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J Phys Chem A ; 124(34): 6845-6855, 2020 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32702984


Ionization and fragmentation pathways induced by ionizing agents are key to understanding the formation of complex molecules in astrophysical environments. Acetonitrile (CH3CN), the simplest organic nitrile, is an important molecule present in the interstellar medium. In this work, DFT and MP2 calculations were performed in order to obtain the low energy structures of the most relevant cations formed from electron-stimulated ion desorption of CH3CN ices. Selected reaction pathways and spectroscopic properties were also calculated. Our results indicate that the most stable acetonitrile cation structure is CH2CNH+ and that hydrogenation can occur successively without isomerization steps until its complete saturation. Moreover, the stability of distinct cluster families formed from the interaction of acetonitrile with small fragments, such as CHn+, C2Hn+, and CHnCNH+, is discussed in terms of their respective binding energies. Some of these molecular clusters are stabilized by hydrogen bonds, leading to species whose infrared features are characterized by a strong redshift of the N-H stretching mode. Finally, the rotational spectra of CH3CN and protonated acetonitrile, CH3CNH+, were simulated using distinct computational protocols based on DFT, MP2, and CCSD(T) considering centrifugal distortion, vibrational-rotational coupling, and vibrational anharmonicity corrections. By adopting an empirical scaling procedure for calculating spectroscopic parameters, we were able to estimate the rotational frequencies of CH3CNH+ with an expected average error below 1 MHz for J values up to 10.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(40): 25762-25771, 2018 Oct 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30283941


We report on direct measurement of all major ion-fragments and cluster-ions formed during high-energy electron impact of 2 keV on gaseous and condensed-phase pyridine. The ion-fragments of the parent pyridine cation are discussed in groups according to the number of atoms from the aromatic ring. The ion yield distributions within these groups show significant shifts towards higher masses for condensed pyridine compared to gaseous pyridine due to hydrogen migration. A wide spectrum of desorbed hydrogenated fragment-ions and ionic clusters with masses up to 320 u are observed for pyridine. The ion yields for the protonated parent molecule (C5H5NH+), the dehydrogenated dimer (C10H9N2+) and the dehydrogenated trimer (C15H12N3+) depend on the mass of the desorbing ionic clusters. The strongest cluster signals are assigned to binding between the parent cation and subunits of the pyridine molecule. Quantum-chemical calculations reveal that the formation of a bond between the pyridine molecules and a carbenium ion is crucial for the stability of selected cluster ions.