia Anatomica, defined as 'tongue, mouth; speech, gift of speech; expression, manifestation, words; speech, tongue, language, idioma.' Some derived terms are also found, such as Ductus thyroglossalis, Epiglottis, Glottis, Ligamentum thyroepiglotticum, and Vallecula epiglottica. Therefore, these lexemes are considered synonymous. The lexeme glossa was first used in the medical field in 1870. The lexemes glossa and glotta are frequent in Terminologia Anatomica, raising questions about the use of double sigma in Ionic Greek and double tau in classical Attic Greek. Although synonymous, their abundance emphasizes the importance of mastering anatomical language for effective communication and precise understanding among students, professionals, and researchers.

Língua , Anatomia , Linguística , Terminologia como Assunto
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1029-1032, ago. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569256


El músculo estriado es un tejido organizado que utiliza la energía química para realizar trabajo físico, el cual se genera a partir de la contracción muscular. Un tono muscular adecuado es necesario para el movimiento eficiente y la realización de actividad básica del cuerpo humano. Las alteraciones del tono muscular en la práctica clínica se clasifican como hipertonía, que es el aumento del tono en los músculos esqueléticos y/o lisos, e hipotonía o flacidez, que es la disminución del tono del músculo esquelético. Los términos hipotonía y flacidez son ampliamente utilizados por los clínicos en la rehabilitación y ambos hacen referencia a una disminución del tono muscular. Este estudio analizó y evaluó el origen etimológico de los términos Hipotonía y Flacidez y la implicancia de sus definiciones. Para determinar el origen etimológico se realizó una búsqueda de los términos en el Diccionario médico-biológico, histórico y etimológico y Diccionario Latino-Español Español-Latino. Para determinar la definición en español se utilizó el Diccionario de Términos Médicos de La Real Academia de Medicina de España; el Diccionario de la Lengua española; el Diccionario Panhispánico de Términos Médicos; la Biblioteca Nacional Médica y la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe. Para determinar el uso de estos términos en el ámbito clínico, se realizó una búsqueda en artículos científicos del ámbito neurológico según el criterio de los autores. Por consiguiente, el término más adecuado para referirse a una disminución de tono muscular en rehabilitación sería Hipotonía, de esta manera y según el origen de la lesión, se pueden utilizar los términos Hipotonía central e Hipotonía periférica, si es que están afectadas estructuras asociadas al sistema nervioso central o periférico, respectivamente. Se sugiere que estos términos sean considerados tanto en la práctica clínica como en la docencia cuando existan alteraciones en el sistema nervioso central o periférico que tengan como consecuencia un bajo tono muscular.

SUMMARY: Striated muscle is an organized tissue that utilizes chemical energy to perform physical work, generated through muscle contraction. Proper muscle tone is essential for efficient movement and basic bodily functions. Clinical practice categorizes muscle tone alterations as hypertonia, an increase in tone in skeletal and/or smooth muscles, and hypotonia or flaccidity, a decrease in skeletal muscle tone. These terms are widely used in rehabilitation to denote decreased muscle tone. This study examined the etymological origins of the terms Hypotonia and Flaccidity and their respective definitions. Etymological research utilized the Diccionario Médico- biológico, histórico y etimológico and Diccionario Latino-Español Español-Latino. Spanish definitions were sourced in Diccionario de Términos Médicos de La Real Academia de Medicina de España; Diccionario de la Lengua española; Diccionario Panhispánico de Términos Médicos; Biblioteca Nacional Médica and Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe. The clinical use of these terms was assessed through neurology articles per authors' criteria. Consequently, Hypotonia is deemed the more suitable term for describing decreased muscle tone in rehabilitation contexts. Depending on the lesion's origin, terms like Central Hypotonia and Peripheral Hypotonia may be used when structures associated with the central or peripheral nervous systems are affected, respectively. It is suggested that these terms be adopted in clinical practice and teaching when addressing alterations in central or peripheral nervous systems resulting in reduced muscle tone.

Humanos , Reabilitação , Hipotonia Muscular , Terminologia como Assunto
J Pers Med ; 14(6)2024 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38929868


AI is included in a lot of different systems. In facial surgery, there are some AI-based software programs oriented to diagnosis in facial surgery. This study aims to evaluate the capacity and training of models for diagnosis of dentofacial deformities in class II and class III patients using artificial intelligence and the potential use for indicating orthognathic surgery. The search strategy is from 1943 to April 2024 in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Lilacs, and Web of Science. Studies that used imaging to assess anatomical structures, airway volume, and craniofacial positions using the AI algorithm in the human population were included. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project instrument. The systematic search identified 697 articles. Eight studies were obtained for descriptive analysis after exclusion according to our inclusion and exclusion criteria. All studies were retrospective in design. A total of 5552 subjects with an age range between 14.7 and 56 years were obtained; 2474 (44.56%) subjects were male, and 3078 (55.43%) were female. Six studies were analyzed using 2D imaging and obtained highly accurate results in diagnosing skeletal features and determining the need for orthognathic surgery, and two studies used 3D imaging for measurement and diagnosis. Limitations of the studies such as age, diagnosis in facial deformity, and the included variables were observed. Concerning the overall analysis bias, six studies were at moderate risk due to weak study designs, while two were at high risk of bias. We can conclude that, with the few articles included, using AI-based software allows for some craniometric recognition and measurements to determine the diagnosis of facial deformities using mainly 2D analysis. However, it is necessary to perform studies based on three-dimensional images, increase the sample size, and train models in different populations to ensure accuracy of AI applications in this field. After that, the models can be trained for dentofacial diagnosis.

J Orthod Sci ; 13: 25, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38784081


The aim of this study is to compare the time and movement of orthodontic treatment using dental anchorage and skeletal anchorage in adolescent and adult patients with dental malocclusions. A systematic search was conducted in the Embase, PubMed, Lilacs, Cochrane, Trip, and Scopus databases up to October 2022. All the articles were selected using title and abstract, applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements were resolved with a third author. Finally, a full-text selection took place. The data extraction was conducted by two authors who independently evaluated the risk of bias. The methodological quality of the randomized clinical trials was evaluated using the Cochrane tool for the evaluation of the randomized clinical trials. Six articles were included in the data analysis. There were four clinical trials and two randomized clinical trials. A total of 176 patients was obtained with an age range between 14 and 46 years. Four studies showed significant differences when comparing the two anchorages in retraction or distalization of tooth groups, and two showed no differences when using dental and skeletal anchorage for vertical movements; only the articles with vertical movements showed relapse. We can conclude that skeletal anchorage generates precise and stable horizontal movements without overloading or changing the position of the molar. Future studies must incorporate three-dimensional technology for greater clinical accuracy.

J Craniofac Surg ; 2024 May 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38709041


Temporomandibular Joint Replacement (TMJ-R) is used to treat maxillomandibular disease related to condylar head augmentation, condylar head reduction, absence of the condylar head and TMJ reconstruction. In most of the cases, TMJ-R could be used together with orthognathic surgery. In cases with facial asymmetry related to overgrowth of the mandibular condyle as in the cases of osteochondroma, there is a progressive facial asymmetry with enlargement of the unilateral mandibular ramus and mandibular body, creating strong mandibular contouring when comparing to the contralateral side. Usually, in this case, a lack is observed in the antegonial notch. ​The aim of this technical note ​is to provide the strategy to obtain facial symmetry using the TMJ prosthesis and contouring osteotomy in the same procedure.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1897-1905, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528810


SUMMARY: Orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty show synergy in terms of function and aesthetic results. The aim of this research is to analyze variables related to simultaneous orthognathic surgery and rhinoplasty and to discuss the surgical sequence. Male and female subjects between 18 and 45 years old were included in this research. Diagnosis related to nasal morphology (nasal tip bifid, rotate, square and others as well as the alae morphology and columella), facial deformity (sagittal and vertical deformity), type of surgery (rhinoplasty techniques and orthognathic techniques) and complications were included. The minimum follow-up was 12 months; Chi- Square and t test were used to define correlations, considering a value of p<0.05 for statistical significance. Class III facial deformity was observed in 40 % of subjects and class II facial deformity was present in 43 %. For the nasal deformities, the tip and nasal bridge were most prevalent; primary nasal deformity was observed in the 83 % of subjects and was significant more than secondary nasal deformity (p=0.042). Bimaxillary surgery was performed in 31 cases (88 %). In 10 cases a change of the original plan for rhinoplasty due to previous maxillary surgery was realized, mainly in class III facial deformity, with no statistical differences. Revision rhinoplasty was realized in 5 cases (14 %) and was not related to surgical variables; revision for orthognathic surgery was not necessary in this series. Rhinoplasty and orthognathic surgery simultaneously show low complications and predictable results. We can conclude that maxillary mandibular osteotomies and rhinoplasty could be performed safely. However, larger studies are necessary to understand the best choice and variables involved in simultaneous procedures and soft tissue response.

La cirugía ortognática y la rinoplastia muestran sinergia en términos de resultados funcionales y estéticos. EL objetivo de esta investigación es analizar variables relacionadas con la cirugía ortognática y rinoplastia ejecutada de forma simultanea. Fueron incluidos hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 45 años de edad. EL diagnóstico fue en base a la morfología nasal (punta bífida, rotada, cuadrada u otras así como alteraciones del ala nasal y columela), deformidad facial (deformidad sagital y vertical), tipo de cirugía (técnica de rinoplastia y cirugía ortognática) y complicaciones asociadas. El seguimiento mínimo fue de 12 meses; se utilizo las prueba t test y chi cuadrado para definir relaciones estadísticas considerando un valor de p< 0,05 para obtener diferencias significativas. La deformidad clase III fue observada en el 40 % de los sujetos y la deformidad facial de clase II se presento en el 43 %. Para la deformidad nasal, las alteraciones de a punta nasal y nasal fueron mas prevalentes; la deformidad nasal primaria se presentó en el 83 % de los sujetos y fue significativamente mayor que la deformidad nasal secundaria (p=0,042). La cirugía bimaxilar se realizó en 31 casos (88 %); en 10 casos se realizó el cambio del plan quirúrgico inicial de la rinoplastia debido a cambios generados en la cirugía maxilar previa, mayormente en deformidad facial de clase III, sin presentar diferencias significativas. La rinoplastia de revisión fue realizada en 5 casos (14 %) y no fue relacionada con ninguna variable de tipo quirúrgica; la revisión de cirugía ortognática no fue realizada en ningún caso de esta serie. La rinoplastia y la cirugía ortognática simultanea mostraron bajas complicaciones y resultados predecibles. Se puede concluir que la osteotomía maxilo mandibular y la rinoplastia son seguras; sin embargo, estudios de mayor volumen son necesarios para entender la mejor opción y variables relacionadas con procedimientos simultáneos y la respuesta de tejidos blandos faciales.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Rinoplastia/métodos , Face/cirurgia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ortognáticos/métodos , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Doenças Nasais/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Assimetria Facial/cirurgia
J Pers Med ; 13(11)2023 Oct 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38003858


Orthognathic surgery is indicated to modify the position of the maxillomandibular structure; changes in the mandibular position after osteotomy can be related to changes in the position of the mandibular condyle in the articular fossa. The aim of this study was to determine changes produced in the mandibular condyle 6 months after orthognathic surgery. A cross-sectional study was conducted that included subjects who had undergone bimaxillary orthognathic surgery to treat dentofacial deformity of Angle class II (group CII) or Angle class III (group CIII). Standardized images were taken using cone-beam computed tomography 21 days before surgery and 6 months after surgery; measurement scales were used to identify the condylar position and its relations with the anterior, superior, and posterior joint spaces. The results were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk and Student's t-tests, while considering a value of p < 0.05 as indicating a significant difference. Fifty-two joints from 26 patients, with an average age of 27.9 years (±10.81), were analyzed. All subjects in both group CII and group CIII showed a significant change in the anterior, superior, and posterior joint spaces. However, postoperative changes in the position of the condyle in the articular fossa were not significant in the anteroposterior analysis. We conclude that orthognathic surgery causes changes in the sagittal position of the mandibular condyle in subjects with mandibular retrognathism and prognathism.

J Pers Med ; 13(8)2023 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37623506


Orthognathic surgery is used to modify anomalies in maxillomandibular position; this process can significantly affect the anatomy of the airway and cause functional changes. This study aims to define the impact of mandibular maxillary movement on the airway of subjects with dentofacial deformity. A retrospective study was conducted on subjects with Angle class II (CII group) and Angle class III (CIII group) dentofacial deformities. The subjects were treated via bimaxillary surgery; for all of them, planning was performed with software and 3D printing. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was obtained 21 days before surgery and 6 months after surgery and was used for planning and follow-up with the same conditions and equipment. Was used the superimposition technique to obtain the maximum and minimum airway areas and total airway volume. The data were analyzed with the Shapiro-Wilk test and Student's t-test, while Spearman's test was used to correlate the variables, considering a value of p < 0.05. Thus, 76 subjects aged 18 to 55 years (32.38 ± 10.91) were included: 46 subjects were in CII group, treated with a maxillo-mandibular advancement, and 30 subjects were in the CIII group, treated with a maxillary advancement and a mandibular setback. In the CII group, a maxillary advancement of +2.45 mm (±0.88) and a mandibular advancement of +4.25 mm (±1.25) were observed, with a significant increase in all the airway records. In the CIII group, a maxillary advancement of +3.42 mm (±1.25) and a mandibular setback of -3.62 mm (±1.18) were noted, with no significant changes in the variables measured for the airway (p > 0.05). It may be concluded that maxillo-mandibular advancement is an effective procedure to augment the airway area and volume in the CII group. On the other hand, in subjects with mandibular prognathism and Angle class III operated with the maxillary advancement and mandibular setback lower than 4 mm, it is possible to not reduce the areas and volume in the airway.

J Clin Med ; 12(10)2023 May 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37240513


Facial asymmetry associated with unilateral condylar hyperplasia (UCH) is a rare disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical conditions of progressive facial asymmetry in young subjects treated with high condylectomy. A retrospective study was performed including nine subjects diagnosed with UCH type 1B and progressive facial asymmetry around 12 years old with an upper canine progressing towards dental occlusion. After an analysis and a decision of treatment, orthodontics began one to two weeks prior to the condylectomy (with a mean vertical reduction of 4.83 ± 0.44 mm). Facial and dental asymmetry, dental occlusion, TMJ status and an open/closing mouth were analyzed before surgery and in the final stage of treatment, almost 3 years after surgery. Statistical analyses were performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test and a Student's t-test considering a p value of <0.05. Comparing T1 (before surgery) and T2 (once orthodontic treatment was finalized), the operated condyle showed a similar height to that observed in stage 1 with a 0.12 mm difference in height (p = 0.8), whereas the non-operated condyle showed greater height increase with an average of 3.88 mm of vertical growth (p = 0.0001). This indicated that the non-operated condyle remained steady and that the operative condyle did not register significant growth. In terms of facial asymmetry in the preoperative stage, a chin deviation of 7.55 mm (±2.57 mm) was observed; in the final stage, there was a significant reduction in the chin deviation with an average of 1.55 mm (±1.26 mm) (p = 0.0001). Given the small number of patients in the sample, we can conclude that high condylectomy (approx. 5 mm), if performed early, especially in the mixed-dentition stage before full canine eruption, is beneficial for the early resolution of asymmetry and thus the avoidance of future orthognathic surgery. However, further follow-up until the end of facial growth is required.